Kindertickets voor 4-11 jarigen
Maandag - zondag: 11.00 - 19.00
Check-in rond het gekozen tijdslot, de ervaring start elke 10 minuten; er kan een korte wachttijd zijn
Show beschikbaar in het Engels, Nederlands, Duits, Frans, Spaans, Russisch en Chinees
Ticket direct beschikbaar op smartphones
Als je niet kunt komen op de gekozen datum of tijd, is het mogelijk om tot 3 maanden na aankoop op een andere datum/tijd in te lopen (er kunnen wachttijden gelden)
Tickets kunnen niet geannuleerd worden
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Rembrandt is een van de beroemdste kunstenaars ter wereld. Wist je dat hij het grootste deel van zijn leven in het Amsterdam van de 17e eeuw woonde? Stap 350 jaar terug in de tijd naar Rembrandts laatste en verloren atelier. Rembrandt, zijn vrouw Hendrickje, zijn zoon Titus en dochter Cornelia nemen je mee op een reis door het leven van de schilder terwijl je volledig wordt ondergedompeld in het 17e eeuwse Amsterdam door het gebruik van muziek, videoprojecties, geur en 5D effecten.
In Amsterdam kun je veel kunstwerken van Rembrandt van Rijn zien, bijvoorbeeld de Nachtwacht in het Rijksmuseum en veel van zijn schetsen en tekeningen in museum het Rembrandthuis. In Rembrandt's Amsterdam Experience beleef je zijn gereconstrueerde atelier in slechts 25 minuten de hoogtepunten uit het leven van de kunstenaar. Hier leer je waarom hij in een andere stijl ging schilderen, wat resulteerde in zijn iconische 'laatste werken'.
Ben je klaar om terug te gaan in de tijd naar Rembrandts Amsterdam en een reis te maken door het leven van de beroemdste kunstenaar van de stad? Koop vandaag nog je tickets voor Rembrandts Amsterdam en bereid je voor op een onvergetelijke show over het leven van Rembrandt in de Nederlandse hoofdstad.
16 Reviews
Mijn zoontje van 10 jaar vond het super leuk!! Ik zelf zat net lekker in het verhaal en toen was het afgelopen. Vond het wel snel voorbij maar dat geeft ook aan hoe leuk het was
Een hele leuke kijk op het leven van Rembrandt! Zo leuk opgezet en vermakelijk! Zeker een aanrader om te zien in Amsterdam
We very much enjoyed our time at the Rembrandt’s Amsterdam experience. It is not a museum, it is more like an experience that you can immerse yourself in and enjoy the dramatic performance of Rembrandt and his story. At the end there was an option to create some fun AI Rembrandt style artwork, which we look back on with fondness. It was a great 1 hour fun which we were able to slot in whilst we were waiting for a restaurant booking. Thank you for the great experience.
We very much enjoyed our time at the Rembrandt’s Amsterdam experience. It is not a museum, it is more like an experience that you can immerse yourself in and enjoy the dramatic performance of Rembrandt and his story. At the end there was an option to create some fun AI Rembrandt style artwork, which we look back on with fondness. It was a great 1 hour fun which we were able to slot in whilst we were waiting for a restaurant booking. Thank you for the great experience.
We very much enjoyed our time at the Rembrandt’s Amsterdam experience. It is not a museum, it is more like an experience that you can immerse yourself in and enjoy the dramatic performance of Rembrandt and his story. At the end there was an option to create some fun AI Rembrandt style artwork, which we look back on with fondness. It was a great 1 hour fun which we were able to slot in whilst we were waiting for a restaurant booking. Thank you for the great experience.
It was my very first trip to Amsterdam, from 26.12 - 28.12 and hopefully not my last one. So many places to visit and interesting things to see. My schedule was already full and I couldn't make it to Rembrandt's house. But Rembrandt's Experience was a great alternative and I'm glad that I choose this place. In a short amount of time (20-30 minutes), you'll learn the most important things about Rembrandt's life and family. The 5D experience will leave you speechless, especially if you haven't already experienced something similar before like me. Very educational, with great effects and setup that it will bring you with a short Time travel back to the Dutch Golden Age.
Bellissima esperienza immersiva. Ci ha regalato cultura ed emozione. Da rivivere altre mille volte, assolutamente consigliato!
Simpatica e divertente esperienza per capire di più su Rembrandt anche per ragazzi e non addetti ai lavori Consigliata a famiglie e ragazzi adolescenti
Das war eine tolle Erfahrung. Ein Muss wenn man in Amsterdam ist. Man taucht in Rembrandt's Leben. Es lohnt sich. Nette Personal.
Fue una muy linda experiencia, no solo es didáctico e interactivo, se nota el esfuerzo que le pudieron a este proyecto para que sea disfrutable. Muy informativo y si te todo, divertido. Recomendado a aquellos que quieren aprender más de Rembrandt y la historia de Ámsterdam
The show was really great experience to get to know the culture and history of the city. Would recommend visiting this place.
We purchased the Combo Reservation for the Rembrandt’s Amsterdam Experience and the Rembrandthuis Museum. Earlier in the morning, we had an interesting and informative tour at the museum. We weren't sure what to expect from the Rembrandt Experience. It is a well-done visual synopsis os Rembrandt’s life. It takes place in two rooms which envelope and draw you into his life. I will add that while we enjoyed it - it is very short, and I am not sure that it is worth the cost if you had not purchased the combo ticket.
This was a fun, little experience! It’s about 25mins and I felt that the price was appropriate. I did the VIP ticket which allowed me to choose a time 15 mins before the actual opening time. It included a little sweet snack and drink (water, soda, or juice. The experience includes two rooms that are immersive, but note it is not interactive. It was a great way to learn a little more about Rembrandt’s life within the context of the historical city of Amsterdam. It was very creative and well orchestrated. I recommend attending this towards the beginning of your stay as it will give you a basic level context and the history of 1600s Amsterdam. When you walk out and explore the canals and tight streets, you can start to imagine how it was during those times. And it did not take long, so you can really squeeze it into a larger itinerary, which is how I planned it.
We enjoyed this much more than we expected. The audio tour was very thorough and interesting, easy to use and you could pause it whenever you wanted or revisit areas. We saw Rembrandt’s paintings in the Rijkmuseum as well, but this audio tour gave me a much better idea of the techniques he used and even how he mixed his paints. It was also interesting to focus on his etchings, which I would probably not have bothered to look at otherwise. A good introduction to his life as well. Highly recommended.
Very well planned. Audio device worked well and you could pause and resume easily throughout the tour to suit yourself. The house has been designed to replicate the original with well maintained artefacts to make it life like. The etching demonstration was well worth taking part in. Well priced at €17.
Eine gut gemachte 5D- Vorführung über das Leben des Malers . Ist unterhaltsam und in mehreren Sprachen verfügbar. Und ein sehr netter Mitarbeiter ist auch positiv aufgefallen.