A personalised cocktail
Minimum age for entrance is 18 years due to the serving of alcoholic drinks
Sunday - Thursday: 13.00-18.30
Friday - Saturday: 13.00 - 21.00
Ticket directly available on smartphones
Tickets can be rescheduled or cancelled up to 48 hours in advance
For questions about the product, please contact [email protected]
The House of Bols is an exciting attraction in Amsterdam centred around the world-famous Bols Genever, better known as jenever or Dutch gin. During the House of Bols experience, you will go on a self-guided tour to learn all about Lucas Bols and the world's oldest distilled spirit brand.
During the experience, you'll discover the history of the company, learn about the art of flavour, visit the Hall of taste, the Ingredient room, the Genever room and finally the Mirror bar, where a professional bartender will prepare your personalised cocktail based on your personal taste.
The name for this famous style of gin stems from the use of juniper berries (jeneverbes in Dutch) in the making of the spirit. They were originally used to mask the unpleasant taste of the earliest gins, which were distilled from malt wine and lacked the more refined distillation techniques employed in present times.
The House of Bols will take you on a journey through this fascinating history, during which you’ll be able to taste the jenever and its ingredients at various stages of preparation. You’ll also see the impressive traditional distillery room which was used to make the spirit in the old days. The bartenders in the Mirror bar will gladly share some of their tips and tricks so you can impress your friends.
The House of Bols Cocktail and Genever experience is a unique adventure and an unforgettable interactive journey through the glamorous world of cocktails, liqueurs, bartending, and genever. The attraction is located on the Museum Square in Amsterdam, right across from the Van Gogh Museum.
Book your House of Bols tickets online to ensure availability during your visit to Amsterdam. You can book House of Bols tickets easily and safely through our website. Our House of Bols tickets include the price of admission and a free drink in the Mirror Bar. Don’t miss this great opportunity and get your tickets today!
21 Reviews
Great fun! Learn about the beginnings of Bohl’s Cocktails. The tour is audio guided in various languages. The cocktail at the end is deliciously prepared by friendly staff. Allow yourself about an hour or more
Self guided audio tour which makes it easy to explore at your own pace. Includes some history, and some hands on experiences. Great drink at the end!
Tour was well planned and executed, lots of interesting experiences. Drinks at the end were expertly crafted by bartender Jordi who took the time to advise and educate us. He made our time extra special.
Being in the hospitality industry a drinks museum and cocktail making experience with a drink of our choice was a must. The museum experience had an interactive audio guide telling us about the history of bold. The mixologist who hosted the cocktail masterclass was great and cocktails turned out delicious. Afterwards we could look through their extensive menu and pick a cocktail of our choice from the bar. A must experience for those into their drink.
Nice mixture of history with current activity in Bols. Kinda of a fun place as well. Experimental shot. Lots of fragrances. Great cocktail selection. All in all a good afternoon.
The self guided tour is on the shorter side, but there is a lot to look at and to sniff!!! Our favourite part of the experience was the cocktail area afterwards! I like drinks that don’t taste like alcohol, and the lady working behind the bar was amazing at creating these drinks for me!! The drinks are also so reasonably priced!! €8 a cocktail was about half/a third of what we were paying in cocktail bars!! We had the best time!!
This was a last minute choice after a museum day. It was a lovely little self guided museum tour of the history of the House of Bols. You get a complimentary cocktail after and the to go drinks are really reasonable . Takes about an hour, but really fun
Dit was een geweldige ervaring. De jonge heer bij de receptie, ik denk dat hij Mickey heet, hij was erg behulpzaam en heeft een goede kennis van de producten
Grazie alla nostra guida siamo finiti in questo museo del gin.. Un esperienza unica diversa dal solito.. Con il biglietto a 16 euro a persona potrai visitare il museo in cui viene spiegato il processo di distillamento del gin e infine potrai gustare un cocktail a tua scelta.. Bellissima esperienza che rifarei e consiglierei per provare a fare qualcosa di diverso dal solito..
un viaggio immersivo nel mondo del genever e dei cocktail. divertente, sorprendente, con una buona dose di intrattenimento, uno splendido design, e la possibilità di gustare i cocktail che più si addicono ai propri gusti grazie ad una applicazione interattiva. divertentissimo, istruttivo ed indimenticabile!
Si sos fanatico del Gin es casi obligatorio ir si estás de pasada. La entrada vale 15 euros e incluye un trago al final del recorrido que lo haces en media hora. Esta bien hecho en un corto recorrido con un par de experiencias de interacción como oler distintas esencias. El trago final quizás debiera haber estado mejor preparado (un gin tonic)
Lättillgänglig kunskap och drinkarna var superbra. Sen kunde man köpa till fler för 6 euro styck vilket är ju ett kap, speciellt med tanke på kvaliteten och att du får den alkoholen som du betalar för.
joindre l'utile à l'agréable...en tant que professionnel du bar ce fût enrichissant et très bien expliquer.
Ett museum i toppklass! Centralt läge och mycket prisvärt! Trevlig personal tar hand om ytterkläder och väskor helt gratis. Informativt museum med flera smakprover. Dofter, bilder och smaker. Som avslutning en stor och god drink. Välsorterad shop och ett par timmar försvinner med god eftersmak!
Una visita recomendada para amantes de la cocteleria. Te hacen una ecplicación del transcurso de la empresa y productos y al final te dan un cocktail. Muy recomendadi.
Museet er i et flot hus og har et roligt indgangsparti der dog ikke helt er rustet til at tage imod mange gæster på en gang. Der er flotte displays og gode informationer undervejs. Der er oplevelser for alle sanser på vejen rundt. Og den afsluttende cocktail er spændende at se blive lavet! Husk at man også selv kan få lov til at mixe og shake!
Vi var mætte af museer og regnvejr og tilbragte en hyggelig og opbyggelig stund. Blev klog på dufte og nød til sidst en god cocktail efter eget valg.
En sjov og interaktiv oplevelse for alle over 18 år ;) Man får stimuleret syn, lugte og smagssansen - og får hele to cocktails oveni til sidst! En de laver til dig og en mindre kompliceret, som du selv får lov til at lave. Super sjovt koncept og humøret var højt til sidst! Bartenderne var søde og pædagogiske. Kan varmt anbefales..!
rundvandring och höra på en ljudbok som berätta historian om bols allt avslutas med att du får komma på en renodlad bols bar och kan själv välja hur din bols drink ska innehålla før smaker, detta var höjden på slutet med trevliga bartenders som verkligen var engagert.
En kort men meget interessant oplevelse. Audioguiden fungerer rigtig godt, og der bliver givet gode forklaringer til de forskellige rum/steder. Det var sjovt at skulle udfordre sin lugtesans, og prøve at genkende en masse dufte. Det var fint at se de forskellige fremstillingsteknikker. Drinksene bagefter var gode.
som tidligere bartender var det en fornøjelse at besøge. Du får testet dine sanser ved fx at prøve at identificere alle deres likører ved duften alene. Turen afsluttes med en drink og en smagsprøve, serveret af absolut kompetente bartendere (i en spejl-bar, der slet ikke er min stil, men hvad...) Alt i alt en god oplevelse (den lagrede genever er GOD!!!)