Biglietto per bambini da 0 a 12 anni
Venerdì - mercoledì: 10.00 - 17.00
Giovedì: 10.00 - 22.00
Biglietto disponibile direttamente su smartphone
I biglietti possono essere riprogrammati con un anticipo massimo di 48 ore, ma non possono essere annullati.
Ingresso accanto ai fenicotteri cileni
Per domande relative a questo prodotto, contatta [email protected]
Il Museo Groote è composto da 14 zone interconnesse, ognuna delle quali esplora una parte diversa del corpo umano e il modo in cui ci collega agli animali, alle piante, ai microbi e alla Terra stessa. Rimarrai sorpreso da quanto siamo connessi al resto del mondo naturale.
Il nostro intestino ha lo stesso scopo delle radici degli alberi. E quando strisciamo a terra da neonati ci muoviamo esattamente come un coccodrillo. Gli esseri umani cercano di controllare così tanto il mondo che a volte dimentichiamo di essere solo una piccola parte del tutto e che le cose che facciamo non riguardano solo noi stessi ma anche il resto del mondo vivente.
Al Museo ARTIS-Groote impari con tutti i sensi. Scopri come l'olfatto può aiutarti a rivivere i ricordi e a suscitare emozioni nel tunnel dei profumi. Inoltre, metti alla prova la tua memoria contro quella di uno scimpanzé in un gioco veloce.
Puoi partecipare a brevi attività di gruppo, come giochi o conferenze. Fai un esperimento in una tenda o semplicemente medita. Ci sono diverse attività da svolgere durante la giornata, quindi c'è sempre qualcosa di nuovo ed emozionante in cui cimentarsi.
Sei pronto a mettere in discussione e a cambiare la tua visione del mondo? Quando il Groote Museum fu inaugurato nel 1855 per i membri della società zoologica Natura Artis Magistra, noi esseri umani ci vedevamo separati dal resto del mondo e l'interno del museo corrispondeva a questa visione. Oggi sappiamo che gli esseri umani, gli animali, le piante e i microbi fanno tutti parte dello stesso pianeta e il museo appena riaperto riflette questa visione del mondo.
Acquista subito i biglietti per l'ARTIS-Groote Museum e preparati a vedere il mondo con occhi nuovi, passeggiando nell'edificio museale più antico di Amsterdam. Durante la tua esperienza nel museo ti porrai delle grandi domande, ma una volta uscito continuerai a chiederti "Dove andremo a finire?".
19 Reviews
Leuk museum! Mooi hoe ze de verbinding tussen natuur, dier en mens centraal zetten. Mooie tentoonstellingen. Ook heb ik een samenkomst bijgewoond, gegeven door Adam. Het was heel leuk! Een aanrader!
A very interesting and unique experience. I highly recommend this fascinating and interactive museum to people of all ages. I especially appreciated the staff's explanations and the workshop, which included both a discussion and a hands-on activity, making the visit truly unforgettable.
Pleasantly surprised ! The beautiful old building that apparantly was closed during WOII with all its treasures still in it, has been refurbished in the most thoughtful way. The building hasn't changed much, its huge cabinets and high ceilings with wooden beams are still in tact. But, the exhibition is 21st C, very informative and creative, with lots of science and art expos. You can smell, listen and see nature at it best, and worst perhaps, as it also addresses comtemporary challenges.
Leuk museum. Prachtig gebouw! Ook is het personeel heel erg vriendelijk. Keurige ontvangst, uitleg wanneer je bij de zalen aankomt en een leuke opdracht voor kids. Ook gave geurtunnel.
Een ontzettend leuk museum in een prachtig oud pand. We hebben met een reuk proeverij meegedaan. Dat was leuk en leerzaam. Lekker rustig omdat het nog niet ontdekt is. Genoeg te zien en te ontdekken. Ik kom er graag nog een keer terug omdat ik lang niet alles heb kunnen doen.
In een woord geweldig. Zelfs Bowie -bijna 2 jaar- vindt Artis-Groote Museum interessant. Neem zelf een kijkje: gewoon doen.
Sorte de musée de sciences naturelles, très interactif et pédagogique qui amène à se poser beaucoup de questions ! Le bâtiment en lui-même est déjà très beau et les présentations vraiment intéressantes, une belle découverte qui mériterait de figurer dans les guides de voyage.
Niet gepland maar onverwachts binnen gelopen. Wat een enorm leuk museum waar je zoveel kunt ontdekken en beleven. Waarom is dit niet bekender?? Iedereen zou dit moeten meemaken, zeker gezien de keuzes waar we op et moment met elkaar voor staan!!
I loved the activities that the museum offers for visitors to interact with and learn more about the history that Groote has to tell.
This museum was excellent! A beautiful old building with a very modern and interactive permanent exhibition. The whole family, from 3 years to 74, absolutely loved it and said that we still wished we had more time to explore everything. The interactive exhibits were cutting edge and really fun. We'd recommend this to anyone, not just families and will certainly return if we're in Amsterdam again.
Your museum was the one, out of all the museums I've seen this summer (and we've seen a few in Amsterdam, Bruxelles and London) that allowed me to learn the most and to ask myself a lot of relevant questions. I truly enjoyed my time there and I would come back over and over again and I am sure I would learn and discover new things every time, Thank you!
Fantastic museum that is super interactive and engaging. You can tell how much work and intention went into creating such a special space. There’s so much to learn and listen to so you can have a field day. My only complaints is that it was really hot inside and I wish there were some benches near some of the sound areas. This is a must visit!
Very nice and extremly kind employers.I will recommend this museum to my friends.Next year i come with rest of my family,is really interesting.
We weren’t sure what this museum was, but because we booked the ARTIS zoo and Micropia we booked this one too. It was not busy at all Saturday morning but it was very well staffed. they run up to you to explain every exhibit suspect previous gas were confused what to do. The entire space is set up with a little mini stations. Were you learn about something like your spine? How do you breed or how much drinkable fresh water is on the Earth. There are 2 floors of exhibits and 2 rooms. for accessibility, it is pretty challenging. You have elevator down to the basement to check in and then elevator a couple floors up with a pass code. There is no elevator to the second level of exhibits in the 2 rooms. Do you plan to spend a couple hours here as you get sucked into experiences which is great. I will say if it was busy, I would struggle to enjoy the museum to have to wait for each station but since it was not busy, it was easy to go to the next thing. It’s a really cool concept. Lastly I’ll add they recommend it’s ages eight and over and I agree I wish they were in forces. There were several parents with babies and four year olds just letting them run around grab things abd put their mouths on things, etc.. the people working there did nothing. It was a nice one and done. If I lived in Amsterdam and had a family with children ages 10 to 15 we would probably repeat.
Wonderful interactive museum in a beautiful historic building. It's not big but there is so much to see and do, that you can spend several hours in the museum.
Hou zeker de agenda in de gaten voor leuke lezingen en activiteiten - meer dan de moeite waard! Op naar de volgende!
Super leuk, educatief en interactief museum. Het lijkt niet groot maar met de leuke interactieve opzet kan je je lang genoeg vermaken.
Vandaag met onze kleinzoon van 9 jaar geweest en die heeft zich zo,n anderhalf uur prima vermaakt. Zelf vonden wij het ook zeer interessant
Super leuk en informatief. Leuke interactieve dingen te doen die kids ook leuk vinden. Een aanrader! Zeker in combinatie met een dagje Artis.