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Gli spettacoli di Van Gogh & Rembrandt ad Amsterdam hanno un orario di inizio molto rigido, ti preghiamo di effettuare il check-in con 10 minuti di anticipo
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Quando Van Gogh viveva ad Amsterdam, visitava spesso la Noorderkerk. In seguito, quando visitò Amsterdam nel 1885, si recò al Rijksmuseum, appena inaugurato, che aspettava con ansia da quando aveva saputo della sua costruzione nel 1873. Oggi entrambi i luoghi sono caratterizzati dalle opere di Van Gogh e puoi seguire le orme dell'artista con questo biglietto combinato per visitare Amsterdam.
Mentre si recava al Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh dipinse la sua Veduta di Amsterdam dalla Stazione Centrale e la portò con sé al museo. Oggi, questo piccolo dipinto è uno dei suoi numerosi quadri esposti al museo. Ci sono diversi dipinti che Van Gogh vide al Rijksmuseum e che sono esposti ancora oggi, tra cui La sposa ebrea di Rembrandt. Quando Van Gogh descrisse il dipinto in una lettera a suo fratello, scrisse: "Rinuncerei volentieri a dieci anni della mia vita per sedermi davanti a questo quadro per due settimane, mangiando solo una crosta di pane raffermo".
Il Rijksmuseum è il museo nazionale dei Paesi Bassi e ospita opere di molti grandi maestri olandesi, tra cui Rembrandt, Vermeer e Van Gogh. La collezione del museo contiene oltre un milione di pezzi, che insieme raccontano 800 anni di arte e storia olandese. Ci sono dipinti, sculture, modellini di navi, armerie, case di bambole e persino mobili.
Van Gogh ha citato Rembrandt più di 100 volte nelle sue lettere al fratello Theo. Le lettere trasmettono chiaramente la sua ammirazione, come potrai sentire visitando Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam. Era ispirato dalle opere di Rembrandt e dal suo approccio alla creazione.
Van Gogh & Rembrandt in Amsterdam ritrae questa ispirazione in modo unico con uno spettacolo son-et-lumière. L'intero interno della Noorderkerk di Amsterdam si trasforma in una tela mobile a 360°, mentre le pareti e le travi della chiesa ritraggono alcune delle opere più profonde dell'artista. Questa esperienza immersiva è la prima del suo genere ad essere mostrata su una scala così ampia all'interno di un monumento nazionale.
560 Reviews
Tappa obbligata di ogni visita ad Amsterdam : oltre ai capolavori di Veermeer, Rembrandt e van Gogh, custododisce autentici tesori dell'arte fiammiga/Olandese.
Museo molto bello pieno di opere interessanti che attraversano varie epoche e stili, unica nota dolente, l’ho trovato un po’ dispersivo
Museo bellissimo, pieno di opere dei principali pittori olandesi. Grazie all audio guida siamo riusciti a conoscere artisti ed opere bellissime. Il Rijksmuseum,è una delle attrazioni imperdibili di Amsterdam . Visitandolo si ripercorre 800 anni di storia olandese. Chiaramente i capolavori di Vermeer, Rembrandt e Van Gogh sono i più visti ed i più emozionanti, ma ci sono una quantità di opere d’arte che non bastano 5 ore per ammirarle. Ve lo consiglio é impossibile restare delusi. Facile da raggiungere tramite tram o con una bella camminata.
Museo ben organizzato e architettonicamente molto bello! Rappresenta 800 anni di storia olandese attraverso opere e oggetti
La visita richiede almeno 4-5 ore di tempo. Bellissimo e interessante non solo la parte relativa a Rembrandt, Verneer e Van Gogh, ma anche la parte medievale e, a piano terra, la parte di gioielli, abiti e porcellane. Unico neo è stata la non sempre chiara logica di percorrenza delle stane museali. Avvertenza: occorre prenotare l'orario di ingresso online.
Museo enorme, ricco di opere. Per vedere le più famose ci vogliono un paio d’ore. Per gli intenditori almeno una giornata!!!
Bello. Bello. BELLO. Tutto del Museo è un "wow" che ti esce spontaneamente dal cuore. L'edificio antico. Le sue integrazioni moderne. L'organizzazione estremamente fluida e senza sforzo da un piano di periodo artistico all'altro. Le collezioni. I capolavori di Rembrandt e Vermeer. La parte di reperti storici che narrano la grande storia commerciale dell'Olanda (la fissata di storia & arte che sono gongola quando le due cose così naturalmente si mescolano quindi immaginatemi FELICE al top mentre giravo per il Rijks). Ma da brava Italiana (e fiorentina) già le opere di tardo medioevo e primo rinascimento Italiano, i magnifici vetri veneziani, le opere dei primi fiamminghi in dialogo con i nostri artisti del 400 mi hanno lasciata incantata. Il Museo semplicemente VA VISTO. E come mi sono accorta capita sempre in Olanda, ogni visita è sorprendente e "facile" per la bravura che hanno in ogni frangente gli olandesi di organizzare tutto benissimo senza fartelo "pesare". Sembrano non esserci, tanto è facile capire come è organizzato il museo, ma se hai bisogno come per magia "arrivano" e ti risolvono i problemi con grande efficacia e sempre con un bel sorriso accogliente e disponibile. TOP.
Museo d'arte da non perdere! L'edificio è molto grande, ci sono due entrate ma è indifferente il lato dal quale si inizia: al quarto piano si può passare da un'ala all'altra senza uscire dalla struttura. I piani sono suddivisi per secoli. È obbligatorio prenotare online selezionando un orario d'entrata, anche se si possiede una card turistica (ad esempio I Amsterdam Card), consiglio di prenotare all'apertura, più tardi diventa affollato. Qui sono esposte moltissime opere, forse meno blasonate di altri musei europei, ma ci sono diverse chicche come Carracci, Van Gogh, Vermeer, Rembrandt e una vasta selezione di fiamminghi. Al momento della mia visita (maggio 2024) era presente una bellissima exhibition di Frans Hals! Non dimenticate di dare uno sguardo dall'alto sulla biblioteca, imponente! Ci sono aree dedicate anche all'arte più contemporanea, arte orientale, modellini navali e tanto altro. Guardaroba gratuito. Entrata gratuita (con prenotazione) con I Amsterdam Card. Durata della visita con comodo: 4 ore.
... inutile descrivere le opere d'arte ospitate nel museo ... le trovate tutte sul web ... quello che posso suggerire è di acquistare i biglietti on-line per risparmiare tempo sulla fila che comunque anche nel periodo di maggio non era notevole ed era gestita molto bene con due ingressi ... per le opere principali troverete dei fogli plastificati che descrivono l'opera anche nei suoi dettagli e che permettono di ammirarne le parti più interessanti ... ovviamente questi fogli sono soltanto in lingua olandese ed inglese ... altro accorgimento è quello di selezionare preventivamente le opere da vedere ... è un museo enorme e bellissimo ma richiederebbe intere giornate per approfondirlo ... selezionare le opere principali ed individuare le sale in cui si trovano richiederà almeno un un paio d'ore si trarra delle opere suggerite dal museo stesso sul proprio sito ...
Interessante, ma l'organizzazione con periodo fino al 1600 al piano 0, 1700-1800 al piano 2, post 1800 al piano 1 non è proprio logica. Il percorso è numerato per stanze, ma, se si inizia da metà, per andare alla stanza 1 bisogna scendere e risalire di un piano. Le luci non sono sempre adeguate all'illuminazione dei quadri. L'ambiente è bello e con molti bagni e armadietti o consegna zaini con molto personale, però un museo si giudica non solo da questo e dalle opere contenute, ma anche dalla facilità di fruizione.
E'un monumento all' arte in forme tradizionali. Museo molto ricco di testimonianze artistiche di secoli addietro con un focus speciale su i fasti del 600 in Olanda. Da non perdere la sezione piano terra/ marina!!! Il museo ospita mostre temporanee di artisti di fama ( nel 23 vermeer, nel 24 hals) : le sole mostre valgono il viaggio. Consiglio due visite data la mole di quanto esposto.. Aggiungo però poca attenzione ai visitatori " terza età", prese per pc a terra quando ci sono, personale non particolarmente empatico. Ristorante, caro, in testa.
Imperdibile questo museo da vedere assolutamente, capolavori ben esposti. Struttura meravigliosa, ben organizzata
Museo enorme e, per certi versi, dispersivo. Di certo, però, uno dei musei più belli sia per la struttura che per le collezioni esposte. Interessante e affascinante. C'è davvero molto da vedere e a volte ci si perde. Da non perdere.
Parliamo del museo che raccoglie la storia dell’Olanda. Non solo arte pura, ma reperti e documenti per capire meglio la storia culturale e coloniale di questa nazione. Bella la struttura, magico il percorso, non basta un giorno per vedere tutta la collezione che spazia da quadri ad arredamento a icone a strumenti musicali. Imperdibili i pezzi di Vermeer & Rembrandt. Tappa immancabile.
la struttura già di per sè è favolosa, l'ingresso a orari rende possibile la visita senza la presenza di troppa folla, ultimo ingresso (almeno in inverno) è alle 15.30 ma sconsiglio detto orario perchè chiude alle 17 e occorrono almeno tre ore per vederlo bene in quanto sono tre piani di cui il secondo è favoloso per la presenza dei quadri più famosi di Rembrandt e Vermer, ma è consigliabile anche il primo piano per la presenza di quadri altrettanti famosi e oggetti e reliquie di una bellezza assoluta Consiglio di procurarsi la mappa del museo dove sono indicate le stanze e la ubicazione delle opere più importanti per facilitare la visita
FARAONICO.E' veramente magnifico sia all' interno che all' esterno ma se si vuole vedere nel giusto modo non basta una giornata.Troppo grande è snervante..
Il prezzo consistente non potrebbe essere più giustificato: il Rijksmuseum sarebbe bellissimo anche qualora si disprezzasse la pittura, anche solo per la variegata esposizione di arredamento olandese del "secolo d'oro", i reperti di un controverso passato coloniale, l'affaccio sulla meravigliosa biblioteca e molto altro. Il museo è davvero un condensato di tutto ciò che l'impero olandese, così difficile da individuare nella sua potenza in una capitale così deliziosamente dimessa come è Amsterdam, ha realizzato nel suo "secolo d'oro" e oltre. Il pezzo forte, però, sono naturalmente i ben tre piani di pittura, dai maestri italiani del Rinascimento a Van Gogh, con un focus particolare (e naturale) sui maestri del '600 olandese. Sarà per il temporaneo restauro della "Ronda di notte", ma io ho apprezzato ancor di più gli incredibili Vermeer, piccoli quadri che raccontano un'umanità dimessa con giochi di luce e espressioni irripetibili, o schizzano in maniera memorabile una stradina di Delft. Ma tutto il corridoio in cui sono contenuti ha un livello medio altissimo, che giustifica bene la folla (pure mai eccessiva, grazie ai larghissimi spazi del museo). Tutti e tre i piani valgono ampiamente una visita approfondita, che prenderà probabilmente un'intera giornata.
Bellissimo museo, assolutamente da visitare ad Amsterdam per la ricchezza delle opere presenti. Raccomando la prenotazione online per evitare di non poter entrare.
Dedicategli il tempo che ci vuole. Il Rijksmuseum è ricco di opere che attraversano i secoli fino ai giorni nostri. Si tratta di un viaggio che spazia dalla pittura alla sezione navale fino alla ceramica, alle armi, ai gioielli, il tutto secondo un filo conduttore storico. Per apprezzare è necessaria una guida, cartacea o audio. Una collezione davvero ammirevole. La dritta: il museo è in un bellissimo palazzo non solo da visitare ma anche da vivere grazie alla presenza di servizi alla persona come l'area pic-nic. Splendidi anche i giardini esterni.
Da dermarsi giorni e giorni .. bellissimo, super organizato in famiglia e no. Da visitare come museo piu importsnte …..
Grande, tanto, come deve essere un museo nazionale. Tante sale, tanto da vedere, come sempre accade in questi casi, anche troppo. Concentratevi su “quello che volete vedere”, se vi interessa qualcosa da vedere, sennò può essere dispersivo. Qui ci sono pezzi (quadri e non solo) assolutamente da vedere. Merita certamente una visita. Costoso, come del resto tutto qui ad Amsterdam.
un museo ampio e grande , ci sono tantissimi quadri famosi e meno famosi ma sono belissimi, una essperienza molto ricca,bigletti ho aqustato in anticipo online, da visitare❤️🇳🇱
Museo davvero eccezionale, ricchissimo di opere d'arte. Assolutamente imperdibile. Forse un po' caro ma ne vale assolutamente la pena. Consigliatissimo
Contrariamente a quanto sperimentato per altre attrazioni siamo riusciti a prenotare online la visita il giorno prima. Visita assolutamente consigliata, ampi spazi che consentono la visita anche quando il museo è molto affollato. Eccellente la guida multimediale georeferenziata (con posizione delle opere e del visitatore durante il tour). Basta scaricare la app sullo smartphone e utilizzare le cuffie. Mi permetto di evidenziare un percorso storico che fa un po' saltellare avanti e indietro nel tempo ... . Appena sufficienti 2 ore per vedere le principali opere.
The star of the show is currently in the process of a 'make over'. Rembrandt's the Nightwatch is currently being restored. It is behind a glass partition and can still be viewed to some degree (not ideal) but better than nothing. The museum is no 'one trick pony', however. It is the some of its parts and there is a wealth of treasure on display that is still very good indeed. As a firm favourite, there are many works of art from portrait to landscape and everything else in between. A fine ceramic display, Oriental section and lots of furniture, fashion and old weapons. A good museum should have an eclectic mix of wares. Rijks fits into this category exceptionally well. A good curation sympathetically displayed over several floors. Well worth a visit when in 'The Dam'.
The Rijksmuseum is undoubtedly one of the world's great museums and should not be missed on any city trip. The exhibitions are well curated and interesting, and the pieces on display are world-class.
Great museum, full of Dutch art work through the ages, highlight being theRembrandts. I was abit dissappointed the night watch was under restoration, but it is still visible, but has allot of scaffolding/instruments infront of it, but I have seen if before on previous visits. I enjoiyed the exhibition of the model ships, used to love these as a child, so was great to see. I went to this as I had the Iamsterdam card which gave free access, so worth checking out the Iamsterdam card, as I saved allot of money by using the card and tried a few things
Heel anders verwacht. Maar we hebben genoten. Wat een prachtige schilderijen. En dan de verhalen/gebeurtenissen erbij verteld. Echt indrukwekkend.
In een periode van verplichte rust,kreeg ik het fantastische puzzelboek van Denksport cadeau ,geheel gewijd aan het Rijksmuseum. Na het puzzelen ben ik weer naar het Rijksmuseum gegaan met de extra kennis en scherpere beelden die ik had verkregen. Zo heb ik het museum heel anders gezien. Prachtig .
The Rijksmuseum is a true gem of Amsterdam, offering an unparalleled experience for art lovers and history enthusiasts alike. This iconic museum houses an exceptional collection of Dutch art, including masterpieces from the Golden Age, and provides a deep dive into the rich cultural and historical heritage of the Netherlands. From the moment you step into the museum, you’re greeted by its grand architecture and expansive galleries. The museum's collection is vast, with over 8,000 objects on display, including works by renowned artists like Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Frans Hals. The most famous of these, Rembrandt’s The Night Watch, is a breathtaking sight, and a highlight of any visit. The Rijksmuseum's layout is thoughtfully designed, guiding visitors through a journey of Dutch art, history, and culture. In addition to its remarkable art collection, the museum also features fascinating exhibits on Dutch history, including the country’s maritime heritage, the development of its cities, and the iconic wooden clogs and Delftware pottery that symbolize Dutch craftsmanship. The museum’s beautifully restored galleries, combined with its impressive collection, create a truly immersive experience that educates and inspires. Whether you’re admiring the intricate detail of 17th-century masterpieces or learning about the cultural evolution of the Netherlands, the Rijksmuseum offers something for everyone. If you’re visiting Amsterdam, the Rijksmuseum is a must-see. It’s not just a museum; it’s a celebration of Dutch art and history that will leave you in awe and deepen your understanding of one of Europe’s most fascinating cultures.
We visited with our two children, aged 9 and 12. We used the family audio guide, which I highly recommend. It was a great way for our kids to see a large part of the museum, including the most famous pieces. If visiting with kids I highly recommend the family audio guide.
I went chiefly to see the special exhibition of Asiatic bronze objects, which unfortunately ends on Sunday. The exhibition was both attractive and instructive, which is good, since I knew little about them. I learned a lot. Afterwards I passed through a number of rooms with 17th-century Dutch art, crowned by the Gallery of Honour. The famous Night Watch is currently being cleaned and touched up, and it was interesting to see the two experts working on it.
Das Museum ist das Schlangestehen wert. Sowohl das Gebäude per se als auch die ausgestellten Gemälde sind von einer überwältigenden Einzigartigkeit. Die Sammlung alter Meister sucht seinesgleichen und die Bibliothek zählt nach meinem Dafürhalten zu den aussergewöhnlichsten Locations Amsterdams. Aufgrund der schieren Grösse sollte man sich Minimum einen, besser zwei Tage im Museum gönnen. Die Sonderausstellungen sprechen darüber hinaus für sich selbst. Absolutes Muss eines Amsterdam-Bescuhes
Easy to get tickets online. Walked up to entrance and saw a quicker queue on other side , which we went into. Easy way in at 10.30am and minimal visitors at that time. Go early to avoid people ! We downloaded the free app which was good enough. There are information placards at all items on display. Museum is vast but we managed to see around it ( what we were interested in) in 4 hours or so. It got very busy at lunch time. The exhibits are well laid out. The Nightwatch is behind glass so you can’t get near it as restoration worked is being carried out. I’m would have liked to see more impressionist paintings by well known artists but that’s just me. There is something for everyone at the Rijks. I’m so glad the Van Gogh museum was booked as we would have missed this gem.
Amazing selection of art, I spent hours here and thoroughly enjoyed it, there were some mild repairs, but they didn't disrupt my trip and I'm counting down the days till I can go again. The gift shop was reasonably priced and had a good range of gifts for people.
The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is a truly interesting and expansive experience. The museum is massive, and they provide you with a brochure highlighting the most important artworks in each room. It felt like a treasure hunt, as you followed the brochure to find all the key pieces. This made the visit much more engaging and interactive. Due to its size, exploring the museum thoroughly takes time, so be prepared to spend a good while discovering all its treasures. It’s definitely worth the visit for anyone who enjoys art and history! P.S. Be sure to buy your tickets in advance, as they can sell out quickly!
Beautiful place, however it can be extremely busy and overcrowded. Their souvenir shops are filled with cheap looking souvenirs but are way too overpriced.
Hier gibt es nicht viel zu sagen. Das Museum und die Exponate sind wirklich fantastisch. Auch als Rollstuhlfahrer topp ausgebaut.
Make plans to be here all day. Get the Rijksmuseum app from the Play Store or Apple Store. This is free and contains the same material as the official museum audio guide. You may enter the number of a specific piece of art from the museum into the app, and it will display that piece and provide you with further information. Additionally, some art pieces have paper information guides.
We booked a guided tour with a lovely Tour Guide called Lisa - who was clearly an art historian or fine art expert. We started in the middle ages, moved through the centuries to the 1700's to the Night Watch which started renovation in 2019 and has yet another 3 - 4 years to go to completion. It's just amazing to get those insights through the guided tour. It's such a huge museum and could take weeks and months to see everything. Having limited time in Amsterdam this tour saved us a lot of time but also provided us with a lot of information. I'm so grateful to have been able to visit and see and learn more than I would with a guide book.
A little confusion over where to buy tickets as the building apparently contains 3 museums some of which only sell tickets online. You can buy tickets for the Rijks Museum from a little ticket office. The museum itself is very informative with a good selection of art works. If you are interested in learning a bit of culture then I would definitely recommend it. There is a lovely coffee shop on site which also sells food.
We visited the Rijksmuseum on a wet and windy day at the beginning of December. You have to buy tickets before you can go inside, which you can buy online or at a small shop outside the museum. You can’t take rucksacks, umbrellas etc into the collections but they have a free cloakroom where you can leave your things. I recommend lunch at the museum cafe, which serves delicious food. We’d read that the museum is always super busy, but it was fine when we went and not overly busy. We mostly went to the second floor where you can see the Rembrandt and Vermeer paintings, amongst others. There is a nice museum shop, and a bookshop. The museum is very accessible, with lots of lifts to all floors if you can’t use the stairs. The staff were also really lovely, and very helpful.
This exceptional art museum houses unique exhibits you won't find anywhere else. We opted for a guided tour, and our small group was led by a knowledgeable guide who provided insights into the artwork, artists, and historical context of each piece. The Vermeers and Rembrandts were the stars of the show, but there are many other captivating paintings and intriguing objects, including a massive model ship, ancient musical instruments, and exquisitely detailed dollhouses.
As a long time art fan, it has been shamefull that I have reached 60 before visiting Amsterdam. We spent three hours in here and even that wasn't long enough. The staff were very helpful when we had a minor medical issue. First class.
Beautiful. Lovely gardens. Full of history and culture inside and outside. Amazing arquitecture. People are very nice
The **Rijksmuseum** in Amsterdam is one of the Netherlands' most prestigious museums, dedicated to art, history, and culture. It houses masterpieces from the Dutch Golden Age, including Rembrandt’s *The Night Watch* and Vermeer’s *The Milkmaid*. The museum’s collection spans over 8,000 objects, featuring paintings, sculptures, and historical artifacts, displayed in an elegant 19th-century building. Its beautifully landscaped garden and the nearby iconic "I Amsterdam" sign add to the appeal, making it a must-visit for art enthusiasts and travelers.
The **Rijksmuseum** in Amsterdam is one of the Netherlands' most prestigious museums, dedicated to art, history, and culture. It houses masterpieces from the Dutch Golden Age, including Rembrandt’s *The Night Watch* and Vermeer’s *The Milkmaid*. The museum’s collection spans over 8,000 objects, featuring paintings, sculptures, and historical artifacts, displayed in an elegant 19th-century building. Its beautifully landscaped garden and the nearby iconic "I Amsterdam" sign add to the appeal, making it a must-visit for art enthusiasts and travelers.
The building is amazing to look at and the park in the back is nice to walk in. Did not go into the museum since it did look over crowded
When you first approach this museum you are immediately awed by its beauty, size and grace. Upon entering, and throughout the visit, you will notice all kinds of programming for children. A brilliant idea. Not sure why I don’t see it more often. Kids were having a blast. What a great way to expose them to art and the museum culture. I spent nearly my entire visit viewing the 17th Century Dutch Masters. I often visit single artist museums in order to enable me to focus and learn about a particular Artist or period or region. It also helps not to become overwhelmed. In this case (my second visit), I was awestruck by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Steen and (to a lesser extent) van Dijck. I was able to focus on both the artists and the period. Truly great day. PS it gets really quiet late in the afternoon!
Great welcome from the lady who was checking tickets at the door. She said we had to buy tickets on line or from the Museum Shop. She was very helpful and stayed with us as we purchased the tickets on line, She even escorted us into the Museum. Now that is what I call being helpful. The museum is huge, we were there 3 hours and didn't do all of it, We saw the main paintings and artifacts as we went from room to room.
If you love Goya's art and want to experience it through the voices and photos it is an amazing experience to see it all come alive. I recommend it highly
Very friendly staff it was enjoyable and a different way of looking at art. Really enjoyed the experience with a great summary of how Van Gough was inspired by Rembrandt.
This experience was incredible and nothing like I have ever experienced before! You are so immersed that you genuinely lose track of time. Would highly recommend.
Absoluut een mooie weergave van werken van Van Gogh en Rembrandt. De gesproken ondertiteling is alleen slecht te verstaan, omdat de muziek daarvoor te hard staat in een gebouw vol acoustic.
Sara Bundalo
booked by mistake, but loved the experience 😍 …
Eliane Muskus
A Mesmerizing Journey Through Art at the Noorderkerk The Van Gogh and Rembrandt light performance at the Noorderkerk is a breathtaking tribute to two of the Netherlands' greatest artists. Located in the heart of the Jordaan, the historic church becomes a living canvas as stunning projections of Van Gogh’s vivid landscapes and Rembrandt’s evocative portraits illuminate its walls. Guided by the voice of a skilled narrator, the audience is taken on an intimate journey through the lives and works of these masters. The narration adds depth and context, weaving the stories behind the art into the immersive visual experience. The interplay of light, color, and storytelling creates a unique atmosphere, blending history and innovation within the awe-inspiring architecture of Noorderkerk. This performance is an unforgettable homage to Dutch artistic heritage, offering a fresh and engaging way to connect with the timeless genius of Van Gogh and Rembrandt. I loved it. A must-see for art lovers and anyone seeking a unique cultural experience in Amsterdam.
Beautiful immersive way to enjoy learning about Van Gogh and Rembrandt. Gorgeous setting and wonderful video/music projected onto the church. I feel sad by the amount of negative reviews because the purchasers didn’t know what they were buying - this is no reflection on the experience and is user error. The website clearly states multiple times ‘we are not the Van Gogh museum’ so I don’t think they can do any more to avoid this happening. I would definitely recommend - I loved lying on the bean bags to watch the church transform in front of my eyes!
The show was amazing and breathtaking !! The images and the sound worked so well together. We enjoyed the whole show and the time flew away. The church as a place for this show was just the perfect spot. For us it was the perfect final of a great day in Amsterdam. It’s a beautiful way to come a little closer to the two artist Van Gogh and Rembrandt, even if you don’t enjoy standing in a museum and watching art the whole day.
The virtual art experience of Van Gogh and Rembrandt was absolutely stunning. The setting was both lovely and meaningful, creating a perfect backdrop for the works of these two iconic artists. The atmosphere was immersive, and the visuals were simply breathtaking, bringing their masterpieces to life in ways that felt both intimate and grand. What made this experience truly memorable was how well it conveyed the stories and legacies of these two famous local artists. Each piece seemed to speak not only of their genius but of the rich cultural heritage they left behind. The combination of stunning visuals, captivating storytelling, and an incredible atmosphere made this experience a beautiful tribute to Van Gogh and Rembrandt. Highly recommended for any art lover!
The MOST amazing experience! Absolute highlight of our trip to Amsterdam. Grab a bean bag on the floor, recline, and look up as the art and story are projected on the ceiling and walls. Staff did a great job. Go!
This is a must see experience. Cozy, immersive and a unique lens to art. It helps you get a peek into Van Gogh's mind and why Rembrandt inspired him as much as he did.
Really enjoyed this light display. The setting was perfect to learn about these fabulous artists. It was held in a church and you had the choice to lie on the floor on beanbags or chairs. Very informative
Wir wurden von einem supernetten Team empfangen, die Atmosphäre in der Kirche war natürlich auch etwas ganz besonderes. Die Show war wundervoll aufgebaut, immer wieder gab es fantastische Übergänge. Die Geschichte Van Goghs aus seinen Briefen zu erfahren war wirklich spannend, man sollte auf jeden Fall recht gut englisch verstehen können, um den Texten zu folgen. Wir waren auf jeden Fall begeistert und haben viele Fotos und Videos gemacht. Es lohnt sich, sich frühzeitig in die Schlange zu stellen, um einen der gemütlichen Sitzsäcke zu bekommen.
Great experience, different and beautiful. It would be better if there were different languages, and the sound is a bit low so it was difficult to understand.
The visuals were great, it felt so surreal. The staff were super patient (I was 5 minutes late 🤭🤭) Definitely recommend!!
A very cool experience linking the two great artists in a church we you are surrounded but their artwork screened onto the walls and ceiling. Music was emotive and the art stunning. Only downside is the audio which can be difficult to hear.
Such an incredible show! The visuals were so impressive and very friendly staff! I liked how you could take photos of the show as well.
Sharon Stone
Came here with my partner without pre-planning our visit and found that to be no problem. Upon queueing up we found out that there was an English show in an hour and a half and that we could come back for that show. When we got back, we bought the tickets without any issues, made our way inside the church and found a beanbag to lay down on. The whole experience took about 45min and was absolutely beautiful to watch. They tell you the (a small part of) life story of Van Gogh and how that intertwined with Rembrandt, how the paintings got to be as we know them today and the visuals really captivate the words that are spoken. The visuals in general are absolutely captivating and very peaceful. For some the show was so peaceful they even snoozed off. Which was quite hilarious to see. I do have to say that the seating availability isn't the greatest for the angle you need to be tilting your head to watch the show for a long time. If you have a beanbag you are definitely a lucky person, since many complained about their neck afterwards. Overall a good experience, would recommend this for the arts enthusiasts out there.
Daria Gioaba
It was really lovely, different than other emerssive experiences I've had
German Kielmayer
Excelente exposición! La recomiendo ampliamente.
vivek k.n
Amazing!!! So worth it and so inspiring
Vlasiu ANdreea
An unique experience. A must when in Amsterdam.
Yamaç Güngör
It was a great experience. You can go even if your English is bad.
Justine Sivel
Super expérience je recommande
Nasser El Amin
By mistake me, my wife and my baby girl have visited the Van Gogh x Rembrandt but honestly what an experience to have in Amsterdam. Bruno was super cool and has shared so much after the presentation too. Definitely if you are in Amsterdam you should pay them a visit!
Susann Lindner
Great experience, beautiful views and informative but not boring at all.
Kadeem van der Pol
A magical experience from start to finish. I was wowed by every change of scène. You don't just get to see the art, you get to live in it
My husband and I really enjoyed this experience. It was a great way to increase our basic knowledge of both artists while enjoying the visuals of their works projected in a place they met. The experience was immersive and cut you off from the outside world. While we were a few minutes late, the staff were accomodating and the experience was worth our time. Would recommend.
Holly Perry
What a wonderful way to enjoy both artists stories and feel as if you’re in the painting. You can stand, sit or lie down on large pillows. My daughter and I happened upon this immersive experience, offered in Dutch and English. A 360 degree projection in De Noorderkerk. The staff were gracious and kind! I couldn’t have asked for a better serendipitous immersive art experience. I highly recommend and would see again. Tickets can be bought at the door.
Visited this exhibition and although had some trouble finding it it was well worth it. The staff were so helpful helping us find our way back to central train station. Amazing venue and insightful story told. The projections of the artists works were incredible. A fully emersive experience we would strongly recommend.
A unique experience with the famous paintings projected on the church ceiling and wall while you lie on bean bags to listen to the story behind them
I left with goosebumps, this was such a unique & touching experience. Feel blessed to have experienced it. Jus wonderful, it really made my holiday.
Damien Brn
I wondered how it will be, the result for me is that I was very satisfied. Indeed, it is well done, both for images, Lights and sounds. I think I understand now better who is Rembrandt and I have to say that thanks to this show I also appreciate his paints...
Peter Peralta
An interesting take on same famous artists. Very comfortable seating and an all immersive viewing for 45 mins. If you want something a little different and not too much detail this is ideal. NB. You should know a little about the two and art before heading in.
Geweldige ervaring in een prachtige ambiance. Jammer dat de speaker in het engels is. Ik woon in Nederland.!,Verder absolute aanrader!
Anush Mardumyan
Very nice environment , perfectly made installation! A lot of room for sitting. The old church keeps the vibe. And it is amazing to feel that Rembrandt and Van Gogh were in the same church sitting maybe on the same place. Both children and grandparents were in love. See more pictures and videos attached.
Wojtek Tusz
One of the best 3D projections experiences I have ever seen and a compelling story to go with it. We really enjoyed this production and the beautiful venue. Great attention to detail in the story, the visuals and a lovely soundtrack bring this entire experience to the next level. Highly recommended and, in my opinion, better than many other Rembrandt and Van Gogh Amsterdam attractions...
Een prachtige filmische experiance over Van Gogh en Rembrandt. In de embiance van de oude Noorderkerk zie je over de nog steeds aanwezige onderdelen van de kerk, zoaks oreekstorl, orgel, kroonluchters en kerkramen impressies van werken van Van Gogh en van Rembrandt.
Damaris J.
Beautiful and emotionally very touching! An absolute must for a real VanGogh fan! I also liked the overlays from paintings by both artists. And all this this presented in a beautiful very old church that both artists had visited during their time ! Stunning!♥️♥️♥️
Eine wirklich sehenswerte Veranstaltung. Die Atmosphäre in der Kirche ist beeindruckend und der Sound umspielt alles richtig gut. Absolut zu empfehlen!
Dr Win Sutanto
How the lives of these two Dutch (and the world's) masters intertwined in an absolutely breathtaking digital re-imagined storytelling. It's a must if you visit (or live) in Amsterdam. Highly recommended!!!