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- Stockholm
- Musées à Stockholm
- Musée Skansen en plein air
Le favori du personnel
Le plus ancien musée en plein air du monde vous invite à faire un voyage dans le temps pour découvrir la vie rurale suédoise telle qu'elle était avant l'ère industrielle, avec toutes ses traditions et coutumes.
Lire plus
- Parcourez l'histoire de la Suède
- Observez les animaux domestiques et sauvages de Scandinavie
- Visitez des ateliers d'artisanat traditionnel
Billet enfant pour les 4-15 ans
Entrée gratuite pour les enfants de 0 à 3 ans accompagnés d'un adulte payant.
Veuillez noter que le personnel qui vous fournira des informations sur chaque maison visitée est bénévole et qu'il n'est pas garanti que tous les membres du personnel parlent anglais
Heures d'ouverture
Lundi - Vendredi: 10.00 - 15.00
Samedi & Dimanche: 10.00 - 16.00
Informations sur le billet
Billet directement disponible sur smartphone
Les billets peuvent être reprogrammés ou annulés jusqu'à 24 heures à l'avance
Plus d'informations
Pour toute question sur le produit, veuillez contacter [email protected]
- Accessible en fauteuil roulant
- Accès gratuit aux toilettes
Une expérience personnelle de l'histoire suédoise
Une visite de Skansen sur la magnifique île de Djurgården vous donne l'occasion de vous évader du XXIe siècle et de ses contraintes et de découvrir une vie bien plus simple. Dès que vous franchissez les portes de Skansen, vous êtes transporté dans la Suède préindustrielle, où vous vous retrouvez entouré de quelque 150 maisons et fermes issues de toutes les régions du pays.
Le monde a changé rapidement au XIXe siècle et beaucoup de gens craignaient que la vie sociale traditionnelle ne disparaisse. C'est pourquoi Skansen a été créé en 1891, afin de préserver les coutumes et les métiers traditionnels. Dans ce musée unique de Stockholm, il est possible de voir comment les Suédois vivaient au rythme des saisons et de découvrir les coutumes et traditions, le travail, les fêtes et la vie quotidienne d'autrefois. Vous pourrez visiter des ateliers d'artisanat traditionnel comme le barattage du beurre, le tissage, la fabrication de chaussures et le soufflage du verre.
Puisque Skansen est l'endroit où l'on s'attelle à préserver les traditions suédoises, c'est aussi le lieu où de nombreux habitants de Stockholm choisissent de célébrer les fêtes traditionnelles. Pour Pâques, la Saint-Jean, Lucie, Noël, le Nouvel An et toutes les autres fêtes suédoises, c'est ici que les gens viennent faire la fête, y compris la famille royale.
La vie parmi les animaux nordiques indigènes
Skansen n'est pas seulement le foyer des traditions suédoises, c'est aussi le foyer de nombreux animaux nordiques sauvages, ce qui fait de Skansen à la fois un zoo et un musée. Lors de votre exploration de la vie rurale traditionnelle suédoise à Skansen, vous vous retrouverez peut-être face à face (à une distance sécurisée ) avec des ours bruns, des élans, des loups, des rennes et des lynx.
Votre billet pour Skansen vous donne également accès au zoo pour enfants - Lill Skansen - où vous pourrez faire découvrir à vos enfants une trentaine d'espèces animales différentes. Vous verrez des miniporcs, des moutons roslings, des cochons d'Inde, des lapins, des crapauds, des lézards et même des chats. Il y a également une aire de jeux et une petite scène pour le théâtre, la musique et les leçons sur les animaux.
Une autre attraction que vous pouvez visiter avec votre billet pour Skansen est le Baltic Sea Center, où vous découvrirez le monde sous-marin de l'archipel de Stockholm jusqu'à la haute mer. Ce centre possède plusieurs aquariums avec différents systèmes d'eau et types d'habitats qui montrent les divers environnements de la mer Baltique qui la rendent unique. Votre billet ne vous donne pas accès à l'aquarium de Skansen.
Obtenez vos billets pour le musée en plein air Skansen ici
Si vous souhaitez explorer le lieu unique que représente Skansen, il est préférable d'acheter vos billets à l'avance. On peut facilement se retrouver à y passer près d'une demi-journée, car cette excellente attraction comprend plusieurs restaurants et cafés où vous pourrez savourer un délicieux repas lorsque vous aurez une petite faim. N'oubliez pas de visiter la boutique du musée au moment de quitter les lieux. Vous pourrez y acquérir des objets artisanaux traditionnels et des articles de conception suédoise.
152 Reviews
Note moyenne de
Très sympa mais plutôt en ete
Visité par un temps de pluie abondante donc mon avis mitigé ne correspond qu'à ce moment pluvieux. Sinon en ete ce la doit être super agréable. Manque un peu d'indications sur la logique de visite. Beaucoup d'attractions fermées sûrement du à la période.
Oct 13, 2024Tomatich13015
Eeeh Mercééé Skansen 🇸🇪
Le musée est très bien situé sur l'île où se trouve tout les musées. Accessible à pied (10min) mais aussi en tramway. L'intérieur du musée est magnifique, le décors incroyable, il y a le côté zoo assez sympa mais aussi un côté maison ancienne. Certaines maison sont vivantes avec des intervenants 👍 A faire absolument.
Sep 23, 2024isabelpS2265TC
a voir
c'est à visiter en hiver pour la magie et les légendes nordiques. Petit regret tant à la partie historique, bien trop simple. On aimerait en savoir plus. Dans l'ensemble, c'est à faire.
Sep 20, 2024FlavieMM18
Selon nous notre meilleur visite, grand parc ou l'on peut se promener, avec bâtisse d'époque, tout est calme. Il y a même un parc animalier et un aquarium franchement on a adoré
Sep 6, 2024cja54
Musée en plein aire avec des animaux idéal pour les enfants / great for children
Skansen, sous un soleil radieux, est une expérience inoubliable. Ce musée en plein air offre une journée à la fois instructive et divertissante. J’ai eu la chance de voir tous les animaux, qui semblent bien traités malgré le fait qu’il s’agisse d’un zoo. Le cadre naturel et les bonnes conditions de vie des animaux font toute la différence. Entre culture, nature et découverte, Skansen est une visite enrichissante, parfaite pour profiter du plein air tout en apprenant. Skansen, on a sunny day, is an unforgettable experience. This open-air museum offers a day that is both educational and enjoyable. I was lucky enough to see all the animals, which seem well cared for, despite it being a zoo. The natural setting and good living conditions for the animals make all the difference. Between culture, nature, and discovery, Skansen is an enriching visit, perfect for enjoying the outdoors while learning.
Aug 13, 2024Felice35
Un havre de paix
Un havre de paix dans Stockholm, quel plaisir de partir à sa découverte, mixer un éco musée et un mini zoo est une excellente idée. Acceuil souriant dans les différentes maisons et une envie réelle de nous faire découvrir le mode de vie des Suédois il y a 50 ans et plus. Un incontournable pour une ballade familiale.
Jul 13, 2024K5932LWcatherineg
Très sympa a faire par beau temps
Nous avons hésité à y aller car beaucoup de poussettes. Finalement comme il était vivement recommandé par un célèbre guide on a franchi le pas. Et nous n avons pas été déçus…jolis bâtiments en bois colorés avec des personnes en costumes d époque qui nous accueillent et nous expliquent. Un parc d animaux nordiques. Bref on y a passé plus de 2 heures sans nous ennuyer une seconde. Quant aux poussettes elles sont restées près des jeux d enfants et des animaux de la ferme.
Mar 30, 2024G7747YVlaur
Visite ludique
Visite très sympathique mais plutôt à faire l'été. On peut facilement y passer une demie-journée. Ludique et intéressant
Jan 3, 2024377aur_lienc
Winter lights magnifiques
Le parc était désert et franchement loin d’être animé. Néanmoins le spectacle des winter light s était vraiment bien. En visite avec un enfant, il y avait une offre et je n’ai payé que 400SEK pour 2 et pour le combo parc+winter lights. Pour ce prix l’expérience était plutôt bonne. Par contre sans offre, je déconseille le parc seul à cette période et il faut savoir que les winter lights se font en 30 minutes et non 90 minutes comme annoncé.
Nov 20, 2023Altais57
Musée de plein air très agréable
Musée de plein air à faire en famille, petite échoppe artisanale, démonstration d’usage traditionnel. Avec en prime un zoo doté de divers animaux vivants en Suède.
Nov 7, 2023Ced62120
Un parc vraiment sympatique. Le cadre est jolie pour se promener. Les reconstitution des quartiers d'époque ainsi que les figurent sont bien faites. Le petit zoo et ses différents secteur sont agréable. De quoi boire et manger si besoin.
Sep 24, 2023pabau93
Super balade
Parc à visiter sur l'île de Djugarden, outre une reconstitution des maisons et des artisanants d'antan en plein air, il y a un zoo intéressant et un bel aquarium et aussi des attractions pour les enfants.
Sep 21, 2023FMA80
Faire Stockholm sans faire le village de Skanzen c'est comme faire Paris sans visiter Versailles
En entrant dans SKANSEN vous quittez votre monde contemporain pour vous plonger dans un univers où le temps était celui du travail et de ses valeurs. Ce temps où vivre supposait de se connecter avec la nature... SKANSEN c'est le parc SAINT JOSEPH à Guînes (France) mais sur une superficie multipliée par 10 et surtout avec des figurants dans toutes les maisons d'époque, un plaisir sans nom 😀 Le sourire et la joie d'être là est de mise, sans en faire trop, de la pure gentillesse 😘 Faire Stockholm sans faire le village de Skanzen c'est comme faire Paris sans visiter Versailles 😉 Un immense MERCI aux équipes en place a qui font tout pour rendre votre visite inoubliable 😉
Sep 6, 2023B7786SDchristined
Parc peu instructif mais très agréable
Grand Parc plutôt pour les familles avec des enfants car beaucoup de jeux pour eux, un peu léger sur les constructions Vicking . Sinon promenade très agréable dans la nature quand il ne pleut pas
Aug 10, 2023X7483TFsallyw
A lovely afternoon out which could easily turn in to all day
Really enjoyed our visit, sunny day probably helped! Loads to see and learn. Highlights were chips round a wood fire and the various handmade souvenirs available.
Feb 9, 2025ScottM441
Skansen Open Air Museum
This is a large open air museum celebrating Swedish history. It is beautifully laid out and had a lot of things to see and do. Unfortunately for us, we'd been sightseeing all day and were becoming quite tired. We saw as much as we could before calling it quits. I'm sure if we had started our day here, it would've been more enjoyable. On our way out, we stopped at the aquarium and enjoyed the aquatic exhibits as well.
Feb 2, 2025SWH100
Fantastic even on a wintery date
Really enjoyed a day at Skansen museum. It was great to learn about the history and that the buildings has been preserved. Enjoyed an introductory talk from a lovely lady and a tour around the workshop which was really exciting. Many of the buildings were closed as it was a weekend day in Feb. But loved walking around. The animals were super cool as well and we learnt lots about the reindeer from a talk. Would love to return in the summer. Nice responsibly priced restaurant there to warm up in and some good gift shops. Highly recommend a visit.
Jan 14, 2025MrVMalta
Must see but allocate enough time - the museum is huge!
Skansen is a massive outdoor museum dedicated to Swedish history and life in Sweden. I’ll start with my regret of not researching this museum properly and not allocating enough time for the visit (I had less than 2 hours), I have visited off peak and it was beautiful and snowy, however many parts were closed (certain animals displays were not accessible) but regardless I had an amazing time and would go back in a heartbeat. Lots of interesting displays and family activities which can be done mainly outdoors so plan accordingly and dress properly. Highlight for me was seeing gorgeous reindeers and moose. The fish exhibit is also brilliant
Jan 11, 2025329maryclaren
So fun
Skansen is absolutely massive! It took me 3-4 hours exploring it all, and I learned so much about Sweden’s history and culture here!! There are some nice cafes/restaurants here, and I really liked the zoo as well :)
Jan 9, 2025RiccardoT10
Approvato a pieni voti!!
Leggevo commenti contrastanti su Skansen, beh io avendolo visitato nel periodo natalizio, con i mercatini, con neve devo dire che mi è assolutamente piaciuto!! È bello sia per quanto riguarda gli animali che si vedono ma anche per le varie rappresentazioni che sono state riprodotte della vita rurale svedese!! Quindi posso dire di andarci e non ve ne pentirete!!
Jan 7, 2025548carolinem
Unique open air museum in Stockholm
We visited Skansen Open Air Museum on a freezing cold day and the site was covered in snow. It was a magical showcase of Swedish culture, craft traditions, animals and architecture. The chapel on the site was interesting to look around as well as providing refuge from the cold.
Jan 5, 2025dmjk2103
Worth a visit if spending a few days in Stockholm
We visited this place with high hopes as we went at Christmas time and were hoping for a nice Christmas market. Unfortunately it was not as good as we hoped, as the place was quite muddy and due to the fault of our own we didn’t get to see much as we were there when it was dark. The Christmas market was good however it was not the best market I’ve ever been to.
Dec 23, 202418katey
Fantastic place!
Skansen is such a unique experience! It’s an open-air museum that showcases Swedish history, with traditional houses and people dressed in historical clothing. I loved learning about Swedish traditions and how life was like centuries ago. During December, they have Christmas markets and activities, which made it feel even more festive. The views from Skansen over Stockholm are also beautiful. It’s a great spot to visit, especially with the holiday spirit!
Dec 19, 2024Helleninviaggio
Bellissima ricostruzione, vale il viaggio!
Abbiamo trascorso qui più di 4 ore…e senza bambini! Ci è piaciuta molto la ricostruzione degli edifici del villaggio ma anche degli ambienti interni. E l’atmosfera natalizia ha conferito alla visita una magia in più, grazie ai canti natalizi e al mercatino di Natale. Unico appunto la poca attenzione per rendere più sicure le strade ghiacciate: siamo capitati in un giorno particolarmente freddo e in alcuni punti era davvero pericoloso…basterebbe spargere un po’ di ghiaietto in più…
Dec 8, 2024L_K1509
A lovely day out
We have a lovely day out at Skansen. We took our time visiting and spent 5 hours at the park. There is lots to see, old town, farms, school house, post office, zoo, aquarium, Nordic sea centre and of course the Christmas market in the centre. Staff in the houses, shops and businesses were in character and told us something about what life was life in the era. Very interesting chatting to the school teacher about life in 1910. Was market was lovely, a good mixture of food and trinkets stalls. Reasonable enter price. As most of the day is outside is good to dress well for the weather. Plenty of places to get snacks, meals or drinks.
Dec 7, 2024robbJ5598NI
Wonderful experience
We really enjoyed our visit. It may have helped that it was minus 5 and there was snow on the ground, but it is a beautiful setting. Some of the farmsteads have actors who tell you what life would have been like in the appropriate era. The zoo aspect was also really good (although the reindeers were sadly missing - urgent business at the North Pole perhaps). The signage is decent and we found a quirky old cafe for soup and a sandwich. We then visited the Baltic Sea Science Centre which was well designed and informative. Unfortunately we were too late to visit the aquarium. All in all a fantastic day out.
Dec 5, 2024EileenMtShasta
Worth a Full Day to Visit!
I only had 90 minutes here and only saw the 'Town Centre' area, which was crowded. Quite interesting how so many recreated homes and businesses sold items they made. Definitely we need half or a whole day to enjoy, and even then, we won't be able to properly see everything!
Nov 30, 2024robertacM3043IK
Consigliato. Un museo all'aperto che ti porta indietro nel tempo, non era sicuramente il periodo migliore per andare, alcune "casette" erano chiuse e l'orso era in letargo. Abbiamo pagato 20€ a testa circa. Ne vale la pena
Nov 26, 2024528karelr
Skansen Srockholm
Very large area in the walking distance from historical City Centre, historical architecture and zoo. There are employees in historical costumes in the historical buildings. Very interesting, it is possilbe to spend whole dey there.
Nov 16, 2024tab_wl
Great Views
I really enjoyed my visit to Skansen. The views of the surrounding area are amazing. I absolutely loved viewing the animals, especially the bears!
Nov 6, 2024O491CUjasons
Loved it, even in winter
Great open-air museum that has something for all, it was like walking through the history of Swedish culture. Detail of buildings very impressive, located over a large area, you need many hours to see everything, think during summer it would have been a better vibe with tourist numbers and cafes and shops opened. Still loved it even in the cold and would highly recommend visiting, after Vasa Museum this was the next best thing to do in Stockholm.
Nov 6, 2024B1456UQilariav
Esperienza fantastica nel polmone verde di Stoccolma
Bellissimo museo all aperto alla portata di tutti ! Per vedere le scimmiette devi pagare a parte! C'è anche un acquario!
Nov 1, 2024emina_sr
The park is very big, but beautiful. Sincerely recommend coming with your kids, friends or family. There are many stores. The staff is very friendly. My favorite places there where the church, a very nice and historical place, and the aquarium, where you could see lots of fish, shells and more.
Oct 30, 2024JannieFarrar
An amazing open-air museum in the heart of Stockholm
What an amazing open-air museum. We needed a full day to explore and would recommend only a non-rainy day! So much to see and learn about. Talented and knowledgeable actors in full costume are waiting in each of the historical houses. Their English was absolutely perfect and they were so helpful. The range of animals in the zoo was brilliant - loved the monkeys and the bears in particular. The one eating area that was open was great - traditional Swedish food in a relaxed outdoor setting. It's a shame you have to pay extra to go in one of the aquariums but would definitely visit again.
Oct 26, 2024hiscamherbackpack
An open air Musuem of Sweden
Skansen is an open air musuem, its huge, so make sure to follow the map they provide otherwise you will just keep roaming randomly, and might miss on some of must see spots. There is even a zoo here but it has separate ticket other than the entrance one, so we skipped it. We visited in March, and most of it was empty, but due to winters greenery was also scarce. You will find some cute and colorful old swedish houses here, so make sure to click a picture with those. There was a cafe which we found, and couple of bakeries but unfortunately all were closed :( might be due to season , but we didnt expected all things to be closed at this time. Overall I would say if you have an extra day, and you dont want to lie around in your hotel room, come here, you can spend some good time, but be ready to walk a lot, as I said park is huge.
Oct 18, 2024M8557JUbarbarab
Visita piacevole in una bella giornata di sole come ho fatto io, se però avete poco tempo a disposizione e volete vedere altro questa è una meta che potete trascurare
Oct 18, 2024larrainek308
Wonderful day
This outdoor museum is a must see. It is set on a hill but access to the top is via an escalator if you’re mobility is limited. The exhibits of Swedish life are absolutely fascinating and very interactive. The walking is pleasant with lovely views and children were well catered for. The Nordic Zoo is more like a safari park , the information provided is very informative and the animals so well cared for. We were there for 6 hours and could have spent longer,
Oct 14, 2024onthegoCincinnati_OH
Large, interesting Folk Park.
A huge park with many examples of early life in Sweden. Very enjoyable. Just make sure you allow plenty of time to see everything.
Sep 30, 2024JulienRose
Che meraviglia !
Il primo museo all'aperto al mondo, risalente al 1891 e creato da Artur Hazelius. Una meraviglia a cielo aperto! All'interno del parco è presente anche uno zoo e vi sono diverse aree tematiche e storico-culturali decisamente interessanti. Consigliamo assolutamente una visita qui.
Sep 26, 2024Pjengaard
Flot friluftsmuseum
Dejligt friluftmuseum i flotte omgivelser med nordiske dyr - også de store af slagsen. Giver et godt indtryk af levevis de sidste 300 år. Godt for børnefamilier og alle os andre. Kan varmt anbefales. Forvent at bruge 3-4 timer.
Sep 15, 2024Honeymonsterontou
Wonderful Nordic Animals
Cost 245 SEK (£18-27) From Stockholm Central we got the metro to Slussen and then the 82 ferry to Allmanna grand and walked. We stayed around 4 hours - the Nordic animals are great - lynx, wolverine,moose,bison,brown bear, reindeer 🦌 The cages are massive so the animals seem well cared for 👏👏👏 We went on a Sunday as more open at the weekend. You pay extra if you want to ride the funicular railway. Lots of red squirrel 🐿️ running about. The actual Swedish houses are rather disappointing as in most cases you cannot go inside them.
Sep 14, 2024CherylC139
1-2 Hours??? No way!!! Plan to spend 3-5 hours.
We visited Skansen as a family with a 20 year old son. It was September after the summer season, so not all the interpretive areas / shops were open. So we were a little bummed about that. There’s some room for improvement at Skansen. It’s an amazing and unique experience but many of the structures do not have any signs about age or location. For international travelers we don’t know the areas the homes came from so a regional map on signs would be helpful. More information about the conception of the park and its founder would be interesting to learn as well. It would be helpful to highlight the “Do not Miss” buildings so those with shorter time to spend could hit the best structures and not feel like they missed the important things. If you love architecture/ history then this is the place for you. Buildings date from the 13th century forward. It’s laid out geographically and somewhat chronologically. If you have small children they have a kids area, small zoo and science center. The interpreters we talked to were very happy to share their knowledge and pleasant.
Sep 11, 2024GeneralShamu
Family Day VIsit
This place is quite expansive and has many small tours at varying locations throughout the day. Total time here can be half a day or a full day given how much there is to see. There are also a few restaurant options located throughout and at the southern entrance.
Sep 8, 2024matslN4650MB
This is what Sweden looks like!
We went to the open air museum The Skansen and it was lovely! There are so many cute bakeries and small shops, houses, gardens and stuff to do. All staff members are really helpful and authentic. It is like a fairy tale and as back in the old days. We especially loved the huge animal section, representing all the Nordic animals. Impressive!
Sep 7, 2024MichaelBanks
Great visit
Take the tram 7 to get there but be warned it fills up quick especially the later you go. Opens up at 10am but think I got there around 11am and spent all day there. Lots of walking, ups and downs, places to rest and enjoy. Several places have times of fairy tell readings or demonstrations to learn more about that particular era and which area of Sweden it is referring too. There are places to purchase food and drink and bathrooms. Great family atmosphere. I believe I seen a few dogs so they are allowed as well. Credit cards primary choice of payment for nearly all of Stockholm is cashless.
Sep 2, 2024juttasQ9009NW
Skansen lässt einen in das alte Schweden eintauchen. Die alten Häuschen sind meist liebevoll gepflegt und endlich konnten wir eine Elchkuh live erleben. Sogar mit Kälbchen. - Ein großer Kontrast zur sonstigen Stadt.
Aug 30, 2024yigangz2016
First trip to Stockholm, and Ed Sheeran
Open air museum and a zoo, mostly just the zoo. It has reindeer, magical reindeer. And their close relatives, the moose.
Aug 25, 2024skerrane
Great place for kids
Nice amusement park detailing some of the older buildings and experiences of the Swedish people before the world wars. More geared towards children but still a great experience
Aug 23, 2024903lucaf
Per passare una piacevole giornata
Sicuramente adatto a trascorrere alcune ore piacevoli in mezzo al verde. Gli animali sembrano tenuti bene, anche se spero che quelli selvatici vengano periodicamente reinseriti nel loro ambiente.
Aug 23, 2024Monique103
Skansen. Ein Besuch wert
Der Park ist weitläufig. Es gibt viel zu entdecken, wie sie früher gelebt haben und heimische Tiere zu beobachten. Auch fürs leibliche Wohl ist gesorgt. Für kleinere Kinder gibt es noch Karussells. Man kann auch noch das Aquarium besuchen, ist allerdings nicht im Ticketpreis enthalten. Man kommt bequem mit der Tram oder Hop on Bus an.
Aug 23, 2024
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