Entrée gratuite pour les 0-17 ans accompagnés d'un adulte payant
Mardi – dimanche: 10h00 – 17h00
Lundi: fermé, sauf de juin à août
The Museum of Danish Resistance has an audio guide in Danish and English
All firearms on display are non-functional
Tickets directly available on smartphone
Tickets can be rescheduled or cancelled up to 48 hours in advance
Pour toute question sur le produit, veuillez contacter [email protected]
Avec ce billet combiné, vous pouvez visiter à la fois le Musée danois de la guerre et le Musée de la résistance danoise. Ensemble, ces deux musées examinent différents aspects de la guerre, tant au Danemark qu'à l'étranger. Ce billet combiné est idéal pour ceux qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur l'histoire de la guerre et son impact sur les gens.
Le Krigsmuseet, situé sur Slotsholmen, se trouve dans l'Arsenal Hall du roi Christian IV, à côté des écuries royales du palais de Christiansborg. L'Arsenal Hall, long de 156 mètres, abrite des canons depuis le 17ème siècle. Aujourd'hui, la salle explore les différents conflits dont le Danemark a fait partie à travers 8 expositions distinctes.
Les expositions présentent une variété d'objets historiques, tels que des armes, des maquettes d'avions et des armures métalliques, ainsi qu'un camp militaire danois recréé de la guerre en Afghanistan. La collection comprend également des objets provenant d'autres armées, notamment des uniformes de la guerre civile américaine et de la Russie tsariste. Une visite ici vous permettra d'explorer l'histoire de l'équipement militaire ainsi que l'impact de la guerre sur les gens.
Le Musée de la Résistance danoise vous offre l’opportunité de vivre la guerre à travers les yeux de 5 Danois différents. Quatre d’entre eux ont rejoint la résistance de différentes manières, tandis que le cinquième est devenu nazi. En suivant ces 5 personnes, vous aurez une idée des choix difficiles et des dilemmes auxquels les gens ont été confrontés pendant la guerre.
En suivant leur parcours, vous pouvez même participer vous-même à certaines activités de la résistance, de la traque d’actes de sabotage et de l’impression de magazines illégaux à l’écoute de conversations téléphoniques et au décodage de codes secrets Enigma. Tout cela fait partie de l’expérience de visite du Musée de la Résistance danoise, principalement souterrain.
92 Reviews
Visite de ce musée de l'armée par intermédiaire de la carte PASS CPH discover. Visite intéressante et instructive.
Oui, j’ai mis “excellent” sur un musée de la guerre … mais j’assume et j’ai quand même quelques bémols. Balayons les bémols - le 1er étage : belle - grande, très … grande - collection de canons, y en a pour tous les goûts, de toutes les époques … ; une petite propagande pour l’armée; une reconstitution de l’Afghanistan avec témoignages (en danois, je n’ai pas pu en apprécier la teneur), qui prolonge à mon sens la propagande et reste discutable; le dernier bémol : le musée ferme à 17h en février (ce qui ne nous a pas laissé le loisir de tout apprécier… après on a compris que tous les musées à Copenhague ferment à 17h) Les plus : le 2eme étage : une immense et impressionnante collection d’équipements militaires de toutes les époques, d’une grande diversité et d’une provenance variée… un nombre incalculable de maquettes de navire reconstituée à une bonne échelle, au milieu d’autres trésors à contempler pour leur beauté (si on oublie leur utilité) et leur prouesses techniques. Et n’oublions pas dans les plus le bâtiment en lui même. L’arrivée au 2eme étage m’a coupé le souffle (et pas à cause du nombre de marches!)
Le musée de la Guerre est, certes, petit mais mérite vraiment le détour. En effet, vous aurez l'occasion de visiter une reconstitution du camp de base des Danois en Afghanistan. Une exposition immersive qui ne laisse pas tranquille avec une véritable portée pédagogique sur la réalité des théâtres. Ensuite, le rez-de-chaussée regroupe l'artillerie (un peu moins intéressant pour mais rigolo). Enfin, le 2ème étage regroupe l'histoire du Danemark ainsi que l'évolution de la marine et des équipements. Les maquettes sont superbes !!! Et on apprend plein plein de choses :) Voilà, à faire quand il fait beau ou moche !
Après un petite entrée trop discrète, on rentre et découvre alors dans un sous-sol géant une collection énorme d’armes lourdes, canons et pièces artillerie, de l’époque des viking jusqu’au année 2010. Ils on même reproduit une scène d’une unité danoise pendant la guerre d’Afghanistan. Ensuite on crois que c’est fini, et la au premier étage encore plus : énorme surprise ! une immense collection super organisé chronologique sur armes légères et moyennes, uniformes, technique, appareillages etc de l’époque de la royauté, viking, 1 et 2 guerre mondiale et jusqu’à maintenant; aussi en parallèle l’évolution des bateaux sous marins frégate etc reproduit en maquette super réaliste. A voir absolument pour les amateurs ou curieux si on va a Copenhague. C’est même dommage qu’il qu’il n’y ai pas assez de pub pour ce superbe musée, bien plus fourni et 10 fois plus intéressant que celui de l’art danois par exemple ...
Went not expecting much but is a great museum, great modern section on afghanistan and so many fascinating set piece upstairs
This war museum is a Journey through the Danish War history since 1500. A lot to see and many treasures from the middle ages till now. There's also an exhibition of the Denish military deployment in Afganistan.
An excellent and highly extensive exhibition of historical artefacts: weapons, medals, models, uniforms and more. Particularly impressive was the immersive army encampment, complete with a tank that had seen actual combat. Well-organised and visually impressive. There is also a dress-up opportunity.
The Danish war museum was an interesting off the beaten path museum. They have an impressive collection of cannon and artillery pieces from their history. They also have a fascinating rendering of a peace keeping base in Afghanistan. Second floor has tons of naval and Air Force exhibits.
Se ubica justo frente a la biblioteca, en el antiguo arsenal del rey Christian IV. Se pueden ver cañones y tanques al ingresar al predio. Un museo que muestra la historia militar danesa a lo largo de 500 años. Podemos ver armas, uniformes y equipamiento bélico.
The museum has really nailed the atmosphere! Especially the Afghanistan exhibition was very impactful! Well worth a visit, very cheap as well.
The museum has really nailed the atmosphere! Especially the Afghanistan exhibition was very impactful! Well worth a visit, very cheap as well.
Very informative. All staff were polite and helpful with directions and where facilities were. A nice breadth of stuff on display so suitable for whatever period of history you like the most. Very good exhibition on recent conflict in Middle East.
Genuinely really interesting with good information and translation available. We’ve been to many war museums/sites and these still had Incredible things to see that we haven’t seen before. Their camp bastion exhibit was AMAZING!! my husband having been there couldn’t believe how accurate/realistic it was!
Fantastisk oplevelse for 9- og 53 årig. Fik rundvisning med hands on på masser af våben og gode forklaringer og historisk info.
Wow, this was my kind of war museum. The first floor housed the artillery pieces and an Afghanistan, GWOT, walk-thru display. The second floor is a more traditional museum. Great displays of Danish warfare. Huge naval section and displays of armor, uniforms and equipment. Definitely worth the visit.
We had not intended to visit but popped in with our Copenhagen Card and were very pleased that we did. We emerged after about 2 hours. There is a vast amount of history on display, particularly upstairs where miles of glass cabinets house model ships, guns, all sorts of artefacts, all very well documented. The photographic exhibition downstairs of the atrocities in Afghanistan and the Ukraine were very emotionally wrenching, but it is important for people to know what is going on. I would keep young children away from that section. A very large convoy of limousines and patrol police had passed us in the street the previous day. We learned that Zelensky was on a state visit. It made the photographs even more pointant.
The Krigsmuseet (War Museum) of Denmark is located near to the Christianborg Palace, where the entrance is marked by a large Yellow signboard "Krigsmuseet". To get to this location, recommend to take the Metro to Gammel Strand Station, and walk southwards. The Copenhagen Card allows you to enter into this attraction for free, but you will need to scan your tickets at the Main Counter. The Krigsmuseet features two levels of attractions, which are all open-spaced (except the War on Afghanistan segment which is closed up) and provides a concise summary about the conflicts which Denmark has been involved in, and how it has shaped its current stance on defence. It's an eye-opener and exposed visitors to the horrors and reality behind conflict, but it isn't for everyone. I would recommend only those interested in seeing a different museum from Palaces and architecture, to try this out.
Super spændende museum med udstillinger om Danmarks militær gennem de sidste 500 år. Kunne dog være fedt med flere køretøjer end kun tanken i gården, men der findes heldigvis andre museer som har fokus på militære køretøjer. Brugte en 2½ time der.
Super spændende museum med udstillinger om Danmarks militær gennem de sidste 500 år. Kunne dog være fedt med flere køretøjer end kun tanken i gården, men der findes heldigvis andre museer som har fokus på militære køretøjer. Brugte en 2½ time der.
Museo ben realizzato, che espone numerosi cimeli degli eserciti danesi nel tempo. Molto interessante l'esposizione al primo piano, con armi ed uniformi fino alla seconda guerra mondiale, cannoni vari al piano terra assieme ad un allestimento delle moderne missioni di pace all'estero. Merita una visita.
We went during an exhibit about the war in Afghanistan. The exhibit is exceptional -immersive and educational in a way I've rarely experienced. But that, combined with the entry exhibit about the war in Ukraine, was quite emotionally wrenching. I suppose I should expect nothing less of a war museum, but I was surprised at the people bringing their young children to those exhibits. I can imagine that many of them will be traumatized from some of the photos and other memorabilia. I commend the museum for doing such an excellent job of presenting the facts of various historical situations without offering opinions. Don't shy away - DO go, as understanding the facticity of war is essential to being a good citizen. But do yourself a favor and schedule this museum in the morning and then something lighter in the afternoon, perhaps a funny movie, or you might have a hard time sleeping.
There was a lot of interesting military artefacts to see here. I particularly loved the Afghanistan exhibit, it was presented in a really unique and engaging way
The museum as a whole was very well laid out and with plenty of space to look at the displays and exhibits, the particular highlight for me was the display of the Afghanistan war, showing an American gun outpost a local stone house and a destroyed American jeep amongst other things, it adds a realism to conflicts going on today. the displays in most cases are hands on and the elastic band guns gave two fortysomethings so much more enjoyment than they should have. A good way to spend a couple of hours.
No teníamos planeado venir, simplemente íbamos caminando y decidimos entrar, el museo está muy impuesto, con una gran exposición de armas de diferentes épocas, vale mucho la pena
Det har en god oplevelse vi nåde kun første salen skak s art ind igen ned min familie forlovet og søn. Det er helt vild i kunne lave det Det kinge fra rigtig krig af med tasker, miener, krigs vogne og bomber.
e da vedere uno dei più bei musei militari al mondo. Ci sono cannini regalati a Federico IV il sovrnao inamorato di uan monaca di clausura fiorentina nel 1700 da parte dei veneziani, pezzi di navi bandieri austraiche e s'imparamolto sulle due guerre danesi tedesce. Ottimo il personale i percorsi multimediali e anche molto ma veramente molto bella la prezenza di armi e armature italiane. Guardate anche all'ingresso il carro leopardi 1 che é satto impegnatio in uan batatglia corazzata in bosnia da vedere e da imparare il miglior museo del genere al mondo.
Vi havde en helt overraskende god oplevelse på Krigsmuseet. Vi manglede noget at lave en regnvejrsdag og slog et smut her forbi. Jeg var her med skolen for mange år siden, hvor jeg husker det som kedelige montre på montre. Museet har siden skiftet navn, fra Tøjhusmuseet til det noget mere retvisende Krigsmuseet. Bygningen er flot istandsat og gjort mere levende. Min søn meldte sig på børneaktiviteten som rekrut for en dag. Jeg ved ikke om det var i anledningen af efterårsferien, men det var i hvert fald et hit hos ham. Herefter fik vi en guidet rundvisning i børnehøjde, som vi voksne også fik noget ud af. Vi blev overalt mødt af meget engagerede medarbejdere, og vi kunne have brugt meget længere tid. Der er en stor museumsbutik til.
Virkelig mange kanoner. Meget gennemført og virkelighedstro udstilling om Danmarks krig i Afghanistan. (Viser livet som soldat før afrejse, i Afghanistan (en hel base er bygget), og ved hjemkomst). Skal absolut ses!
Consiglio vivamente: è il museo della guerra in danimarca e dei danesi fino acinaue secoli fa. Davvero lo consiglio
Im EG stehen zunächst nur Kanonen. Die Beschreibungen sind dürftig. Dann kommt eine Sonderausstellung zum Thema Afghanistan. Sehr informativ und mit Sorgfalt gestaltet. Der erste Stock ist sehr gut illustriert und hat sehr gute Exponate. Klar geht es immer besser. Ich habe allerdings viel im 1 Stock über die Skandinavischen Kriege gelernt! .
Ik ben altijd geïnteresseerd in de geschiedenis van een ander land en dit museum geeft een andere manier om deze geschiedenis weer te geven. Op de begane grond staan kanonnen uit de eeuwen heen uitgestald. Wet staat er een beetje door elkaar heen doch alles is rondom te bekijken. Op de eerste verdieping, te bereiken met een wenteltrap, staan uniformen, handwapens en modellen klaar om de verschillende veldslagen en oorlogen uit de Deense geschiedenis te vertellen. Op platen wordt in het Deens en Engels in het kort het verhaal verteld. Er is een aparte expositieruimte aanwezig om de Deense bijdrage in Afghanistan ten toon te stellen. De eerste verdieping is op dit moment nog in de verbouwing dus het deed hier en daar nog wat rommelig aan. Ik weet echter zeker dat het in de toekomst de presentaties nog beter tot zijn recht komen.
Gelijkvloers, hoofdzakelijk kanonnen, kanonlopen, allerlei schietmateriaal. Dat leek dus zeer saai maar gelukkig was een gedeelte een eerbetoon aan de Deense soldaten in Afghanistan. Dit was zeer realistisch uitgebouwd en de moeite om te bezoeken. De 1ste verdieping ging over alle mogelijke oorlogen. Dit was wel echt de moeite. Heel veel maquettes van boten, maar ook een gedeelte waarin oorlogen, samen met allerlei gebeurtenissen in dezelfde periode, zeer gedetailleerd werden uitgelegd. Zoals zo vaak, als je echt alles wil doornemen ben je voor uren vertrokken (inbegrepen in Copenhagen Card).
Besökte museet med anledning av deras utställning om Danmarks deltagande i ISAF kriget i Afghanistan. Intressant och till del gripande att ta del av deras historia från Afghanistan. Danskarna var i en betydligt tuffare region än vi, utställningen gav en intressant inblick i deras upplevelser. I övrigt ger museet en bra beskrivning av Danmarks krig från ca 1500 fram till dags dato. Det ger sig självt att historieskildringen skiljer sig från vår egen och det är alltid intressant att ta del av hur Danmark uppfattade krigen mot oss från Kalmarunionens dagar till början av 1700-talet. Museet är relativt litet och det är i princip bara ens eget intresse för militärhistoria som avgör hur mycket tid man spenderar här.
Una notevole raccolta di armi vecchie e nuove, eccellentemente conservate, nel museo anche "pezzi" di notevole valore artistico, ambiente "militare" molto silenzioso e ordinato, c'è anche una ricostruzione di ambienti in teatri internazionali (afghanistan) piuttosto meticolosa, il prezzo di entrata non economico, l'ambiente e pulito, wc compresi. Vale una visita
Wir hatten die Copenhagen Card und da war dieses Museum mit dabei. Das Museum hat unten eine riesige Auswahl an Kanone und Artillerie aus mehreren Jahrhunderten. Es ist sehr beeindruckend zu sehen wie der Lauf sich im Jahre verändert hat. Des weiteren hat es unten eine Sonderausstellung zum Afghanistan Krieg gegeben wo man das gefühl hat mittendrin zu sein da alles sehr authentisch nachgebaut ist . Oben eine Ausstellung zur allgemeinen Geschichte des Heeres von Dänemark. Für Kinder jedoch oben eher uninteressant. Ob ich jedoch den Eintritt ohne die Karte bezahlt hätte bezweifle ich. Da es aber im Rahmen der Copenhagen Card inbegriffen ist fand ich es doch spannend.
Dit was toch wel één van de mooiste plekken die ik bezocht heb. Men heeft een grote collectie, heeft alles goed gerangschikt en de expositie over de inzet van het Deense leger in Afghanistan is aanbevelenswaardig!
interessantes Museum, Eintritt in Copenhagen card inklusive. Untern im Erdgeschoss sind Kanonen und Mörser und eine Militärbasis aus Afghanistan, in dem man ein minimales Gefühl für das Leben in so einem Lager erhalten kann. Oben sind die dänischen Kriege mit Sammelstücke verewigt.
Tøjhusmuseet är otroligt spännande om man är intresserad av militär historia. Fullt av kanoner, uniformer och annan militär utrustning.
Me precio un museo precioso par perderte un par de horas, con entrada gratuita ademas. Cuando fui coincidio que ademas habia una exposicion de material de El señor de los anillos. No se podia pedir mas jejej. Sensacional
Estuve en el museo los días de la Exposición mundial de J.J.R. Tolkien, y fue espectacular, trajeron los grabados ,dibujos y mapas originales escritos de la mano del propio Tolkien. Sin mencionar las armas y el resto de objetos originales utilizados en las películas. El museo en general es bastante amplio y muy interesante si quieres conocer algo de la historia bélica de este país, que no es poca. Digno de ver.
Im Erdgeschoss kann man eine riesige Sammlung von Kanonen, Mörsern und Geschützen begutachten. Ebenfalls im ersten Stock befindet sich ein Weg, der einem durch die Geschichte der Dänen in Afganistan führt. Im Obergeschoss faszinierte mich, al grosser Herr der Ringe Fan, vor allem die Tolkien-Ausstellung. Aber auch die Ausstellung der Dänischen Kriege ist ein Blick wert. Die angenehmen Temperaturen im Sommer und der freie Eintritt machen das Museum zu einem Mussm.
Detta är en del av Nationalmuseet, men ligger en bit bort. Vi ville dit för att se en utställning om 9 april 1940-Då tyskarna kom. Vi hade missat att utställningen inte var på själva Nationalmuseet men vi hann till Töjhuset innan de stängde. Museet är litet och lättillgängligt och klaras av på kort tid om man inte är superintresserad av militärhistoria.
Exceptional museum with a balance of visual, audio and interactive. We learned so much and couldn’t fault any aspect of our time there. Staff were all so knowledgable and friendly. We wish we could have stayed longer to appreciate it all. We also went upstairs and had a decent cup of tea!
Brilliantly presented with video, audio, exhibits the experiences of these brave people is expertly explained. The quality was tremendous, staff helpful and enthusiastic. We enjoyed every minute.
Senza fiato. Un museo che ha superato le mie aspettative. Forse uno dei più belli e ben fatti mai visti. Da fuori sembra molto piccolo, ma in realtà é perché si svolge tutto sottoterra. Il piano -1 é dedicato ai bagni e a zona per appendere i soprabiti. Il piano -2 é tutto dedicato agli anni della guerra e alla resistenza danese. Si ha una specie di audioguida in inglese e durante il percorso ci sono moltissimi punti in cui poter ascoltare e vedere filmati/proiezioni che spiegano la vita di tutti i giorni in quel periodo. Pieno di artefatti e angoli che ricreano ambienti dove si svolgono le varie scene di cui si parla nell'aufioguida e nei video proiettati. Lo consiglio a tutti! Almeno una volta nella vita.
We are so glad we saw this museum. My husband, adult daughter, and I were very moved by the activities of many Danish citizens when the Nazis had a stranglehold on this nation. The exhibits do an excellent job of focusing on the individual efforts of many brave people. In a world where "leaders" become "dictators", it is heartening to see the unquenchable spirit of resistance.
Memorable museum with special testimonials from different real Danes that worked in the underground. Great staff and facility. It took a while for me to figure out how to activate the hand held audio players. Not very busy on a rainy weekday afternoon, so this was great!
Overraskende spændende museum- det var godt bygget op, hvor årene fra 1940 og frem til 1945 var linien. Der var mange effekter fra den gang, det var ret vildt. Med tanke på alt det der sker i dag bør man tage på muset og lære af fortiden og huske hvor grusomt det var. Virkeligt anbefaleses værdigt
Would highly recommend this museum, it’s close to the Little mermaid statue so you may as well whilst you’re in the area. It tells the stories of 5 people who had various parts to play in the resistance. There is a free audio guide that takes you through their journeys and provide information about the different scenes. You can crack code and be an intelligence officer, I thought this was really fun and gave you an idea of what different things people did to resist the Nazis. Very interesting and very well thought out. If you’re interested in WW2 it’s a must. Coffee shop was really nice too.
Great museum which comes with an audio guide. The tour follows five people during the occupation as well as providing general information about life in Demark during this period. The museum is very profound and well worth a visit.
Thoroughly enjoyed the museum - very modern building and well spaced and informative (the listening guide is a must). Spent about an hour here and not many tourists around (for a Saturday). Really worth a visit.
When we first walked up to the museum, we thought the tour would take 10 minutes tops! The museum itself is underground which was unique. The content of the museum were very interesting and in depth. There were also several ways to engage with the museum: plaques to read, audio tapes, games to play including a typewriter. As you went around, you were involved in the life stories of several different people and how their lives were affected by the War. The museum gave a big insight into some history not necessarily included in the British history books, which we both found insightful and interesting to learn about. In total, the museum took around two hours to go around including the free audio service. The toilets were clean and the staff were friendly.
The Museum of Danish Resistance is very well done! Being underground sets the mood and a great audio guide and photos traced the lives of 5 different people from 1940 - 1945. We saw the type of boat that thousands of Jews were rescued in to Sweden. There is a great little cafe at the Museum also.
This attraction really deserves the 5 Star allocation. It is enthralling, informative and eye opening in many respects and is superbly well thought out as seen from the eyes of 5 Danes living under German occupation as well as general background to events with films and displays. All done without being overpowering and it is definitely recommended to take the scanner and make use of the various listening posts (best to wait until the mini story is at the beginning of the "tape" before starting - a small hour glass under the screen shows progress of the story). My visit was with a partner who is not especially interested in WW 11 but they walked out saying it was one of the best 2 hour museum visits in a long time!
Visited here on our 16 day tour of Denmark with family and friends. I had been wanting to visit this museum for many years but it had never fit our travel schedule. A very emotional place following the lives of actual people. The only negative was the equipment which seemed to malfunction for many visitors and the fact that one might begin the next segment midway thru the narrative. The noise from a school trip did frequently interrupt our concentration.
Having visited many war museums it was interesting to compare and contrast this with those. This museum is very well laid out with thought provoking displays that are easy to digest and follow. It is interesting to learn why and how Denmark chose to join Germany in the war and then learn how the country changed its views as the war progressed. A clever idea in this museum is the focus on four individuals whose lives you follow through each year of the war. There is a very useful audio guide given to you at the start that you aim at and press next to each of the exhibits. Whilst the guide is a god idea, we discovered that the commentary starts from the point it is running at when you reach the exhibit so it is wise to wait till it restarts.
Jeg har længe ville derind, men har først taget mig sammen nu. Jeg har gode minder og oplevelser fra det gamle museum. Jeg syntes det er godt bygget op at man går kronologisk igennem. Syntes der bør udleveres høretelefoner til audioguides, da man let bliver forstyrret af andres audio guides. Det er spændene udstilling og brugte da næsten 3 timer på at læse og lytte. Det er flot bygget op. Jeg syntes det er fint med de fire personer man overordnet følger igennem museet, jeg savner dog en bredere viden og flere artefakter som jeg kan erindre var på det gamle museum. Det lægger dog op til at i kan skifte ud løbende, som jeg syntes kunne være en fed mulighed for at få ny oplevelse af museet. Besøgte cafeen efterfølgende og fik flæskestegs sanwich og æbletærte, det kan klart anbefales
Stumbled upon this museum by accident and decided to go in as knew very little about Denmark’s experience of WWII. Well worth the 2hrs we spent there, very thoughtfully put together museum with a nice mixture of audio guide and exhibits. Really liked being able to follow the stories of different people & their experiences throughout the war.
Carefully crafted experience with an audio guide that tells the story from 5 different perspectives. A nice change of pace from traditional museums- it was more guided and engaging. Nice venue as well, with lockers, clean toilets and nice cafe.
Recommended, very interesting, well set out, and very moving. Interactive and multimedia. Also good for older children.
Came across this place by accident, but glad we did. Been to similar themed museums all over Europe. What I like about this museum is they way it's not so black and white or good guy/ bad oriented. No sugar coating. The way the museum tells stories from five different sides, is really thought provoking and interesting. The artifacts are amazing. I also think the museum did really well getting all ages engaged. Even my teenage son found it enjoyable with the interactive elements of the museum and audio sets, as did another family that has no interest in war or history. The staff are wonderful, place wasn't crowded and we were so engaged that we didn't realise we had been in for near 2 hours. Definitely recommend it.
The museum presents and explains the occupation of Denmark during World War II through artefacts, multimedia, and interactive installations (one highlight being the code cracking activity). Entry is included with the Copenhagen Card. Would recommend if you’re into history. The Little Mermaid and Kastellet are also a short walk from the museum.
Excellent interactive multi media museum. Fascinating look into the occupation, the Danish resistance and Danish Jewish communities. Need a good three hours to make the most of the instalments.
A very impressive little museum with a comprehensive range of artifacts and memorabilia. The museum is entirely underground and takes you through the history of Danish resistance to the Nazi invasion and occupation from its onset to liberation. The multimedia guide gives little stories as you go through but I found this distracting so didn't bother much, plus the only way to listen was via the speaker on the hand-held device which would have annoyed other people. Headphones would be much better. The really interesting part of the museum is the collection of items from the period in question. They have rifles, damaged clothing, propaganda posters, food coupons, all sorts. They even have (in a rather frank Scandinavian way) a couple of clubs used to beat prisoners as well as three of the posts to which Danish Resistance fighters were tied before being executed. The staff told me that the old museum building was destroyed by arson (for which no culprit was found) but nothing was lost, luckily. A large amount of other items are also held by the museum but lack space for them to be displayed - don't be put off by the reports of the fire, there is still plenty to see.
Denmark's role in WWII is little known and understood. This museum tries to tell the story with a particular emphasis on five characters including a Nazi collaborator and several resistance fighters. It is interactive with a substantial number of exhibits. Interestingly, the museum tries to play up Denmark's role in helping the Allied cause but in reality they worked closely with the Germans from the time they were invaded in 1940 (no opposition was given) and it was only when it became clear that Germany was going to lose the war that resistance efforts, mainly through sabotage, began to take shape. If you have a Copenhagen Card admission is free.
Ignore the bland exterior, this museum tells the story of the German occupation of Denmark from 1940 to 1945 through the eyes of actual participants. The audio guides tell their story very well. Unusually, the Danes were left with a government and armed forces after the Nazis arrived. The tales of both those who resisted is told as well as collaborators.
We expected to stay for about 90 minutes, but ended up leaving after 3 hours. Very moving experience which I highly recommend. We appreciated that the curators presented multiple perspectives on the Nazi occupation and Danish citizens' WWII experience. Too often, from a distance of years, it is easy to think that a populace all worked in tandem and spoke with one voice. Of course, that can never be the case in a free society. The exhibits allow the viewer to feel the uncertainty of the unprecedented times from five personal world-views. These include perspectives such as that of a Communist, a young Danish student, patriot supporters of resistance, and a Danish Nazi. With an audio guide, you can hear the thoughts of the different characters, read additional commentary, view background film clips, and see artifacts. With hind sight and a distance of 80 some years, it is too easy to lose the sense of the unknown future, the unpredictability of different courses of action, and the possibility of unintended consequences facing decision-makers and citizens. The museum helped me see the dilemma and appreciate the responses to invasion much more clearly.
A very thorough review of the war as viewed from the perspective of both Danish resistance and Danes that joined the Nazi movement. It was very interesting to the perspective of a country trying to find a “soft landing “ when being ruled by a dictator and the subsequent rise of the population in opposition. We’ll worth a visit. We spent about 2 hours there.
Highly recommended. Excellent museum experience – tells a great story in a creative, inventive, engaging way, with a variety of media and hands-on experiences. My kids (10 and 13), who generally don't like museums, loved it, and we spent a couple of hours here.
I dag havde jeg fornøjelsen af at besøge Frihedsmuseet i København, et bemærkelsesværdigt museum dedikeret til Danmarks modstandskamp under Anden Verdenskrig og landets kamp for frihed og demokrati. Museet er beliggende i den smukke bygning Børsen i centrum af København og er en vigtig historisk institution i Danmark. Museet byder besøgende velkommen med en omfattende samling af genstande, fotografier, dokumenter og audiovisuelle materialer, der fortæller historien om den danske modstand mod nazibesættelsen i perioden 1940-1945. Udstillingerne er omhyggeligt kurateret og formidler den utrolige modstandskamp og de mennesker, der kæmpede for at opretholde frihed og værdighed under vanskelige omstændigheder. En af hovedudstillingerne er dedikeret til historien om sabotagen og modstandsgrupperne, der opererede i Danmark under besættelsen. Besøgende kan lære om sabotageaktioner, illegale blade, sabotage af jernbaner og industrielle anlæg samt redningsaktioner af danske jøder. Denne del af udstillingen illustrerer det mod og den beslutsomhed, der prægede modstandsbevægelsen og deres bidrag til den samlede krigsindsats. En anden imponerende del af museet er dedikeret til historien om de danske jøders redning under besættelsen. Her kan besøgende lære om den danske befolknings bemærkelsesværdige indsats for at hjælpe jøderne med at undslippe forfølgelse og deportation til koncentrationslejre. Udstillingen fremhæver historierne om modige danske familier, der risikerede deres eget liv for at skjule og beskytte jøder, samt om den bemærkelsesværdige indsats for at evakuere jøderne til Sverige. Men udstillingen viser også at alt ikke var perfekt fx at fiskerne tog absurde mængde penge for redninger. Frihedsmuseet giver også mulighed for at udforske de personlige historier fra modstandsbevægelsen gennem interviews, lydoptagelser og fotografier. Disse beretninger giver et indblik i den daglige kamp, modstandskæmpernes liv og de ofre, de var villige til at bringe for at opnå frihed for Danmark. Som besøgende kunne man virkelig mærke historiens vingesus og betydningen af den danske modstandskamp. Museet formåede at formidle en dybtfølt respekt for de mennesker, der kæmpede for frihed og demokrati i Danmark under besættelsen. Det var både en lærerig og følelsesmæssig oplevelse at besøge Frihedsmuseet. Alt i alt er Frihedsmuseet et enestående sted, der ærer den danske modstandsbevægelses historie og minder os om vigtigheden af at værne om vores frihed og demokratiske værdier. Det er et must-see for enhver, der er interesseret i Danmarks historie og ønsker at forstå betydningen af modstand og solidaritet i kampen for frihed.
Välgjort museum som visar kriget från en annan vinkel. Utställningen är b la uppbyggd på fem personer, fyra män och en kvinna. Många detaljer om männen men tyvärr väldigt schematisk när det gäller kvinnan, Musse Hartig, som mest framställs som en nervös mor. Detta drar ner betyget på ett annars mycket fint museum.
Rigtig flot og spændende udstilling. Godt formidlet til både voksne og børn (11 år). Gratis gaderobe. Cafeen manglede noget til de veggie spisende.
Frihedsmuseet genopbygget efter brand. Nyopbygget under jorden. Fremragende moderne historieformidling med Scanner guide. Giver et godt indblik i besættelsesårene.
Är man intresserad av historia är detta klart värt ett besök, är man inte intresserad av historia så hoppa över frihetsmuseet. Mycket bra audioguide, använd den.
Egentligen var jag här 2008. Att läsa om hur det var i Danmark under ockupationen och hur människor hanterade situationen. En museal upplevelse som inte lämnar någon oberörd. Rekommenderas innerligt.