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Martedì - domenica: 10.00 - 17.00
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Museo dei bambini:
Martedì - domenica: 10.00 - 16.30
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Se c'è un posto da cui iniziare la tua visita in Danimarca, è il Nationalmuseet o Museo Nazionale di Danimarca. Qui troverai collezioni e mostre sulla storia, la gente e la cultura della Danimarca. Le mostre sono suddivise per periodo storico, dalle antichità classiche e del Vicino Oriente, con mummie egizie, ceramiche persiane, utensili romani e sculture greche, fino ai giorni nostri, quando la Danimarca si è trasformata da grande potenza europea che controllava l'ingresso al Baltico in una piccola nazione parte di un'alleanza più grande.
Oltre alle esposizioni storiche, ci sono anche mostre dedicate alle colonie danesi e una collezione reale di monete e medaglie. Una visita al Museo Nazionale di Danimarca ti dà la possibilità di esplorare la storia e la cultura danese. Il museo offre anche tour (non inclusi) che possono essere prenotati al banco informazioni.
Il Museo Nazionale di Danimarca comprende uno speciale Museo per bambini dove i bambini possono esplorare la storia giocando. In questa sezione del museo non ci sono cartelli "non toccare", in modo che i bambini possano davvero toccare con mano la storia. Il Museo dei Bambini è un parco giochi al coperto dove i bambini di tutte le età possono salire a bordo di una nave vichinga, imparare a cucinare in una cucina medievale o preparare il castello per un attacco nemico.
Visitare un museo può essere noioso per i bambini, ma non al Museo Nazionale di Danimarca, sicuramente non se trovano il pulsante della noia. Premendo questo pulsante può succedere di tutto: le statue prendono vita, i dipinti parlano e i forzieri segreti si aprono per rivelare i loro tesori.
Acquista qui i biglietti per il Museo Nazionale per essere sicuro di non perdere questo divertentissimo museo di Copenaghen. Qui scoprirai sicuramente perché i danesi sono tra le persone più felici del mondo e perché vanno in bicicletta ovunque.
98 Reviews
L’ultimo piano dedicato all’arte egizia e “Prophecy of the vicking sorceress” sono le parti migliori del museo. Vale davvero il prezzo del biglietto.
Un museo strutturato in maniera impeccabile, ricco di oggetti storici della storia danese. Si comincia dalla preistoria per arrivare ai primi del 2000. Ingresso gratuito con la Copenaghen Card. Armadietti presenti prima di entrare nella hall del museo. Ritagliatevi almeno un paio di ore per visitarlo con relativa calma.
Bellissimo museo della storia danese e non solo. Assolutamente da vedere per chi vuole approfondire la storia di questo popolo. Ho trovato interessantissima l'area dedicata alla storia dei vichinghi trattata con un'ambientazione estremamente coinvolgente . Dedicate alla visita del muso circa tre ore . L'ingresso è gratuito con la Copenaghen Card
Questo museo ha un ottimo allestimento ed è un buonissimo punto di partenza per una panoramica sulla storia del Popolo Danese, dalla preistoria ad oggi. Ricchissima la sezione sulla preistoria, ma anche quella sul colonialismo. C'è anche una collezione di case di bambola, una più bella dell'altra.
Museo ricchissimo di storia, arte, artefatti della storia danese. Apprezzatissima l'area dell'epoca vichinga. Consigliata la visita.
Il museo è ottimamente allestito in un ex palazzo reale. Attorno ad una grande corte dove trovano posto la biglietteria, un veramente notevole punto vendita ed un'ampia area relax, si affacciano, su quattro livelli, le varie sale, ben divise per tematiche e opportunamente numerate. Bellissima la sezione riservata alla preistoria e alle origini del popolo danese con alcuni pezzi di rara bellezza ed interesse. Per i più, curiosa la sezione dedicata alle colonie danesi, oggi limitate alla Groenlandia e alle Isole Færøer. Prezzo del biglietto di ingresso 120 corone.
Si tratta probabilmente del museo che più mi è piaciuto tra quelli che abbiamo visitato durante il nostro viaggio in terra danese 🇩🇰 (comprensivo anche di un'escursione giornaliera 🚆🌁 a Malmö 🇸🇪). Giunti sul posto in bicicletta 🚲 verso le 11.20, abbiamo acquistato subito i biglietti 🎫 (120 corone a cranio) e riposto giacche 🧥 e zaini 🎒 negli appositi armadietti con serratura 🔐 (disponibili gratuitamente 🆓️ per gli ospiti, come di consueto nel nord Europa). La nostra visita si è quindi protratta per più di due ore, trascorse assai piacevolmente tra una sala e l'altra. Dilungarmi nella descrizione di ognuna di esse sarebbe impossibile, oltre che superfluo, dal momento che stiamo parlando del più grande museo di storia culturale di tutta la Danimarca 🇩🇰. La ratio dell'esposizione si basa su di una corposa ricostruzione della storia nazionale danese 🇩🇰, analizzata però nel suo rapporto con una moltitudine di culture diverse. Per quel che concerne le varie sezioni tematiche, mi hanno colpito soprattutto quelle dedicate alle civiltà dell'estremo oriente 🎎🧧, alla Danimarca 🇩🇰 contemporanea e soprattutto ai popoli eschimesi. In merito a questi ultimi, notevolissimo l'assortimento di abiti tipici (in particolare le pellicce) ma pregevoli pure alcuni esemplari di kayak 🛶. Senz'altro interessante poi un video 🎞, risalente agli anni '30 del secolo scorso, basato su scene di vita quotidiana di un villaggio inuit; lo stesso, girato in bianco ⚪ e nero ⚫ con i limitati mezzi tecnici 🎥 dell'epoca, mostra il ritorno di alcuni pescatori da una battuta di caccia, naturalmente a bordo degli iconici kayak 🛶, accolti con gioia dai propri familiari. La semplicità di quelle persone, i loro volti sempre sorridenti e un genuino senso comunitario mi hanno indubbiamente offerto uno spaccato di un mondo che quasi non esiste più. Come accennato, sulle 13.30 🕜 ci siamo portati verso l'uscita concludendo così l'itinerario di visita. Naturalmente, per apprezzare al meglio l'allestimento sarebbe stato bene rimanere molto di più (direi una giornata intera), ma di fatto il nostro tempo era limitato ⌛; non a caso, molte persone si erano fermate direttamente per pranzo (è infatti presente un punto ristoro 🍽 interno). La prossima volta saprò senz'altro da dove ripartire. Il palazzo 🏫 che ospita l'allestimento, già residenza di Federico V 🤴🏻 di Danimarca 🇩🇰, fu edificato 🏗🧱 nel 1743-44 in stile rococò su progetto di Nicolai Eigtved. Certamente CONSIGLIATO 👍.
Il museo è molto grande e contiene davvero tutta la storia della Danimarca, dalla preistoria fino al XX secolo. La zona più interessante è ovviamente quella dedicata alle popolazioni vichinghe, su cui era presente anche una mostra interattiva fatta davvero bene. Forse si tratta della cosa più bella che ho visto a Copenhagen, quindi la consiglio assolutamente.
With just a "sheer magnitude of items" to see (which in itself is actually kind of an understatement so yes "a bit of pacing" suggested inside this "huge museum" maybe not necessarily for its structure but for its amount of displays!), it was at the "main area" (a little further inside from the area of museum entrance) where I started on the "2 upper" floors with yes historical displays not just of the country but also of its overseas possessions in the colonial times where seen among the displays were: a number of "religion-themed carving plates" featuring Christ & many saints; colonial scenes from the former Danish colonies such as Calcutta, Greenland & Virgin Islands (with a number of kind of day-to-day but still "colorful & interesting" items from those places); a number of "re-created rooms" depicting the lives of both rich & poor likely from about 200 to 300 years ago to "see behind glass"; a row of "lovely miniature" heritage-styled houses with also miniature-decorations to see inside those small structures; and actually also some actual life-sized rooms to walk through in a "palace-like setting" which likely are those preserved from the time before this building was converted into a museum (as it had been some type of royal residence). And afterward at the "front area" of the Museum (after coming back out of the "main area" as mentioned above), also nicely seen were the Viking Sorceress exhibit which was likely a temporary one for just a certain period (an "audio tour" to walk through an area with many "colorful lights" to see on the walls & ceilings, quite a number of "artificial flowers" and also many Viking artifacts including some "shiny jewelries") followed by the exhibit of "cultural items" from various parts of the world (especially those from the far east including India & China and actually seen among those world displays also more of those from Greenland & the Arctic in addition to those already seen among the colonial displays at the "main area" as mentioned above). On the day starting at the Rosenborg Castle (with 3 levels of beautiful decorations including a "throne room" at the top & also a nice park right beside including a "rose garden"), it was about a 40-minute walk afterward to this museum after which was also a brief stop at some rectangular ground area ("like a small garden" with also a number of statues & outdoor-wall-carving figures of animals) just a few-minute walk from this museum.
There was so much to see and we had so little time to see it all. Give yourself enough time to visit all of the exhibits. Some are more interesting than others and everyone has their own tastes, so your experience will depend on personal preference. We enjoyed it, but it came after a long day of sightseeing. Perhaps dedicate a full morning or afternoon for a visit.
Great museum. So much to take in, I spent over 2 hours and still didn’t see everything. Great to do on a rainy day. 140 Danish Krone for adults (just shy of €20), children (U17) are free of charge.
Because of our budget we had to choice between this museum and Carlsberg and we chose this one and regret nothing. I think the price is low for what the museum offers. It’s very huge and you need at least 3 hours to see everything. The museum it’s interactive and the new exhibition about Vikings it’s the most interesting part. Also there is a game about how money works and it’s fun and interactive. We learned a lot of history and had a lot of fun. Good place for a rainy day but also a must see when in Copenhagen!!
Had a brilliant time here, so much to see and walk around, cafe was lovely and very lively, lockers to keep belongings and tons of interactive and detailed exhibits
Loved the amazing Viking Sorceress exhibition, very atmospheric with incredible exhibits. The videos telling Volva stories from the sagas were especially good.
Interesting exhibits from around the world. The highlight for my son was the oldest dog poop, from the Stone Age. Put this on your list for Copenhagen!
Lots of variety. Some amazing pieces. The Viking experience had a lot of great artefacts. The Ancient exhibit was great too
Det här museet räcker en hel dag! Här finns så mycket att se. Bra karta med highlights, men det är lätt att gå vilse - lite svårt att hålla sig på stigen, liksom! Välgjorda utställningar. Vacker byggnad och imponerande hall. Bra förvaringsmöjligheter och trevligt rum för att äta sin matsäck.
Really good national museum that is definitely worth a visit, be mindful that you can't bring large coats/bags into museum, lockers are provided free of charge. Musuem is large and full of Denmark's history dating back millenniums, also have other countries artifacts like Egyptian, Greek and Roman. All artifacts are explained in English also making it tourist friendly, take your time as it's easy to miss rooms, each section, floor seems to jump in time or cultures making flow confusing but not to the determent of the experience.
Huge interesting museum. Far too much to cover at once. Many of the exhibits are interactive. Enjoyed the exhibits on Jule and the viking sorceress.
Just brilliant! Loved the displays, simplicity but detail. Social history through to ancient history was amazing. Loved drawing comparisons to UK history and realising as nations we gave all had similar problems, just not always dealt with them in the same way.
Another attraction with free entry as part of the CPH Discover Card. 4 levels - ground floor beginning with pre-history (Stone, Bronze and Iron age) to Middle Ages and Medieval times on Level 1 to Stories of Denmark from 1660 to 2000 on Level 2 and Classic Egyptian & Eastern Antiquities on Level 3. Level 2 is the largest showcase and was most interesting for me, especially the later part that I could identify better with. Never knew too, that Denmark was once at war with England and Sweden and not very good at it 🤭. On the other side of Level 2 there are also special exhibits - One on the money of Denmark and another on The Roots of Christmas. Interesting to see that they no longer print their own currency since 2016. Spent almost 3 hrs here and just about covered all areas. I was a little disappointed though there wasn't too much on the Viking bit of their history.
Great museum that was part of the Copenhagen Card. We only managed the ground floor, as we only had a couple of hours to visit. There are so many fantastic items to see from across Denmark and different time periods. Could easily spend a whole day here and all descriptions are in Danish and English.
As always, a brilliant visit, we came to see the Viking exhibition as we have seen all of the previous ones (and walked around) The musuem is very clean and fresh, the displays are wonderful with how the lighting is and really makes the artifacts details come through! The museum is in Danish and English which is handy as my Danish is hit and miss The staff were also wonderful and the gift shop is very well priced! I came back even to purchase a book that is not that easy to buy online so was very happy! The Viking exhibition as always is amazing! Unfortunately we did not get the headsets so we later YT'ed the artwork and meaning, fantastic! I definitely recommend a visit here and it is my favourite musuem I have been to!
This is a great museum in Copenhagen. So much information on the history of Denmark. from the ice/stone ages right until now. We spent a lot of time here around 4 / 5 hours if you see everything. I recommend :)
This is a great museum with lots of information about Denmark’s history. We didn’t have time to go through the whole museum (I’m guessing that would take an entire day) but we really enjoyed the exhibits that we saw. All the information on exhibits is in Danish and English.
Sehr umfassende Ausstellung zur dänischen Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte. Alles ausführlich erklärt, wobei die englischen Texte zu klein und oft zu tief angebracht sind.
A fun way to kill a few hours and learn some stuff. I thought it was worth a visit. It wasn’t the most memorable museum but still fun.
Definitely worth a visit and not exceptionally large in size to get around, there is a wealth of history from BC times right up to the present day which is all very well stocked and comprehensive. There is, from a subjective view, possibly too much to see and take in with all the various subjects on offer. 90 minutes sufficed for this visitor although you could easily spend 3--4 hours to investigate each and every display cabinet on show. Overall, pleased to have opted to visit.
This is a huge museum with a vast amount to choose to see. Useful maps are provided to help decision making and restaurant facilities are available to take a break and refreshments. We were quite selective in what we saw as otherwise we could have been there most of the day. What we saw was very interesting and highly educational.
Heel erg veel om te zien. Bijna te veel want na een tijdje was onze concentratie wel weg. De Viking Sourceress tentoonstelling echt een aanrader. Heel mooi gemaakt en even wat anders dan alleen de standaard vitrines. Eten in het cafe ook lekker, tussendoor hebben we daar even heerlijk gezeten. Wij hebben niet alles bekeken omdat het simpelweg zo veel was. Wel een aanrader en waar voor je geld.
The national museum of Denmark had a lot of artifacts and pieces of history from many places. It wasn’t focused on Denmarks history only, making it quite confusing for us visitors. I wish the layout of the museum was more organized and easy to walk through and understand what’s happening in each section. To fully understand what’s going on in the museum you may need to spend 3-4 hours.
We arrived at four, so only had time to do the ground floor section. The exhibition captivated us. Well curated, we were fascinated by the bronze and iron age history. Well designed exhibitions with clear explanations really helped us understand the exhibits. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to go back to see the Viking and other exhibits but this was a highlight of our visit to Copenhagen.
This museum was a fascinating walk from prehistory through modern history of Denmark. The collection of artifacts, especially the early amber sculptures and spearheads, was extensive. The Viking Sorceress exhibit was funky and explained much about the pagan history of the Vikings before Christianity. I spent a couple of hours in this museum but could have spent the whole day.
Went specifically to see the preserved Iron age bodies and wasn’t disappointed. Really enjoyed the entire bottom floor exhibition walking through the prehistory of DK and really learnt alot. Also enjoyed the surprise DAD exhibition!
The museum proved confusing to navigate, probably because it was formed from two old buildings, giving it galleries that had some surprising juxtapositions. Primarily an historical museum, it contained some interesting exhibits, such as the interior of an early 17h Century merchant’s middle class house (all one room). The most striking part was the gallery devoted to doll houses, fully furnished and lit and displayed so that one could appreciate the details of the interiors. The high point was our lunch at the museum’s café, Sm/ö/r, which can be accessed without buying a museum ticket. We each had smorsbrod, traditional open-faced sandwiches piled with a pleasing, and at times surprising, variety of ingredients on thin slices of bread something like pumpernickel – for example, curried chicken salad topped with chanterelle mushrooms, tiny cubes of what may have been celery root, radish, raisins and arugula. The selection of beers and wines was substantial and included drafts from local craft breweries. I had a wheat been with a hint of raspberry.
Central and easy to access on foot. Large spacious museum with many levels set around a main open area. We visited at lunch time on a Saturday using a city pass so our entry was included in that. They had 'vikings' in the main hall doing activities and demonstrations. Really enjoyed the exhibition about their local findings (metal detector finds) was super interesting and showed some amazing finds! Made more interesting by knowing about the item and the find. Great gift shop (we didn't see a cafe) but had lockers and free toilets.
The Museum is a detailed walk through the past, explaining the advancement of technology and the human condition in Denmark from prehistoric times up to the middle ages. The exhibits are in chronological order, and I learned a lot from my visit. This is one of the attractions that can be accessed through the Copenhagen Card.
Nationalmuseet er altid spændende. Man keder sig aldrig derinde! Man lære så meget om den danske kultur og historie, og jeg håber at folk fra udlandet vil elske det ligeså meget, som jeg selv gør. Hvis man f.eks vil lære noget om vikinger, kan nationalmuseet 100% anbefales.
I particularly wanted to visit this museum as I was keen to see the Gundestrop Cauldron ad I had read so much about it. I wasn’t disappointed - it is well displayed so you can clearly see all the panels as well as the interior. Aside from the cauldron, there is so much to see here, all well laid out with clear information available. Wheelchair accessible.
El museo tiene exposiciones temporales y permanentes. Alberga en sus instalaciones piezas de arte y objetos de distintos períodos de la historia de Dinamarca. Cuenta con una tienda, cafetería y restaurante. Funciona en una mansión del siglo XVIII que fuera la residencia oficial del príncipe en otra época. Es un palacio realizado en estilo rococó con una imponente fachada.
I briefly visited the museum’s Viking exhibit 10 years ago and wanted to return after hearing about the expansion of their collection, housed in the Viking Sorceress exhibit. The exhibit was excellent, including an immersive introduction to Viking mythology as well as touchscreens in Danish and English for all of the objects in the exhibit (similar to the Viking exhibit in Stockholm’s National History Museum.) What I wasn’t expecting to find was an expansive collection of medieval Scandinavian religious art, items covering Denmarks’s history from 1600-2000, and artefacts from all over the world. I was particularly impressed by the collection of Etruscan and Phoenician art (both of which are somewhat rare to find) housed near the extensive Egyptian, Greek, and Roman collections. Although I lived in Asia, there were items on display that I had never seen before, including a rack designed to infuse a kimono with the scent of incense. There are also lots of items from Africa and the Pacific Islands near Australia. I spent two full days here exploring the entire collection. It is that good.
Unfortunately very busy due to bad weather, but very pleasantly surprised by the museum. There are a lot of exhibitions and much to see in each, all with information in English & Danish. Items are well displayed allowing for a clear view. Staff were friendly & very helpful, also speaking good English.
Spent a couple of hours in this museum Skipped the prehistory part and really enjoyed the voices of the arctic and other exhibits which illustrate medieval to renaissance history. The more modern history was good as well.
It took me entirely three hours to finish the first floor of the museum using special fossils to show the history and way of living of the inhabitants of those lands from pre-historical till B.C... Each period is profoundly explained in greater detail as to how the men lived and worked. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to tour the other two floors to experience the further history.
Genoten van het groot assortiment aan geschiedkundige archeologische vondsten! 👍🏼 Het restaurant is zeker aan te bevelen!
Every artifact from Denmark and its history seems to be here and beautifully presented. There is a nice cafe and top notch Children's Museum. A great couple of hours
We used our Copenhagen Card again when we entered this Museum. First thing you notice is the large impressive foyer and the entrances off it leading to the displays. We wandered thro the history of Denmark from the start to Neolithic, early settlements Bronze & Iron ages, onto the Celtic period and its Sun Chariot and Battle Horns the highlights. Also particularly interesting for us were the Egtved girl and other burials plus the longship remains, not forgetting the world's oldest dog poo sadly no sign of the green bag it. We did some of the second floor as well, peoples of the arctic and Voices from the colonies were quite good. Unfortunately we ran out of time before we got to the Egyptian mummy and inads on the third floor. You could easily spent 3 to 4hrs depending on your interests and how must you already know of Denmark or peoples progression thro the eons.
Love the collection. There’s something for everyone. My favorite section was the danish art area! So unique and beautiful space.
Lots of excellent exhibits. Considering I previously had almost no knowledge of Danish history, I came out feeling like I had absorbed a smattering of the featured time periods and built up an overall picture. The Empire section was particularly informative. The only part that I found rather unenjoyable was the prehistory exhibit on the ground floor - mainly because it was so busy. Presumably this is because everyone is recommended to start there, and only those who are really interested in history then make their way upstairs.
Really interesting place to understand the history of Denmark throughout the ages. Collections are really varied from the inside of churches and danish rooms, to dolls houses and toys though the ages. There’s even an area for kids to play in including a pirate ship and imaginary play. Well worth a visit