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- City Sightseeing bus + LEGOLAND Berlin
Scopra le migliori attrazioni di Berlino e realizzi le costruzioni dei suoi sogni con l'aiuto di oltre 5 milioni di mattoncini LEGO.
Vedere tutto
- Salti su tutti i principali punti di interesse turistico di Berlino
- Ammira le iconiche attrazioni di Berlino costruite con i mattoncini LEGO
- Fai un tour della fabbrica LEGO e crea il tuo mattoncino LEGO
Ingresso al LEGOLAND Discovery Centre
Accesso 24 ore su 24 agli autobus City Sightseeing Berlin
Audioguida sull'autobus disponibile in almeno 13 lingue
Auricolari gratuiti che potrà conservare e riutilizzare quando salirà nuovamente sull'autobus
WiFi gratuito sugli autobus
Mappa della città gratuita sugli autobus con sconti per diverse attrazioni di Berlino
Biglietto per bambini da 2 a 15 anni
Gratuito per i bambini 0-1 se accompagnati da un adulto pagante (massimo 2 bambini per adulto)
L'audioguida GPS sull'autobus è disponibile in 13 lingue diverse: Inglese, tedesco, francese, spagnolo, italiano, portoghese, turco, arabo, ebraico, russo, polacco, cinese e giapponese.
Orari di attività bus
Controlla il sito web del Berlin City Tour per conoscere gli orari di attività
Orari di apertura LEGOLAND
Lunedì - domenica: 10.00 - 19.00
Clicchi qui per la mappa o trovi le posizioni delle fermate nell'applicazione City Sightseeing Berlin.
Accessibilità agli autobus
Gli autobus della Berlin City Sightseeing hanno un accesso facilitato per le persone disabili e/o a mobilità ridotta. Tutti gli autobus dispongono di una rampa e di uno spazio per una sedia a rotelle. Gli autobus della Berlin City Sightseeing sono anche certificati senza barriere architettoniche con il certificato "Travel for All".
Qui puoi leggere ulteriori informazioni sull'accessibilità con foto e informazioni dettagliate.
Informazioni sul biglietto
Il biglietto è disponibile direttamente sullo smartphone
I biglietti possono essere riprogrammati o cancellati fino a 24 ore prima.
Ulteriori informazioni
Per domande relative a questo prodotto, contatta [email protected]
- Adatto alle sedie a rotelle
LEGOLAND Discovery Centre
Trasporto Pubblico
Le fermate più vicine sono Potsdamer Platz Bahnhof (metro RB10, RE3, RE4 e RE5) e Varian-Fry-Str (autobus M85). Oppure scenda alla fermata dell'autobus 4 Potsdamer Platz.
Apri in Google maps
Una città, un tour
Con l'Hop-on Hop-off Tour potrai scoprire questa città unica al tuo ritmo senza preoccuparti dei trasporti. Puoi scegliere dove salire e dove scendere presso una delle nostre 18 fermate in città o fare l'intero tour di 2,5 ore in autobus prima di decidere cosa vedere da vicino.
Questo tour classico ti porterà da Berlino Ovest a Berlino Est e viceversa. Vedrai tutti i quartieri storici della capitale tedesca e, quando vedrai qualcosa che ti interessa, potrai scendere ed esplorare il luogo. Vedrai tutto: dalla Porta di Brandeburgo a Potsdamer Platz, dallo zoo di Berlino al Reichstag.
Abbraccia il tuo bambino interiore
LEGO è ormai parte della quotidianità della maggior parte delle famiglie. Fin dalla sua fondazione, negli anni '30, generazioni di bambini sono cresciute con questi mattoni colorati. Al Legoland Discovery Centre gli adulti possono abbracciare il loro bambino interiore ed esplorare il mondo di LEGO insieme ai loro bambini. Con 10 attrazioni e giostre, oltre a milioni di mattoncini LEGO, è facile trascorrere qui un'intera giornata.
Sia per i giovani di spirito sia per i giovani di età, il Legoland Discovery Centre è un'esperienza indimenticabile. Tuttavia, devi portare almeno un bambino con te per visitare questa attrazione di Berlino.
37 Reviews
Punteggio Medio su
Hop On Berlin
A great way to see all the sights of Berlin, the tour is nearly 3 hours long in one lap. There is an audio guide in several languages. You do get really close to all of the attractions. The bus driver was friendly and welcoming.
Nov 21, 2023Steve H
Had a great time, highly recommend!
Great service, friendly staff and great views! Would recommend the Hop on Hop off bus as a great way to see Berlin. Be prepared though, the entire route is @2.5 hours long!
Nov 20, 2023Balham1066
Okay … I have just read the recent reviews and it would seem some individual(s) rated the Sight Seeing of Berlin (Hop On, Hop Off) as not particularly great. However, I have found my tour brilliant. Whilst the tour bus, was not particularly crowded. Claudes, the bus/tour guide, was exceptionally brilliant, so knowledgeable, with a great sense of humour. Appreciated his storytelling of why the Berlin Wall was built,; explained the Berlin Wall Museum and the drawings etc … we stopped twice for a 15 minute break. Claudes, spoke about the history of Berlin and it’s check points. It’s a shame, you can’t ask for Claudes, for your tour guide … he was & is brilliant 😊
Nov 7, 2023Philip-K-Dick01
Excellent tour guide
We purchased a ticket that gave us a 48 hour pass with guided walking tour and free curry wurst. The directions to activate your ticket were not great, nor was information on redeeming your curry wurst. However the actual tour bus was great. The first driver we had was entirely unhelpful but the other ones were excellent. Also the sellers and agents around the mail stops were super helpful. The English guy we had for the walking tour was hilarious and very knowledgeable. He really did an excellent job.
Oct 21, 2023Marco D
Mitarbeiter Bewertung
Der Busfahrer Jörg, ist eine richtig coole Socke und geht auf seine Gäste ein, zehn von zehn Punkten!😊
Oct 14, 2023parissmiles
a good way to see Berlin
I would have been unable to experience visiting all of these sights without using this bus service......and just like in London, another bus will soon arrive, after you visit a given stop.
Oct 13, 2023Anette H
Fahrt mit Klaus - absolute Empfehlung!
Ich selbst habe einige Jahre in Berlin gewohnt und habe noch Verwandtschaft dort. Wenn ich nun zu Besuch in Berlin bin und Rundfahrten buche, wähle ich City Sightseeing Berlin quasi aus Gewohnheit. Dieses Mal jedoch bin ich so dermaßen überzeugt, dass ich sogar eine Bewertung schreibe. Das liegt an Klaus. Klaus ist der Busfahrer, der uns an unserem zweiten Tag durch Berlin begleitete. Wir hatten das 48-Stunden Ticket gebucht, da wir damit rechneten, dass am 03.10. bestimmt einige Demos und Kundgebungen unsere Rundfahrt "stören" würden (was dann ja auch so war). Wir stiegen zu Klaus in den Bus und bekamen eine very special Rundfahrt. Das Wetter war kühl und windig, so dass das Dach eh geschlossen war. Also blieben wir im unteren Bereich. Klaus ist das komplette Gegenteil vom kaltschnäuzigen Berliner. Er begrüßte jeden neuen Fahrgast sehr persönlich (obwohl er die Menschen ja noch gar nicht kannte!) und souverän in diversen Sprachen. Jeder fühlte sich willkommen. Falls jemand filmbegeistert ist: wartet auf Klaus. Er weiß genau, welche Filme wo in Berlin gedreht wurden (aktuell: Tribute von Panem). Wir haben auf dieser Tour so viel mitbekommen, was nicht in den Kopfhörer-Ansagen erwähnt wurde! Meine (19jährige) Tochter hat angekündigt, dass sie auf ihrer nächsten Berlin-Reise nur noch mit Klaus fahren möchte. Wir haben tatsächlich einige Stopps, an denen wir eigentlich aussteigen wollten, ausgelassen, um weiter mit Klaus zu fahren (und haben sie dann später erlaufen). Achtet darauf, in welchen Bus Ihr einsteigt: die Hör-Texte des Kooperationspartners sind zwar natürlich ebenfalls informativ, aber sehr nüchtern und unpersönlich. Vielleicht kann man das mal anpassen? Wir stiegen um 17h in einen Bus am KaDeWe ein, dessen Fahrer uns dann mitteilte, dass er nur noch bis zum Potsdamer Platz führe (zwei Stationen). Bisschen irreführend, wenn es heißt, dass der nächste Bus um 17h kommt - wir waren davon ausgegangen, dass der Bus dann dann noch einmal die komplette Runde fahren würde. Zumal andere Unternehmer offenbar länger unterwegs waren (wir haben die Busse der Konkurrenz deutlich später noch gesehen). Trotzdem und ganz deutlich: absolute Empfehlung für die Tour mit Klaus. Für den Kooperationspartner spreche ich ganz deutlich keine Empfehlung aus. Es kam kein Hinweis, dass die gebuchte Strecke gesperrt war und ein Hinweis auf möglicherweise auf möglicherwiese veränderte Routen fehlte ebenfalls. Auf einem Teilstück waren auch die Kopfhörerbuchsen offenbar kaputt. Auf unseren Hinweis erhielten wir vom Fahrer (nicht Klaus!) ein eher unfreundliches: "Det passiert". Klaus ist für uns ein absolutes Argument für diese Tour mit diesem Unternehmen. Ich weiß jetzt, warum es in Berlin überall diese überirdischen Rohre gibt (die ich bisher für misslungene Kunstinstallationen gehalten habe) und ich weiß, wo es den Schacht gibt, der der Stasi damals die Spionage des Alex ermöglichte. Und: Klaus, falls du das liest: natürlich waren wir noch in den Hackeschen Höfen! Liebe Grüße von Natalie (die mit dem interessanten Pulli) und der Mutter!
Oct 6, 2023ruddella16
Great tour and relaxing. Easy on and off👍
The bus ride was a great way to see the city and listen to someone tell us about all the highlights of what we were seeing. Super easy to hop on and off. The boat tour was nice but we didn’t understand anything said since it wasn’t in English…but it was still a nice ride.
Sep 29, 2023Maggie
A good overview of Berlin
Read a few poor reviews but have to say ours was a good experience. Talked to a few of the ticket sellers as they lower their prices as you move around. We were happy with the price we paid. We enjoyed the banter on the commentary and have little to complain about. This company pairs up with another so there's more choice of buses at each stop. There is a negative in that there are no *bus stops* so you have to remember where you got off. We bought tickets and boarded where there were ticket sellers. That helped, but they're not at every stop. One other gripe was other tourists chatting loudly so we couldn't hear the commentary. Overall, a great way to see the highlights of Berlin.
Sep 10, 2023Melanie S
Absolut empfehlenswert
Von Herzen ein grosses Dankeschön für diese Möglichkeit. Meine Schwiegermutter (85) war fasziniert von der Stadt und kaum aus dem Staunen nicht mehr heraus, wie gross Berlin doch ist. Für eine 85jährige ein absolutes Highlight, da sie nichts erlaufen musste und die Stadt sitzend geniessen konnte. Die Streckenführung war super. Die Stopps in der Stadt gut gewählöt und zentral. Die Häufigkeit der Busfrequenz war sehr praktisch und mit max 20min hat man stets Zeit, sich kurz die Beine zu vertreten und/oder ein Getränk zu kaufen. Der Bus war super sauber, das Personal professionell und super freundlich. Der Service während der Fahrt informativ und excellent. Unser Platz oben und in der Sonne war perfekt. Eine absolute Empfehlung!
Sep 7, 2023Cameron972
Handy tour bus quite frequent
Tour bus handy - right outside our hotel at East Side Gallery stop! Bought 2 day ticket for extra 4 euros which was worth it. They let you use red hop on and hop off bus as well as the red city sightseeing bus so both were quite frequent. Did full tour took 2 hours but bus does stop as major sights for 15 mins during that time ie Brandenburg gate and also at stop 1. Detailed recorded tour although sometimes it continues even when you are at red lights so unsure what its referring too but still informative. There was a boat ride but we couldnt find where to pick this up from so ended up doing a separate boat tour on Reederei Hadynski which was very good. Bus was clean and soft drinks available but you need cash as card machine didnt work.
Aug 6, 2023b11lrs
A great way to see central Berlin
I traveled to Berlin for a day trip with my son and therefore needed the ability to see as many of the sights in a short space of time and this tour ticked the box. We booked the combined tour and one hour river trip in advance and when we got to the central station it was really easy to find the bus stop, number 19 on the list. As one can imagine the bus was quite full but we managed to get upstairs seats and had great 360 views. A downside, not worth marking down was that the initial Jack for the headphones was as faulty but the next one did. The circular tour takes 2.5 hours if one stays on but the clue is in the name so we hopped off for the river cruise before getting back on at a different stop to get back to the station. The guided information adds humour to interesting facts. Well worth using to understand Berlin
Aug 4, 2023Keith W
Perfect for a 3- day trip to Berlin
A great way to see the sights over two days - the 2 day ticket is good value. One downside - the really cheesy audio track. Very informative, though.
Jul 27, 2023Gabriele A
Preis-Leistung ok.
Wir haben die negativen Bewertungen gelesen und können sie in keinster Weise nachvollziehen. Der Fahrer war nett und freundlich, konnte auch Fragen beantworten. Für die mangelnden Sehenswürdigkeiten in Kiel kann der Fahrer sicht nichts, im Gegenteil. Er hat versucht alles positiv zu erzählen.
Jun 26, 2023ChristianH838
Fun for the kids, but pricey
First of all, the kids (3 and 5) loved the place and ran between the activities like whirlwinds. Other than the exhibit of Berlin and all the building stations, which did not really offer an impressive brick variety, there were some other scheduled activities that were not advertised. You could see how bricks are made and also a 4D movie that was fun even if the kids don’t understand German. However, based on the regular admission price I am glad we got a promotional offer by signing up to their newsletter. So if you can stand the stale underground air and chaotic free-for-all of unattended children wanting the same thing, find a promotional code and you kids will have a ball!
Jun 8, 2023653oscarg
Un dia muy divertido
Fui con mi mujer y mi hija estas Navidades. Compre las entradas premium por internet, la peque no pago (menor de 3) la verdad es que se lo pasó bomba, le encantan los juguetes de lego, pudo subir a la atraccion del tren de lego medieval, s la de Merlin no por restricción de altura, la peli de cine 4d estuvo muy chula, los distintos talleres no se dan en castellano, así que tocó improvisar, si tus hijos son fans de esta marca de juguetes es visita obligada, de lo contrario puede resultar algo caro. A nosotros nos gustó mucho, muy recomendable
Jan 3, 2020sophie_bellemin
Amusement garanti !
Nous avons passé un super moment, autant les grands que les petits. Le complexe est très bien aménagé, tout est parfaitement expliqué. Les attractions sont bien délimités. Nous recommandons fortement cet endroit où vous passerez un retour en enfance pour les grands et de l'émerveillement pour les petits !
Aug 9, 2019Mabild1
Godt til børn under 6-7 år
Vi besøgte stedet, da vi havde gratis adgang ifm, med vores danske sæsonpas. Stedet er hyggeligt, men når man kommer fra Danmark, og er vant til Legoland - tåler det ingen sammenligning. Men der er masser af leg og mulighed for kreativitet. Børnene hyggede sig og der var plads til at man kunne være sammen ;-)
Aug 7, 2019
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