The tour is available in English, Dutch, Arabic, Armanian, Azerbaijani, Burmese, Chinese (Cantonese & Mandarin), Croatian, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian, Persian (Iranian), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Spanish (Catalan), Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese
Monday – Sunday: 9.00 – 17.00
Ticket directly available on smartphone
For questions about this product, please contact [email protected]
On the corner of Museum Square, you can visit Royal Coster’s Diamond factory, which is the oldest diamond factory in the world. Here you can watch professionals cut and polish rough stones into beautiful diamonds.
An experienced guide will walk you through the factory, and tell you all about the origins of diamonds. Along the way you will also learn all about the 4 Cs of diamond valuation, cut, colour, clarity and carat weight, and much more.
The guide will also take you to a private room where you’ll see part of the largest collection of unset diamonds. Amongst these is the Royal 201 diamond, Royal Coster’s patented diamond known to be the best diamond in the world, and the Koh-I-Noor, part of the British Crown Jewels.
Yes, this tour is free but it can be fully booked, so make sure you book your free tickets online, just in case. And maybe, before you walk out the door you want to do some tax free shopping? Or maybe you want to learn even more about diamonds? Then visiting the Diamond Museum just down the street might be the perfect follow up activity in Amsterdam.
19 Reviews
This was a very interesting place to visit. Each floor contained information on the history, mining and cutting of diamonds. The top floor held a number of crowns from around the world in display cases each showcasing the type of gemstones they were embellished with. When you leave the museum, you go into the actual diamond cutting and shopping area. We were fortunate to meet the woman who is featured in the Guinness World Book of Records for having successful cut the world's smallest diamond. We had seen it under a microscope in the museum and it looked like a tiny grain of sand. Well worth the time.
My mother and I went in for the free tour after visiting the Van Gogh museum. It was cool learning a bit about diamonds and how they’re cut, but the most exciting part for me was when we were brought to the gallery where they sell their beautiful jewelry. We were greeted by a friendly woman named Naree. She told us we could try on anything we wanted, even though she knew we couldn’t afford to buy any of it. So I tried on a few of their beautiful pieces, including a necklace that cost about €80,000. It was so fun. I would recommend this tour to anyone who likes beautiful jewelry.
Outstanding. The tour guide was informative and very friendly. She took the time to let us look closely at some of the jewels. It was alot of fun.
The guide, who spoke French, was very lively and and got the 20 students (aged between 18 and 23) involved. The knowledge imparted during the first part of the tour was well selected and very interesting. The second, paractical part was fascinating and well thought out. Even though the tour was timed, it is worth remembering that for a free visit, it was of a high standard. Most students were fascinated to be able to compare true dimonds. Thanks ever so much!
Una visita muy interesante. La guía fue superprofesional además de muy agradable. Era una visita gratuita y nos sentimos muy bien tratados.
Visite avec ma fille de 9 ans qui adore les pierres précieuses. De beaux bijoux Des diamants extraordinaires. Un savoir faire unique au monde Un guide très professionnel
Ho acquistato una pietra e per varie coincidenze la spedizione in Italia sarebbe diventata molto complicata e dispendiosa. Devo ringraziare la venditrice Naira (Gaia) che, anche se ormai la vendita era conclusa, si è impegnata facendo veramente i salti mortali per consegnare l'acquisto in aeroporto. Grazie mille Naira.
Simone Pilla ci ha fatto sognare, molto bravo e grande professionalità . grazie è stata una bella esperienza, ha spiegato molto bene tutte le varie fasi per arrivare al prodotto finito
Visite au top ! C’était vraiment super cool! J’ai été super bien accueilli, voyageant seule, et ayant pris la Royal expérience, mais ne parlant pas l’anglais. C’est le seul endroit qui a pris la peine de me trouver un guide qui parlait français et qui s’est occupé que de moi. La demoiselle a été au top en plus 😊 C’etait vraiment adorable, j’avais l’impression d’être une princesse ahah, visite avec l’histoire des pierres, de la création naturelle à la vente. Puis après accompagné d’un petit thé (c’était hyper british ce moment j’ai adoré!) elle m’a expliqué et montrer sur des diamants a reconnaître une inclusions. C’était vraiment très intéressant et voir des vrais diamants en vrai dans ma main c’était vraiment waouh Avec un petit cadeau pour pouvoir observer la pierre. Meilleure visite du week-end pour moi 🥰🥰🍀
Ik werd uitgenodigd om een afspraak te maken voor een sparkling service dwz mijn sieraden laten polijsten en nakijken. Deze service was geheel gratis en we kregen ook nog een rondleiding doof het diamant museum en andere afdelingen
L'entrata al museo era inclusa nel go city pass, la nostra visita è durata circa 30/40 minuti. È stata un'esperienza molto bella e interessante, la nostra guida è stata super disponibile e gentile.
J’ai pris le petit-déjeuner suivi d’une visite guidée français! Le petit déjeuner était copieux et le service impeccable. Comme il s’agissait de ma première fois à Amsterdam ils m’ont conseillé les sites à visiter lors de mon séjour. Le guide était super et ses explications très claires. Je repasserai avec plaisir lors d’un séjour plus estival :)
Esperienza curiosa e illuminante.siamo stati affiancati da una guida in italiano, che. Gratuitamente ci ha spiegato come vengono lavorati e classificati i diamanti. Consigliata, anche per rifarsi gli occhi.
Wat een luxe producten en vriendelijke medewerkers en prachtige en een mooi en fantastisch bedrijf Royal Coster Diamonds in Amsterdam. Het bestaat bijna 180 jaar. Wij komen regelmatig hier om iets mooi uit te zoeken en om te kopen.
We hadden een heel interessante rondleiding gisteren. Bedankt A.! Heel leuk en enthousiast verteld. Meteen de aandacht van iedereen. De leerlingen vonden het erg interessant en bijzonder. We komen binnenkort weer langs!
Interesante visita a una factory tienda de diamantes de Amsterdam donde aparte de ver la gran exposición de todo tipo de diamantes curiosos y muy bonitos, te enseñan como llegan en bruto y los pulen para su comercialización. Por la factoría Diamond has pasado los diamantes más famosos y prestigiosos del mundo, algunos de ellos forman parte de la corona inglesa. No perderse visitar un lugar que reúne las mayores colecciones de piedras preciosas, con visita guiada que lo hace muy interesante.
En snabb och personlig guidning idiamantframstääning och olika tekniker. Sedan fick vi gå runt och beundra mästerverken. Gratis med ett trevligt mottagande. Värt ett besök. Kände inget tvång att handla.
Visst kommer man att tänka på filmen Snatch! Fast utan bovar denna gången. Det är ändå spännande att ha en bricka med ett 30-tal diamanter alldeles framför sig!
Fantastisk introduktion i diamanternes verden Gode souvenier tilbud til billige penge.