Visite en bateau de 2 heures sur les canaux d'Amsterdam
Dîner à 4 plats
Boissons (vin, bière et boissons non alcoolisées)
Enregistrement 15 minutes avant le départ au LOVERS Cafe
Billet directement disponible sur smartphone
Les billets peuvent être reprogrammés ou annulés jusqu'à 24 heures à l'avance
Les tables privées ne peuvent être garanties
Seuls les chiens d'assistance (qui doivent être identifiables comme tels) sont autorisés sur le bateau.
Pour toute question sur le produit, veuillez contacter [email protected]
Manger tout en naviguant sur les canaux : il n'y a pas d’expérience dînatoire plus appropriée à une visite d'Amsterdam que celle-ci. Toute la croisière est un régal pour les yeux et les papilles : les canaux classés au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO sont visibles à travers la fenêtre tandis que de délicieux plats sont sur la table devant vous.
Selon la période de l'année à laquelle vous montez à bord pour le dîner-croisière, vous pourrez profiter des derniers rayons du soleil et d'un coucher de soleil à bord ou découvrir les canaux dans la nuit noire. L'heure dorée et la nuit sur les canaux sont toutes deux magiques. Le coucher du soleil donne une lueur dorée aux canaux construits à l'âge d'or néerlandais, tandis que la nuit, les canaux scintillent dans l'obscurité car ils sont éclairés par des milliers de lumières.
Maintenant que nous avons créé l'ambiance, regardons le menu de la soirée. Il est bon de savoir que les boissons sont comprises dans le prix. Il y a du vin, de la bière et plusieurs types de boissons non alcoolisées, et chaque table dispose d'une bouteille d'eau plate et d'une bouteille d'eau gazeuse.
L'entrée diffère selon le menu choisi, il y a un tartare de bœuf pour le menu viande, un saumon fumé maison pour les mangeurs de poisson, et un pain brioché rempli d'œufs brouillés pour les végétariens. Vient ensuite, pour tout le monde, une soupe de pois verts aux asperges. Le plat principal, lui aussi, diffère selon les menus.
Il y a un ragoût de bœuf avec une tourte de pommes de terre, du cabillaud cuit sur la peau et des lasagnes de légumes rôtis. N'oubliez pas de regarder dehors de temps en temps pour profiter de la vue en même temps que du délicieux repas et de la compagnie des amis pendant votre croisière sur les canaux d'Amsterdam. Vous terminerez le repas par un délicieux tiramisu avec des morceaux de stroopwafel. Cliquez ici pour un aperçu complet du menu.
Êtes-vous prêt à planifier votre Dîner-croisière sur les canaux d'Amsterdam? Choisissez avec qui vous souhaitez partager ce dîner. N'oubliez pas que les tables peuvent accueillir un maximum de 6 personnes. Si votre groupe est plus important, vous serez répartis sur des tables adjacentes. Les petits groupes ne peuvent se voir garantir une table privée. Achetez vos billets dès maintenant et préparez-vous à passer une magnifique soirée en ville, tout en découvrant Amsterdam depuis l'eau et en vous régalant de plats appétissants.
11 Reviews
Gustav Ahrens
I had an absolutely magical experience on the Lovers Canal Dinner Cruise! The views of Amsterdam’s illuminated canals at night were breathtaking. The multi-course meal was delicious and beautifully presented, with an excellent selection of wine to pair with the dishes. The staff was attentive, friendly, and ensured everyone felt welcome. This is a must-do for anyone visiting Amsterdam!
stephen M
Excellent, food was well prepared, attentive table service, funny captain. Highly recommended. Great value too.
jeffrey H
Our favourite part was the food, we were very pleased indeed, it was good quality considering we were in a canal boat
richard O
Great staff, great views, lovely views. Would have been nice for more information on what we were looking at
Absolutely excellent. Our skipper, Alex, was extremely good. The boat was piloted well and the microphone work was informative and very funny. The food was good and the service friendly and efficient. Highly recommended.
eduardo P
It was really wonderful, the crew, the boat, and the food. We enjoyed a great day with this event, I will try to repeat again
Jim R
If you're looking for an evening dinner away from the busy and noisy restaurants, a relaxing cruise through the canals of Amsterdam is just what you're looking for. As for the dinner, the food was wonderful and the service was terrific. If you're looking for an abundance of on-board commentary about the many sights you'll be passing along the way, you'll be disappointed. Would be helpful to have more representatives from the Lovers Canal Cruise company available to make sure you are in the correct group, as there are a lot of tourists walking around wondering where to go.
alison H
Thoroughly enjoyable evening along Amsterdam’s famous canals, usually the best and easiest way to see much of the city. Staff were very friendly and efficient, the food was good although would have benefited from being served a little warmer as the soup was nearly cold. The food was of good quality though. Would definitely recommend and we will definitely look into doing it again the next time we visit the city. The city looked wonderful going from daylight into dusk during the time of the trip.
this was a great trip, and a lovely way to see Amsterdam from a different angle (low down on the water!) The captain was very informative about what we were seeing, with lots of stories to tell. Given the miniscule size of the kitchen, the chef produced a great three course meal - we went for the salmon option which was lovely, but the guinea fowl also looked great. The waiting staff were attentive and kept us well supplied with wine throughout the evening. My only tip for the crew would be this - we were a table of 4 people, who were all drinking red wine, why not save your legs and just leave a bottle on the table and we could help ourselves? we were never waiting, it think it would just be one less table for you to worry about.
Our side of boat fogged up and we couldn’t see sights very well. Constantly had to wipe off windows. Food was Luke warm. Sink in Bathroom not working, therefore could not wash hands.
We both thoroughly enjoyed this dinner cruise. We sat up from in the boat where the captain was, so we had no problem hearing the information he was telling everyone. The cruise took a few hours and we went through many canals and saw a majority of the city. The food was really good as well, the soup was supposed to be cold, but the rest of the food, which was picked 2 times as we passed the cater,s place, was fresh and cooked perfectly. I would highly recommend this for a romantic night out on the water. We did arrive early and were given our choice of table, would recommend that if you don’t want to sit with other people.