Minimum age for entry is 16 years
Sunday - Thursday: 11.00 - 22.30
Friday - Saturday: 11.00 - 23.30
The audio guide is available in English, German, Dutch, French and Spanish
Ticket directly available on smartphone
Ticket can be rescheduled or cancelled up to 8 hours in advance
You can reschedule your tickets yourself via our self rebook page up to 24 hours in advance
For questions about the product, please contact [email protected]
Red Light Secrets is the world’s first and only museum of prostitution located in the heart of the famous Red Light District in Amsterdam. It offers a unique peek into the ins and outs of the world’s oldest profession.
Discover the hidden world of this profession, learn about the trade from first-hand accounts by the working girls themselves and relish a behind-the-scenes glimpse of this captivating topic. Red Light Secrets is situated in a historical 17th-century canal house and is one of the city’s must-see attractions.
The Prostitution Museum Amsterdam is a must-visit during your holidays in the Netherlands. The museum aims to answer questions such as ‘What do girls in the Red Light District do?’. During your visit, you will experience what it feels like to sit behind one of the famous windows where the sex workers try to appeal to passers-by and lure customers in.
You will also be able to listen to their experiences and see their perspective on the topic. Unlike in the rest of Amsterdam's Red Light District, taking pictures is allowed and encouraged in the Prostitution Museum Amsterdam.
Red Light Secrets aims to educate the public about the profession in a light-hearted, informative way and remove the taboo and negativity generally associated with the topic. You will learn about the history of this notorious neighbourhood and experience a typical day in the life of a working girl.
A trip to the old city centre is incomplete without visiting the Prostitution Museum. Amsterdam is known for its open-minded culture and relaxed view on topics which have been the source of controversy in other parts of the world. Experience how it works there first hand at the one and only Red Light Secrets!
Book your tickets to Red Light Secrets now to secure your spot during your time in Amsterdam. The Museum of Prostitution is a must-see attraction that draws thousands of visitors annually. It is conveniently located right in the city centre and therefore easy to combine with other tourist attractions in the area. Only here you buy tickets that can be cancelled - free of charge - up to 8 hours before the activity starts.
20 Reviews
The museum was very interesting as it gave us an insiders view of the life of a prostitute. Made me realize how hard a life this can be but very lucrative.
Lovely museum. Very short but informative. would recommend when passing but would not go out of my way. Would recommend
We visited this attraction at night and found it incredibly interesting, educating and thought provoking. It really helped understand the culture of the city and the people behind the faces in the window. The audio guides were very good and staff were extremely helpful. It was very busy but this did not take away from the experience. Some complained at having to queue outside despite having pre-booked tickets, but this didn’t take long and we didn’t mind at all. Definitely add to your must visit list!
Right on the main drag of Red Light District, can't miss it, next to the live sex show, admission 14.50 euros, small but definitely interesting if you like learning about this type of profession
Walking around the red light district left us with a lot of questions about the history behind the red light district and those who work there. Here we found some answers. Taking a break from wandering and getting a little behind the scenes info made our stay much more worthwhile then just walking around gawking lime the masses.
Great museum, very informative and fun to go to. Myself and my partner really enjoyed our time there, I’d say it took about 45mins to walk round.
Fascinating little museum within the Red Light District which tells a story about what life was like for sex workers. Not the biggest museum you will ever visit but we’ll worth a look around while in Amsterdam
This is an informative Museum. You get interesting insides and a lot of facts about prostitution. Everything is told in an entertaining and descriptive way.
Such an interesting eye opening thought provoking experience. A real opportunity to look at life from the other side of the glass. Excellent museum, shocked, amused, entertained, educated and informed all in one visit.
Tof om te doen echt een aanrader Leerrijk en geweldig Mooi en gezellig Zowiezo ga ik 2de keer doen met vrienden en familie
Le musée de la prostitution se trouve en plein coeur du quartier rouge, dans un vieux building typique néerlandais. L'entrée coûte 14.5 €, ce qui est un peu cher. La visite se fait via un audioguide qui nous donne des informations. On entend le témoignage d'une prostituée des pays de l'est qui a exercé plusieurs années ce métier là. La visite commence par une vidéo puis on évolue au sein d'une bâtisse assez étroite, sans ascenseur, avec des escalier assez petits. Plusieurs arrêts jalonnent le parcours, dont la fameuse vitrine qui donne sur la rue. On apprend beaucoup de choses sur la population qui se prostitue, la légalisation de celle-ci, le fonctionnement du quartier (avec ses vitrines), les clients et leurs demandes, la prostitution dans le monde et la dangerosité potentielle, les tarifs, le mode de vie des prostituées, etc. On peut voir des chambres de prostituées (avec le matériel) reconstituées, des objets utilisés par celles-ci, etc. Vers la fin, des témoignages concernant les meurtres et sévices que peuvent subir les prostituées et enfin, un espace "confession" où vous pouvez écrire la votre et, qui sait, peut-être sera-t-elle affichée sur le mur de confessions ! Le personnel est sympathique. La visite se fait un peu vite, certes, mais l'on peut en apprendre beaucoup sur les prostituées et mettre fin aux préjugés que l'on peut avoir concernant ce métier.
Museo no muy grande, pero interesante. Aporta mucha información sobre la prostitución en Amsterdam..
Una muy buena sumergida en los antecedentes de este tan antiguo oficio, aquí podremos ver la evolución histórica de lo que ha sido una profesión más vieja de lo que creemos y cómo ha ido convirtiéndose en un tipo de turismo el cual necesita ser regulado por muchos aspectos. Un lugar donde podrás aprender características del oficio en un par de horas.
Trevlig kille i biljettluckan, fick en rejäl familjerabatt👍 Intressant att se insidan av en bordell och höra en prostituerad berätta historier. Och få reda på lite "hemligheter", en hemlighet man får reda på är tex varför det är just rött ljus i fönsterna. Bilden man får i slutet av museet blir ett bra minne från Amsterdam. Tyckte besöket på prostitutionsmuseet var bra, ganska sorligt dock, man känner att man är lyckligt lottad här i livet
Skrämmande och intressant museum. Man får en annan syn när man går och lyssnar på historier av en kvinna om varför de gör det dom gör och hur allt går tillväga. Museumet är en gammal bordell där en kvinna blev mördad.
Ett litet men informativt museum som visar lite av vardagen för prostituerade i Amsterdam. Väl värt ett besök! Rundturen gör man på egen hand och det tar ca 30-40 minuter.
Museumet ligger mitt i Red Light District och är definitivt värt ett besök! Ger ett ärligt och informativt intryck av prostitutionen i Holland, på gott och ont och en ordentlig tankeställare i vardagen för dessa kvinnor som jobbar i Red Light.
Vi gik gennem huset med en høre dims hvor Inga fortæller historier og giver info om branchen gennem tiden.. Vil klart anbefale og give 1,5 € for dem, de sætter ord på oplevelsen. Vi var 4 veninder efter to gin& tonic på en bøssebar i nærheden så ok stemningen var høj😄
Har besøgt to sex museer i Amsterdam og dette er uden tvivl det bedste. God og lærerigt indsigt om red light district. Kan anbefales
Red lights distrikt er klart et af de fascinerende områder i Amsterdam og dette lille museum er ingen undtagelse. Vi skulle egentlig bare slå noget tid ihjel da vi var i området og ventede på det blev mørkt. Det kostede os sølle 7,5€ at komme ind pr person og var rigtig spændende at gå rundt og læse og se hvordan forholdene er for pigerne i vinduerne. Der er stor forskel på disse historier og vi brugte hurtigt en time derinde