Gratis adgang for 0-18-årige i følgeskab med en betalende voksen
På Vasamuseet skal børn på 12 år og derunder altid være ledsaget af en voksen under hele besøget
Vasa Museum:
September - maj:
Torsdag - tirsdag: 10.00 - 17.00
Onsdag: 10.00 - 20.00
Juni - august:
Mandag - søndag: 8.30 - 18.00
Vrak - Museum for Vrag:
Torsdag - tirsdag: 10.00 - 20.00
Onsdag: 10.00 - 18.00
Vasamuseets audioguide findes på engelsk, engelsk for børn, svensk, svensk for børn, enkel svensk, tysk, tysk for børn, finsk, finsk for børn, spansk, fransk, italiensk, arabisk, polsk, ukrainsk, japansk, hindi, koreansk, kinesisk, soomali, sorani, farsi, bosnisk, kroatisk, serbisk og russisk
Vrak – Museum for Vrag audio guide er tilgængelig på engelsk, svensk, finsk, tysk, polsk og fransk.
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Vasamuseet er det eneste sted i verden, hvor man kan se et næsten helt intakt skib fra det 17. århundrede, som nogensinde er blevet bjærget. Det 64-kanoners krigsskib Vasa sank på sin jomfrurejse i 1628 efter kun at have sejlet omkring 1.300 meter. I slutningen af 1950'erne blev det genopdaget, og 333 år efter det sank, blev Vasa i 1961 bjærget fra havnebunden.
I næsten tredive år var skibet udstillet på et midlertidigt museum. Det var først i 1990, at Vasa fik sit eget permanente museum, specielt designet med stiliserede master på taget, som repræsenterer det oprindelige skibs faktiske højde. Indenfor kan man se skibet fra seks forskellige niveauer, fra kølen til toppen af efterslottet.
Med skibet i centrum af museet er der andre udstillinger, der er sat op omkring skibet i hele museet. Nogle af udstillingerne fokuserer på selve skibet med modeller, der skildrer Vasas konstruktion, forlis, placering og bjærgning. Andre udstillinger viser dig livet om bord på Vasa, som der ville have været 145 sømænd og 300 soldater om bord på.
Østersøen har flere velbevarede trævrag end noget andet sted i verden. Vrak - Museum for Vrag tager dig med på en rejse for at opdage deres historier. Ved hjælp af digital teknologi kan du blive på overfladen, mens du opdager vragene på havets bund.
Med Virtual Reality (VR) dyk, hologrammer og spil får du en dybere forståelse af de marinarkæologiske undersøgelser, der stadig foregår på havets bund. Du vil se de spor, som opdagelsesrejsende har efterladt sig i Sveriges have, søer og vandløb. Du vil aldrig se på vandet i Østersøen igen uden at huske, hvad der ligger under overfladen.
Med denne ene billet kan du besøge begge museer, men du behøver ikke at besøge dem på samme dag. Dit besøg på det andet museum skal bare falde inden for 72 timer efter dit besøg på det første museum. Køb din kombinationsbillet i dag for at se et berømt skibsvrag på nært hold og lære mere om de andre skibe, der stadig ligger på bunden af Østersøen.
Både Vasamuseet og Vrak - Museum for Vrag har gratis audioguides, som kan downloades på deres hjemmesider. På Vrak kan du også tage en gratis guidet tur, der er en gratis 20-minutters tur hver dag kl. 12.00 og 15.00 på engelsk og kl. 11.00 og 14.00 på svensk.
447 Reviews
Jeg besøgte museet kort tid efter det åbnede i 1990. Jeg var begejstret. Her i 2024 fik jeg så muligheden igen. Og denne gang skulle det også går ud over min hustru. Det er bare et fedt sted. Min hustru sagde at museet gør historie konkret igennem Vasa skibet. Og hun har jo ret. Det var dengang og nu i dag et fantastisk sted.
Tankevækkende! Originalt skib bevaret fra 1628. Besætning på 445 mand, 64 kanoner og træudskæringer, der skulle få fjenden til at frygte en mægtig konges magt. Datidens organisationsdiagram med kongen agter, og reference til Romerrigets kejser Augustus. Ren propaganda. MEN, MEN, MEN.. Vasa sank på sin første tur: 1,4 km fra Stockholm den 10. August 1628. Hovmod? Du skal se skibet med dine egne øjne!
Fantastisk, uventet stort en oplevelse for livet bus til døren husk at give dig tid til at gå i deres filmfremvisnings sal og få en fantastisk god forklaring på det store arbejde er lagt bag dette flotte museum
Et "must see" i Stockholm. Et godt museum, som er bygget meget fint op. Der er flere etager med mange forskellige visninger, og man kan bruge meget tid på se på skibet fra mange forskellige vinkler og etager.
Imponerende velbevaret gammelt kæmpestort krigsskib ca. 300 år gammelt . Udstillingen af skibet er utroligt detaljeret omgivet af flere etager (elevator),så man virkelig kan gå rundt om og se skibet fra mange vinkler . Skibet er fyldt med udskårne træfigurer ,som forestiller historiske skikkelser og gl.guder . Farvelagte kopier af figurerne vises på en af etagerne .. Hele skibet har haft strålende farver , kan ses i lille kopi,men fremstår nu med mørkt egetræ. Der vises film på mange sprog om skibets mærkelige skæbne , en interaktiv skærm muliggør man kan dykke ned i detaljer om skibets indretning.Selv nogle af de fundne søfolks skæbne er beskrevet .Gode adgangsforhold med café og shop ved udgangen.Påregn at bruge lang tid på,besøget , det er det værd
Fantastisk, at der var så mange forskellige måder at formidle på. Først og fremmest det virkelig flotte originale skib. Filmen om Vasas historie, den mindre skibsmodel i farver, alle figurerne med beskrivelser, kopien af dækket, hvor man selv kan få en fornemmelse af de virkelige forhold. Selve museeums bygningen var utrolig flot.
Historien om skibet Vasa er utrolig flot formidlet, og man får også indsigt i 1600-tallets liv, og i arbejdet som konservator. Allerbedst syntes jeg om den lille deludstilling om kvindernes rolle dengang og hvordan historien indtil nu i høj grad har overset kvinderne. Ten med minimum to timer til denne udstilling.
Forbilledlig, varieret formidling som gør at man kan gå så meget i detaljer som man vil og fokusere på alverdens aspekter af Vasas konstruktion, dekoration, indretning, forlis, bjergning, bevaring mm. - eller bare suge det imponerende syn ind.
Fantatisk museum. Start med at se filmen om hævningen af skibet, så giver tingene endnu bedre mening. Og filmen er tekstet på engelsk, så skidt med, at du/I vælger denne spanske sprogede version. Fed udstilling, korte præcise tekster til genstandene. Se det!
Jeg havde høje forventninger, men de blev til fulde indfriet på dette museum. Det er er fantastisk syn, der møder en allerede lige efter indgangen. Herefter er det bare at nyde at gå rundt og blive klogere på historien om forliset, 1600-tallet og hævningen af skibet. Fantastisk bygning, god gratis audioguide, gratis guidede ture, gode små film osv. Masser af plads selvom det var højsæson - ingen nævneværdig kø nogensteder. En af mine bedste museumsoplevelser. Teenagere og ægtefælle enige.
Musée très interessant, un film en français nous explique l'origine du bateau et sa mésaventure dans le port de Stockholm. Le bateau est impressionnant et bien conservé. A voir si vous passez par là !
This is such an incredible museum! To see the huge ship Vasa from 1628 restored and all the interesting archeological finds was a great experience. All the info about how they recovered and restored the ship was so interesting. Highly recommend! Not to be missed!
We were told not to miss this museum and we couldn’t agree more. We spent 2 hours and we could have stayed more which is unusual for my wife and I. Highly recommended for all ages.
Molto interessante la storia del Vascello. Sono riusciti a realizzare un museo in cui passare tranquillamente almeno un paio d’ore contando solo su una nave.
This was the first time i saw such an amazing ship. I thought i was in the pirates of the Caribbeans with captain Jack Sparrow. When we left the Vasa Museum, we needed some snow. We searched everywhere and we were recommended "meghanguideadvisorcom", one of the best forums to find coke in Stockholm.
El mismo día de su botadura, un 10 de agosto de 1628, el galeón Vasa se hundió en las aguas frías del Báltico, por razones que aún se desconocen. 333 años más tarde, en 1961, André Franzen, consiguió reflotarlo y poder sacarlo a la luz en el mismo sitio donde naufragó. Pero había mucho que restaurar, investigar y conservar. Los suecos, tan modélicos en todo, han logrado arrojar luz sobre esta tragedia y poder exhibir uno de sus buques insignia, nunca mejor dicho. Que no te importe no saber ni de historia ni de ingeniería naval… vas a quedar sin palabras.
Prachtige ervaring, zeer indrukwekkend en mooi museum. Zeker de gratis rondleiding van 25 min volgen voor het historiek en de film in het auditorium van 15 min is echt de moeite waard 🤗
es a mi gusto el museo más importante dado la historia y lo increible que fue el rescate del barco de las aguas. esta casi intacto y es una reflexion a la megalomania humana... imperdible
The Vasa museum is a large angular concrete structure that houses the entire ship with exhibits surrounding it on four levels. Easy to book tickets on our iPhones and enter through 3 sets of doors. Wasn’t too crowded on a Wednesday afternoon. Impressive sight of a vast wooden ship almost totally complete. (Just the mast tops cut off to fit under the roof) The position of the ship within the building with lots of poles, concrete supports and metal supports everywhere made getting a good photo of the whole ship impossible. It was also very gloomy in there so had to wait a few seconds for phone to take photos before moving else they were blurry. Very good exhibitions around the vessel showing history and artefacts; anyone interested in maritime history could walk around for a good 4 hours or more. We spent a couple of hours in there and all in all, extremely fascinating. Highly recommend!!
I had Heard about the Vasa, and always wanted to go, so in August of 2024, we finally flew from Portland Oregon to Stockholm. We found our way to the Vasa Museum, with the tickets we purchased before leaving home. My husband and I spent hours looking at the front side, the left side, the rear, the right side, above and underneath, taking pictures right and left, etc. It was amazing, if this ship had not sunk, we wouldn’t have been able to have see a representation of a 17th century war ship. We watched movies and after we had spent so long in the museum, we became hungry, and went to the lower level and had a meal in their very nice cafeteria. We were awe struck by the whole experience. If you get a chance to go to Stockholm, do yourself a favor and buy a ticket to see this magnificent war ship, ( there’s nothing like it, to my knowledge, in the world). Oh….FIND out WHY it SUNK.
Impressive museum about the famous royal ship which had a short life. Interesting the guided tour which explained all the history. It opened from 10a.m to 5 p.m and the adult ticket is 195 Kr whole it is free for young people ( less than 18). We reached it by ferry boat from the Slussel ferry Terminal using the same ticket as the subway.
World class exhibition of the Vasa Ship. Just amazing if you like History. You actually get to see the entire Ship. This is one of a kind experience. Also given the background of this ship. This is a Must see while in Sweden.
When you walk into the museum you are confronted with the very impressive ship. I have to say it was a lot bigger than I was expecting! The museum gives detailed information about the ship and its history.
Definitely worth a visit when in Stockholm.The whole story of the ship is told during a 15 minute film in a theatre which includes how It was raisied from the sea.It is given in different languages every 30 odd minutes.There is 7 floors in total to admire the ship in all its glory.There is info charts along the way on each level giving information about a certain part of the ship.Nice cafe to eat but can be busy.Dont miss this self guided tour.
Wow wow wow! Absolutely awesome inspiring. Takes your breath away right from the beginning! Absolutely recommend a visit. Great for all ages with loads of activities for kids. Guided tour is free.
An amazing sight, being old enough to remember how little of the Mary Rose came out of the water in the UK, the amount of original ship recovered here is mindblowing. The boat is well presented and accessible in as far as it can be without being able to step directly on board. I found the cafe to be good too
Très joli musée. Le galion Vasa est impressionnant et très bien entretenu. On apprend l’histoire de sa construction et de son naufrage grâce à un film qui passe toutes les demi heures avec une langue différente. Exposition de costumes et d’objets de l’époque et spectacle vivant.
Very interesting museum . Knew little about the story before arriving in Stockholm . Very impressive museum and could have spent ages just marvelling at the ship. Great space and informative. Would recommend.
Fantastic place to be in this amazong place. I will definitely be bsck again ne t time and spend more time in this incredible place.
The vessel itself is impressive, and the restoration work is remarkable. The tour is extensive, offering incredible detail on every small piece of material they discovered, though at times it can feel a bit repetitive and overly informative.
Das Museum ist sehr spannend zum anschauen und auch der kurze Kinofilm sehr empfehlenswert. Unbedingt die verschiedenen Etagen erkunden.
Really interesting. An actual massive 17th Century Man O’ War (almost) perfectly preserved. 25-minute guided tour well worth it (er, well, it cost nothing, but…) Some precious artefacts, and well-curated insights. Should definitely be high on the list when visiting Stockholm.
The Vasa museum was in simple words, AWESOME! when you lay eyes on the massive vessel within the museum you will feel all sorts of emotions! It’s an incredible museum with lots of history and lots and lots of items they salvaged from where the ship sunk! You also learn about how they managed to rebuild it and how they got the behemoth ship out of the water! If you’re in Stockholm, please visit!
Struttura costruita e organizzata ad hoc per ospitare il vascello e le attività complementari attraverso percorsi dedicati. Terrazzi e camminamenti ti consentono di ammirare lo scafo e accessori in ogni parte e angolazione. L'atmosfera con luci quasi soffuse fa il resto. Da consigliare.
This museum is excellent. The guide was able to provide so much history and detail about the ship. There was so much interactivity throughout the museum, that it kept you busy for a long time. I just wish we had been able to get onboard.
Extremely interesting museum, wasn't sure what to expect as it was a museum based around one boat, the Wasa ( Vasa) which sank on its maiden voyage in 1628, but the museum is also a time machine of sorts, which gives an insight not only into the complexity of raising the whole ship in 1961, but also preserving it, and what life was like when it was built, and for the crews etc. We spent the best part of 4 hours looking though the 7 ( or 8) floors of exhibits and the ship itself, and found it fascinating.
My second time visiting this museum, and it was absolutely worth a repeat. It is both informative and accessible for all ages. The short film in the beginning was definitely interesting. The whole museum doesn't take long either, which leaves plenty of time to do other things in the city if your time is limited.
So this really was our highlight of our visit to Stockholm. We already thought we knew what to expect but from the first time we walked into the main area and saw the whole galleon facing us we were simply blown away not only by Vasa itself but all of the supporting displays. It really is not to be missed!
Le bâteau est magnifique, et son histoire remarquable! Le musée est très bien conçu pour le mettre en valeur, en commençant par un film.
Wow this museum is quite incredible. I have never seen anything like it before. Loved all the different levels where you could get a closer look at different sections of the boat. The detail is amazing. So interesting to learn about its build, its sinking and its discovery. Really enjoyed this museum. We stayed for a few hours to make the most out of it.
VASA Museum Stockholm There is a lot of information on the VASA on their website which i would recommend reading prior to going. Just so when you walk in, you understand the true scale and the story behind it when you see it. The first time you see the VASA will then be more exciting. A lovely Museum, and the fact they have been able to preserve this is astounding.
My daughter loved it, it was a history class. We went during the kulturnatt for free and it was better than expected. Recommended.
One of the best museum visits and I don’t even care much about ships, Vasa is an intact piece of history and larger than life. Incredible how well preserved it is and how much justice does the museum do to it: Multiple viewing levels and lots of detailed information about life on the ship and artifacts retrieved alongside Vasa. Great gift shop but plan for enough time to spend here, you’ll be amazed
Hade inte varit på Wasamuseet sedan grundskolan men attans vad mäktigt det är. Fick själv då barnen inte visade något större intresse att följa med. Ljudspåret var bra om än inte alltid lätt att hitta var man skulle stå. Lite renovering pågick så det gick inte att vara på alla ställen men ändå så häftigt det är med ett helt skepp så fint bevarat. Tog en god lunch på restaurangen som avslutning. Kom dit när de öppnade kl 10 och sen lunch vid ca 12. Introfilmen rekommenderas att gå först för att få sammanhanget. Missade det men kolla gärna informationen ifall det är någon guidning. Mäktigt.
Assolutamente da vedere, molto suggestivo e vale il prezzo del biglietto!! Beh curato e dettagliato, vale la pena trascorrere un pò di tempo per visitarlo!!
Absolut sehenswert! Man betritt den dunklen Raum und dann steht dort dieses majestätische Schiff ... einfach nur beeindruckend.
Well worth a visit. Really is a special museum steeped in history. The initial reaction on walking in is spectacular. We spent 3 hours here but missed the film in English which was unfortunate.
Tolles Museum, viel erfahren. Eindrücklich! Als Familie ein ideales Ausflugsziel. Man sollte mindestens 1.5 Stunden einplanen. Wer mag, noch länger.
This ship left the port only to sink a couple of meters later. Today the museum exhibits this sailing gem. Swedes like: „Here‘s our Boat that didn’t float! That’s why we do furniture!“ (Jim Gaffigan)
Museum is prima ingericht. Valt veel te zien. Prijzen. Vallen mee. Alles is mooi onderhouden. Restaurant is prima voor wat je krijgt