Biglietto per bambini dai 3 ai 15 anni
L'Amsterdam Dungeon non è consigliato ai bambini di età inferiore ai 10 anni.
Domenica - Venerdì: 11.00 - 18.00
Sabato: 11.00 - 19.00
Biglietti disponibili direttamente su smartphone
I biglietti possono essere riprogrammati fino a 48 ore prima, non possono essere annullati
Per domande relative a questo prodotto, contatta [email protected]
L'Amsterdam Dungeon è la più spaventosa attrazione della città, ma allo stesso tempo divertente. L'Amsterdam Dungeon consiste in una vera e propria chiesa in cui un gruppo di attori professionali vi condurrà in un viaggio multisensoriale attraverso il passato oscuro della città. Spettacoli a specchio, un labirinto, camere di tortura e personaggi spregevoli ti faranno rizzare i capelli e ridere tantissimo allo stesso tempo. Ogni visita all’Amsterdam Dungeon è unica, nessuna attrazione si ripete, non assisterai semplicemente allo spettacolo, ma sarai parte di esso. L'Amsterdam Dungeon è un tour esilarante e pauroso e rappresenta una delle attrazioni da non perdere ad Amsterdam. Sei abbastanza coraggioso per entrare nell’Amsterdam Dungeon? Compra i tuoi biglietti adesso!
Ad Amsterdam i musei davvero non ne mancano, ma questo è un vero e prorpio museo degli orrori in città. Fai un’immersione in un mondo di orrore e scopri 500 anni della storia più oscura e più crudele della città. Effetti speciali, odori, illuminazione, costumi, decorazioni e la stessa architettura, che è una vera chiesa sconsacrata, danno a questo museo degli orrori un'atmosfera unica e tenebrosa. Undici spettacoli diversi e una squadra di nove attori professionali faranno un'indimenticabile performance che sarà allo stesso tempo terrificante e divertente, a seconda della tua tolleranza alla paura. Tra le attrazioni, spicca un labirinto oscuro, dove dovrete usare tutto il vostro ingegno per uscirne, sarete testimoni di una caccia alle streghe, l’incontro con un fantasma di una donna torturata da un inquisitore spagnolo.
L'Amsterdam Dungeon è un'esperienza multisensoriale dove potrai toccare, vedere, odorare e sentire tutto quello che vi sta intorno. A causa della natura spaventosa di alcune preformance, l'Amsterdam Dungeon non è raccomandato ai bambini al di sotto dei 10 anni e gli ospiti di età inferiore ai 12 anni devono essere accompagnati da un adulto.
I biglietti per questo museo degli orrori sono disponibili sul sito e possono essere prenotati in modo rapido e semplice. Puoi acquistare inoltre il tuo Amsterdam pass e goderti tutto ciò che ha da offrire Amsterdam: musei, gite in barca e tanto altro. Hai abbastanza coraggio da visitare l’Amsterdam Dungeon? I biglietti sono disponibili. Risparmia denaro ed abbina al tuo biglietto per questo museo, una crociera sui canali attraverso il centro di Amsterdam o una visita al famoso museo delle cere Madame Tussauds.
Hai il coraggio di visitare l'Amsterdam Dungeon? Acquista subito i tuoi biglietti! Vuoi visitare anche Madame Tussauds? Allora puoi risparmiare acquistando un biglietto combinato.
209 Reviews
Molto spaventoso e divertente al tempo stesso. Gli attori sono tutti molto bravi . L'atmosfera è da brivido, incredibile essere in una chiesa!
Ci siamo divertiti molto, oltre ad avere una bella dose di adrenalina! Il tutto è organizzato e ambientato molto bene, riesci a entrare benissimo nell'atmosfera che ti creano attorno. La lingua inglese è ovviamente una cosa da tenere in conto, anche perché è semplice perdersi qualche passaggio e ritrovarsi fuori dalla storia che vanno raccontando. Però esperienza molto bella che consiglierei di fare almeno una volta!
Esperienza suggestiva, non adatta a chi è facilmente impressionabile. Specificare la conoscenza della lingua inglese
Mi sono ritrovato immerso nell'inquisizione olandese, ottimo tour e personale veramente valido. Esperienza da provare
Had so much fun. Very informative and my daughter loved every minute. Actors were great. Can't fault it. Scary in parts but not for my 10 year old...Just me haha
They’ve managed to get the balance of scary and interesting 100% perfect! We all had a few high pitch screaming scares, and a lot of fun. Would definitely recommend visiting this place when you’re in Amsterdam. The staff/acting is absolutely amazing too
Fantastische acteurs!! Goed opgezet, leuke schrik effecten. Spannend. De interactie tussen de acteurs is heel leuk en doen ze goed.
Wat een ervaring had niet verwacht dat t zo leuk en spannend was geweldige acteurs en special effects mijn kleinzoon dacht dat t sufzou wezen nou dat was tt zeker niet die zat oma oh eng spannend hoe kan dat? die wil nog een keer . En ik ga zeker ook nog een keer. Echt top
Fab fab fabulous. Best dungeon out of 4 I have done. Not to long and felt like we had our money worth. Would highly recommend.
Fantastiskt. Andra gången för min del och har varit lika imponerad av skådespelarna båda gångerna. Ett måste om man besöker Amsterdam eller någon av de andra länder konceptet finns i för den delen.
From myself: to make your way through the tunnel by touch? Scary! Tongue extraction? It's TERRIBLE!!! The show is beautiful, scary and just brilliant! The acting is great, especially the screams!! I (as a lover of everything bloody) really liked the show! Especially organs and corpses!!! Lifelessly hanging bodies of already deceased people - bloody corpses, delighted me the most, which I mentioned earlier. Actors enter the role even outside the show! It's beautiful, just like their costumes! Even in the toilet there is a scary voice acting!!! What can we say about the atmosphere, even the "prison cell" to which they are taken at the beginning of the show is beautiful! Or I can just say that it was scary ;)
Honestly,it was a really good experience,it was unique,quite scary,the actors were amazing,you won’t regret it!!!!
Wij hebben deze geweldige dungeon bezocht met 3 stellen. Bij de boeking online hadden wij er echter geen rekening mee gehouden of wij een Nederlandstalige of Engelse show hadden. Bleek dit een Engelstalige te zijn, aangezien niet heel het gezelschap Engels kan vroegen wij of er een Nederlandstalige show was. De super vriendelijke dame achter de kassa maakte direct een Nederlandstalige groep aan voor ons! Geweldige ontvangst dus! De dungeon en zijn vele spektakels zijn echt een aanrader, je wordt zo meegezogen in de vele verhalen en de ondertussen humor volle les geschiedenis dat je echt beleeft wat er rondom je gebeurt. We hebben echt nog uren na gepraat over deze geweldige ervaring, die verder loopt tot zelfs in de gift shop. Kortom iedereen is super vriendelijk en getalenteerd! Waar wacht je nog op?!
Was so much fun, was equally terrifying and hilarious! Went with my two older brothers and we had the time of our lives and would highly recommend it to all!
Wat een suuuuper gave ervaring!! Het was echt heel spannend, maar op een hele positieve manier. De acteurs doen het hartstikke goed, de sfeer is verbluffend en de verrassingseffecten zijn boven verwachting. We twijfelden om te gaan, omdat het er aan de buitenkant mwah uitzag.. maar eenmaal binnen begint het hele gebeuren, voel je de spanning door je lijf en ga je met een groep alles door. Het is fantastisch en groot applaus voor de mensen die het waarmaken!! Dankjewel!
The actors were brilliant, adhoc sometimes and it was great! We had quite a few laughs as well as twice as many screams! Very glad we went!
So much fun! The actors were funny, didn’t break character once, and very interactive with the crowd. I would recommend this attraction - worth the price.
We have been to dungeons before, what made this one stand out the most is the effort from the staff! The rooms and settings are amazing but the actors really get involved so well!
Wij vonden het fantastisch! We zijn met een groep vriendinnen geweest. Goeie acteurs, spannend, leuk. Echt een aanrader
Couldnt take pictures but was amazing. My kids from 9 years love the forest of the dead. Also the mirror maze was greet. Would love to see the new shows
Het was een interessante, spannende, en humoristische tour! De acteurs zijn keigoed en het personeel zeer behulpzaam (in dit in een rolstoel). Wij hebben enorm genoten en raden deze beleving zeker aan! Als je durft….
Spent an hour at this venue and was very pleased. Very similar to the York Dungeons in England with a Dutch flavour. Very good actors and they encouraged/ demanded audience participation which was hilarious. Well worth a visit.
Not fun for the whole family, but for those with the constitution, it's a hoot! The gore was off-putting to a member of our group.
Erg leuk om te doen. De medewerkers doen het hartstikke leuk en zijn heel vriendelijk. Echt de moeite waard om te gaan. Je wordt er bij betrokken wat het nog leuker maakt
The actors are amazing, staff know their history and make it as real as possible! Very good at interacting with customers and getting everyone involved
Mit dem Kombiticket haben wir erst Madame Tussauds und dann Amsterdam dungeon besucht. Uns gefiel zweiteres wesentlich besser. Tolle Schauspieler, die ihre Rollen ernst nahmen und lebten. Man hatte nicht das Gefühl, dass man dort als Masse durchgeschleust wird, sondern jede Gruppe enthusiastisch unterhalten wird. Dazu die liebevolle und detailreiche Ausstattung, die diese Attraktion interessant macht.
Heeft onze verwachting en die van onze pubers overtroffen. We hadden het geluk om in een klein groepje aan de tour mee te kunnen doen. We zijn allemaal aan bod gekomen als ‘vrijwilliger’. Wat een gaaf pand, aan alle ruimtes is veel aandacht besteedt en de acteurs zitten goed in hun rol. We hebben gegild van schrik en ook erg gelachen. Supermiddag gehad! Persoonlijk zou ik de ervaring aanraden vanaf 12 jaar.
het was een heel zotte ervaring. zeker een aanrader. best wel eng. als je eens goed wil lachen tijdens/achteraf zeker doen dan. heel vriendelijk mensen wel.
This attraction was a fun and worthwhile experience. We were able to do this on the GoCity pass making it cheaper than if we had just turned up so i reccommend this as it's better value for money. I thought the live actors were a credit, really enthusiastic and geniunely tried to scare to you, and make you laugh too. I especially appreciated the audience involvement, and even found out my fiancé is officially a Witch! Who knew! Would reccommend this experience if you are looking for something to do in Amsterdam.
Wanted do something different ( loved the Edinburgh dungeon ) so we thought we would try this one. Slick set up and immediately scary ( even the toilets!!). Don’t want to give anything away but the time passed by in a flash ( about 80 minutes). Actors were all brilliant. Worth the money . Go and scare yourself to death!!
The scenery, decor, lighting effects, everything was absolutely brilliant but best of all were the actors who did a fantastic job on the tour and really engaged the whole group. I dont want to say too much and give away any spoilers but would highly recommend this attraction!
Professioneel, verrassend en erg leuk!!! Mooie ruimten die spanning opvoeren. Een aanrader voor vrienden en kennissen.
Het was echt en ervaring amai! Ik heb er super hard van genoten. De acteurs waren geweldig en ook hun interactie met het publiek was gek goed! Het is zeker voor herhaling vatbaar en een echte aanrader je leert ook dingen bij wat het nog beter maakt. Ik heb de tofste en engste dag van men leven beleeft!!
Totaal niet verwacht,maar zeker een belevenis en aan te raden het zeker is te beleven. Vragen om foto's is net zo onverwacht omdat het niet is toegestaan.
Brilliant,we've done a few of these and this was up there with the best.Would definatly visit this one again when we come back to Amsterdam.
Its amazing, so scary but fun. Everything is so good, and the details are on point, the people that work there are so good at being scary
Spannend! Maar niet echt gevaarlijk. Althans, niet voor ons. We hebben zelfs erg gelachen maar dat was van de zenuwen. Niet leuk om te bedenken dat veel van het getoonde vroeger echt is gebeurd... The Amsterdam Dungeon toont bizarre geschiedenis maar is toch ook superleuk hedendaags vermaak.
Ik wou al heel lang een bezoek brengen aan de dungeons, maar het was er helaas nooit van gekomen. dit jaar is het eindelijk gelukt. De verwachtingen lagen hoog en ik ben zeker niet teleurgesteld. Het was heel erg verassend en super leuke acteurs. Echt een aanrader
We've done similar things in London and York but this was different again. A bit slow starting while we waited for enough people to form a party. As others have said, there are no rides here, you walk through various attractions and see different mini shows. They are all good in different ways, building up to a crescendo at the end. Could be hard for those of a nervous disposition but definitely an entertaining morning.
Great, really great. For yourselves you should promote more the link with the torture museum. Apart from that all great.
brilliant experience me and my friend went on the 29th of august at half five the two girls at the front were great really friends agreed with one of the staff members that the other was weird but her little rat was adorable 10/10 would recommend the actors were great the first guide who you meet was great my friend didn’t want to be separated in the lifts so he was great getting the situation and putting us together really funny great guy all the actors were amazing
Very good acting by every single actor. Interaction with audience is very good. Everyone had a lot of fun (after the fears...)
Leuk uitje. Veel verschillende ruimtes met goede acteurs. Leuk dat in elke kamer een verhaaltje wordt verteld. Ook leuke licht effecten
It was absolutely terrifying but good fun. Good value for money. I would consider how your children are about the dark as some bits were frightening
Eine sehr, sehr schöne Erfahrung. Die Schauspieler sind super! Sie achten insbesondere auch auf die Kinder. Die Geschichte von Amsterdam so zu erfahren war sehr beeindruckend. Die Ksrten sollte man online bestellen. Eine vorherige Recherche lohnt sich, da es ansonsten auch recht teuer werden kann. Sehr zu empfehlen!
Het was een leuke belevenis. Het meedoen aan het spel maakt het extra leuk. Zeker aan te raden in combinatie met This is Holland
I thoroughly recommend a visit here. The characters were amazing and provided plenty of jumpscares. It was a totally different experience to what I envisaged but we really enjoyed.
Was eng maar soms ook grappig. Leuke acteurs maar wel veel herrie dus je oren krijgen wel wat te verduren. Lift was eng met al die geluiden maar leuk verzonnen
Wist niet wat ik moest verwachten, maar het was hartstikke leuk. Het was niet te eng voor mijn dochter (13). Leuke enthousiaste acteurs
We hebben enorm veel gelachen en zijn ook gigantisch geschrokken op een goede manier. Absolute aanrader om samen met je date naartoe te gaan.