5 best icebars in Europe

Icebars can now be found in most major cities, no matter the climate outside. From chilly Toronto to sweltering Dubai, ice bars are more popular than ever. But which are Europe’s best? Each of these stands out from the rest for a reason.
This was the very first permanent icebar in the world when it opened in 2002. The interior is redesigned every year and this year features Swedish inventions. The icebar is kept at a brisk -5°C. Your visit is limited to 45 minutes but that is enough time to marvel at the sculptures and enjoy the included drink while wearing the provided thermo-cape and gloves.
Fully refurbished during the first months of the corona pandemic, the Berlin Icebar now has a completely new theme: German Polar Expedition. In the second half of the 19th century Germany started undertaking polar expeditions and not all were successful. The crew of the Hansa had to abandon ship when they got stuck in pack ice and survived on an ice floe for an entire winter. A visit to the Berlin Icebar includes 3 drinks, one in the warm tavern through which you enter and exit the actual icebar. The other two drinks are for in the ice bar itself.
Barcelona has the world’s first beach icebar. Get nice and cold in the icebar, before you warm yourself back up in the sunshine on either the beach terrace or the garden terrace. You can stay in the icebar as long as you want or as long as the cold lets you. ICEBARCELONA provides you with a jacket and gloves and your visit comes with a complimentary drink. Every year this icebar gets a new theme, this year we roll it back to the 80s.
Kept at a chilly -10°C you’ll need the provided coat and gloves to enjoy the ice in the Amsterdam Icebar. Themed with the late 16th century, Arctic voyage of the Dutch to find the Northeast Passage, which stranded at Nova Zembla, this Icebar is an experience. With 3 included drinks and more available in the warm lounge bar, you’ll have a great time at this bar.
This icebar is part of the Paris Kube Hotel and it’s the coldest of them all at -20°C. The bar is designed and carved by World Champion Ice-carving Michel Amann. Themed with a post-apocalyptic world, here you are taken to a former wartime shelter, home to the first members of the Resistance. Your ticket will include one drink and will give you access to the bar for 30 minutes.