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- Casa di Rembrandt
La Casa Museo di Rembrandt è l'unico luogo al mondo che ti permette di vivere la vita di Rembrandt. Dopo una visita ti troverai ispirato dalle sue opere e dalle storie della sua vita.
Vedere tutto
- Scopri la casa in cui viveva Rembrandt
- Scopri uno scorcio unico della vita quotidiana dell'artista
- Guarda le dimostrazioni di incisione e pittura
Biglietto per bambini dai 6 ai 17 anni
Ingresso gratuito per i bambini da 0 a 5 anni se accompagnati da un adulto
Orari di apertura
Da lunedì a domenica: 10.00 - 18.00
Il tour multimediale gratuito è disponibile in inglese, olandese, tedesco, francese, italiano, brasiliano, spagnolo, portoghese, giapponese, cinese (mandarino), ebraico, arabo moderno standard, turco e russo
Informazioni sul biglietto
Biglietto disponibile direttamente su smartphone
I biglietti possono essere riprogrammati con un anticipo massimo di 48 ore, ma non possono essere annullati.
Ulteriori informazioni
Il museo è parzialmente accessibile alle persone in sedia a rotelle e/o con problemi di mobilità, ma purtroppo non ci sono ascensori o altre strutture nella casa di Rembrandt del XVII secolo.
Per domande relative a questo prodotto, contatta [email protected]
- Accesso gratuito al bagno
- Con audiodescrizione
Jodenbreestraat 4
Trasporto Pubblico
Le fermate più vicine sono Nieuwmarkt (metro 51, 53 e 54) e Waterlooplein (tram 14).
Apri in Google maps
Conosci l'uomo dietro l'arte
Rembrandt van Rijn trascorse quasi vent'anni della sua vita vivendo in questa casa. Quando entrerai nella casa, seguirai la storia della sua vita dal momento in cui vi si trasferì fino alla sua partenza forzata a causa dei debiti. Sebbene 2,5 secoli separino la casa da quella di Rembrandt e la sua trasformazione in museo, è stata restaurata in modo splendido per riportarti al XVII secolo.
L'ultima ristrutturazione del museo è stata completata nel 2023 e ha dato al museo il 30% di spazio in più per raccontare la storia del pittore. Con cinque nuovi spazi e un nuovissimo tour multimediale, la Casa di Rembrandt e il XVII secolo prendono vita davanti ai tuoi occhi.
Una casa, uno studio, un museo
Passeggiando per il museo, vedrai il salotto di Rembrandt, dove dormiva anche, la sala d'arte e lo studio dove creò molte delle sue incredibili opere. La vendita forzata dei beni di Rembrandt nel XVII secolo ha fatto sì che venisse stilato un elenco di tutto ciò che c'era in casa, stanza per stanza. È grazie a questo elenco che il museo è riuscito a ricostruire in modo così accurato la casa e l'ambiente in cui viveva.
I nuovi spazi creati durante l'ultima ristrutturazione del museo comprendono una sala epilogo, dove è possibile vedere l'intero elenco, un soppalco per le incisioni e una terza sala espositiva. Ogni giorno nel museo potrai partecipare a dimostrazioni di incisione e pittura. Inoltre, nell'atelier potrai scoprire come Rembrandt realizzava i suoi colori.
Prenota online i biglietti per la Casa Museo di Rembrandt!
La Casa Museo di Rembrandt ad Amsterdam è una delle attrazioni imperdibili della capitale olandese. Prenota oggi stesso i biglietti per questo museo unico e assicurati di non perderlo durante la tua visita ad Amsterdam! Una visita all'antica casa di Rembrandt è il modo perfetto per vedere rare opere d'arte del pittore e fare un viaggio nel 17° secolo, sfuggendo al trambusto del vivace centro città.
La casa del mercante si trova proprio nel cuore di Amsterdam, vicino a Waterlooplein e a Piazza Dam e a uno dei più famosi mercati delle pulci di Amsterdam. Il museo è facilmente raggiungibile con i mezzi pubblici e dista solo 15 minuti a piedi dalla Stazione Centrale. Prenota oggi stesso i tuoi biglietti e scopri questo gioiello dell'arte olandese.
60 Reviews
Punteggio Medio su
Da vedere!
Visita molto interessante della casa in cui ha vissuto Rembrandt. Compreso nel prezzo del biglietto, vi è anche l'audioguida in italiano che permette di capire meglio la vita di questo grande pittore. La casa si sviluppa su più piani (come tante delle case di Amsterdam), le stanze sono state riarredate basandosi sui documenti relativi alla descrizione dei contenuti fatta in occasione del fallimento di Rembrandt.
Aug 29, 2024LuciaPalomba
La casa di Rembrandt!
Bellissima casa-museo dove ha vissuto molti anni Rembrandt! L'audioguida è utilissima per conoscere e capire meglio la sua vita. In certi orari è possibile assistere a dimostrazioni pratiche della preparazione dei colori e la tecnica dell'acquaforte. Si parte dal piano più basso salendo fino all'ultimo. Entrata gratuita con I Amsterdam Pass.
Jun 12, 2024B7289LLalessandrob
La casa di Rembrandt
Cercando un museo da visitare ad Amsterdam, abbiamo deciso di optare per La Rembrandthuis: la casa di Rembrandt. Ci è piaciuta un sacco. Nonostante il prezzo possa sembrare un po' alto (15 euro per gli adulti) considerando che si tratta di una casa e non di un vero e proprio museo, devo dire che l'ho trovato giusto dato quello che si può vedere. Il costo del biglietto include anche l'audioguida che è, ovviamente, disponibile in Italiano e in molte altre lingue. La casa è davvero particolare, sia nella struttura che nella patrimonio artistico conservato al suo interno ed è veramente interessante da visitare. E' indubbiamente una visita che mi sento di consigliare.
Oct 30, 2022ORAZIO71
La vita del passato di un grande Artista
La Casa-museo del grande artista olandese Rembrandt è una visita che merita attenzione in quanto trattasi di una perla per gli occhi e, per questo, merita sicuramente la visita. Situata nel centro della città la casa è articolata, come tutte le case del passato ad Amsterdam, sviluppata in verticale con scale di servizio a chiocciola. La visita è accompagnata da audioguida che rende ancora più piacevole il percorso negli ambienti di vita della Casa Rembrandt.
Sep 14, 2022RaffaellaC31
Piccolo gioiello
La casa del grande pittore è uno dei musei più belli . Si gira liberamente nelle stanze dove ha vissuto Rembrandt . Molto bella , Consigliatissima
Aug 29, 2022123christat
Still, vor dem Genius Rembrandts!
Den Spirit von Rembrandt konnten wir noch spüren. Ein wunderbares Haus, die Bilder sprechen für sich. Besonders das Bild von Königin Viktoria hat mich lange verweilen lassen. Großartig! Christa Termath
Nov 22, 2024jaionep2015
Si eres un amante del arte en general y de la pintura en particular, y si encima eres pintor, aficionado o profesional, no puedes dejar de ir a este lugar. Solo puedo decir que superó mis expectativas con creces y que lo disfruté como pocas cosas de la ciudad
Oct 5, 2024sophieeT4106LL
Nog nooit zo dichtbij de grootste Nederlandse meester van de gouden eeuw geweest
Ik werd meegenomen in de wondere wereld van Rembrandt. Zo dichtbij een meester uit de Gouden Eeuw kan je ergens anders nooit komen. Dit werd gedaan op een interactieve en inclusieve(!) manier. Tijdens de ontdekkingstocht door het museum werd je aan de hand van een duidelijk verstaanbare en begrijpbare audiotour meegenomen. De tour kon je zelf customizen door te kiezen wat je over welk onderwerp of object wilde horen
Oct 1, 2024209talithab
Helemaal top
Schone wc's, spullen kun je in de kluisjes of garderobe kwijt. Fijne audiotour, duidelijke route, mooie tentoonstelling.
Aug 25, 2024Safari18571194187
Briljant museum!
Mycket välordnad digital guidning för en överkomlig entréavgift. Historiskt mycket intressant och man lärde verkligen känna Rembrandt som person och målare. Man fick också inblick i ett borgerligt Amsterdam-hem från 1600-talet.
Jun 17, 2024SRi1972
Vriendelijk personeel
Wederom een museum waar Nederland 🇳🇱 trots op mag zijn. Goede tijdlijn, heb veel geleerd over het wel en wee van Rembrandt en wat een prachtig pand. Een museum die ik iedereen kan aanraden en de gratis mediatour vertelde exact wat ik om mij heen zag. Vriendelijk personeel en op loopafstand van CS maar ook Metro Waterlooplein. Ik kom zeker nog een keer terug. Wat ik overigens ook erg waardeerde een dag lager een e-mail ontving met een link waarbij ik de hele mediatour nog een keer kon afspelen en bekijken. Two tumbs up voor het Rembrandt huis. L❤️ve it 👍🏼👍🏼
Jun 16, 2024marjolijnvaneys
zie hier boven
Rembrandthuis is nog mooier. Het verbouwde Rembrandthuis is erg mooi geworden en zeer de moeite waard om te bezoeken, er zijn geen schilderijen van Rembrandt, maar prachtige gravures en schilderijen van Rembrandts tijdgenoten, een aardig museum voor kinderen. Meestal hoef je niet te reserveren.
Jun 7, 2024lararodrigues30
Highly recommended!
Very well-organized, clean, and engaging. The staff was very polite, also. Do not lose the opportunity to imagine Rembrandt's life in his working and living space. Highly recommended! (Just a suggestion to the Museum: providing the possibility to choose the playback speed on the guided tour would be the golden touch.)
Jun 4, 2024R6508MMilariap
Most of the things and works were not actually in the house and were added later on, so that part isn’t actually authentic. Still very nice, especially his and his pupils’ works. The house itself though is fantastic, you feel teleported in time.
Jun 3, 2024ralfkrueger2211
Amazing place
We visited the Rembrandt House which represents the place where Rembrandt was living and working. We can see it all of the reasons that he was going bankrupt. Before selling all his worldly goods he wrote a complete setup which ended in a thick book. So we know exactly what has been inside in this house and it could be reseted once again.
May 17, 2024mamadukes55
Easy and most enjoyable.
Excellent museum specific to Rembrandt and very user friendly and manageable .we avoided the huge museums for our 3 day stay. Would absolutely recommend this place !
May 15, 2024FMBKK
Intéressante visite
Intéressante visite pour découvrir in situ la vie de Rembrandt, avec un audio-guide bien conçu compris dans le prix d’entrée.
May 12, 2024infoF4384OD
Rembrandt als regisseur haarfijn uitgelegd!
Vermoedelijk dankzij het gebruiken van slots hebben wij in het vaak van toeristen overlopende Rembrandthuis de tentoonstelling "Regie Rembrandt" op ons gemak kunnen bekijken. Gastvrouw Laura heette ons welkom in het museum en had even tijd om ons wat tips mee te geven. De tentoonstelling neemt je mee naar het theater in de eerste Amsterdamse schouwburg uit 1637 op de Keizersgracht (even voorbij Felix Meritis staat nog de entreepoort) en zijn Nederlandse en buitenlandse acteurs en toneelgroepen. Blijkens een aantal tekeningen van acteurs was Rembrandt daar ook te gast. Aan de hand van een aantal technieken die zowel door Rembrandt als in de theaterwereld worden toegepast, leert het museum de toeschouwer naar het werk van Rembrandt kijken. Zo worden onder meer de lichtval, de compositie, de houding, de gezichtsuitdrukkingen en de gebaren van de "acteurs", hun kleding en tal van "rekwisieten" onder de aandacht gebracht. Door deze aspecten enkele keren te herhalen - zoals bijvoorbeeld met behulp van de Honderdguldenprent - blijft dat bij de museumbezoeker hangen. Leuk ook om Rembrandt 's Suzanna en de ouderlingen alsmede Jozef vergeefs verleid door de vrouw van Potifar in dit verband te kunnen bekijken. Al met al een fraaie demonstratie van de parallellen qua regie tussen het theater en de beeldende kunst. Gaat dat zien!
May 7, 2024AnnSeg
Visit this museum!
So very interesting and well made. I really enjoyed the visit. Also very nice staff. Good that clothing and bags was stored away. Very nice gift shop too.
Apr 21, 2024sallya578
Atmospheric and fascinating
Superb and atmospheric view into Rembrandt's life in Amsterdam. Also very much enjoyed a 20 minute demonstration of engraving and printing techniques.
Apr 15, 2024CKNC2011
Don’t miss the Rembrandt House Museum in Amsterdam!
I purchased admission tickets online to see the Rembrandt House Museum in Amsterdam via for my husband, teen, and me. Three tickets cost me approx. US$38.00 (€35). We arrived early in the morning of April 10th 2024, took a nap, and found our way there for our 3 pm timed entry. There’s lockers to hold your backpack & other belongings. The free audio tour is a must do. Full of info about Rembrandt’s work, his Influences, his personal life, and the house where he lived from 1639 to 1658. It was surreal to stand in the studio space in the house where he worked, to see his etchings, and to learn about how he prepared his paints. The museum shop also carries very reasonably priced items to bring home as souvenirs. Don’t miss it. Well worth seeing and learning about Rembrandt. The space is beautiful.
Apr 13, 2024belarrosa
Experiencia llena de sensaciones placenteras.
Museo con mucha magia. Lugar donde vivió el artista hace que transportes a si época y vivencies cada sala , cada lugar de la casa. Me encantó haberlo visitado.
Mar 30, 2024diosp
Una de las primeras vistas a realizar antes de ver otros museos
Es una visita que no tenía planeada y ahora la recomiendo enormemente. Se trata de conocer un poco el contexto en el que se crearon esas obras de arte. El museo está muy bien estructurado. Los espacios muy bien explicados. Con las entrada tienes también una audioguía en tu idioma que te descubre cada estancia, la historia de su vida personal y cómo iba influyendo en la vida del artista y sus obras. Es clave para disfrutar de cada cuadro suyo y disfrutar mejor todo Rembrandt y la historia de la ciudad
Dec 29, 2023jingxingz2022
Not a must visit
I did not find the actual house itself as interesting as how the museum presented the paint-making and painting process. It is not a must visit on your first visit to Amsterdam but if you wish to learn more about the techniques of painting then it is a great place!
Dec 14, 2023Noraatc
Rembrandt’s house
From extremely hectic Rokin I took a nice walk to the Rembrandt House Museum, which was included in my I Amsterdam card. The museum has the largest collection of etchings created by the artist. His drawings are on different subjects: nature, love, family life (the drawing of his “Prodigal Son “ is there)… The rooms are recreated to produce an image of the house he had owned with his first wife Saskia, and then with Hendrickje Stoffels, whom he never married, and his son, Titus. There is a replica of his work room, his bedroom and his kitchen, the place where he was mixing paints and preparing canvases… I also looked at etching process demo, which was quite entertaining. You can also see the complete collection of Rembrandt’s etchings on the second floor. All of this was very interesting and brought me closer to one of my favorite painters, but to see his immortal art you have to go to the Rijksmuseum.
Nov 30, 2023TitaMcC
Great experience!
Great experience! Very informative and seeing how an etching is made was a highlight. We were told it takes about an hour, but we were nearly 2hrs.
Nov 24, 2023MKTBE
Interesting and Informative Self-Tour!
And of course you can't visit Amsterdam without Rembrandt! He was a true Amsterdamer, and although he never left the Netherlands, he felt that he traveled the world through art! The Rembrandthuis Museum is housed in a residence that was his home for about 20 years. He was an affluent & respected artist, but after a time, financial difficulties forced him to find a smaller home. The audio guide allowed you to tour the residence at your own pace. Not only was the property the families personal residence, but it also was his studio, a studio for art apprenticeships, and his art dealership. The house, in true 17th century splendor, is adorned with the prints, sculptures, and paintings of other painters from Rembrandt’s time. A collection of almost all Rembrandt’s etchings, prints, and the graphic techniques he used are also shown. No visit to Amsterdam would be complete without a visit to the Rembrandthuis Museum.
Nov 10, 2023vikramsM8216TC
Go see Rembrandt’s house!
Great look at a house from the time. He was rich and the house reflects it. Tour is very nicely done, rooms interesting, and the etching and paint making exhibits fun.
Oct 22, 2023StefanieR1065
The Rembrandthuis was an amazing experience. The free audiotour was full of interesting facts. It gave insightis into the life of Rembrandt and his family. Everything was carefully arranged and authentic.
Oct 13, 2023C2547BKjanee
Very well presented and interesting museum/house
Allow about an hour. The audio guide is excellent, giving just the right amount of information. The artefacts and the house very interesting. The filmed visuals of etching production/printing & paint making were good. Glad we went. We went at 10am when it opened not sure if it would be as atmospheric once more people inside, but entry is by timed ticket so it would never be crowded, Well worth a visit and is included on the I Amsterdam card.
Oct 10, 2023Jet47064797458
Very educational visit, a must visit. Visiting the actual Rembrandt home and seeing personal belongings, items and listening to the audio was quite the experience.
Oct 8, 2023ZedDubai
Must visit! Plenty of artwork and 2 experiences
You will need around 2 hours to fully experience this museum, as it spreads across multiple floors and has a lot of artwork as well as artifacts collected and displayed. Moreover, we got to enjoy two educational experiences, the first where they explain and demonstrate how the paint pigments were sourced and mixed with oil, and the second related to making copies using etching.
Oct 5, 2023IanCatYYZ
Unique tour into Rembrandt
Interesting tour and a unique way to see into Rembrandt’s life. The tour was just the right length for me and I would recommend it.
Sep 17, 2023marialuisanl
Bucear en la casa de Rembrandt te transporta a su vida en el siglo XVII, siendo a la vez una museo y un monumento como tal. Explica además muy claramente la vida y la manera de trabajar del artista. Indispensable.
Sep 4, 2023bertjongen
Inkijk in het wonen en werken van Rembrandt
Een mooie gelegenheid om te zien waar Rembrandt gewoond en gewerkt heeft. De verschillende onderdelen worden met een audiogids toegelicht. Het trappenhuis is smal, maar er is een lift aanwezig zodat ook mensen met een beperking het museum kunnen bezoeken. Tip: ga er vroeg heen of juist later in de middag want het kan er op andere tijden zeer druk zijn.
Aug 13, 2023scottcaps
Not only learn about the artist, but about life in Amsterdam in mid-1600s
Our party of 6 did not pre-book a tour time, but walked over on a Thursday afternoon in late June to see about reserving a spot and we were delighted to find that there was no wait, so we paid and went right in. We spent a very pleasant hour walking through Rembrandt's house and the associated museum. There is an audio tour that you pick up on the way in, which has several language choices. You follow a path through the floors of the house, using a spiral staircase between the five floors. Most of the house is re-created, with a few original pieces, but it is re-created from meticulous records from when the house was sold. They do not portray Rembrandt as a particularly nice or moral man, but instead present the known facts of his life and pay homage to his talent. This is not an art museum, though there are several wonderful paintings and sketches on display. This instead is a great place to learn not only about the life of a great artist, but also about life in Amsterdam in the mid-1600s.
Aug 12, 2023LondonDiT
Life and art. Leave time to appreciate the etchings in the exhibition.
This is almost two visits joined together - a tour of a 17th century house interior and an exhibition of lesser known works by Rembrandt. Be sure you allow yourself enough time to appreciate the exhibition. We visited at 10.45 on a timed ticket and stayed about 2 hours. The audio guide was included and very good. The house was busy but not unbearable. The artists teaching studio including paint making demonstration was very educational. Those massive canvases completed when each dab of paint had be be mixed immediately and arduously; those drawings produced by bits of charcoal attached to a stick - mind boggling. I found looking at the paintings by his friends and pupils rather intriguing and useful context after seeing the masterpieces at the Rijksmuseum. Getting a deeper understanding of Rembrandt's life and how it interplayed with the works of art in the museum was interesting. Highly recommended.
Aug 11, 2023262pernillaw
It is interesting and nice that this museum is in the house that Rembrandt himself really lived. It has also interior things from Rembrands time. It is located in central Amsterdam and easy to find. Not very cheap but worth the money. I thought that the museum would be filled with Rembrands art, but most of the paintings are made by other artists. So if you want to see a lot of Rembrandts paintings I think The Rijksmuseum is a better choice. It is also situated in Amsterdam.
Jul 18, 2023TinekeW892
Interessant om te zien waar en hoe Rembrandt leefde
Goed te bereiken met openbaar vervoer of lopend. Het is leuk om een audiotour te nemen, dan krijg je veel informatie over de ruimte waar je je bevindt, zoals de keuken, de slaapkamer, de ontvangstkamer en natuurlijk zijn atelier en de werkplekken van zijn leerlingen. Rembrandt verzamelde allerlei spullen. Van zijn bezittingen bestaan documenten en men heeft zoveel mogelijk overeenkomstig de documenten de spullen opnieuw verzameld. Rembrandt was schilder maar ook kunsthandelaar en in de hal en ontvangstkamer hangen, ook nu, nog vele schilderijen, ook van andere kunstenaars. Het huis zelf is mooi en zeer de moeite van een bezoek waard. Het geeft een inkijkje hoe Rembrandt leefde. In het nieuwe gedeelte hangt een prachtig schilderij van Titus, deze hingen was de zoon van Rembrandt. Verder hangen hier pentekeningen etc. Dit is echt een bezoek waard.
Jun 16, 2023rennaise58
belle reconstitution
incontournable, très belle reconstitution de la vie quotidienne au temps de l'artiste. Laisser tous les encombrants à la consigne car les escaliers sont bien raides et étroits
Jun 4, 2023268thibaultc
A faire sans faute
Vraiment top . Toujours plus facile de plonger dans la vie de l artiste quand on voit sa maison . Les tableaux on peut souvent les voir sans se déplacer lors d une rétrospective dans une grande capitale. Audio guide de grande qualité , très instructif . Un incontournable
May 29, 2023I8884TJisabellel
Immersion dans la vie de Rembrandt
Venir tôt car beaucoup de monde et la maison est petite. Explications sur les techniques utilisées à l’époque très bien faites.
Apr 16, 2023charlottedX6317MV
Très bien
Visite de la maison très intéressante on apprend de nombreuses choses pièce après pièce avec l'audioguide. Expo à la fin un peu moins intéressante malheureusement.
Sep 8, 2022N882KHginas
Leuk en mooi
Het was heel interessant en ik heb ook veel schilderijen gezien! Echt een aanrader als je geïnteresseerd bent in kunst en geschiedenis
Aug 8, 2022Magdalena1954
Goed om te weten dat deze grootmeester zo geleerd wordt.
Een museum gevestigd in een gewoon woon en werkhuis dat het leven weergeeft Van de schilder , etser , tekenaar , leraar en vooral grootmeester Rembrandt.
Jul 26, 2022U6679QUalexd
leuk om zo de leefomgeving te zien
super leerzaam en erg leuk om te zien hoe de leefomgeving er uit zag. zou dit iedereen aanbevelen als je in de buurt bent
Jun 11, 2022LenaL699
Väl värt ett besök
Väldigt trevligt museum med en inblick i hur livet kunde gått till i huset. En hel del fin konst, fina miljöer. Väl värt ett besök, inga köer.
Apr 11, 2022rita_grasl
Man erfährt hier interessantes zu Rembrandt, wie zb über seine Kinder die bis auf eines kurz nach der Geburt verstarben oder über seine Lichttechnik die seine Bilder so einzigartig machen
Jan 23, 2022Sockerskalle
Ett mycket vackert museum där man får en god inblick i Rembrandt liv och verk. Spännande att vara i det hus där konstnären verkade.
Oct 20, 2021Vera-Ze
Einblick in das häusliche Leben Rembrands
Der Besuch lohnt sich allein schon wegen der Miniaturdarstellung des Rembrandhauses im Tiefgeschoss. Hier erhält man einen guten Überblick über das Innenleben des Hauses. Auf jeder Etage wurde mit viel Hingabe restauriert und das Alltagsleben zu Rembrands Zeit rekonstruiert. Der Gesamteindruck ist perfekt und die Audioführung ergänzt diesen hervorragend. Allein das Treppenhaus nach Oben ist nichts für Claustrophobiker. Alles in allem sehr empfehlenswerten eine schöne Ergänzung zu Rembrands Werk im Reichsmuseum.
Sep 6, 2021
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