Acceso al recinto histórico y a la exposición de Home of Carlsberg
Una cerveza o refresco gratis
La entrada infantil para niños de 6 a 17 años
Entrada gratuita para niños de 0 a 5 años
Se puede reservar in situ una visita guiada en inglés
Lunes - Domingo: 10.00 - 20.00
La entrada está disponible directamente en los móviles
A su llegada, los visitantes serán asignados a la siguiente franja horaria de entrada disponible
La entrada se puede anular hasta con 48 horas de antelación, pero no se puede reprogramar
La mayor parte de Home of Carlsberg es accesible en silla de ruedas, pero no todo debido a las numerosas escaleras y a los antiguos edificios catalogados.
Si tienes preguntas sobre el producto, ponte en contacto con [email protected]
Home of Carlsberg es hoy más que una fábrica de cerveza, está llena de experiencias relacionadas con la famosa cerveza. Puedes pasear por la exposición, sentarte en el patio, tomar una copa en el bar y visitar a los caballos en los establos. Una visita a Home of Carlsberg, es como viajar en el tiempo con sus históricas instalaciones y establos, y su moderna exposición.
La exposición interactiva explora la historia, el presente y el futuro de la cerveza Carlsberg y de la familia Carlsberg. Puedes ponerte manos a la obra y elaborar virtualmente tu propia cerveza, y luego sumergirte en un mundo de experiencias sensoriales. Huele el fragante lúpulo, baila en una cerveza y observa cómo ha evolucionado la publicidad de Carlsberg a lo largo de los años. Y ningún viaje a Home of Carlsberg estaría completo sin maravillarse con su impresionante colección de botellas en el sótano, con botellas de todos los rincones del mundo.
Para saciar tu sed después de recorrer la exposición, la entrada incluye una refrescante cerveza de barril o un refresco. Puedes elegir entre disfrutarla en el hermoso bar Carlsberg o en el rústico patio. El patio también cuenta con un pequeño jardín de esculturas.
Tampoco olvides visitar los establos Carlsberg durante tu visita. Allí podrás conocer a seis caballos de tiro y dos ponis. Antaño, los caballos eran una parte indispensable de la empresa, que llegó a tener casi 200 caballos. Hoy, los establos también albergan coches antiguos.
¿Estás preparado para explorar la rica historia de esta cervecera danesa de fama mundial? ¡Compra ahora tus entradas a Home of Carlsberg para no perdértela! Encontrarás la fábrica de cerveza en Vesterbro, uno de los distritos de Copenhague conocido por sus restaurantes de moda, galerías, vida nocturna y el puente Cykelslangen.
61 Reviews
Es un experiencia muy completa que cuenta la historia de la familia y de la elaboración desde los inicios. Con audiovisuales y experiencias inmersivas que puedes llevarte de recuerdo. Muy recomendable. Ha sido una hora y media que ha pasado volando!
Fantastisk museum og livligt med fortællingerne. Meget oplysende og flot udført. Sjovt at man selv kan være aktiv. Home of Carlsberg.
Virkelig fedt der var nået for alle og virkelig godt fundet på med små spil Gode fortællere rundt omkring og virkelig gode små videoer
I had an amazing time visiting the Home of Carlsberg. In particular, Jacob behind the bar was a really friendly presence to talk to, teaching me lots about Carlsberg Christmas beer and also Danish culture. I will be enjoying lots more Carlsberg Christmas beer to come!! A real delight, thankyou Jacob!
Sehr schönes Ambiente, super gemacht und man erfährt sehr viel über die Carlsberg Brauerei und dessen Geschichte. Sehr gerne wieder.
Meget overraskende oplevelse (positivt ment). Virkelig fantastisk rundtur med flotte film og interaktive elementer. Vi kedede os ikke 1 sekund i de 1,5 timer det varede. Kan bestemt anbefales uanset om man interesserer sig for øl eller ej.
It was a very nice and interest experience learning about the history of the beer! Staff was very kind! I would certainly recommend if you in the city.
It was interesting to hear the history of Carlsberg & how it was founded then the reason for it's name. The interaction throughout the tour was good although at times the wrist band took a while to activate. More instruction for the use of some of the activities wold have been useful.
This is a must-do if you love beer and you are in Copenhagen! So interesting and fun interactive things to do too! Get a beer with your Probably Perfect Name!
Unless on a tour it is a little tricky to get to. From central, you need to take a city train to “Carlsberg”. If visiting allow 2-3 hours and pay the extra for a behind the scene experience such as the recently released war rooms…
Interessant. Rigtig hyggelige omgivelser. Godt lavet, med de filmklip om historien bag Carlsberg. Anbefaler en tur derind
Very interesting museum and really interactive. You don’t lose your attention! I really liked the videos that shown the father and son and the whole history. Additionally, I enjoyed the beer tasting. The girl was very friendly and I learnt a lot of things!
The exhibition was very enjoyable. We also took part in a historical guided tour. Our guide was great and made it a very interesting and rewarding experience.
Amazing experience, great beer and bartender. LOVED him. He was nice and provided great advice. Would love to get advice from him again, concerning beer.
The beer collection was amazing. Really liked how it was organised country by country. Also the interactive screens were really helpful.
Loved the immersive narrated history of the founder and his family and of the brewery. The exhibition includes engaging digital media too.
Both exhibition and tour were great. We got into interesting talks with the tour guide and the person in one of the exhibition rooms, learning a lot! The Carlsberg city is beautiful!
Visitato con moglie e figlio di 4 mesi. Museo curato nei dettagli e molto interessante conoscere la storia di questo birrificio. Consiglio la visita anche perché a inizio e fine visita c'è una birra omaggio.
This was a great visit. Really over my expectations. Both the tour and the beer tasting. Was good to have the videos and wonderful to be walking around in the old buildings.
Super godt. Klart flere besøg værd. Super god øl. Skøn atmosfære. God stemning og meget at se på. Hyggeligste sted i København.
Great experience, nice presemtation of brewery, interesting history and many interactive things to do in here. We really enjoyed it.
We attended as a group, the building and venue are very nice as is the bar space. The tour itself is self guided and mainly about the history of the family than the beer itself, but that’s fine and interesting. Horses were huge and awesome in the yard, think they needed mucking out a bit more though, Brygger was being attacked by so many flies.
Var afsted med mine voksne sønner og min svigerdatter. Fantastisk historie, vi brugte virkelig lang tid på museet og især mine sønner var svært begejstrede! At vi efter besøget kunne nyde en iskold øl fra fad i høj sol og dejlige omgivelser var prikken over i 'et. Meget anbefalelsesværdigt!
Really interesting tour albeit a bit of a trek from the nearest metro. Beautiful buildings, well described history, lots to interact with and listen to. Mini beer when you get there, and pint at the end, which sitting outside in the sun went down an absolute treat. It is accessible but lots of steep steps too, so not sure if all parts are accessible, may need to have a look. Beautiful courtyard outside, with Snack bar and also a restaurant inside. Soft drinks served in iced plastic beakers which was a nice touch. Came free with the Copenhagen card, so well worth it. Combined the morning tour with Fredriksen Slot in the afternoon (very near) to maximise timings l, and cool little sandwich place called Olivers between the two is also worth a visit.
Sehr informativ und kurzweilig. Super gemacht (da es sehr moderne und interaktive Führung ist) und nicht nur was für Bier-Freaks. 😉
En spændende oplevelse med flere aha oplevelser undervejs - flot og spændende udstilling 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 og til sidst en øl betalt med indgangsbilletten 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Molto interessante scoprire quanto alcune aziende nel mondo contribuiscono a creare un mondo migliore per tutti. Lo consiglio vivamente
It is a fantastic museum with an even nicer outside area for having a beer before, during and after your visit. A must for beer enthusiasts!
Wenn man in Kopenhagen ist, dann muss man die Brauerei besuchen. Dadurch daß es sehr viel interaktive Aktivitäten gibt, ist es kurzweilig und macht Spaß. Das Beste, es ist in der copenhagen discover Card enthalten.
A must have experience while in Copenhagen. A business with 176 years of history has many stories to learn from. The restaurant must serve sone vegetarian items too.
This is much better than I thought it would be.... The basic tour is a self guided tour (starting with a beer taster) - however there are videos that draw you to the next stage. There is so much to see and do - you don't need to rush as the videos replay a dew minutes later. The Carling advertising posters through the years and different countries is amazing. There are just enough interactive games to play for all ages and you can become a Mastrer Brewer or choose which beer to virtually dance/drown in - which you can save to your wristband and download at home (for no additional cost). Near the end of the tour is someone who answers all the questions my wife could think of - very knowledgeable indeed! Finished up at the bar for a free pint in the bar / courtyard or garden. You can pay extra for a tour of the cellars and three tasters but I did not do this -although I may do if I go back. Overall amazing staff and great experience and I have just downloaded my pictures! Brilliant!
The immersive experience was awesome. Got to know the history of beer making. Totally enjoyed all the activities within the compound
Very informative and interactive with interesting content. Plenty to see and do at your own leisure. Staff were very helpful and knowledgeable.
Fremragende oplevelse. Kan varmt anbefales herfra. Denne oplevelse er et must see når man er i Københavns området. Jeg gik derfra med endnu en fantastisk oplevelse i bagagen.
Erg leuk om te bezoeken. Je krijgt een goed beeld van de historie van Carlsberg, maar daarnaast ook van het hele brouwproces. Tevens de bierproeverij gedaan; voor de liefhebber zeker iets om te doen!
Everything is excellent! The interactive parts, de services, the history behind the brand, the gift shop, the ambiebtation, the assistants along the tour. It’s a must if you are in Copenhagen 🇩🇰
Virkelig flot og moderne museum, som har nogle spændende måder at formidle deres indhold. Der er rigtig meget interessant viden om både Carlsbergs historie og ølbrygning. Absolut et besøg værd.
Mycket proffsigt arrangemang. Trevligt för par. Varje del i besöket var tydligt och avslutades med en iskall öl i baren.
En spændende oplevelse med masser af information. Carlsberg er historie for både og små. Vi brugte to timer ved vores besøg.
Great time. So many interactive exhibits. Great for kids as well. I loved all the characters displayed in the videos. Great combination of family history and the brew making process.
A very educational tour to understand the history of Carlsberg and the art of beer brewing from 1850s until modern days. There were some interactive display as well to engage the audience! Definitely worth going! Give that man a beer!
A magic world!!!!! Amazing!!!!! I would like to thank the staff for their kindness and patience. Thanks a lot!!!!! ☺️ ☺️
Interessant für Bierfans und Geschichte der Brauerei. Abwechslungsreich. Auf Englisch, jedoch sehr gute Aussprache der Personen in den Dialogen (auch mit wenig Schulenglisch gut nachvollziehbar). Toll gemacht, die verwinkelten Räume und Treppen, kein Stau an Besuchern…
Es hat den ganzen Tag in Strömen geregnet. Zum Glück gab es den schönen Zeitvertreib in der Carlsberg Brauerei. Vielen Dank an unsere Tourguides, die uns nach der sehr interaktiven Museumsbeduchtigung noch über das ehemalige Werksgelände und die Villa der Firmengründer und derer Familien geführt haben. Ich habe viel über dänisches Bier und dänische Geschichte gelernt. Anschließend gab es noch eine Verkostung, sodass es beschwingt nach einem Essen im Restaurant zurück gehen konnte. Der Regen war leider nicht abzustellen an dem Tag😀. Ansonsten alles super !!!
With this world famous brand so close to the city centre its worth a visit , we'll laid out and friendly staff , lots of interaction things to do and lots to read , our only criticism is the poor signage to get from the train station, we mentioned this to a few staff members and were told were not the first and there looking into putting better directions up .
Really worth a visit and included in Copenhagen card. This is a relatively new exhibition which was entertaining and easy to follow
This was a very fun interactive tour. You could do things like create labels, swim in digital beer, and be a brewer for a photo. The tour was also informative and comprehensive.
An interactive experience in a very well designed museum. Unfortunately we missed the horses, as they were on summer holiday, but everything else was very pleasant, especially learning more about the Jacobson family.
Great experience with the perfect balance of history, videos, text to read, artefacts to look at and interactions. Feel like I have fully immersed myself into the world, history and family of Carlsberg. Tak!
Musée de la fameuse marque incontournable de bière. Animations interactives, explications au top. Dégustations sur place et architecture remarquable! Allez-y !!