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- Bus Turístico de Copenhague
- Bus turístico RED Sightseeing Copenhague + Jardines Tívoli
Explora Copenhague a tu propio ritmo con paradas en todos los lugares de interés de la ciudad y visita la atracción número uno de la ciudad.
Ver más
- Visita los principales recursos turísticos
- Disfruta de este oasis en el centro de la ciudad
- Puedes comprar entradas para las atracciones por separado
Entrada para niños de 3 a 7 años
Entrada gratuita para niños de 0 a 2 años si van acompañados por un adulto con entrada (máximo de 2 niños por adulto)
Horario del bus
Lunes - Domingo: 9.00 - 17.30
Última salida de la parada 1 a las 16.00
Salidas frecuentes
Horario Tívoli
Lunes - viernes: 11.00 - 22.00
Sábado - domingo: 11.00 - 23.00
Haz click en el mapa o encuentra la ubicación de las paradas en la APP de RED Sightseeing.
Información de entradas
Billete de autobús válido durante 24 horas
La entrada al Tívoli da acceso al parque durante todo el día
Puedes volver a entrar en el parque a lo largo del día, pero necesitarás un sello de reentrada que puedes obtener en el Tívoli Food Hall
La entrada al Tívoli no da acceso a las atracciones, éstas se pueden comprar por separado en el parque o en la APP Tívoli
Entrada disponible directamente en el móvil
Las entradas pueden ser reproramadas hasta con 24 horas de antelación, las entradas no se pueden cancelar
Más información
Para cuestiones sobre el producto, por favor, contacta con [email protected]
- Adaptado a la silla de ruedas
Tivoli Gardens
Transporte Público
La parada más cercana es la Estación Central de Copenhague (tren y autobús). O bájate en la parada 1 de la Estación Central/Jardines de Tivoli.
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Descubre Copenhague con el bus turístico Hop-On Hop-Off
Sube a bordo del del recorrido ilimitado en autobús Hop-on Hop-off de RED Sightseeing y descubre todos los secretos de la capital danesa. Con múltiples paradas en la ciudad, el autobús se detiene cerca de todas las atracciones y lugares de interés de Copenhague. Desde el segundo parque de atracciones más antiguo del mundo, Tivoli, hasta la residencia de invierno de la familia real, el Palacio de Amalienborg, y muchas otras atracciones.
Los autobuses son de dos pisos con un techo abierto en el piso superior en los días cálidos. De este modo, obtendrás una vista panorámica de la ciudad. También se incluye una audioguía en varios idiomas que te proporcionará información atractiva sobre los lugares emblemáticos de la ciudad.
Los fantásticos Jardines Tívoli
La atracción más popular de Copenhague es, sin duda, los Jardines de Tivoli. La entrada a los Jardines de Tivoli se encuentra justo a la salida de la Estación Central de Copenhague, cerca de la primera parada del autobús de subida y bajada de RED Sightseeing. Tivoli, el segundo parque temático más antiguo del mundo, no se limita a las atracciones opcionales, ya que está repleto de diferentes tipos de jardines que despiertan todos los sentidos.
El invernadero recuerda a los jardines botánicos clásicos, fáciles, exóticos y nostálgicos. Mientras que las burbujas de las Fuentes de Agua Nimb te atraen para disfrutar de hermosas flores y paisajes en compañía de algún que otro pavo real. Y en los Jardines de la Pérgola podrás explorar el mundo de las plantas comestibles disfrutando de su fragancia y sus sabores.
A lo largo de los verdes jardines de Tivoli, encontrarás muchas oportunidades de probar diferentes alimentos de todo el mundo. Y, por supuesto, también hay unas 30 atracciones para disfrutar. Hay atracciones para todas las edades, como el Carrusel Clásico y la Noria para los más pequeños, y la montaña rusa Demon y la Torre Dorada para los amantes de las emociones.
Visita las atracciones imprescindibles de Copenhague
El autobús Hop-on Hop-off te llevará a los principales lugares de interés de la ciudad y podrás bajarte y subirte cuando quieras a lo largo del día. Así que siéntate, relájate y déjate guiar por Copenhague. Las entradas a los Jardines de Tívoli te permiten saltarte la cola de entrada al parque. Las entradas para las atracciones se pueden comprar por separado en el parque o en la aplicación Tívoli. Con esta entrada combinada te aseguras un día increíble en Copenhague.
288 Reviews
Valoración media de
and Tripadvisor
Aline Kurt
Great advice. Really friendly. Would come again. The description of the start of the tour could be better.
Apr 4, 2024Karl heinz Schmitz
Sehr gute Beratung
Oct 26, 2023Aly Hassan
Got the bus and the boat rides, I like the sightseeing rides and do it in all the cities I visit
Oct 21, 2023Voicemail (LDCRF)
Excellent overview of the city we had two delightful drivers, unfortunately, we don’t know both their names, only the one from Norway. The other Man was a former basketball player. We were fortunate to sit right up front great views, and they really helped make the trip fun and enjoyable.
Oct 20, 2023Laith Murasil
Really nice city-tour with great high level of Service from costumer service ( a girl named Aga) she is really professional and Hospitable!
Oct 4, 2023Silvia Tappe
Red Sightseeing ist echt super, wir hatten für 72 Stunden und so konnten wir alle Sehenswürdigkeiten besuchen. Wir hatten eben keinen Stress. Die Fahrer waren alle super nett und freundlich.
Sep 28, 2023Marco Pielhoff
Völlig unkompliziert! Der Bus fährt im 15 min Takt und hält an neuralgischen Punkten. Es gibt kostenlos Kopfhörer die am Sitzplatz angeschlossen werden. In 6 verschiedenen Sprachen wird man durch Kopenhagen geleitet.
Aug 25, 2023Zishan Shaikh
The bus service was good... frequency was excellent...very good option for the people who wants to explore the city in short time or not able to walk much. The only negative thing is..it will get monotonous as you have to go through same route again and again to reach any destination
Aug 23, 2023Mgarg91
Adrenalina pura en pleno centro
Visita que coincidió en Halloween, espectacular decoración. Hay que pagar una entrada solo para el parque y después una para montar en las atracciones. Dentro del parque hay infinidad de bares para comer, tomar un refresco o café a precios asequibles. Las atracciones valen mucho la pena. Tienes que ir si te gusta la adrenalina.
Nov 1, 2024K24kt
Muy chulos
Muy chulo, nosotras íbamos con la Copenhague Card y los hicimos al anochecer y vale la pena aunque las atracciones no sean tu fuerte.
Sep 15, 2024amparoe293
Merece la pena hacer una visita
Precioso parque de atracciones, creo que el más antiguo de Europa. Está en pleno centro de la ciudad. Tienen entrada de paseo y merece la pensá entrar aunque sólo sea para visitarlo, jardines, vegetación, precioso.
Sep 9, 2024Adgapa
En pleno centro de Copenhague, al lado del City Hall y con varios estacionamientos cerca, es una visita obligada en la ciudad. Se paga una entrada que te permite recorrer todo el parque y adentro puedes pagar por cada atracción en la que quieras entrar o comprar un pase general para todas las atracciones (unos 35 dólares). El lugar es bastante grande, si vas en plan de montarte en las atracciones necesitas al menos 5-6 horas. Pero también puedes ir solo para disfrutar de sus jardines y vistas o comer en alguno de los muchísimos lugares de comida. También hay atracciones típicas de feria. Cierra a las 10 pm.
Aug 22, 2024Sergi_S_78
Parque de atracciones en un bonito entorno
No es un parque con atracciones muy espectaculares, pero tiene la gracia de que está integrado en la ciudad. En las atracciones más altas tienes unas vistas de la ciudad preciosas.
Aug 21, 2024Felixmgzgz
Un Parque de atracciones en pleno centro de la ciudad, van muchas familias. Atracciones muy variadas pará todas las edades, hay tiendas de souvenirs y restaurantes. Muy cuidados los detalles, Walt Disney se inspiró en el. Muy aconsejable ir el SÁBADO POR LA NOCHE ( Espectáculo de FUEGOS ARTIFICIALES ) y CONCIERTO.
Aug 5, 2024PATO-BETO
Estuvimos con mi marido alojados en Copenhague durante seis noches. Nuestro hotel se encontraba muy cerca de los Jardines Tívoli. Al principio era nuestro punto de ubicación en la ciudad, ya que desde lejos veíamos sus altísimas torres. Un parque de diversiones que es la principal atracción de los turistas. Creado en el año 1843. Por la mañana la fila para ingresar era importante, siempre vimos muchísima gente. Nosotros no entramos porque nuestro presupuesto era limitado, pero desde afuera se podían ver algunos de los juegos.
Jul 4, 2024estherbU1558PA
Un indispensable en Copenhague
El parque es precioso, está super cuidado y las instalaciones y luces son muy bonitas. Las atracciones son bastante fuertes para lo que esperaba pero las subidas a atracciones son caras. El parque tiene escenarios de espectáculos y muchos puestecitos de comida rápida, palomitas, helados,... así como muchas actividades para todas las edades
May 20, 2024Lizyhanon
Mágico :)
El Parque tiene todo lo que uno puede esperar , es magia diversión y felicidad . Hay obras conciertos juegos mecánicos y área con restaurantes con vistas al parque . Es una experiencia única para un parque de diversiones y cultural
May 19, 2024HL3s
Ambiente de cuento, en pleno centro de la ciudad
Además de las atracciones, lugar indispensable a visitar tras la caída del sol. Los restaurantes son un poco caros.. conviene reservar
May 10, 202488ALBERTO
Parque de atracciones clásico
Es otra visita obligada, este parque esta muy bien cuidado con muchos detalles. Rodeado de restaurantes y en pleno centro de la ciudad. Es interesante verlo tanto de dia como de noche.
Apr 18, 2024jordisubirana
Parque historico
Parque de atracciones muy chulo para ir con niños pero también gusta mucho a la gente mayor. Bastantes opciones para comer con precios similares fuera del parque. Ahora está ambientado por pascua. Hacen varios espectáculos. Aconsejo sacar las entradas anticipadamente por Internet. El parque está muy bien cuidado y los jardines súper chulus. Opinión escrita en castellano por imperativo de las normas de Tripadvisor (NO Admitido EL CATALÁN) .Desde aquí reivindico que sea el Catalán, una lengua reconocida por Tripadvisor.
Mar 29, 2024Car09_86
Muy bonito
Es pequeño, no es grande, se ve en una mañana o una tarde. No tiene atracciones excesivamente fuertes aunque sí entretenidas y divertidas. Esta muy bonito decorado y hay muchos sitios donde comer o cenar dentro, ademas en verano hacen conciertos, vimos uno en directo y lo disfrutamos mucho, había muchos bancos para sentarse y también hay tiendas de golosinas. Si vas a Copenhague merece la pena entrar a verlo
Nov 1, 2023503josepb
Un parque vintage encantador
Un parque de atracciónes y jardines centenarios que recomiendo para pasar un día al aire libre disfrutando de un entorno retro pero atractivo. Alguñnas atracciones son muy divertidas. También tiene una amplia oferta en restauración
Sep 8, 2023evernia
Céntrico y alegre parque de atracciones.
Parque de atracciones céntrico y divertido. Bien decorado, con restaurantes agradables para tomar un aperitivo. Una experiencia recomendable.
Aug 20, 2023luketpitchnoir
A great place to spend a few hours
A nice place to spend a few hours. Definitely go during Christmas for all the shops and food stalls amongst the rides and everything else. Shop around for tickets rather than buying on the gate.
Nov 18, 2024theunclejay
Très jolie parc au cœur de Copenhague. Entrée facile, des attractions pour tous les goûts. Parce choix pour se restaurer. L’endroit est très jolie et hors du temps.
Nov 18, 2024shaunmadge
Loved it - a must do!
A wonderful way to spend your evening in Copenhagen. We went on the opening night for Christmas, 15 November, 2024. Just booked entrance tickets as we are knocking on a bit for the rides, but if you are younger or got kids, it is a fun place with some great rides. There are plenty of shops to browse through and you can while away a couple of hours just wandering around the park. Food - so many places to eat in there to suit all budgets, my advice is to book before you go as we struggled to get a table in the restaurants - we did eventually, an Italian - great pizza. If you are in Copenhagen , this is a must do. Loved it.
Nov 18, 2024moonnazrina
Dont miss this one when in Copenhagen
The ambience is just so nostalgic. I felt like i was in a movie set. I went there when it just re-opened after halloween. You dont mind getting lost there, the lights were beautifully decorated, the food..well..a bit pricey, but i didnt mind sitting and eating there while watching the rides.
Nov 17, 2024idasJ6413MD
Yndlingsspot i KBH
Tivoli er altså bare helt magisk. Det er smukt i alle årstider og der er altid gjort meget ud af dekorationerne. Mange gode madmuligheder også :)
Nov 17, 2024piotruszka26
Simply Amazing!
We had amazing time in Tivoli Gardens. The gardens themselves, decor, especially with all the lights and halloween theme- amazing. Rides also very good. A bit pricy food, but it was definitely worth it!
Nov 10, 2024EbbaTheodosiaRussell
Always a great family day
This is our 4th visit to Tivoli and 2nd for the Halloween season! I was shocked at how busy Tivoli was this visit and never seen there for busy before but you would never of known, queue times were very minimal and there were people of all ages enjoying themselves! The food stalls were lovely, the smells were amazing, I loved the cups that you were given for drinks and I have kept them, I loved the æblesvier aswell! The shops were brilliant and we got alot of Christmas decorations! The aquarium was a lovely visit as always, very clean, decorated for Halloween, always worth a visit. We had great fun and would always come back as the grounds are so pretty, the atmosphere is always lovely, it is always great fun! Everything was well priced and photos and the aquarium included in our passes. Best theme park we have ever visited!
Nov 10, 2024khudri_johari
Amazing as expected - and more!
We were just in time for the Halloween season - and the decorations put up were brilliant! All the rides were open, the performances were magical, and there were not many people because it's the fall season. We got cheaper tickets because it was on a weekday; bought them online on the official website. We arrived at the main gate around 10:30a.m., and immediately queued as the third group. Few minutes later, the line had become so long that we couldn't see the end of it. Sharp at 11 a.m., they let us in with smiles and ease. After we enjoyed most of the attractions, we went out for dinner and came back around 7 p.m. Had a go on some other rides and enjoyed the Halloween lights, decorations, and laser performance before we went back home around 9:30 p.m. Overall: amazing as expected!
Nov 9, 2024TheTassieWanderer
Halloween at Tivoli
This was amazing! We went here for Halloween and had the best time. The food stalls were delicious, the lights, the rides it was so much fun
Nov 5, 2024adventureexplorer1
Incredible!! We had the best time! The attention to detail on the Halloween decorations was absolutely insane. We visited about 2pm and stayed late for the light show. Yes it’s not cheap but neither is Disneyland and it’s better than that. What I love is how modest it is, you can’t quite believe that it sits behind the buildings and city it does. We also visited the food hall which was great but needed a few more seats!
Oct 31, 2024lynnroelofs
Ook zonder attracties gaaf!
Hier kun je heerlijk een middagje rondstruinen. Ook zonder dat je een ticket hebt om in attracties te kunnen, is er genoeg te zien!
Oct 31, 2024leighroy77
A must do if you’re in CPH. Lovely to walk around and soak up the atmosphere. Eat in the food court!
We had the CPH card and so entry was included. Loved going in at dusk and seeing lights come on. Pumpkins carved - great display. Went to food court & tasty food, great atmosphere (if a little tricky to find a place for family or four to sit together). Loved the little shops and options to get warm Drinks outside. LOVE the reusable cup option and in fact didn’t return and kept as souvenir. Played Galoppen which was fun. Hadn’t entertained the idea of doing the rides so can’t comment on those yet they looked fun. Busy yet full of atmosphere.
Oct 31, 2024alexandra2305
Sympa pour les enfants
Joli parc décoré pour Halloween Les décorations sont naturelles et très jolies. Nous avons fait deux manèges et le prix est assez élevé. Vous trouverez à boire et à manger
Oct 30, 2024O8197BNstephenp
Don’t leave Copenhagen without paying a visit!
Cannot recommend a visit here enough! Such a chill place to walk around, explore and enjoy a drink! An absolute must whilst in Copenhagen
Oct 30, 2024Dorkus-Leigh
A must see
Such an awesome place. Way bigger than it looks from the outside and even better at night. There's rides for all ages, theatre shows, market stalls, seasonal displays, and a tonne of eateries. It's beautiful, well manned and, despite visiting during half term, I didn't wait longer than 10mins in any of the ride lines. Prices aren't much more than the rest of Copenhagen and the atmosphere there is amazing - I felt like a child again. Its open until midnight as well. If you the Tivoli app and set up an account, you can scan the QR codes on ride photos to download them for free which is a nice added touch. Highly recommend it it and would love to go again.
Oct 28, 2024katiemX9677QJ
A Copenhagen must see
It’s worth a visit if you are Copenhagen, easy to get to via public transport and walking. It draws a diverse crowd and there is something for everyone.
Oct 26, 2024viaggiosepossoquando
Magia pura
Luogo magico, imperdibile se si va a Copenhagen. Innanzitutto lo si raggiunge facilmente, ho alloggiato all’hotel Cabinn e ho potuto raggiungerlo a piedi. Inoltre si paga l’ingresso e le corse illimitate richiedono un biglietto specifico, io l’ho ricevuto in regalo da amici tramite Get your guide, credo costasse intorno ai 60 euro. Essendo il periodo consono era addobbato per Halloween nei minimi dettagli. Abbiamo assistito anche ad un piccolo spettacolo, il cibo lo si può portare anche da fuori, ho visto molta gente mangiare un panino fatto in casa anziché acquistare lì, nonostante le opzioni fossero molteplici, ma di sicuro costose. In compenso abbiamo comprato lo zucchero filato, immancabile per creare atmosfera, una cosa che ho gradito molto è che, scaricando l’app, tramite qr code fuori le giostre è stato possibile scannerizzare le foto, anziché comprarle per forza. I bagni sono puliti. Le giostre sono bellissime, ho amato quella che ricorda gli ingranaggi di un orologio, veramente divertente. Adatto per bambini e per adulti, siamo arrivate all’apertura e siamo andate via alla chiusura, ne è valsa la pena.
Oct 26, 2024356wanderlust
Absolutely loved the efforts made to decorate for Halloween. It looked so amazing! We did a couple of rides which were expensive but fun, and the ride operators were really friendly. Even better that entry is covered by the Copenhagen card.
Oct 25, 2024sarahpQ5279DR
Lots of fun to be had at Tivoli
We visited Tivoli during their Halloween event and have nothing but good things to say. The decorations were extensive, eye catching and well thought out. The park is a really good size and you can certainly spend a good few hours walking around. We didn’t pay for rides, only the entry, which at approx £20pp is pricey, but to be expected for this type of thing. We headed in around 4.30pm and stayed until it was dark, leaving at around 8.30. We bought our tickets on the gate and only queued for about 3 minutes. In my opinion it has something for everyone. Lots of things to look at, a light show, and lots of food and drink stalls. If you come to Copenhagen you just have to give it a visit. Lots of positive things to say, only negative is that it can be expensive, but also fun and worth doing! The Halloween decor was great, so would recommend visiting in October!
Oct 23, 2024libnyvole
The park is huge and there are lots of attractions, great food/drink shops and especially a shop with great ice cream which they dip in chocolate and then give you, I recommend it. As for the attractions, we tried most of them and I must say it was really fun, I recommend the roller coaster "Daemonen" the most. The ride does take 20-30 seconds but it's really fast and and you turn your head down and up several times during the ride
Oct 23, 2024655catherins
Wonderful magical place
We came here for late afternoon into the evening. Didn't do the rides..not our thing..but loved watching the excitement and thrills of people on them. Plenty of fun screaming 😁 magical lit garden. Halloween 🎃 was a bonus. Beautifully decorated and we just took our time and mooched around into the evening time and as the light changed it was wonderful. We went in about 4.30pm for the night. No queue. 200 krone each for a magical experience. Plenty of food drink and entertainment stalls and watching the rides was great. Rollercoaster in particular. A must do when you are in Copenhagen. I bet it's wonderful at Christmas too. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit. Highly recommend
Oct 22, 2024849christophee
En centre-ville:ok mais très commercial!
Je pense que le pass est obligatoire…sinon les manèges sont beaucoup trop chers. Parc à dimension humaine mais bourré de restaurants !
Oct 21, 2024Gogge1956
Fantastiske Halloween dekorationer
Var på besøg i Tivoli når e’er var pyntet til Halloween. Ikke første gang og igen var det en fornøjelse at gå gennem den gamle forlystelsespark og beundre alle dekorationer osv. aldrig har jeg set så mange græskar på et sted, hvor dekoratører i verdensklasse har udfoldet sig. Alt fra udstilling af Danmarks største græskar til de hyggelige boder var en oplevelse. Besøger gerne Tivoli 2-3 gange om året, hvor Halloween og jul er favoritter.
Oct 21, 202480sianp
A nice day out but shame about some rides being under repair.
I came here for the day and its a pretty cool attraction but pricy especially if you want to do the rides. some of the big rides were closed due to repairs which was disappointing. I would come back here again but would do it at night so we can see the lights on. We also managed to do the oldest rollercoaster in the world which was great.
Oct 21, 2024VitoCastellano
Tornare bambini? Qui si può. Atmosfera magica, un parco bellissimo con attrazioni spettacolari. Ho avuto la fortuna di assistere ad uno spettacolo all'aperto, tema Halloween. Sono stati fantastici. Tra i soldi meglio spesi di tutta la mia vita
Oct 20, 2024um1986
Happy Halloween
My adult daughter and I visited on opening day of their Halloween program. The decorations were extensive and very well done. We did not ride any rides, just walked around, poked into each shop, watched people - many families and children - and had some drinks and snacks. We had a wonderful time! It is clear why this place is so beloved by the locals: it is extraordinarily uncommercial (from a US point of view) and so charming and cozy. We were also impressed by how pleasant and easygoing visitors are: for example, at the very first evening light show of the Halloween program, everyone was lined up on the bridge and around the lake as it began, with many excited children and genial groups of adults. The light show began powerfully and then shortly thereafter fizzled and ended with a brief announcement that there were technical difficulties. The crowd sighed and gently moved on - no fuss, no outburst, just a shrug and “oh well” as everyone returned to other activities. We absolutely loved our evening.
Oct 18, 2024amyfeather
A must see
I'm not a big fan of rides but I had a great time regardless! I'd recommend going in the evening as seeing the place lit up is fab, and the illuminations show is pretty cool too. It's great just to walk around taking everything in!
Oct 15, 2024S7198RKsamp
Tiboli Gardens without rides
Magical experience, not cheap, didn’t go in any rides so entrance was 200kr. Visit afternoon and into evening if you can to get the view with the light on. Free show at 630, there may be others during the day. Gardens and buildings are lovely. Loads of places to eat. If you get a stamp you can go in and out during the day. We visited with Halloween displays which were abundant complete with huge - like 700kg plus - pumpkins, quite a sight. Probably other seasonal themes are just as good too, but would be worth checking to see if you can time a visit with something special going on there.
Oct 15, 2024charleneaU4288HZ
Absolutes MUSS bei jeder Reise nach Kopenhagen!
Ein total schöner Freizeitpark! Ideal für Familie und abends ist er sehr schön beleuchtet! Vor allem die chinesische Straße hat uns sehr gut gefallen!
Oct 13, 2024HenrikH28
Halloween i Tivoli
Første lørdag i efterårsferien - Solen skinnede. Tivoli var fyldt af glade og smilende børnefamilier. Og hvem ville ikke være glad. Store græskar, mere end 1100 kg. Dog var børnenes udskæringsiver begrænset til eksemplarer på væsentlig mindre eksemplarer. Kreativiteten var stor, og fruen nød en dejlig gåtur i haven.
Oct 13, 2024Ilovemyjollies
We went in the evening after dark so we could see everything lit up. It was halloween themed and they had really gone to town with it. Really pleased we had the chance to visit and to see all the light displays. The only down side was the price, 200kr each to get in, and that was just for entry. Anything else was an additional cost which I felt was too steep. That said, I'm glad we went
Oct 13, 2024264GuglielmoS
Il paese dei balocchi
Ovviamente con bambini al seguito non si può NON andare ai giardini tivoli praticamente un parco dei divertimenti per tutte le età. Attrazioni da 0 a 99 anni, spettacoli, musiche, locali ecc un fantastico mondo di divertimento al centro di copenaghen. Unica pecca ( ma che già si sa dall inizio ): quant è cara economicamente una giornata con due bambini all interno del parco !
Oct 11, 2024Tomatich13015
Eeeh mercéé Tivoli 🇩🇰
Une activité à faire !! 2 façon de payer, soit que l'entrée est on paye c'est attractions (6€/8€) ou alors la formule tout compris manège à volonté. Les jardins et l'ensemble a l'intérieur sont magnifiques rien que cela vaut le coup d'y rentrer. Les manèges après c'est chacun ses goûts ,il y a de tout sensation, calme et enfants. On peut manger et boire à l'intérieur énormément de stands. J'y ai passé 3h suffisant pour moi, ça reste un parc d'attractions les minots font mal à la tête 😂
Oct 10, 2024Brittany_11_10
Magical day
What a magical place. We had the best time at Tivoli Gardens, a definite highlight of our time in Copenhagen. We went only for an afternoon (during the week in mid-September), with our toddler, and we went on every toddler ride available at least twice (except for the African animals carousel, which seemed to have only stationary animals)--and we never had to wait in line for more than five minutes. Such a difference from so many amusement parks in the States! We were surprised with how many rides our little one could go on, especially for it being not a massive park. From carousels to The Mine (an interactive boat ride in a "mine," a family favorite) to the Panda, a tower ride for little ones (our kid's favorite), there's a good variety as well. Also, it was so clean, so pretty, and so family-friendly in every way. We left our stroller at the "end" of every ride and felt not one iota of anxiety about this. And the ride operators, the ticket seller at the entrance, and other staff we encountered were all friendly. A tip on ticketing: you have to pay to enter, whether you go on any rides or not, and then you can pay per ride or to have access to all the rides. We didn't know how much our toddler was going to ride, nor did we know the price of, say, the balloon ride (apparently about $20 for adult and child), so we (stupidly) didn't get the all-rides ticket--until after that first balloon ride. Especially because our toddler said, "Again!" as soon as the ride was over (and then said that about every single other ride). For us, it was totally worth it to get the all-rides tickets, which we should have done right from the start. Awesome park. Can't recommend it enough. Our toddler still talks about Mine Ride almost daily.
Oct 8, 2024H3725XRcharlottet
Must go if your in Copenhagen, is a little on the pricey side but was a lovely place to have a walk around especially as the weather was beautiful (we didn't bother paying extra for the rides) they had all kinds of markets there when we visited. Plenty of places to have something to eat and all around beautiful place, the grounds are kept immaculate and the lights are so pretty at night
Oct 6, 2024
Otras actividades populares en copenhague