Barnbiljett för åldrarna 7-16 år
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Måndag - fredag: 10.00 - 17.00
Lördag - söndag: 11.00 - 17.00
Den kostnadsfria audioturen finns på engelska, nederländska och nederländskt teckenspråk
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Det Nederländska Motståndsmuseet är tillägnat motståndsrörelsen i Nederländerna under andra världskriget. Direkt efter att tyskarna bombade Rotterdam i maj 1940 kapitulerade nederländarna och nazisterna tog över landets gator. Människor stod inför ett val: samarbetar vi och gör exakt vad tyskarna säger, ansluter vi oss till nazisterna och hjälper dem eller ansluter vi oss till motståndsrörelsen?
Denna fråga utforskas i museet. Det Nederländska Motståndsrörelsemuseet bidrar till att framkalla krigsårens klimat genom att visa livet för människor som gjorde olika val, med huvudfokus på motståndsrörelsen. Detta ofta ytterst farliga val gjorde människor mycket kreativa när det gällde att motarbeta nazisterna och hjälpa judar och andra grupper av människor som jagades.
Museets permanenta utställning tar besökarna tillbaka till fyrtiotalet, den tyska ockupationsperioden under andra världskriget. Hallarna och väggarna som utgör inredningen i det Nederländska Motståndsrörelsemuseet är fulla av foton som hjälper till att frammana krigsåren. En stor del av samlingen består av artefakter som samlats in från personliga tillhörigheter från medlemmar av motståndsrörelsen.
Utställningen omfattar alla former av motstånd: strejker, förfalskning av dokument, hjälp att gömma sig, underjordiska tidningar, flyktvägar, väpnat motstånd och spionage. Man kan se barnvagnar med vapen gömda i dem, förfalskade ID-kort, skrivmaskiner på vilka kodade meddelanden skrevs och schackbräden med dolda fack.
Förutom att se hur livet i motståndsrörelsen såg ut, får du också se hur vardagen såg ut för människor som valde att samarbeta. Vilka begränsningar satte ockupationen på dem och varför bestämde sig vissa av dem för att ansluta sig till motståndsrörelsen trots allt? En annan viktig del av museet fokuserar på det nederländska kolonialriket, Nederländska Ostindien under kriget. Där befolkningen led fruktansvärt mycket under den japanska terrorregimen.
Utställningen är på både engelska och nederländska, vilket gör den tillgänglig för de flesta besökare. Det finns också en kostnadsfri audiotur som erbjuds på nederländska, engelska, franska, tyska, italienska, portugisiska, spanska och nederländska. Boka dina biljetter till Nederländska Motståndsrörelsens museum nu och missa inte denna viktiga del av den nederländska historien!
190 Reviews
Ett museum som är väl värt ett besök. Med en egen audioguide kan man gå runt i sitt eget tempo och ta del av mycket detaljerad information, både i form av filmer, bilder och text. Vi tillbringade drygt 1,5 tim här och besöket lämnar ingen oberörd.
Ett besök är en stark rekommendation. Otroligt välskött och väl organiserat museum. Gratis audioguide på flera språk. Rundan i museet inleds med en film och sedan följer man en slinga med start från krigets ankomst till Nederländerna 1940 fram till befrielsen 1945. Från huvudslingan kan man fördjupa dig i små sidospår/rum med olika teman och familjeöden. Vi tittade o lyssnade på nästan allt och besöket tog knappt 2 timmar.
Mycket informativt museum. Efter ett tag blev det dock lite rörigt och svårt att veta hur man skulle fortsätta för att göra det i rätt ordning. Man lånar en audioguide med vilken man helt enkelt laddar upp berättelser vid respektive monter, och informationen finns också nedskrivet på holländska och engelska om man föredrar att läsa. Det kan vara bra att göra ett besök här innan man besöker Anne Frank-huset, för man får rätt mycket av bakgrunden här. Mycket prisvärt museum som bidrar till din allmänbildning. Inte alls mycket folk, och enkelt att köpa biljetter på plats.
Muséet berättar mycket informativt och interaktivt om den holländska motståndsrörelsen i Holland under WW 2. Hur och varför den uppkom och vad den gjorde. Holländska befolkningen gjorde kraftigt civilt motstånd och räddade många, många människor undan svält, tillfångatagningar, arbetsläger och avrättningar. Man får under rundvandringen möta flera olika berättelser om olika människor under kriget, både de som anpassade sig till situationen och de som valde att göra motstånd på olika sätt. Hade dock behövt göra flera besök för att hinna med och klara att tillgodogöra sig allt!
Tycker det är ett bra och ett museum som ska besökas. Informationen har gjorts tillgänglig på ett bra sätt Rekommenderar ett besök.
This is an absolutely exceptional museum. I would say this was by far the best thing we done in Amsterdam! The exhibitions were superb, filled with detail and the audio guides really brought it all to life. The museum was unbiased and balanced, looking at the second world war from all aspects of the dutch population. Everything was done in a dignified and thoughtful manner. Our visit took us around 2 hours. I am a bit of a history buff but I definitely learnt a lot of new things. It really enhanced the rest of our visit to Amsterdam, imagining the things we had learnt at the museum actually happening on streets around us.
What a fabulous experience ! If you have any interest in WW2 or the Resistance you are in for a treat. Exceptionally good displays with sections for children (which are excellent) and about Indonesia. Make sure to pick up the (free) audio device after paying as it gives you the audio for the multiple videos; in addition it allows you to hear instead of reading the explanation of the numerous exhibits. A great way to spend 2-3 hours. In addition to historical information, there are numerous personal stories which makes the history come to life.
Very well presented museum, using testimony of people who were in Amsterdam during the occupation. The free audio guide was superb. A very thought-provoking visit, combines well with the equally good Anne Frank museum. It illustrates the complexity of the situation faced by civilians, who had to make choices which could have meant life or death. We spent over 3 hours, you won’t do it justice in less than 2.
Ein interessantes Museum, welches das Thema gut aufbereitet. Man kann das Museum auch mit jüngeren Kindern besuchen, da es einen extra Teil nur für Kinder gibt. In diesem werden die Informationen kindsgerecht aufbereitet.
A stunning museum highlighting the occupation years and the resistance within that attempted to fight back against the nazi rule. This museum is thoughtfully laid out with excellent exhibits, lots of great videos for context and a well-functioning audio guide system and is well worth a visit for anyone interested in the subject.
Indrukwekkende verhalen. Zeker een aanrader bij een bezoek aan Amsterdam. Ook aan kinderen is gedacht door een junior tentoonstelling.
If you like History and especially WW2, then this is the place to visit if you have 1.5 hours to kill. From start to finish the exhibits and audio tour were superb and so informative. This place deserves more of a place amongst the great attractions in Amsterdam.
This was a great visit. Very informative and easy to navigate for all ages. The free audio guide is amazing and really easy to use. We learned lots of interesting facts.
Dit museum geeft met persoonlijke verhalen een uitgebreid en indringend overzicht van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Nederland. Het speciale deel voor kinderen is fantastisch opgezet: kinderen kunnen met een vragenboekje en interactieve opdrachten aan de hand van de levens van echte oorlogskinderen vanuit verschillende gezichtspunten leren hoe het leven in de oorlog was, en dat in mooi nagebouwde huiskamers met bijzondere voorwerpen. Een aanrader!
To fully understand the impact on the Netherlands people during World War Two, it is essential that you and your family take a few hours out of your trip to visit this excellent museum. The collection of artefacts and stories are arranged perfectly to guide you through from the beginning right through the turbulent and horrific years of the war and liberation. There is a good mix of static, interactive, and immersive displays that you can listen to in your prefered language with a headset. It is humbling to think that so many civilians were able to find the strength and incredible courage to help anyway they could during the war. The array of ways the Dutch resisted the German occupation was varied, but all activities put them at a serious risk of capture or death. Young women smuggling resistance newspapers under aacks of potatoes on their bikes past German troops, families hiding people in their cellars, people making fake ids, etc. You are left wondering, "Would I have the courage to do the same if I were in the same situation?"
this museum is in my opinion an absolute must visit whilst in Amsterdam, especially for those with an interest in WW2. The museum is expansive and highly detailed, and though we spent 3 hours there, we easily could have been there for longer. The staff at the front desk are also very lovely and helpful.
Ik verwachte een uur voor dit museum nodig te hebben, maar uiteindelijk bijna 3 uur binnengeweest. Zeer goede audiotour en zeer informatief. Zeer modern en interactief museum.
Very enlightening. I’d not thought about how the war would affect so many people on so many levels and how divisive it would be. So much information and very well organised. Highly recommended and allow a few hours.
We hebben alleen de junior versie gedaan. Was erg leuk voor onze 11 jarige zoon (en voor ons). Mooie verhalen van kinderen nemen je mee naar de oorlogsjaren. Indrukwekkend, neem ruim de tijd! Kleine aanbevelingen: geluid van de de diverse interactieve zaken stoort soms bij grotere drukte (meer hoofdtelefoons zou beter werken) De slotfilm (volwassen hoofdpersonen) duurt lang, waardoor doorstroming stokt. Is het een optie om dit later thuis te bekijken? Conclusie: een erg mooi museum voor kids. Zeker een bezoek waard!
Musée top! Très intéressent et très complet. Pas le temps de s’ennuyer. Personnel très accueillant. Tarif étudiant avantageux
Spent 2 hours in this museum and need at least another hour. Free audio guide is a must with so many recorded stories. We thought this museum was a great find and well worth visiting. Totally recommend
What a very good museum. We went with our 5 year old daughter and we all learnt a lot. As well was what you would expect for adults, they had a kids section at the back that told the stories of 4 children. It was very interesting and got our daughter involved. The only downside and the reason for not giving this experience full marks is that the digital devices to listen to the stories throughout the museum didn't always work. I had to replace mine a couple of times and still the issue remained. The staff were very friendly and did mention that this was a new thing and they are having some teething problems. But still, it did dampen the experience a little.
Visited this brilliant museum dedicated to the brave, resilient and courageous Dutch people during the Nazi occupation in WW2. It’s on the edge of the city, cafes and bars around for drink or food. Allow at least 2 hours if you want to see and appreciate the true stories being shared. An audio system in various languages is provided with the ticket price, also there are books available for purchase. The staff are very friendly and helpful. Happy to recommend and should we return to Amsterdam would pay another visit.
This museum provides an in depth understanding of what life was like for the residents of Amsterdam during the German occupation of WWII. It accomplishes this by presenting the personal experiences of those who lived through this occupation. For those seeking to understand the impacts of war on civilians, I highly recommend visiting this museum. Dr. Richard J. Chacon - Anthropologist.
One of the bests museums we visited in Amsterdam. If you are interested in Nazi occupation and WWII history, even if you are slightly interested, this museum will be a good choice. Full of witnesses, original elements and even a zone for kids with interactive lessons. I greatly recommend a visit.
This was a superb museum telling detailed stories of Dutch resistance. It was designed around stories of individuals who resisted in many different ways. Found the audio a little intermittent - reading the stories seemed to work better. Great film footage around the museum as well. Excellent value for money. Tip : If fully interested, allow at least two hours to see it all. In addition, the less knowledgeable would get more value by visiting the Anne Franck House first.
Glad we had time to visit this outstanding museum. The audioguide is essential and really brings the stories to life. The stories of resistance during WWII were very moving and well told. Loved the interactivity, the way critical components were examined (e.g., propaganda, the tools of resistance, individual impacts, etc.). Short films were all very informative and well done. Thank you. Wish this museum had a traveling exhibit that could find its way to the USA.
Our flight landed at 8:30 AM, and after a brief stop for breakfast...this is where we chose to begin our Amsterdam exploring. People involved in the Dutch Resistance were so very brave. Despite the help of the resistance, many Jewish people succumbed to the terror. This museum is very well organized, and we learned so much. Seeing the Anne Frank museum 2 days later was made so much more impactful by visiting this museum. Highly recommend a couple of hours to see this museum.
Really enjoyed this museum. Would recommend you allow at minimum 1hr to do this museum. A lot to see and a reminder of why we should not let this happen again yet unfortunately it is.
Dit museum doe je niet in 1,2,3 ... Wij waren een paar uur zoet. De audiotour bevat verhalen en is eveneens je gids doorheen de geschiedenis. Samen met mijn al oudere zoon hebben we ook gekozen om de junior afdeling te bekijken van het museum. Schitterend vonden we deze. Mijn partner is niet zo goed te been en was dankbaar om te zien dat hier aandacht voor was door de vele zitbankjes die er waren.
Een goede mengeling van historisch materiaal met moderne middelen om dit te ondersteunen. Gratis klusjes voor kleding en (verplicht) rugtassen.
My favourite museum to date! All of the human stories are how they were portrayed was incredible. The children loved the junior part of the museum! Fantastic!
To go through this museum probably took about 90 minutes. I appreciated that there were several locations to eat nearby (that can be handy when travelling). It's in a nice neighbourhood. I probably could have taken time just to wander around. The museum provides a lot of displays which provoke discussion and thought. The displays are very well done. There's also a small bookstore here.
Very well thought out museum. Engaging and thought provoking. Amsterdam is such a fantastic city it’s hard to appreciate what the Dutch people endured but awe inspiring to see how they fought back. Courage and resilience shines through.
Zo mooi, overzichtelijk en helder de geschiedenis uiteengezet! Zo confronterend ook omdat de dilemma’s weer (of nog steeds) actueel zijn. Prachtig en indrukwekkend! ♥️
This is the most well organized and awe inspiring museum I have ever been to. The exhibits are interactive and so informational and personal! There are images of Real people who stood up to Hitler and many of those people lost their lives because of their bravery and courage. It was awe inspiriting to read and hear and see all the people who Resisted! I was teary eyed most of the way through but I would never have missed this museum. I learned so much about the 'Reign of Terror ' that the Nazis created , so much that people were terrified for their lives every day! Do not miss this museum. 'This is so important to see !
Very interesting exhibition. The stories give you a very in depth insight to the horrendous effect WW2 and the occupation of the Netherlands had on the Dutch people. Emotional but worth visiting.
Provides a full chronology of events and covers a wide range of topics. We have all heard about the French resistance and I am glad to know the Dutch resistance is perserved. If you like WW2 history it is a must-see. Check out the cafe next door after your visit.
Een geweldig indrukwekkende museum. Bij binnen komst werden heel erg vriendelijk ontvangen en welkom geheten. Daarna uitleg over de audio tour die super makkelijk was. Je loopt met een apparaatje het museum in en wat je wilt horen klik je aan en kan je beluisteren. Wij zijn hier bijna twee uur geweest. Ik zeg…. Echt doen. Dit moet je echt een keer meegemaakt hebben. Bij binnenkomst/ uitgang staat een pot waar je kan doneren( kan ook met je bankpas. Dit is om het museum te helpen. Ik hoop dat mensen hier ook wat achter laten. Ook voor blinde mensen( looplijn) rolstoelgebruikers ( inclusief invalidetoilet) en dove mensen. Veel film beelden met gebarentaal. Een super museum
This is an incredibly impactful, interesting museum that is absolutely worth a visit. It’s filled with stories of so many different perspectives of the Dutch living during WWII. The audio tour added to the experience, and my boyfriend and I talked for hours after leaving. There was something about all the different stories of different kinds of resistances (and even stories of people who didn’t resist!) that left a lot more food for thought than just the typical “hero” stories we sometimes focus on from WWII. This is a museum that is NOT to be missed.
De route door het museum leid je door de tijd van de oorlog en het verzet. Veel geleerd en nog meer respect gekregen voor de mensen die het de bezetter zo moeilijk mogelijk maakten en/of de geallieerden hielpen. Mooie afwisseling van objecten en beeld-/geluidsmateriaal. 2 uurtjes binnen geweest, die heb je wel nodig.
Een top museum. Niet al te groot maar toch minimaal 2 uur hier voor voorzien. Er wordt op een klare en duidelijke manier het ontstaan van het verzet uitgelegd met authentieke documenten en voorwerpen. U wordt begeleid door een audiogids. Maar alles begint bij het supervriendelijke onthaal.
The museum is very impressive, and contains lots of high quality exhibits. What I appreciated most was the overall user experience. Example: there was markings on the floor to indicate where to go next, and raised bumps to indicate where to stand and read the description or watch a video. The audio tour was not only excellent, but free! It was the easiest museum to navigate that I have seen in a while.
We arrived with an hour before they closed having been site seeing elsewhere. I wish we had got there earlier. This visit will take more than an hour for sure. We had to rush it towards the end and missed some of the detail. Well worth getting to know the history of the resistance. Should I come back to Amsterdam, even if passing through I will make every attempt to come back and finish the visit.
This is an incredible museum wirh some amazing stories about the Dutch resistance to the Nazi regime. The museum centres around personal experiences of figures from the time and context is given with short videos throughout the museum. The staff were friendly and very helpful and I encourage you too look at the messages on the wall at the end of the exhibits. The only problem we had is that the audio guides were a bit temperamental but the staff were happy to give you a new one if yours broke.
Dit museum is zeer goed, op een duidelijke manier wordt uitgelegd hoe de tweede wereldoorlog tot stand is gekomen. Er wordt uitgelegd hoe het verzet is ontstaan en er wordt eer bewezen aan deze helden van die tijd. Je gaat nadenken over wat je zelf zou hebben gedaan. Een vriendelijke ontvangst maakt dit in het totaal een waardevolle ervaring voor jong en oud.
If you have any appreciation or interest of European history about WWII, then this is a “must see”. This is not the first resistance museum we’ve toured, so can compare. It’s very well done and tells some moving stories. The audio tour is outstanding and really needed to get the full impact and information. We thought we knew the Netherlands role in the war, but this gave us new perspectives and we appreciate that.
Excellent - our favourite museum of the trip. Audio guides good but trippy when near other scanners. If going with kids, recommend going to junior section early on (entrance is half way round). Ours were flagging a bit by the time we got there. The junior section however was wonderful.
This is an outstanding interactive presentation from the perspective of people who lived through it all, and so glad we added this to our schedule while visiting Amsterdam. The use of written stories, photographs, artifacts, audio and easy navigation through sections made for a great visit with our 13 year old. We also went through the Junior section (aimed at 9-14yos, which was very hands on and engaging for all of us. Our visit lasted about 3-hours, and believe this is a must addition to any visit to Amsterdam. We didn't take many photos, as we were too busy and in awe of the museum exhibits and stories, however, I added a few to this review that I took to serve as a reminder of our visit.
Fascinating and in depth insights into the complexity of life in the Netherlands during and after WWII. Highly recommended for anyone interested in history!