Inträde till BODY WORLDS Amsterdam med en gratis InBody-scanning
1 timmes kryssning på LOVERS Canal Cruises
Barnbiljett för åldrarna 4-14 år
Fri entré för 0-3-åringar i sällskap av en betalande vuxen
Måndag - söndag: 10.00 - 22.00
Incheckning 15 minuter innan avgång
Den kostnadsfria audioguiden på båten finns på holländska, engelska, tyska, franska, spanska, italienska, portugisiska, katalanska, turkiska, polska, thailändska, indonesiska, ryska, koreanska, japanska, kinesiska, arabiska, hebreiska och hindi
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Biljetter kan ombokas eller avbokas upp till 8 timmar i förväg
Endast tjänstehundar (som måste kunna identifieras som sådana) är tillåtna på båten
För frågor om produkten, vänligen kontakta [email protected]
Tours & Tickets erbjuder dig möjligheten att kombinera två av Amsterdams mest spännande och lärorika attraktioner för en rolig dag i Nederländernas pulserande huvudstad. Denna kombinationsbiljett är det perfekta sättet att lära sig mer om Amsterdam och dess historia samt om din egen kropps anatomi.
Upptäck delar av din kropp som döljs av din egen hud på BODY WORLDS Amsterdam innan du kryssar genom stadens vattenvägar som är upptagna på UNESCO:s världsarvslista. Eller tvärtom - planera din dag efter dina önskemål! Det fina med denna kombination av attraktioner i stadens centrum är att du kan strukturera din dag precis som du vill. Dessutom sparar du med detta erbjudande både tid och pengar på båda upplevelserna.
BODY WORLDS Amsterdam tar dig med på en unik resa genom människokroppen. Med 200 riktiga plastinerade kroppar som visas kommer BODY WORLDS att lära dig allt du någonsin velat veta om din egen anatomi och hur din hälsa påverkar din lycka och vice versa.
Strävan efter kärlek och lycka dominerar våra liv, men vad definierar om vi är lyckliga eller inte? Och vilken effekt har lyckan på vår kropp? BODY WORLDS: The Happiness Project utforskar dessa frågor genom utställningens sju våningar.
BODY WORLDS är en interaktiv utställning och tematiskt upplagd, med sektioner som ägnas åt hjärtat, livscykeln, kosten och den roll som lycka spelar för att forma våra kroppar och liv. Gör som de 40 miljoner människor som redan har besökt BODY WORLDS över hela världen.
En kanalkryssning i Amsterdam är det perfekta komplementet till en resa till BODY WORLDS. Under den timslånga kryssningen upptäcker du det vackra kanalbältet i "Nordens Venedig". Amsterdams kanalkryssning är verkligen en av Amsterdams höjdpunkter, det är inte konstigt att det 100 km långa kanalbältet är upptaget på Unescos världsarvslista.
Beundra de tre mest kända kanalerna i staden, Keizersgracht, Prinsengracht och Herengracht, längs vilka rika kryddhandlare byggde ståtliga hus under den holländska guldåldern. Amsterdams kanalkryssning berikas avsevärt av en audioguide på 19 språk, full av fascinerande information om stadens historia.
125 Reviews
Mycket bra och informativ utställning om hur kroppen ser ut och fungerar. Bra skriftlig information på engelska och holländska. Kropparna är mycket snyggt konserverade och monterade i positioner som visar på hur såväl muskler som skelett fungerar. Fungerar bra för större barn och vuxna. Fanns ingen anledning att köpa biljetter för att komma före i kön. Var ingen kö alls när vi var där. Verkligen nyttigt och lärorikt!
Verkligen väl gjort samt intressant. Du får lätt två timmar att gå på detta ställe. Arjen vid kassan var en super typ som hjälpte med allt!
Intressant utställning. Bra och serviceminded personal. Besök under förmiddagen på vardagar, då är det ingen kö.
Erg interessant! Was super interessant om alles te zien. Leuke en duidelijke route en was er best lang omdat ik alles wilde lezen. Arjen heeft ons een duidelijke uitleg gegeven en het museumtripje nog persoonlijker voor ons gemaakt! Aanrader bij een dagje Amsterdam.
Wow, one of the best museums we’ve ever been to! This was not only a super fascinating and well planned exhibition, it also had the most friendly staff we’ve ever met. They made the start of our visit a super positive one. The body works themselves are amazing and both of us genuinely read every single piece of information (and we don’t like reading ;) ). They use the bodies to educate on mental and physical health concepts that should honestly be taught in every school to everyone. Being able to see the results of lifestyle factors, or other illnesses, promotes reflection within your own life and fosters positive motivation for change :)) would highly recommend to anyone and everyone!
Het was een erg leerzaam museum, waarin heel duidelijk naar voren kwam hoe geluk ontstaat en welke lichaamsdelen hierbij betrokken zijn. Het personeel was vanaf moment 1 heel vriendelijk en gastvrij met name Arjan die ons aan de deur begroette en ons helemaal wegwijs maakte in de wereld van BodyWorlds! Heel erg bedankt Arjan!
Super ervaring door het enthousiasme van Arjan. We hebben erg genoten van het museum. Heel erg leerzaam!!! Fantastisch museum om te leren over geluk en gezondheid.
Very nice personal, Arjen and Karen were really helpfull to me and my friends and took a lot of time to tell us everything, what we have to do. Really nice, Thank you!
I did the exhibition on my own, as my husband thought it would be too weird. I'd heard lots about it and was really curious. It only took me about an hour to see the whole thing, and I read all the information that was available. It wasn't creepy or gory, just a very informative exhibit about the body and why you should take care of it. There were less "plastinates" or bodies than I thought there would be, however they were really well integrated into the exhibit and helped it make sense. I wouldn't go again, however I am glad I went.
My friend and I had spent way more time in here than we thought we were going to for all the right reasons. Extremely educational and love the idea of the entire museum being centered around the idea of happiness. We each walked away having learned something new, even as medical students. Highly recommend, worth the price.
Fantastic interesting and very educational. Well laid out and definitely unique. Makes you think about how you treat your body as well.
I enjoyed the exposition a lot! I took an audio guide so that I could look and listen, which made the visit quite relaxing. The display is so nicely done and is divided by organ functionality. The team working there was very friendly and helpful, especially Arjen. Thank you for making my visit even more special ;)
Was in a group when one of us suggested this. Didn't know what to expect but it took nearly two hours to go round. Very interesting and the film about the effect of dementia was very powerful (as one who has lost two parents to this horrible disease). The rest was a procession through the body but it was so informative I could have spent a lot more time there - very educational.
It was fantastic, we really enjoyed our visit. A special thank you to Arjen for its kindness 🫶 !! I recommend this museum :)
Good attraction, interesting to see, if not a little odd in places. Wouldn’t take younger children but perfect for teenagers. Good way to spend a couple of hours.
We recently visited Amsterdam’s Body Worlds and it was an amazing experience! Our day was made extra special with the great service of Enes. He showed us kindly and helpfully how to take our tour. Thanks to Enes for the service that made our visit going smoothly! We definitely recommend visiting Body Worlds to anyone looking for a unique educational experience in human anatomy.
I am glad to have finally seen it. Good fun and very informative. The "happiness project" was a nice touch. My only disappointments were, some of the electronic displays weren't working, and I couldn't find the gift shop (if there was one). Had been told it was amazing!
Auf den ersten Blick wirkt alles sehr gruselig, da die Präparate von echten Menschen stammen und völlig anders als im Internet aussehen. Dennoch ist es auf jeden Fall eine Erfahrung wert, vor allem für jene, die sich für Medizin und den Körper begeistern. Sobald man die ersten zwei Bereiche fertig hat, werden die Angst und Angespanntheit glücklicherweise immer weniger und man könnte Stunden an den einzelnen Kästen verbringen. Das Museum liegt nur ein paar Meter vom Dam entfernt und ist super zu erreichen, von daher ist es auf jeden Fall ein Besuch wert.
Auf den ersten Blick wirkt alles sehr gruselig, da die Präparate von echten Menschen stammen und völlig anders als im Internet aussehen. Dennoch ist es auf jeden Fall eine Erfahrung wert, vor allem für jene, die sich für Medizin und den Körper begeistern. Sobald man die ersten zwei Bereiche fertig hat, werden die Angst und Angespanntheit glücklicherweise immer weniger und man könnte Stunden an den einzelnen Kästen verbringen. Das Museum liegt nur ein paar Meter vom Dam entfernt und ist super zu erreichen, von daher ist es auf jeden Fall ein Besuch wert.
Amazing, loved all the happiness related info. especially. Great layout. Informative. Easy to navigate. Interesting facts.
I saw this many years ago in London, but still interesting when taking my teen to see it. I don’t remember the people being in poses before so think it is updated. There were couple of bits not working, like the blood pressure monitors (said flat battery although it looked like it was in power), something else on one of the floors, however the main interactive body scan bit was working. Printer ink was running out but it was just readable. All in all a good few hours interesting activity.
We really enjoyed this museum, there was so much to see and it was fascinating seeing the different body parts and what different illnesses and broken bones looked like. We went later on in the day and had the museum pretty much to ourselves, which also helped improve our experience. Would really recommend this museum, especially if you're interested in anatomy.
Very interesting exhibit and took longer than we expected (not a bad thing!). You do have to pay 1 euro to put your bag in a locker as you are not allowed them in the exhibit but they are spacious enough for 2 small rucksacks. You start the experience at the top floor and work your way down, we would recommend reading all the information as it really explains what you are seeing, we found the part on dementia particularly interesting!
Incredible, this is a unique insight into the human body that most of us would never have the privilege to see. We had been lucky to catch the exhibition on tour a few years ago, but this was even better. Thank you to all those who have selflessly donated their bodies to this incredible experience.
Really interesting and unique experience. Particularly enjoyed the different specimens relating to different pathologies. Definitely worth a visit as you won’t see anything like this anywhere else. Myself and my friend went late at night and there was no queue and minimal people inside, which made it relaxing to walk around and view the exhibits at our leisure.
That was amazing and interesting place. Worth seeing! We enjoyed looking and learning something new, especially our son who wish to be a doctor.
we received an excellent servive and information from Enes and Arjen, you have visit it, its worth it!!! They both deserve a beer after their shifts.
It was interesting to see the specimens , but there weren’t a lot of correlations with happiness. I expected more, taking into account the introduction of the museum.
Interessant museum waar veel je leert over het menselijk lichaam. We werden geholpen door Arjan vriendelijke en attente man. Gaf goede informatie
Een mooi museum met een prachtig concept,je komt alles te weten over je lichaam op een originele en leerrijke manier Heel fascinerend
Really interesting museum with a fantastic layout. Had a good laugh at some things and learnt a lot about the body. The scan at the end was also super cool to see your own body percentage etc. This place has lockers for bags also for €2 which is super helpful if you've been out and about all day.
Elk jaar maak ik als docent Medische Basiskennis met studenten van Shenzhou Open University in Amsterdam en HVNA Opleidingen in Arnhem een excursie naar Body Worlds. Zo ook op 11 april dit jaar. De reservering was gemakkelijk gemaakt. Bij aankomst vriendelijk en behulpzaam te woord gestaan door medewerker Arjen. De plastinaten zijn niet alleen kunstzinnig, maar voor mijn studenten prima instructie-/onderwijsmateriaal. Belichting van 'Happiness' (ondertitel van de expositie) was voor deze doelgroep niet van belang. Ik komen volgend jaar graag weer terug met een nieuwe groep studenten.
Very pleased with how helpful Arjen and carn at body works was. They helped guide us with our tickets and everything to expect once we got inside thank you so much.
Sensational 10 out of 10 very informative exhibition and as for the man himself Arjen a true gentleman and thanks for the selfie A tick of the bucket list of things to do and see in Amsterdam 👍👍👍💯💯💯
An absolute must, especially if interested in anatomy, biology, science or are medical. The exhibition is well displayed with a vast amount of information but also lots of visual things and videos to watch, also some more interactive things rather than just reading everything. We spent 3 hours reading everything. A good meaning behind the exhibition. Would highly recommend if you have a genuine interest. Suprised at the amount of people that attended just to walk up to the displays, take a photo, then walk off. Why attend if not interested in understanding what you're looking at? Nothing to suggest photos not allowed but I feel they shouldn't be as it seems disrespectful.
Wow, amazing. Interesting facts, and bodies on display. We stayed 2hrs going through the 6 levels of facts. Maybe baby section should have a warning
Super interessante tour gehad. Samen met mijn meiden ( 13 en 9 jaar). Een shoutout naar de "roze zeur aan de deur Arjen". Mijn meiden vonden je hilarisch :)
Great and friendly welcome by Arjen! Interesting experience. Nice teambuilding activity. Will come back soon, looking forward to it.
L'exposition bodyworlds se trouve au coeur d'Amsterdam, à mi-chemin entre la gare centrale et la place Dam. L'entrée coûte 22.5 € par personne. Le musée se décompose en plusieurs zones thématiques réparties sur 7 étages. L'exposition des corps est fascinante, la technique de plastination mise au point par un scientifique allemand permet de rendre les structures humaines visibles et bien conservées. Des parties anatomiques saines versus malades permettent de bien nous rendre compte des effets néfastes des substances toxiques sur le corps humain (tabac, alcool, graisse, etc.). Au-delà du côté "voyeuriste" que ce genre d'endroit peut apporter, il faut pouvoir voir plus loin et comprendre l'intérêt pédagogique de ce travail concernant la santé, comment en prendre soin et tenter de préserver au maximum son corps. La thématique du bien-être et bonheur en lien avec l'exposition est assez didactique. Tous les aspects du corps humain, a côté du fonctionnement "normal" de cette usine sont abordés tels que la sexualité, la vie maritale, les facultés cognitives, le sport, la réflexion, etc. L'entrée est assez chère et c'est dommage. De plus, certaines vitrines et dioramas mériteraient un petit rafraîchissement car on pourrait presque trouver un aspect un peu vieillot. Des appareils à tension ne fonctionnant pas tous devraient être remplacés. A la fin, il y a une partie où vous pouvez faire une analyse complète de votre corps (poids, masse de graisse, muscle, etc.) et c'est très instructif. Une attraction non incontournable mais qui mérite le coup d'oeil si l'anatomie humaine vous intéresse. Prévoir 1h30 à 2h de visite.
Heel Indrukwekkend en leerzaam. Hier zie je hoe vernuftig een mens in elkaar zit. En hoe weinig je eigenlijk over je lijf weet. Een echte aanrader. Mijn complimenten ook aan Enes die ons fantastisch geholpen heeft onze vouchers om te zetten naar tickets.
Sehr schöne und sehenswerte Ausstellung. Das Schwerpunktthema "Glück" ist toll umgesetzt. Der Mitarbeiter ARJEN an der Kasse war ganz besonders freundlich und hilfsbereit. Dank Arjen.
We went as wr have a discount via the I amsterdam cards. We liked the way you started at the top and worked you're way down the building, the exhibitions them self were very intriguing and informative.
Had an amazing experience!!!! It said the average experience is 1 hr or an 1hr and a half, we spent 3 hrs in there as there was just so much to read and see!!! If you're into science and how the body works this is defiantly something you should see. I probably wouldn't take kids with me as they'd get bored but it all depends on what you've got planned for the day. ARJEN answered all queries and discoveries we had adding to the experience further.
Visited Body Worlds as part of our Amsterdam trip. We had one of these in London but it suddenly closed down so never got to visit it. The price of our visit was £19.21 each. The experience it self is amazing and definitely an eye opener. You can see the multiple working ways of the human body from the veins, the nervous system to the brain. The way the bodies have been positioned is amazing and very interesting to see. A word of warning, there is a part within here with shows bodies of babies and the functions of pregnancy etc. There are also examples of a foetus from 9 weeks through the end of pregnancy. I know some people may find this distressing; as i witnessed whilst i was there however it is also very interesting to see but i guess it’s worth knowing as that is not really advertised. When i visited once i don’t think i would visit again unless a new exhibition opens.
This was, by far ! The most amazing experience. So increadable, enlighting and I loved the theme of the museum, happiness and simpler life. We live to fast and have to much!
Waanzinnig! Super interessant, zo bijzonder en leerzaam om te zien en te lezen. Zeker de moeite waard. Jammer dat personeel weinig interesse toont, bij binnenkomst wordt niets gezegd en als je iets vraagt blijkt dat er niet eens Nederlands wordt gesproken. Bij het weggaan zitten er 2 met de telefoon te spelen en te lachen.
What an incredible experience. So much information about the human body with a variety of exhibits. Would definitely recommend if you’re in Amsterdam. Arjen was very helpful and welcoming. Greetings from Wales.
Both my partner and I loved our visit. It was so interesting to see so much of the inner workings of the human body, and the size and shape of numerous organs, blood vessels etc. It was sometimes annoyingly rowdy in some rooms with people talking loudly so we hovered at displays waiting for quieter times as there’s a lot to read and absorb. Grateful thanks to people/families who donated bodies to provide a learning experience for us. We spent 2 hours in the museum as we had somewhere else to be, but would’ve stayed longer had we been able to.
Such a fun-tastic tour of the museum! I expected much less, and I was amazed to see how much I didn't know, how much I've learned a out the human body, thing I should have known a long time ago. Thank you, Arjen, for recommending us to go inside. Thank you!
We were here in September and just turned up and got tickets on the door, no queue and not busy inside. A great exhibition that is well presented and very informative, take as long as you want with each floor explaining a different aspect of the body. Take time to read the inspirational quotes and don't forget to do the body analysis at the end and get your free print out.
Elvira T
El tour está muy bien, en cambio si ya has hecho un freetour por la ciudad recomiendo el crucero primero, te da una vista más general, mi amiga y yo al haber hecho antes el freetour volvimos a ver sitios en los que ya habíamos estado.
Croisière avec le groupe lovers Sympathique croisière traduit en plusieurs langue 1h pour vous faire un tour des canaux avec visite guidée et indication sur les différents quartiers/monuments / place/ marché /histoire / musée de la ville etc Très bien pour découvrir une 1er fois en famille en amies en couple cette croisière et très bien adapter
The canal cruise was perfect, the captin come guide gave us headphones to listen in our own language. The riverboat was clean and tidy, easy to walk on and off, it was a nice day and we got some beautiful pictures!! A great end to a fantastic tourist holiday!!
We did the early evening cruise to see the lights of the city. Easy to get tickets by turning up and allocated the next cruise. There is an audio link that you can use, but we decided to just sit outside and watch the views. An hour cruise which was interesting and pretty.
Lynsey T
We had an hour cruise around the canals in Amsterdam and learnt a lot whilst doing it. We really enjoyed every second. My five year old didn’t want to get off. The captain was also very knowledgeable.
Petite balade bien sympathique, est l’audio était très bien fait rien à redire. Le petit bar pour attendre est très sympa aussi avant d’accéder au bateau.
This is a must do on your list of things to do while visiting Amsterdam. It takes you through areas that you may not be able to walk to. The captain points out things of interest and tells the story behind it.
Wir hatten einen super symphatischen Bootsführer der viele Nebeninfos gab. War schön und informativ. 1 Stunde hat gut gereicht und empfehlenswert. Gute Karte erhalten für den Treffpunkt und pünktlich, sowie sauber.
Muy puntuales, un paseo tranquilo, recomiendo que cuando lo cojan miren bien la metereología, pues así podrán disfrutar mejor de las vistas.
Giro dei canali in barca assolutamente da consigliare. Audioguida in italiano e Simon simpaticissimo conducente che comunque dava ulteriori informazioni in inglese. La durata è di un'ora ma ci è dispiaciuto scendere!!
Die Stunde waren zwar nur ca. 50 Minuten, aber die Tour war wunderschön. Unbedingt abends machen, die Atmosphäre ist unbeschreiblich!
Yannick Raach
Sehr nette Bootstour über die Kanäle von Amsterdam! Man bekommt viele interessante Informationen über die Stadt und deren Geschichte erzählt.
Christian D
La promenade sur les canaux dure une heure. Les audio guides permettent de suivre les commentaires dans différentes langues. Le long de cette promenade fluviale, nous découvrons l'histoire de la ville et des monuments "célèbres". Par contre, le confort est rudimentaire.
Teresa F
Las vistas son preciosas, aunque desde posición incómoda porque el barco estaba muy lleno. El capitán muy simpático e hizo agradable el viaje.
Crociera molto carina con guida in tutte le lingue. Partenza vicino ala stazione centrale. Durata circa un ora. Visita dei canali principali di Amsterdam. Da provare
Becky F
We had a really lovely time on the one-hour canal cruise. Our captain was very lovely and cracked a good few jokes throughout the tour. The GPS guided tour via the headphones was a fab idea and there were so many language options available which was a really pleasant surprise. We learned so much about the history of the city and the tour even helped us to find places to visit again in further detail after the tour. The price was extremely reasonable considering the excellent experience we got, and our boat even left a little early which was nice. All in all, we would definitely recommend it!
Brad D
We really enjoyed it. We show I I amsterdam cards at the ticket office ans were on a boat and on our way within 10 minutes. Our captain (Tony I believe was his name) was lovely ,cheerful and very knowledge of the area, he also had 2 traniees with him and they were also lovely. The facilties were clean. If I hadn't have had the I amsterdam card I would have still paid what the price was (which I think is reasonable).
peter G
1st time in Amsterdam and loved it Booked on the Lovers Canal cruise early in the morning to get a feel for the city and to get our bearings The tour showed the highlights of the city and the comentry was good
Vladimir J
sitting backward is really annoying... Except that I think it is very nice and the captain was a nice guy, he was really funny, making jokes.
Booked through Get Your Guide literally 20 mins before boarding. They let us join a boat that was boarding as soon as we got there, which was great, no standing around as they weren’t so busy. We took a daytime trip and glad we did. Maybe evening cruises would be better in warmer months with open boats. The boat was modern, clean and warm and no condensation at all during any part of our cruise. The headphones were included and the audio commentary was interesting. The captain also added bits and pieces of extra info which was appreciated. It was a great introduction to the canals of Amsterdam as we decided to do this trip literally an hour after arriving in Amsterdam. It helped us with our bearings and with general historical info about the city. The reason for 4 rather than 5 stars is that we seemed to stay on one canal, no museums seen, no Anne Frank house, nothing like that, which was a shame as lots of tourists probably visit these places afterwards. Maybe the canal boat starting from the museums area take that route? We took the one from the station. There are lots of canal boat companies, but we were more than happy with Lovers as their boats appear a lot more modern than many others we saw. I would definitely recommend the cruise and my teenage daughter said it was one of the nicest things we did when in Amsterdam.
A amazing tour with some great canal boat skills performed and a great host. This tour is very much for couples and being alone I felt a little out of place.
Done the open boat tour during the summer. A great way to see the city and the audio guide gave plenty of information along the way. Extremely relaxing to the point I almost fell asleep half way around. Would definitely do the tour again if I’m back in Amsterdam
colleen S
Guide was very friendly and knowledgeable. Although it rained, I still enjoyed the tour. The only complaint was the audio was difficult to hear at times.
far away from every day
Nice relaxing hour around the canals. Duco (sorry if I have not got the name correct) was informative with history and fun facts. Would recommend.
It was educational, slowed down at the right places. The pilot was polite and explained well- was fun and energetic.