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Nyd din spektakulære ferie i Amsterdam og fuldend oplevelsen med det fantastiske Kanal Rundfart! Oplev denne livlige by fra et andet perspektiv og slap af mens du sejler gennem de smukke kanaler og forbi de ikoniske seværdigheder.
Amsterdam Kanal Rundfart tilbyder en times sightseeing bådtur gennem nogen af centrums kendte vartegn, med lydkommentarer tilgængelig på 19 forskellige sprog. Gå ikke glip af denne fantastiske mulighed og bestil dine Amsterdam Kanal Rundfart billetter.
Dette kanalkrydstogt har fire afgangssteder, som du kan vælge imellem. Dit krydstogt slutter, hvor det startede. Det primære sted er lige uden for Amsterdams hovedbanegård, de tre andre er tæt på turisthotspots i byen.
Det ene er tæt på det utrolige Anne Frank-hus, hvor Anne Frank og hendes familie gemte sig, og hvor hun skrev sin berømte dagbog. En anden ligger ved vandet nær Leidseplein, hvor du finder gadeartister, barer og restauranter samt lokale teatre og ikoniske koncertsteder. Og den sidste placering er nær Rijksmuseum, Hollands nationalmuseum.
En sjov kanalrundfart i Amsterdam er en fantastisk måde at lære en af Europas mest populære turistdestinationer at kende. Nogen af de mest kendte attraktioner inkluderer Anne Frank House Museum, Red Light District og den gamle Heineken fabrik. Der er mere end 100 kilometer vandveje, der løber gennem byens kvarterer. Nogen af de mest velkendte kvarterer er 'the Pijp', the Red Light District' og 'Jordaan'. Her kan du finde de dejlige kanaler, historiske broer og maleriske købmandshuse, der giver byen dens charmerende og ikoniske karakter.
Gå ikke glip af noget af dette med en sjov kanalbådsrundfart i Amsterdam. På din kanalrundfart Amsterdam kan du se Westerkerk kirke, Negen Straatjes ('Ni gader') kvarteret og Magere Brug ('Tynd bro') på Amstel åen. Der er ingen bedre måde at nyde disse seværdigheder på end med en afslappet kanalrundfart i Amsterdam. Bare hop på båden og nyd en times tur gennem de ikoniske kanaler af Prinsengracht, Keizersgracht og Herengracht. Glem ikke at medbringe dit kamera, mens du læner dig tilbage og slapper af under denne fantastiske kanalbådsrundfart i Amsterdam.
Køb dine Amsterdam Kanal Rundfart billetter direkte gennem vores hjemmeside og få mest ud af din ferie i Amsterdam. Du kan også kombinere din kanalrundfart med en af vores spændende ture hvor du kan opleve og udforske alt Holland har at tilbyde. Kanal Rundfart Amsterdam er den bedste måde at blive kendt med byen fra vandet. Det er kun her du kan købe billetter som kan afbestilles - helt gratis - op til 8 timer før den planlagte start af aktiviteten.
*Bemærk venligst: alle ture er forskellige afhængige af trafikken på kanalen. Så du kan måske ikke se alle seværdigheder nævnt i beskrivelsen.
25 Reviews
Elvira T
El tour está muy bien, en cambio si ya has hecho un freetour por la ciudad recomiendo el crucero primero, te da una vista más general, mi amiga y yo al haber hecho antes el freetour volvimos a ver sitios en los que ya habíamos estado.
Croisière avec le groupe lovers Sympathique croisière traduit en plusieurs langue 1h pour vous faire un tour des canaux avec visite guidée et indication sur les différents quartiers/monuments / place/ marché /histoire / musée de la ville etc Très bien pour découvrir une 1er fois en famille en amies en couple cette croisière et très bien adapter
The canal cruise was perfect, the captin come guide gave us headphones to listen in our own language. The riverboat was clean and tidy, easy to walk on and off, it was a nice day and we got some beautiful pictures!! A great end to a fantastic tourist holiday!!
We did the early evening cruise to see the lights of the city. Easy to get tickets by turning up and allocated the next cruise. There is an audio link that you can use, but we decided to just sit outside and watch the views. An hour cruise which was interesting and pretty.
Lynsey T
We had an hour cruise around the canals in Amsterdam and learnt a lot whilst doing it. We really enjoyed every second. My five year old didn’t want to get off. The captain was also very knowledgeable.
Petite balade bien sympathique, est l’audio était très bien fait rien à redire. Le petit bar pour attendre est très sympa aussi avant d’accéder au bateau.
This is a must do on your list of things to do while visiting Amsterdam. It takes you through areas that you may not be able to walk to. The captain points out things of interest and tells the story behind it.
Wir hatten einen super symphatischen Bootsführer der viele Nebeninfos gab. War schön und informativ. 1 Stunde hat gut gereicht und empfehlenswert. Gute Karte erhalten für den Treffpunkt und pünktlich, sowie sauber.
Muy puntuales, un paseo tranquilo, recomiendo que cuando lo cojan miren bien la metereología, pues así podrán disfrutar mejor de las vistas.
Giro dei canali in barca assolutamente da consigliare. Audioguida in italiano e Simon simpaticissimo conducente che comunque dava ulteriori informazioni in inglese. La durata è di un'ora ma ci è dispiaciuto scendere!!
Die Stunde waren zwar nur ca. 50 Minuten, aber die Tour war wunderschön. Unbedingt abends machen, die Atmosphäre ist unbeschreiblich!
Yannick Raach
Sehr nette Bootstour über die Kanäle von Amsterdam! Man bekommt viele interessante Informationen über die Stadt und deren Geschichte erzählt.
Christian D
La promenade sur les canaux dure une heure. Les audio guides permettent de suivre les commentaires dans différentes langues. Le long de cette promenade fluviale, nous découvrons l'histoire de la ville et des monuments "célèbres". Par contre, le confort est rudimentaire.
Teresa F
Las vistas son preciosas, aunque desde posición incómoda porque el barco estaba muy lleno. El capitán muy simpático e hizo agradable el viaje.
Crociera molto carina con guida in tutte le lingue. Partenza vicino ala stazione centrale. Durata circa un ora. Visita dei canali principali di Amsterdam. Da provare
Becky F
We had a really lovely time on the one-hour canal cruise. Our captain was very lovely and cracked a good few jokes throughout the tour. The GPS guided tour via the headphones was a fab idea and there were so many language options available which was a really pleasant surprise. We learned so much about the history of the city and the tour even helped us to find places to visit again in further detail after the tour. The price was extremely reasonable considering the excellent experience we got, and our boat even left a little early which was nice. All in all, we would definitely recommend it!
Brad D
We really enjoyed it. We show I I amsterdam cards at the ticket office ans were on a boat and on our way within 10 minutes. Our captain (Tony I believe was his name) was lovely ,cheerful and very knowledge of the area, he also had 2 traniees with him and they were also lovely. The facilties were clean. If I hadn't have had the I amsterdam card I would have still paid what the price was (which I think is reasonable).
peter G
1st time in Amsterdam and loved it Booked on the Lovers Canal cruise early in the morning to get a feel for the city and to get our bearings The tour showed the highlights of the city and the comentry was good
Vladimir J
sitting backward is really annoying... Except that I think it is very nice and the captain was a nice guy, he was really funny, making jokes.
Booked through Get Your Guide literally 20 mins before boarding. They let us join a boat that was boarding as soon as we got there, which was great, no standing around as they weren’t so busy. We took a daytime trip and glad we did. Maybe evening cruises would be better in warmer months with open boats. The boat was modern, clean and warm and no condensation at all during any part of our cruise. The headphones were included and the audio commentary was interesting. The captain also added bits and pieces of extra info which was appreciated. It was a great introduction to the canals of Amsterdam as we decided to do this trip literally an hour after arriving in Amsterdam. It helped us with our bearings and with general historical info about the city. The reason for 4 rather than 5 stars is that we seemed to stay on one canal, no museums seen, no Anne Frank house, nothing like that, which was a shame as lots of tourists probably visit these places afterwards. Maybe the canal boat starting from the museums area take that route? We took the one from the station. There are lots of canal boat companies, but we were more than happy with Lovers as their boats appear a lot more modern than many others we saw. I would definitely recommend the cruise and my teenage daughter said it was one of the nicest things we did when in Amsterdam.
A amazing tour with some great canal boat skills performed and a great host. This tour is very much for couples and being alone I felt a little out of place.
Done the open boat tour during the summer. A great way to see the city and the audio guide gave plenty of information along the way. Extremely relaxing to the point I almost fell asleep half way around. Would definitely do the tour again if I’m back in Amsterdam
colleen S
Guide was very friendly and knowledgeable. Although it rained, I still enjoyed the tour. The only complaint was the audio was difficult to hear at times.
far away from every day
Nice relaxing hour around the canals. Duco (sorry if I have not got the name correct) was informative with history and fun facts. Would recommend.
It was educational, slowed down at the right places. The pilot was polite and explained well- was fun and energetic.