Zugang zu den königlichen Empfangsräumen, der königlichen Küche, den königlichen Stallungen und den Ruinen
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Freier Eintritt für 0-17 Jährige ohne Ticket in Begleitung eines zahlenden Erwachsenen
Königliche Empfangsräume, Königliche Küchen & die Ruinen:
Montag - Sonntag: 10.00 - 17.00
Königliche Stallungen:
Montag - Sonntag: 13.30 - 16.00
Ticket direkt auf dem Smartphone verfügbar
Tickets können bis zu 48 Stunden im Voraus umgebucht oder storniert werden
Die Räume von Schloss Christiansborg können ohne Vorankündigung im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung des Schlosses durch die königliche Familie geschlossen werden.
Wenn sich unter den Besuchern Rollstuhlfahrer und Menschen mit Gehhilfen befinden, informieren Sie bitte die Palastverwaltung vor dem Besuch.
Bei Fragen zum Produkt wenden Sie sich bitte an [email protected]
Schloss Christiansborg ist sowohl ein Königspalast als auch ein Regierungsgebäude. Es ist das einzige Gebäude der Welt, das alle drei Regierungszweige eines Landes beherbergt: die Exekutive, die Legislative und die Judikative (Oberster Gerichtshof). Und mehrere Teile des Gebäudes werden immer noch vom dänischen Monarchen genutzt.
Da es die verschiedenen Gewalten in Dänemark zentralisiert, wird das Gebäude oft als Metonym für das dänische politische System verwendet. Die Teile des Gebäudes, die von der Regierung genutzt werden, sind jedoch nicht für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Sie können jedoch die königlichen Empfangsräume mit dem Großen Saal und den Wandteppichen der Königin, die königliche Küche, die Ruinen unter dem Palast und die Kapelle von Schloss Christiansborg besichtigen.
Bei Ihrem Besuch im Schloss Christiansborg können Sie die königlichen Räume und Ruinen auf eigene Faust erkunden oder an einer Tour mit einem Fremdenführer teilnehmen. Die königlichen Empfangsräume werden vom König von Dänemark genutzt, um ausländische Könige, Königinnen und Präsidenten zu empfangen. Im Großen Saal veranstaltet der König prächtige Galadinner. Die Wände sind mit 17 farbenfrohen Wandteppichen geschmückt, die 1100 Jahre dänischer Geschichte darstellen.
Die königliche Küche wurde so restauriert, wie sie während der Herrschaft von König Christian X. aussah. Hier können Sie die Vorbereitungen für ein Galadinner anlässlich des Silbernen Jubiläums des Königs am 15. Mai 1937 verfolgen, bei dem 275 Gäste bewirtet wurden. Die Palastkapelle ist normalerweise nur sonntags geöffnet, außer im Juli, wenn sie die ganze Woche geöffnet ist.
Der heutige Palast ist das dritte Gebäude an dieser Stelle und unter ihm können Sie die Ruinen der Burg von Bischof Absalon (1167) und der Burg von Kopenhagen (14. Jahrhundert) besichtigen. Die größte Ruine ist die Vorhangmauer von Bischof Absalons Burg, die die Burg vor wendischen Piraten schützte.
Schloss Christiansborg ist das Stadtzentrum von Kopenhagen, und das schon seit über 800 Jahren. Dies ist der Ort, den Sie besuchen sollten, um die dänische Geschichte hautnah zu erleben. Wenn Sie es vorziehen, die verschiedenen Teile des Palastes auf eigene Faust zu erkunden, anstatt auf den Beginn einer Führung zu warten, können Sie die Useeum-App verwenden.
Sie bietet kostenlose Audioguides über die Wandteppiche, die königlichen Empfangsräume, die Ruinen unter dem Palast und eine Tour außerhalb des Gebäudes. Für diejenigen, die ein gutes Rätsel mögen, bietet die App auch eine kostenlose Schnitzeljagd "The Museum Mystery", bei der Sie helfen können, den Diebstahl eines der unschätzbaren Schätze von Schloss Christiansborg zu verhindern. Die App ist auf Englisch, Dänisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Russisch und Chinesisch verfügbar.
118 Reviews
Schönes Schloss und einen Besuch wert. Beheimatet das dänische Parlament, das Oberste Gericht und ist Dienstsitz des Ministerpräsidenten. Somit ist es weltweit der einzige Representationsbau der alle drei Gewalten unter einem Dach vereint.
Also ganz ehrlich, ein Schloß stelle ich mir von außen anders vor. Aber das wird innen wettgemacht. Mehrere Säle sind zu besichtigen, ebenso der Reitstall und die Küche. Wer etwas Glück hat, kann den Gardewechsel miterleben. Ist auch Teil der Kopenhagen-Card.
Das Schloss Christansborg ist schön anzuschauen und sicherlich ein Fotomotiv wert. Es kann auch von innen besichtigt werden, habe aber meinerseits darauf verzichtet. Ich persönlich finde Schloss etwas übertrieben für das ganze Gebäude, aber wie gesagt mindestens von aussen schön anzusehen.
Das Schloss hat 4 Punkte, die man besuchen kann. Den Saal, Ruinen, die Küche und den Stall. Kann einzeln angeschaut werden oder als Paket. Alles ist in der Kopenhagen Karte enthalten. Wir haben die Küche und den Stall angesehen, welche beide informativ sind. Außerdem lässt sich das Schloss prima mit einer Kanaltour kombinieren, da ein Startpunkt direkt gegenüber vom Schloss liegt. Das Schloss hat auch noch einen kleinen hübschen Garten.
Eines der beeindruckenden Schlösser von Kopenhagen ist das Gebäude. Im Herzen der Stadt auch nicht zu verfehlen und gut erreichbar.
interessante Räume, auch der Pferdestall kann besichtigt werden. Auf dem Reitplatz wurden gerade die Pferde ausgeritten. Von außen ist das Schloss nicht so prunkvoll, aber innen schon.
Showcasing around 900 hundred years of Copenhagen's important Governmental and Royal History this is easily worth the purchase of the CPH alone. First there is the tower and it's amazing views of the City from all sides - this is free and worth the lift / climb to the top. Next is the extensive foundations of the various previous buildings. Informative narratives and atmospheric lighting and audio adds to the experience. This took at least 45 mins to an hour and is vast. Finally the palace and its state rooms is a must for anyone who enjoys heritage tours of stately homes and the like. Notably the modern tapestries in the main hall, spot the scenes and faces across the vast room and its contents. A self -guided tour was our choice as we made our way around.
Every aspect of our visit was perfect! We visited the Royal Reception Rooms, the ruins under the castle, the Royal Stables and the Royal Kitchen - once we worked out how to get in to the building! We accessed all the buildings using our Copenhagen Card making it good value. There was so much history and it was all presented so well without being overwhelming. Every aspect was different and we couldn’t fault any aspect. We spent around three hours here and being right next to a Metro station helped too.
We spent a good 2.5hrs here, and it's really well put together. The ruins of the 1500's castle are particularly interesting and not only does it explain Danish history but draws in history of other countries. For us especially the UK history of the witch trails. Definitely get an audio guide, we don't normally but it gave a much deeper insight. The royal reception rooms are also a must. A particular portrait really brought to live the Danish royal family and connections to so many other royal families such as the Tsar of Russia, the UK royal family and others. The route you take is very well thought out do you don't miss anything There are plenty of toilets and lockers for belongings. Each area has its own entrance fee but it's included in the Copenhagen card. Definitely worth a visit
Among the "royal reception rooms" almost all of "spacious sizes" and also with sizeable "paintings & tapestries" (although not a palace with various-sized royal apartments & such as was seen in some other palaces visited elsewhere in Europe but yes not a unique one either having visited apart from this palace those in similar settings with just large rooms), quite nicely seen were: the library room with a fairly-impressive number of books in display cases; the dining room with a great-length table long enough I would say for like a royal banquet & such; the room with quite a number of "sizeable & colorful" tapestries (which yes is my favorite room in this palace for quite an outstanding feature among those tapestries which is their "brightness of colors"!); the room quite appropriately named as "velvet room" with these huge-sized velvet fabrics in frames displayed on the walls; and the throne room with chairs for the King & the Queen, the balcony on one side for like "royal viewing" on important occasions, and actually also seen in the room right beside a "TV presentation" of the King & the Prime Minister addressing a large crowd below (from the balcony as just mentioned). And with 3 other areas on my all-inclusive ticket apart from the "reception rooms", it was some nice learning of the palace history at the "underground ruins" with still-somewhat-extensive remnants (like stretches of walls & such) of the 2 castles once existed on the same site (& also many info displays, miniature models & a documentary show), and just for a quick walk-around was at the "royal kitchen" which is mainly just one big room with many "big pots & big spoons" on display but where I also saw a "small food-elevator" (to send up food to the upper floors of the Palace), and yes pretty much just for a skip was the "royal stable" after deciding not to wait for its opening in the afternoon (but actually having seen some small open-coach drawn by a number of horses going around in like a circle on the open ground right in front of the stable in the early morning while waiting for the Palace to open). And yes, as for the 2 "free areas" within the premises of the Palace, it was a brief stop at the "royal chapel" (with a moderate size & just quite a "plain interior"), but seeing a long queue of people was at the bottom of the "viewing platform" which I decided not to go up (in any case at the end of visit on my way out). About a half-hour walk from the area of the Copenhagen Central Station where I stayed and with also like a canal which "goes around" this palace (with a few bridges to cross to get to here & from here after departing), I headed afterward for about another 10 minutes to Nyhavn (a "beautiful stretch" along a canal with colorful heritage buildings on both sides and just quite a lively scene both in the canal with many boats & on land with many establishments lined up along the stretch).
The historical artifacts, the royal history of Denmark and walking through a castle that is hundreds of years old was quite enjoyable. We visited with the Copenhagen Card which allowed us entry into all of the different areas. The ruins under the castle were a unique thing to see.
Incontournable, mais il faut prendre le pack complet ruines, écuries, palais, cuisine. Très belles visites. Nous recommandons
A very beautiful place to visit. My friend took me here and shared quite a bit of Danish history about this place and the royal family. I went on a Saturday afternoon around 3pm in January and I was surprised that the place wasn't very busy. I was able to walk around at a leisurely pace without having to navigate around large crowds. Total time of visit was probably just a bit over an hour.
Got there at opening time (a bit earlier) and got some photos without a lot of people around. Getting there at opening also gets you to the front of the ticket line - worth thinking about.
Jolie architecture, avec superbe cours en plein cœur de Copenhague, ne prend pas beaucoup de temps à visiter et peut être vraiment sympas à voir ou passer devant mais ne prend pas tout un après midi non plus.
Not lavishly furnished the attraction here is mostly the rooms themselves, large, high ceilings, a grand Palace. With large rooms and not at all busy you could have a pleasant stroll around at your own pace. The ruins under the castle, the foundations of previous structures were quite well done with the witchcraft and magic theme. 122835.
Semplicemente meraviglioso. Secondo me il più bello di tutti quelli visitati. Interni da capogiro. All'uscita abbiamo trovato anche un mercatino natalizio che ha reso tutto più magico.
Really enjoyed going through the different parts of the Palace, old kitchen was fascinating to see, would have been something to see in its day with a feast being served. Also, royal stables excellent along with all the horse and carriages throughout the years. For me this was one of the top 3 attractions that I visited in Copenhagen. Ps, make sure you get the map of the complex.
My favourite visit of the trip. The security staff were lovely and the Palace was beautiful inside and out. You can also visit the ruins underneath and the old kitchen. Buy a Copenhagen card before you go to get free entry to all museums, attractions and the boat rides.
This was a lovely collection of a few different things to see like the kitchens and stables. All need a separate ticket so you don't need to do all in the same day or entry time. It was really nice to see the horses up close in the stables as well as the reception rooms etc
Had a great visit here. Used the Copenhagen Card, to get entry into the reception rooms, ruins, kitchen and stables. All four were really informative. The ruins had a great witchcraft exhibition, the kitchens were decorated for Christmas, the Palace has a great guide and the stable had a wonderful collection of carriages. Would definitely recommend as a must visit in Copenhagen.
Visite très sympa faites avec des enfants On a visité les écuries les cuisines les salles de réception et c’est vraiment sympa à faire. Les pièces sont grandes et somptueuses.
Came here but didn't have a lot of time so we did the underground part of the palace which was informative and something different to do. Was worth the money and recommend.
Wij zijn niet naar binnen geweest, maar zijn wel naar het uitkijkpunt geweest. Dat is gratis en echt een aanrader. Prachtig uitzicht over de stad. Het kan zijn dat je beneden even in de rij staat, maar nooit ontzettend lang. Je kan voor het grootste gedeelte met de lift naar boven, dus ook geschikt voor mensen die slecht ter been zijn
Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen offers a feast for the eyes, especially in its use of color and tapestries. The tapestries are not only works of art but vibrant displays of Denmark’s history, with rich hues that contrast beautifully against the palace’s regal walls. Each room has its own unique palette, with deep reds, golds, and blues creating a luxurious and inviting atmosphere. The careful coordination of colors with furniture and decor enhances the sense of elegance throughout, making the palace both visually striking and historically captivating.
The rooms that we could tour a Christian org palace were good , but we really liked the kitchen and the stables. The stables had the royal horses and a large collection of royal carriages from over the years. And it was interesting just to see the kitchens, the size of them, and hear some of the stories from them.
Christianborg Palace comes out of no where in the city centre of Copenhagen. Access to the inner court and the tower was free but the more special areas do have a fee for entry. I preferred to walk around but each to their own!
A beautiful place in a beautiful city. We stopped by and saw horses hanging out outside. Hoped to catch a glimpse of the Prime Minister, but no such luck!
Visited here on our 16 day tour of Denmark with family and friends. I have been here numerous times but I still enjoy it. The horses were outside that day so that was an interesting change. Our group enjoyed the ruins the best and were amazed at the fascinating history of the castle. The kitchen also is a lot of fun.
Me and some friends visited Christiansborg Slot a few years ago during the cultural night in Copenhagen. The que was miles long, but it was so worth it when we finally entered. It was nice to see the cultural events and to meet the politicians and civil servants that work there.
A palace full of splendour and history which continues to be added to daily as it is used by the Prime Minister for various purposes. A great deal to see and admire but not always as much information provided as I would have liked. Fortunately, I had a guided group passing through whilst I was there and learnt a vast amount of interesting facts that brought the Palace to life for me.
Wij zijn nergens betaald binnen geweest, alleen rond gelopen en gebruik gemaakt van het gratis viewpoint. Dit is een aanrader! We moesten 20 min wachten maar daarna heb je wel erg leuk uitzicht over de stad.
De Royal Reception Rooms zijn absoluut een bezoek waard : in een klein uur zie veel mooie zalen, met als hoogtepunt de banketzaal.
Een must-see als je in Kopenhagen bent. Het paleis is erg mooi en informatief om te zien en te ervaren. Ticket gekocht voor de andere drie delen. Deze waren iets minder, maar de moeite waard voor het geld.
This is an great looking palace. The statue and the the building are both beautiful. We did not visit interior but the exterior looks great.
Utrolig flotte lokaler og meget interessant. Kan anbefale og tage de gratis guidet ture rundt, det giver bare meget ekstra.
This is the huge royal castle in the center of town, a must-see site. It covers a lot of land, and the royal family does spend time here. Big stone plaza in front, come use some trees or shade.
We thought the Palace was well worth visiting, we visited with the Copenhagen card so entry was quick and easy. We spent a good few hours there. The reception rooms were beautiful, the information cards are in Danish and English and it was easy to follow from room to room, was not crowded at all. We also visited the Stables (note the horses are away for their summer break), Kitchen and ruins.
There is no doubt that the palace is impressive but we really visited to explore the original 1167 ruins & the 1369 ruins of the initial Copenhagen Castle that are underneath the current palace. The ruins contain predominantly the base stones of walls but also interior home walls, drains and plumbing. Whilst here it’s worth visiting the tower (opens at 11am) to get great views over the city and even across to Sweden.
Palacio ubicado en el centro de la ciudad. Sede del Parlamento, oficina del primer ministro danés y de la Corte Suprema. Único edificio en el mundo que alberga los tres poderes. Se pueden visitar unas ruinas, subir para ver las vistas panorámicas de Copenhague que es una actividad gratuita o ingresar al museo.
Very much recommend. Very impressive palace, and was in time for the tour of the state rooms in English. Guide was very knowledgeable, and allowed us to take our time / ask questions. Lots to see on display both historical & modern. All well displayed & maintained. Also can see the view from the tower / ruins beneath & kitchens which are worth a look.
Visited here and got to see royal reception rooms which were incredibly elaborate.. My favorite part was the royal kitchen and the ruins which told the history of the castle. Did not get to see stables or Parliament or the chapel.
This is the first thing I’ve done so far in Copenhagen which I feel has been worth the money. Your ticket gives you access to 4 different areas in the complex including the beautifully decorated state rooms and the underground ruins of the earlier buildings. Allow lots of time if you want to see everything - particularly if you manage to get lost in the ruins as I did. They have gone to a lot of trouble to make these areas wheelchair accessible so this Slot should be on everyone’s visit list.
A visit to Christianborg Palace is a great way to spend the day. The grounds are lovely and the horses can often be seen in the penned area in front of the palace entrance. Once home to kings and queens, the Palace now houses the Danish Parliament, the Supreme Court, and the Ministry of State.
Un palais impressionnant, les salles sont magnifiques. Prenez le temps de tout visiter (le palais, les écuries, les ruines et la cuisine) et comptez au moins 2h. ATTENTION, le palais peut être fermé une journée ou demi-journée sans préavis si le roi y est occupé.
We visited the Christiansborg Castle one day after the Rosenborg Castle. There are many similarities in the sense of splendor, richly decorated rooms, and more along that line, all of it collected over many centuries. Obviously intended to impress guests, to demonstrate that the kingdom of Denmark is solid and going strong. Common consideration is that you keep wondering who has paid for all this. And also, what has been obtained legally and what is robbed from far-away countries in past centuries when colonialism was not frowned upon like we do nowadays. The main difference with Rosenborg is that it takes less longer to see the Royal Reception Rooms, numbered 1 to 19. Following a map that is handed out at the entrance, everything you need to know can be read and is explained briefly but clearly. We see only a small part of the castle, as the remainder is not open to the public, probably also not offering such beautiful sights as the Royal Reception Rooms. Separately, we visited the Royal Kitchen as well as the Ruins under Christianborg, both worthy of your attention but covered in a separate review. We did not visit the Royal Stables, as it was closed at the time we were in the vicinity. Our Copenhagen Discover Card was accepted without any hassle and allowed us free access. There were no waiting times for a free time slot when we were there. Plastic slippers are available (mandatory footwear, fitting around your shoes) to protect the floors. Given our free access, I cannot comment on the value-for-money aspect.
Château visité après celui de Rosensborg. Nous n'avons visité que les salles de réception. Les pièces sont souvent immenses et somptueuses, comme on peut en trouver dans de nombreux châteaux. Tout cela est très beau mais nous a semblé bien classique après Rosensborg. Les 10 tapisseries offertes à la Reine valent quand même le détour et cela reste une belle visite sans trop de monde (visité le dimanche à 10h30).
We visited this slot (palace) as part of an Insight Vacations 'Northern Capitals of Europe' tour. Absolutely stunning - well worth the visit! So much to take in - the tapestries in the 'Great Hall' are amazing works of art.
There are different parts that you can tour. We visited the ruins, the official reception rooms and the kitchen. If you can see only one of those, the reception rooms will not disappoint you. The interior rooms are lovely and impressive: bring your camera, of course. The staff is hospitable. We visited on a Sunday when it was free to step inside the chapel and see it, also quite nice.
Copenhagen has a number of great palaces to visit and this is a very special one to visit. It gives great insight into the history of the Danish royal family, past and present and there are also visits to the royal kitchen, royal stables and to some ruins under the castle that you can include in your visit.