Entradas para niños de 3 a 7 años
Entrada gratuita para niños de 0 a 2 años acompañados de un adulto que haya pagado (máx. 4 niños por adulto)
En The Tube los niños de hasta 14 años deben ir acompañados de un adulto
Inscríbete 5 minutos antes de la franja horaria
The Tube:
Todos los días 11.00-18.00
Lunes - Viernes: 11.00 - 22.00
Sábado y domingo: 11.00 - 23.00
Entradas disponibles directamente en los móviles
Las entradas para The Tube Copenhagen se pueden reprogramar hasta con 8 horas de antelación
Las entradas para Tivoli pueden utilizarse un solo día del año en que se compraron
Las entradas no se pueden anular
La entrada al Tivoli no da acceso a las atracciones, éstas se pueden comprar por separado en el parque o en la app Tivoli
Puedes volver a entrar en el Tivoli a lo largo del día, para lo que necesitas un sello de reentrada que puedes conseguir en el Tivoli Food Hall del vigilante del Tivoli
Si tienes preguntas sobre el producto, ponte en contacto con [email protected]
Tivoli es una de las atracciones más antiguas del mundo y The Tube es una de las atracciones más nuevas de Copenhague, ya que abrió sus puertas en marzo de 2023. Juntas te ofrecen una experiencia sin precedentes de Copenhague. Está la calma de los jardines de Tivoli y la adrenalina de las salas inmersivas de The Tube.
Ambas atracciones son muy divertidas para familias y amigos. Como puedes volver a entrar en Tivoli varias veces, siempre que consigas un sello del guarda del Tivoli Food Hall, puedes incluso visitar The Tube en mitad del día, sin perder tiempo en el hermoso parque. Desde el Tivoli Food Hall, sólo tienes que cruzar la calle hasta la Estación Central de Copenhague para visitar The Tube. Ir andando de una atracción a la otra te llevará menos de 5 minutos.
Aunque Tivoli alberga algunas atracciones fantásticas, los jardines del parque son lo que lo convierten en una experiencia única. Los distintos jardines del parque te ofrecen diferentes experiencias sensoriales, aunque todos ofrecen un retiro tranquilo de la ajetreada ciudad que hay más allá de las puertas. El Invernadero tiene una sensación fácil, pero exótica y nostálgica, mientras que en las Fuentes de Agua de Nimb puedes ver hermosas flores mientras pasa de vez en cuando algún pavo real.
Los Jardines de la Pérgola te muestran la belleza de las plantas comestibles, el Bosque de Bambú, de inspiración china, está lleno de bambúes y rododendros, y los Jardines del Parterre son una de las zonas más singulares de Tívoli, con sus herbáceas perennes, arbustos en flor y bulbos. Todo esto significa que, aunque las atracciones no están incluidas en tu entrada, seguro que disfrutarás de tu tiempo en los jardines de Tivoli.
The Tube Copenhagen es una experiencia como ninguna otra en Copenhague. Aquí, tus sentidos del equilibrio, la profundidad y la dirección, el espacio y el tiempo se pondrán a prueba y nunca volverás a sentirte igual. The Tube Copenhagen es un lugar donde puedes encontrar a tu niño interior, convertirte en un vikingo y perderte en salas interminables.
The Tube te lleva a un viaje narrativo en una época de fama instantánea. Puedes venir a jugar en la enorme piscina de bolas, perder el sentido del equilibrio en el túnel Vortex y desencadenar recuerdos con los aromas secretos de The Tube. A lo largo de toda la experiencia puedes hacer fotos desde los mejores ángulos con el sistema fotográfico propio de The Tube, que podrás imprimir al final de la experiencia o, por supuesto, con tu propia cámara o teléfono.
394 Reviews
Sara Blasco Román
Súper fun experience!
Cons Frías
Súper very fun experience
Var inde på Kulturnatten, hvor der var virkelig lang kø (1 time og 20 min fra de åbnede til jeg kom ind). Derfra var det en virkelig god oplevelse, god service, tingene virkede og var velholdte, og det var en ret sjov og anderledes oplevelse!
Mira Mandahl
Jeg synes det var en mega fed oplevelse og man kunne få mega fede billeder, klart en anbefaling
Sowmiya **
A nice place to be with kids, extremely fun and entertaining. A must visit and we can also take great pictures and make good memories
Troels Hjort
Mega sjovt man kan tage der ind med venner og familie
Rasmus Norre Sørensen
Funny illusions
Maru Baghin
Very good, fabulosoooo!!!
Kaya Sae-Gao
Et virkelig fedt sted med meget sjov. Mig og min veninde fik nogle virkelig gode billeder. Helt sikkert noget jeg kan anbefale, kommer nok også selv igen!!!
Olga Soelberg
Godt lidt kort
Lex Gilbert
My experience was so unique and fun and me very happy
Michelle Eg Nordstrand
So much fun!!!
Dominika Jabłońska
It was amazing!!! Very fun experience. Me and my friends loved it!!!
Bartosz Kurkiewicz
It was great
Aisha Mir
Fed oplevelse
Júlia Díaz
Very fun! Lots of different spaces!
Maria Correia
Great imersive experience! It is for sure other way to look into images and colours
Anya Guntvedt
What a vibe
Anna-talita Johannsen
Sooo good!!!
Daniel J Rasmussen
hannah hesselberg
Helt fantastisk
Peter Ejby Djurhuus
Very nice people at the entrance. I would come again!
Sinead Rasmussen
Marin Johannsen
Helt vildt sted!
Ania Majer
Amazing, weird but amazing
Apporva Bhargav
We loved the experience at The tube, it is worth it.
Ian Dam
God oplevelse
Bakr Wehbe
The Tube i København tilbyder en unik, fordybende oplevelse med kreative installationer, perfekte til fotos. Du kan udforske fortælling og illusioner og downloade dine billeder gratis efter besøget!
Jesule G
Hi everyone! It was fun and surprising. I want to come back with friends again. This time was part of Kulture Natten. Thanks!
Rafał K
Great experience. Highly recommended far a family visit or for couples :) we loved it and we will definitely come back later
Dominika J
Amazing! Me and my fiends loved it!! Very fun experience. Recommend everyone!!! A lot of fun places for photos. A lot of laughter
emma-maria J
Amazing place in the middle of Copenhagen. This place is inside the main trainstation of Copenhagen. This is the tube. D
Ditte L
Fantastisk oplevelse - magiske hovedbrud og sanseoplevelser for alle aldre. Her skal jeg snart tilbage og udfordre balancen og fantasien igen
Morten Bo L
Sjov og børnevenlig oplevelse. :-) Spændende illusioner og hyggelig tur. Men pas på hovedet under skibet! Gratis drikkevarer og gode billeder!
Super sjovt og anderledes, meget sjovt for både børn og voksne, eller barnepige sjæle, mange tak for dennne gang, et besøg værd
Thomas H
Eine Alternative bei schlechtem Wetter. Angemessener Preis. Das Highlight für unsere fast zweijährige Tochter war die Ballgrube.
Lisa Aidar
So much better than expected! My parents and I (26) had so much fun, interesting and unique experience. Must see! Ps: might not be a good experience for people that get sensory overloaded frequently. Lots of lights and textures, with no clear way out in the middle of the experience.
Gonçalo Rodrigues
Fun since the first moment. A wide variety of experiences, all so different from the previous, and that last for as long as you want to keep on having fun. Almost felt like starting over again right after finishing, nearly one hour went by and it didn't even feel like 20 minutes have passed. Quite friendly and welcoming staff too!
It was conveniently located inside the central station across from Tivoli. Very friendly staffs. It was a short but fun experience. I am not sure about the snakes hanging on a through way. Bathrooms are located in the middle of the experience, and they are clean and free of charge.
Eliana Figueroa
The tube was a great experience! I went with a friend who was visiting Copenhagen and we both love it.The personal was really friendly and helpful. I highly recommend it if you want to have fun 😊 …
Areti Pasiou
Great experience! Not big place but worth it if you want to have some fun and nice instagram pics ❤️
Eugenia Ivani
I just wanted to thank the whole team, but specially Florencia since she made this experience unforgettable for us. I went with some of my friends and it felt like she was part of the group as well! 10/10 I will be coming back soon to have more fun. PS: she took great pictures of us
The tube was verry fun
Anagha Mishra
We loved the Tube! Great interactive exhibits at an inexpensive price. We took lots of pictures and videos. It is also very conveniently located and doesn’t take a lot of time to go through it all. Highly recommend!
Nankam Clement
Very sweet experience, after walking the whole day, we wanted an indoor activity and we came here
Nos ha gustado la experiencia navideña. Un paseo por el Tivoli. Aunque no somos de montar el ambiente es muy bueno. Y la temperatura en invierno es baja, pero merece la pena.
Visita obligada y es espectacular visitarlo por la noche con toda la iluminación navideña. Pagar la entrada ya merece la pena para pasear por este bonito parque.
Visita que coincidió en Halloween, espectacular decoración. Hay que pagar una entrada solo para el parque y después una para montar en las atracciones. Dentro del parque hay infinidad de bares para comer, tomar un refresco o café a precios asequibles. Las atracciones valen mucho la pena. Tienes que ir si te gusta la adrenalina.
Muy chulo, nosotras íbamos con la Copenhague Card y los hicimos al anochecer y vale la pena aunque las atracciones no sean tu fuerte.
Precioso parque de atracciones, creo que el más antiguo de Europa. Está en pleno centro de la ciudad. Tienen entrada de paseo y merece la pensá entrar aunque sólo sea para visitarlo, jardines, vegetación, precioso.
En pleno centro de Copenhague, al lado del City Hall y con varios estacionamientos cerca, es una visita obligada en la ciudad. Se paga una entrada que te permite recorrer todo el parque y adentro puedes pagar por cada atracción en la que quieras entrar o comprar un pase general para todas las atracciones (unos 35 dólares). El lugar es bastante grande, si vas en plan de montarte en las atracciones necesitas al menos 5-6 horas. Pero también puedes ir solo para disfrutar de sus jardines y vistas o comer en alguno de los muchísimos lugares de comida. También hay atracciones típicas de feria. Cierra a las 10 pm.
No es un parque con atracciones muy espectaculares, pero tiene la gracia de que está integrado en la ciudad. En las atracciones más altas tienes unas vistas de la ciudad preciosas.
Un Parque de atracciones en pleno centro de la ciudad, van muchas familias. Atracciones muy variadas pará todas las edades, hay tiendas de souvenirs y restaurantes. Muy cuidados los detalles, Walt Disney se inspiró en el. Muy aconsejable ir el SÁBADO POR LA NOCHE ( Espectáculo de FUEGOS ARTIFICIALES ) y CONCIERTO.
Estuvimos con mi marido alojados en Copenhague durante seis noches. Nuestro hotel se encontraba muy cerca de los Jardines Tívoli. Al principio era nuestro punto de ubicación en la ciudad, ya que desde lejos veíamos sus altísimas torres. Un parque de diversiones que es la principal atracción de los turistas. Creado en el año 1843. Por la mañana la fila para ingresar era importante, siempre vimos muchísima gente. Nosotros no entramos porque nuestro presupuesto era limitado, pero desde afuera se podían ver algunos de los juegos.
El parque es precioso, está super cuidado y las instalaciones y luces son muy bonitas. Las atracciones son bastante fuertes para lo que esperaba pero las subidas a atracciones son caras. El parque tiene escenarios de espectáculos y muchos puestecitos de comida rápida, palomitas, helados,... así como muchas actividades para todas las edades
El Parque tiene todo lo que uno puede esperar , es magia diversión y felicidad . Hay obras conciertos juegos mecánicos y área con restaurantes con vistas al parque . Es una experiencia única para un parque de diversiones y cultural
Además de las atracciones, lugar indispensable a visitar tras la caída del sol. Los restaurantes son un poco caros.. conviene reservar
Es otra visita obligada, este parque esta muy bien cuidado con muchos detalles. Rodeado de restaurantes y en pleno centro de la ciudad. Es interesante verlo tanto de dia como de noche.
Parque de atracciones muy chulo para ir con niños pero también gusta mucho a la gente mayor. Bastantes opciones para comer con precios similares fuera del parque. Ahora está ambientado por pascua. Hacen varios espectáculos. Aconsejo sacar las entradas anticipadamente por Internet. El parque está muy bien cuidado y los jardines súper chulus. Opinión escrita en castellano por imperativo de las normas de Tripadvisor (NO Admitido EL CATALÁN) .Desde aquí reivindico que sea el Catalán, una lengua reconocida por Tripadvisor.
Es pequeño, no es grande, se ve en una mañana o una tarde. No tiene atracciones excesivamente fuertes aunque sí entretenidas y divertidas. Esta muy bonito decorado y hay muchos sitios donde comer o cenar dentro, ademas en verano hacen conciertos, vimos uno en directo y lo disfrutamos mucho, había muchos bancos para sentarse y también hay tiendas de golosinas. Si vas a Copenhague merece la pena entrar a verlo
Un parque de atracciónes y jardines centenarios que recomiendo para pasar un día al aire libre disfrutando de un entorno retro pero atractivo. Alguñnas atracciones son muy divertidas. También tiene una amplia oferta en restauración
Parque de atracciones céntrico y divertido. Bien decorado, con restaurantes agradables para tomar un aperitivo. Una experiencia recomendable.
Wir haben diesen Park besucht kurz bevor er zum Winterschlaf geschlossen wurde. Abends hatte man ein Gefühl, dass man in einem Märchenparadies ist- zauberhafte Beleuchtung, unzählige Attraktionen, verschiedene Aussteller, unzählige gastronomische Angebote, eine Lichtshow am Wasser mit klassischer Musik, gute Laune und sehr freundliches Personal. Im Tageslicht sah der Park in dieser Zeit eher wie ein graues Mäuschen.
After dragging our kids through a long day of sightseeing, we wanted to reward them with an evening at Tivoli. They were very excited to take on all of the rides and we planned to try them all. Unfortunately, the park shut down all of their rides an hour before closing because they were putting on some sort of show. We had no idea, nor had we been informed by staff. Luckily the kids got to do most of the rides, but for the price you pay, we felt like we got ripped off. I contacted Tivoli customer service and they told me that because the kids had gone on a certain number of rides, they were not willing to offer any compensation. How the number of rides the kids went on factors into whether they believe you're owed compensation left me bewildered. We thought we were paying to be able to go on rides for a certain amount of time and they cut that short. It was a lot of fun. Just make sure you're aware of the hours before you go.
We spent a fun few hours here - the gardens are beautiful and the rides are great! Not too pricey although food and drinks are on the expensive side.
The thrilling rides got our hearts racing, while the romantic gardens offered perfect spots for quiet moments. We indulged in delicious treats from charming cafés, savoring every bite. Tivoli is a delightful blend of excitement and romance—a must for anyone exploring Copenhagen!
A really good place to visit. However it really is for young people as it basically is fun fair. The gardens are beautiful and there are some great restaurants. The food hall is a great experience for choice of food.
L'un des incontournables de la ville, pour se promener parmi des manèges sympathiques et profiter de superbes mises en lumière des jardins. Trop cher néanmoins.
Amazing trip with my grandkids. many exciting Christmas decorations and a lot of fun for the kids. Unfortunately no real snow. however it was not Tivoli's fault but the weather
Tivoli Gardens was fabulous. Staff were all very helpful and welcoming, the rides were varied and the choice of restaurants and drinks venues were dotted all over. The aquarium was a great benefit as the free pass ride allowed. Would thoroughly recommend this place!
Tivoli Gardens is truly a 5* attraction in the centre of Copenhagen because of its amazing staff, beautiful grounds and the fact that it has something for all ages. We visited on a cold, dry day in January and appreciated the fact that there were opportunities to stop and have something to eat, have a break from the cold, and recharge to enjoy all it has to offer. We visited with a 3 year old and there were about 15 rides that she was able to go on. Many rides are listed with a solo rider in mind so worth checking the height requirements when accompanied by an adult as this opens up many more thrill rides. Our daughter’s favourites were The Galley Ships and The Roller Coaster, both had minimal queues and lasted for a good amount of time. Tip: Tivoli app allows you to scan your ride photo (via QR) to get a free download. Excellent feature.
Visited tivoli gardens the day before the park closes until the summer, the park is beautiful a The lights are so pretty and we loved the firefly garden, with teen boys who were looking forward to the rides, we were disappointed that two of the rollercoasters were closed and a couple of other rides, maybe they are winding down to closing but still paid the full amount x
Well worth a visit, we went during the day on New Year’s Eve but it wasn’t too busy, the rides looked fabulous although we didn’t go on any. Lots of cabins for gifts & places to eat. Great atmosphere & we were able to return in the evening.
Luogo molto particolare nel cuore di Copenaghen, le attrazioni hanno un costo un po’ elevato ma sono veramente divertenti e uniche, i giardini sono curati e molto suggestivi sopratutto quando cala il sole e si accendono tutte le luci!
Super hyggelig, og skøn jule udsmykning, så dejligt at gå rundt og opleve haven selvom det var lidt træls vejr, altid hyggeligt
Tivoli Gardens in Winter are beautifully decorated and illuminated at night, their Christmas Market is very rich, colourful and meets many tastes, experience is perfect. On the other hand, problems for visitors are: high entrance price without rides (200 DKK or 26 €), high prices in Christmas markets stands and restaurants (150% of regular prices in the city) and the place can be very overcrowded at night, with not much place even to walk, also with long waiting lines for the rides. Surely very worth to visit but maybe better not in some peak days with the most visitors.
Durante una visita della città di Copenhagen, ci siamo avventurati nei giardini Tivoli, dove per l’occasione del Natale è stato allestito il parco completamente illuminato a tema. Un’atmosfera decisamente magica. Abbiamo acquistato unicamente il pass per entrare, mentre tutte le attrazioni sono state a pagamento. Per acquistare i biglietti è necessario scansionare un QR code all’entrata dell’attrazione ed eseguire il pagamento con carta di credito. La visita comporta circa due ore. All’interno del parco ci sono molti punti di ristoro e bancarelle per poter acquistare del cibo. Unica nota negativa, i ristoranti chiudono verso le ore 20.00, e quindi non è possibile mangiare dopo quell’orario, considerato che il parco chiude alle ore 23.00. Visita consigliata, in quanto è un’esperienza particolare, considerato che si trova nel centro della città .
Qu’on aime ou pas les fêtes foraines, une balade dans le Tivoli s’impose, surtout à la tombée de la nuit (qui arrive tôt en hiver !) pour profiter des illuminations. Amateur de grand 8, faites le daemon ! Très chouette avec son looping et double vrille ! Le plus vieux parc d’attractions au cœur de la ville, ça ne se rate pas !
Biggest park with more than 1000 trees decorated for Christmas. Must go and very enjoyable. Get carried away magically
Tivoli felt magical over the Xmas period. The lights and atmosphere at night were great and we really enjoyed our time here. A good mix of modern and old fashioned rides alike.
We visited the park on Christmas Day and again on 27th Dec. We loved it! It was a perfect way to spend Christmas. The park was beautifully decorated. The rides were great. We had a fabulous time and would absolutely recommend.
We came to see the christmas market. We were not disappointed. Tivoli is a lovely space in the city centre. Lots of fun rides and games, many restaurants and bars plus good shops. The market was spectacular. It's just a shame about the high entry price.
Visited with my elderly mother and my husband for the Christmas offering. We arrived around midday, took mum home about 6, then returned for the evening. We only bought entry tickets as not really in to the rides but I heard if you want to go on more than 4 rides the pass is more economical than paying individual rides. The Christmas market in the gardens is great, not cheap but acceptable prices for souvenirs. We bought beautiful decorations we have never found elsewhere so very happy. Obviously in December the gardens aren't at their best, but hyacinths were flowering and the use of evergreen cuttings to mulch borders looked great. The evening was brilliant, a 10+ minutes water, laser and light show to the Nutcracker was amazing and the lights basically felt like we had entered Christmas wonderland. I highly recommend for families and adults alike.
Tivoli Gardens is a legendary amusement park for a reason. They know how to make the park magical in all seasons. For younger visitors, check out Veteran bilerne, HC Andersen’s Flyvende Kuffert, the boats, and the Rasmus Klump play area. Under the roller coaster mountain is an indoor parkour style play area. There are a variety of rides for all ages, but our favorites are the pirate ships and the roller coaster.
It doesn’t get much more Christmas-y than this place! A fantastic mix of stalls, shops, food, rides and games. All in a beautifully setting that looks great during the day, and absolutely amazing at night. The perfect place for getting into the Christmas spirit! A must do.
We loved our 3 day trip to Copenhagen to visit Tivoli Gardens in particular We were there from midday to 5pm and it was so nice to experience the park in the daylight when it was quieter so we could visit the little cabin shops etc and also see the beautiful lights everywhere once it had gone dark We ate in the Tivoli Foodhall in Zocalo and it was so nice The flowers everywhere were pretty and the gardens well kept also No litter !!! Highly recommend a trip here. Very expensive to eat and drink and also the shops here. Pre purchase your tickets so you don’t have to queue up to get in !
Kerst in Kopenhagen dan moet er ook een bezoekje gebracht worden aan Tivoli. Het park is prachtig versierd met heel veel lichtjes, overal staan houten huisjes waar allerlei eten en souvenirs kunt kopen. De sfeer is magisch. Naast dit alles kun je ook genieten van de attracties die het park rijk is.
Great time, very, very popular at Christmas time, so quite crowded. Beautiful lights! Would be a great tradition for those who live nearby-
Beautiful spot. Went on Christmas Day amd we had an amazing time. It's a long day and we waited longer to see the illusion light show. Best part was lots of the stalls had 50% off Xmas decorations! Whole family had fun. We booked tickets ahead.
Andare a Tivoli nel periodo natalizio è davvero spettacolare, perché si vive un'esperienza unica. Gli addobbi, le musiche, le luci, i giochi....tanta roba rispetto al resto della città per quel che concerne l'atmosfera natalizia!
Good pricing and available to purchase tickets with the app. This feature allows for faster entry into the venue. Inside is packed with rides, shops, restaurants, and the ice rink. The ships sold great, hand crafted Danish ornaments, clothes, and decorations for Christmas. The food stalls were also serving up delicious treats Danish and foreign. The only downside was the ice rink! It was plastic, which they did warn us about, but we tried it anyway. It wasn't as fun or as real as ice, and I hope Tivoli would get actual ice in coming years, as this was the only negative of the experience.
We were told good things about this place before our trip to Copenhagen, but this place was even better than expected. We went when it was kitted out for Christmas and it was such a nice place to walk around in an evening and see the different sights. There are also multiple restaurants and bars to enjoy during your visit.
Tivoli is such a fantastic place to go and enjoy a family afternoon with kids and in our case a family member in a wheelchair. It is beautiful, relaxing and good for the soul. Same that many of the restaurants are very poor quality (like the Italian place we went to. Doing the Garden a huge disservice.
Really lovely amusement park and beautiful garden, something to suit all the family. We started to queue before opening time and had pre-bought tickets which I recommend to do. Best to do your research to see which ticket option suits you, depends if you want to go on the rides as buying them included is a cheaper option if doing a few of those. Plenty of places to eat and drink. We went in December and it was beautifully decorated. We visited first thing in the morning and had a good wander around, stopping for refreshments and visiting all the festive stalls then we went back at night where it was beautifully lit up with a great atmosphere but extremely busy then especially in the eating areas which was to be expected. If leaving but going back later remember to get your hand stamped to get back in. Had a lovely day here and I would go back.
Stupendi nel periodo Natalizio sono davvero unici, belle le giostre, molto grandi. Ci sono molti posti dove poter mangiare. Ideale per le famiglie ma non solo anche per cercare atmosfera Natalizia.