Entrada para niños de 0 a 18 años
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Con esta entrada visitarás primero la Exposición de Frans Hals, tras lo cual podrás visitar el resto del museo
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La exposición Frans Hals - Pinceladas de Genio reúne unas cincuenta obras clave de la extensa obra de Frans Hals. Esto significa que se expondrá en el Rijksmuseum alrededor de una cuarta parte de los cuadros que se conservan de Frans Hals. La exposición incluye varias obras que normalmente nunca abandonan sus hogares permanentes.
El caballero sonriente viajará a Ámsterdam desde la Wallace Collection de Londres. El Banquete de los Oficiales de la Guardia Cívica de San Jorge hará su primer viaje fuera de la ciudad de Haarlem, donde se expone habitualmente en el Museo Frans Hals dedicado a él. Catharina Hooft con su Nodriza y Malle Babbe son un préstamo especial de la Gemäldegalerie de Berlín, la Vendedora de frutas de una colección privada de Bridgenorth, y el Grupo familiar ante un paisaje del Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza de Madrid.
El estilo pictórico de Frans Hals marcó la pauta para muchos otros que le siguieron, hasta el punto de que puede resultar fácil olvidar que él fue el fundador. Su inconfundible estilo pictórico libre es el centro de la exposición Trazos de genio del Rijksmuseum de Ámsterdam. La exposición te lleva a través de su carrera para que veas cómo desarrolló su estilo, a la vez que te pinta una imagen de la vida en el siglo XVII.
Uno a uno, cada cuadro te muestra cómo rompió con las convenciones y ganó confianza a medida que se abría camino en el mundo del arte. Su estilo hizo que Frans Hals ganara elogios y prestigio, y una reputación como precursor del impresionismo. Esta exposición sobre el maestro holandés Frans Hals es una visita imprescindible si estás en Ámsterdam en la primavera de 2024.
El Rijksmuseum es el museo nacional de Holanda, con una colección que abarca más de 800 años de historia. Después de visitar la exposición de Frans Hals, puedes visitar el resto del museo, que está incluido en tu entrada. Otros maestros holandeses expuestos son Vincent van Gogh, Rembrandt van Rijn y Johannes Vermeer.
428 Reviews
Fue una visita de familia👨👨👦 lo pasamos muy bien la entrada barata para pasar el tiempo en familia está muy bien 🤗 una pasada
De maravilla. Volveremos a repetir y con los consejos de TripAdvisor todo genial. Muchas felicidades rutas de los viajeros que me han pegado para que las pueda hacer en la mañana y tarde.
Espectacular colección de obras de pintores holandeses recopiladas en este museo. Incluye obras de Rembrandt y Vang Gogh. Duración de la visita 2 horas. Fácil de visitar.
1. Reservar online 2. No hay guías dentro del museo en español 3. Organizarse bien porque es muy grande y en una mañana no tendrás tiempo a ver todas las salas
El museo es espectacular. Bien distribuído, la audioguía es práctica y se pueden ver las obras con tranquilidad. Imprescindible si te gusta la pintura flamenca pero también pueden verse muchos detalles que la contextualizan.
Excelente museo con mucha obra de arte de muchos lugares del mundo. Muy bien organizados y con app en tu idioma para seguir el recorrido . Obras de artistas muy reconocidos como Rembrandt, Rubens, etc. Muy recomendable.
Primordial entrar en la web y separar la fecha de viaje o visita al museo al menos con 6 u 8 semanas antes para tener espacios adecuados. El guia es muy importante ya que van a poder conocer detalles unicos que al recorrer con auto guia o solo no se conoce. Lo recomiendo vale la pena. El museo tiene excelente ropero para guardar ropa, paraguas, baños limpios y un bar y restaurante de primera. Vale la pena separar 1 dia para el museo
Una maravillosa experiencia. Tomamos muchas fotos. Puedes agendar visita guiada o usar el dispositivo para la gira. Además, si escaneas el código QR, puedes escuchar la gira en tu dispositivo y ahorras. Los baños son limpios, hay guarda ropa. El café tiene cositas deliciosas.
El Rijksmuseum es un museo imprescindible si visitas la ciudad de Ámsterdam. Es conveniente sacar la entrada por adelantado, y para su visita hay que considerar un tiempo estimado que oscila entre 2 y 3 horas. Las obras que alberga son una verdadera maravilla, destacando "Ronda de noche", "Los síndicos de los pañeros" o "La lechera".
Uno de los mejores museos del mundo con infinidad de obras de renombre donde destacan obras de Rembrand, Goya, Rubens... entre muchos otros. Ideal para pasar toda la mañana.
Museo muy amplio y lleno de variedad porque nos encontramos arte, artesanía y por supuesto historia. Cuenta con obras de pintores neerlandeses y también de otros países, nos encontramos con un Goya, creo que sólo había uno. También alberga bastante s obras del maestro Rembrandt. Para poder ver La lechera, de Johannes Vermeer, tuvimos que hacer cola por la gran cantidad de gente que se agolpaba a su alrededor. El museo es muy completo ya que hay expuesto mobiliario, vajilla, porcelana... Se necesita casi un día para poder verlo. En nuestro caso fueron 5 horas para poder verlo entero y sin mucha pausa, de lo contrario no llegas a su totalidad
Un gran museo, grandes obras, muy organizado. Se lo puede disfrutar. Todo es muy bello, desde el contenedor y todo su contenido
Un museo muy completo, muy variado, me encantó, si te lleva toda la mañana, tiene audio guía muy fácil de usar nos encantó
Un gran museo general europeo, centrado, como es lógico en las grandes obras pictóricas holandesas. Rembrandt tiene una gran atención y hay obras de Vermeer o Hals o Steen icónicas. Uno de los museos indispensables si se visita Amsterdam.
El museo está muy bien presentado y el edificio es imponente. Es un tanto difícil seguir el orden de las salas por número y algunas obras plásticas no estaban en ese momento
Wat een prachtig museum!! Behoort tot de top musea in de wereld. Je kijkt je ogen uit. Om alles goed te kunnen bekijken moet je ten minste een keer terugkomen. Het restaureren van de Nachtwacht is indrukwekkend ; wat een werk!!
Het was een mooie tentoonstelling met een fraaie selectie aan foto's. Amerika in een nutshell. Een absolute aanrader!
The Rijksmuseum is an absolute treasure trove of art, history, and culture. From the moment you step inside, you’re surrounded by stunning architecture and an incredible collection of masterpieces.
Har man en förkärlek för holländskt 1600- tals måleri- missa inte detta museum. Måste du bara välja ett museum är Rijksmuseum ditt val. Studera hur Rembrandts Nattvakten får sin forna glans.
We really enjoyed this museum. I would consider it a must do when in Amsterdam. A few tips: 1. The Museum is €25 but is covered with the I Amsterdam Card. 2. Reserve your time in advance. If you have the I Amsterdam Card it’s easy to just select that you have the card and reserve your time for €0. 3. Plan longer than you think for this museum. It has a lot of things to see. 4. Enter the queue a few minutes prior to your reservation time so you can go through security and drop your coats and bags prior to entering the museum.
Awesome visit, entire staff was helpful and friendly. Could have spent more time there, Thank you for a memorable visit.
We werden vriendelijk te woord gestaan. Het was druk, maar zeker goed te doen met de audio tour! Leuk om op deze wijze kunst te zien, waar je zelf waarschijnlijk aan voorbij gaat. Volgende keer weer een andere tour!
This historic museum is full of Dutch treasures, especially paintings from the age of great realistic painting. And they have interesting displays of information that educate you about the background of the paintings. I left with a better appreciation of this particular school of art. I recommend that you buy your entrance ticket on line to avoid a crowd at the entrance.
Starting from Floor Zero with the Renaissance and then to Floor 2 (with the Honour Gallery) took almost 3 hours as there are so many artifacts to see and enjoy. I particularly loved the silver work done by a family of silversmiths.
The stunning building of the Rijksmuseum is a short distance from Amsterdam Centraal in the vibrant Museumplein area. The staff are exceptionally welcoming and friendly. The museum is vast, offering a journey through Dutch and European art masterpieces. Unless you have ample hours to spare, I would recommend being selective about what you wish to see. Nevertheless, you will discover some remarkable masterpieces to appreciate. The museum can become quite crowded, particularly around the more famous pieces of artwork. The café is often busy, but there are plenty of eateries in the local vicinity. The shop is charming, with a good selection of items available, and there is also a bookshop. It's a must-visit for history, art, and museum enthusiasts.
This is not a place to be rushed allow at least 3 hours and take your time. The focus is on art rather than history of development of the city. Well worth it.
The Rijksmuseum is an absolute must-visit—every single time! Whether it’s your first visit or your tenth, there’s always something new to discover. The art exhibitions are stunning, showcasing a perfect mix of iconic masterpieces and fascinating temporary collections. It’s become a beloved tradition in our family to visit every Christmas, and it’s always such a charming experience. The museum feels festive and full of life, and it’s the perfect place to make lasting memories together. Despite the crowds, there’s always enough space to enjoy the art without feeling cramped, and the staff is incredibly helpful and welcoming. Plus, it’s fantastic for kids—engaging, educational, and fun for all ages. A true cultural gem that never disappoints. I can’t wait to go back again and again!
Esperienza bellissima e assolutamente da non perdere ad Amsterdam per chi ama l'arte e la cultura di questa meravigliosa città
Juste la perle à visiter absolument. Les tableaux don juste magnifique et les explications sont très intéressantes. Je le conseille absolument
Le plus beau musée de la ville. Le Louvre de Amsterdam. Incontournable, intérieur rénové très modernisé et extérieur château typique. Les œuvres sont superbes.
Amazing museum!!!! Upon arrival, the staff was so nice! The exhibitions were amazing. From Rembrandt to American Photographs, every work of art was breathtaking. A don't miss in Amsterdam.
Très beau musée à visiter absolument d’autant plus si vous avez acheté l’Amsterdam City Card ! Belles collections et accueil de qualité.
This museum surpassed our expectations. We went into this feeling like we kinda had to do this one but were more excited about the Van Gogh museum, and this one ended up being our favorite and then some! We did a 1hr guided tour to get started - highly recommend as it got us a general lay of the land and showcased some history of the beautiful building itself as well as key art pieces we wanted to see. It was such a fantastic way to spend a morning in Amsterdam. Highly recommend.
It is one of the best museum for paintings. Only Night Watch is enough to visit. If you really look every pieces it will take 4-5 hours, so you can rest at the museum cafe may be visit 2 floor then continue:)The shop is expensive.
Ein wunderschönes Gebäude und Museum. Die Sammlungen sind wirklich atemberaubend, von berühmten Gemälden hin zu Vasen und Mobiliar, und auch moderner Kunst. Die Nachtwache von Rembrandt hat mir die Sprache verschlagen. Man kann hier locker einen halben Tag verbringen. Absolut empfehlenswert.
This museum is high quality and has many different types of art and collections. I was in awe with many of the paintings and enjoyed every room. This was worthwhile visiting.
The Dutch are an excellent people, organisation is one of their finest qualities, and the Rijksmuseum is as tight as a drum. My partner needs a wheelchair to move around, and all the staff couldn’t have been more helpful, friendly, welcoming, professional and informed. Huge lifts everywhere, the museum is organised in two huge buildings ( pink and green sides ) either side of a massive, beautiful, arched concourse. It is also organised by the century. Whatever your physical impairment may be you can visit the Rijksmuseum with ease, and I heartily recommend you do!
Definitely the best museum in Amsterdam and I think in the Netherlands. It is very big you need a whole day to see it. All periods through Dutch hitory- amzing golden age
Such a beautiful building and so many wonderful paintings to linger over. Very helpful staff who were more than happy to share their knowledge. You could easily spend a day there and more!
Set inside a beautiful building, but with a typical museum-type layout. Some of the artifacts set within predate several countries' founding. An endless amount of things to see, very easy to wander through. I do wish they had a few more interactive displays, as it was very typical of walking and admiring. The fashion display was a bonus, as well as the ship sections. May not be the most kid-friendly attraction ever, but a great stop nonetheless.
The star of the show is currently in the process of a 'make over'. Rembrandt's the Nightwatch is currently being restored. It is behind a glass partition and can still be viewed to some degree (not ideal) but better than nothing. The museum is no 'one trick pony', however. It is the some of its parts and there is a wealth of treasure on display that is still very good indeed. As a firm favourite, there are many works of art from portrait to landscape and everything else in between. A fine ceramic display, Oriental section and lots of furniture, fashion and old weapons. A good museum should have an eclectic mix of wares. Rijks fits into this category exceptionally well. A good curation sympathetically displayed over several floors. Well worth a visit when in 'The Dam'.
The Rijksmuseum is undoubtedly one of the world's great museums and should not be missed on any city trip. The exhibitions are well curated and interesting, and the pieces on display are world-class.
Great museum, full of Dutch art work through the ages, highlight being theRembrandts. I was abit dissappointed the night watch was under restoration, but it is still visible, but has allot of scaffolding/instruments infront of it, but I have seen if before on previous visits. I enjoiyed the exhibition of the model ships, used to love these as a child, so was great to see. I went to this as I had the Iamsterdam card which gave free access, so worth checking out the Iamsterdam card, as I saved allot of money by using the card and tried a few things
Heel anders verwacht. Maar we hebben genoten. Wat een prachtige schilderijen. En dan de verhalen/gebeurtenissen erbij verteld. Echt indrukwekkend.
In een periode van verplichte rust,kreeg ik het fantastische puzzelboek van Denksport cadeau ,geheel gewijd aan het Rijksmuseum. Na het puzzelen ben ik weer naar het Rijksmuseum gegaan met de extra kennis en scherpere beelden die ik had verkregen. Zo heb ik het museum heel anders gezien. Prachtig .
The Rijksmuseum is a true gem of Amsterdam, offering an unparalleled experience for art lovers and history enthusiasts alike. This iconic museum houses an exceptional collection of Dutch art, including masterpieces from the Golden Age, and provides a deep dive into the rich cultural and historical heritage of the Netherlands. From the moment you step into the museum, you’re greeted by its grand architecture and expansive galleries. The museum's collection is vast, with over 8,000 objects on display, including works by renowned artists like Rembrandt, Vermeer, and Frans Hals. The most famous of these, Rembrandt’s The Night Watch, is a breathtaking sight, and a highlight of any visit. The Rijksmuseum's layout is thoughtfully designed, guiding visitors through a journey of Dutch art, history, and culture. In addition to its remarkable art collection, the museum also features fascinating exhibits on Dutch history, including the country’s maritime heritage, the development of its cities, and the iconic wooden clogs and Delftware pottery that symbolize Dutch craftsmanship. The museum’s beautifully restored galleries, combined with its impressive collection, create a truly immersive experience that educates and inspires. Whether you’re admiring the intricate detail of 17th-century masterpieces or learning about the cultural evolution of the Netherlands, the Rijksmuseum offers something for everyone. If you’re visiting Amsterdam, the Rijksmuseum is a must-see. It’s not just a museum; it’s a celebration of Dutch art and history that will leave you in awe and deepen your understanding of one of Europe’s most fascinating cultures.
We visited with our two children, aged 9 and 12. We used the family audio guide, which I highly recommend. It was a great way for our kids to see a large part of the museum, including the most famous pieces. If visiting with kids I highly recommend the family audio guide.
I went chiefly to see the special exhibition of Asiatic bronze objects, which unfortunately ends on Sunday. The exhibition was both attractive and instructive, which is good, since I knew little about them. I learned a lot. Afterwards I passed through a number of rooms with 17th-century Dutch art, crowned by the Gallery of Honour. The famous Night Watch is currently being cleaned and touched up, and it was interesting to see the two experts working on it.
Das Museum ist das Schlangestehen wert. Sowohl das Gebäude per se als auch die ausgestellten Gemälde sind von einer überwältigenden Einzigartigkeit. Die Sammlung alter Meister sucht seinesgleichen und die Bibliothek zählt nach meinem Dafürhalten zu den aussergewöhnlichsten Locations Amsterdams. Aufgrund der schieren Grösse sollte man sich Minimum einen, besser zwei Tage im Museum gönnen. Die Sonderausstellungen sprechen darüber hinaus für sich selbst. Absolutes Muss eines Amsterdam-Bescuhes
Easy to get tickets online. Walked up to entrance and saw a quicker queue on other side , which we went into. Easy way in at 10.30am and minimal visitors at that time. Go early to avoid people ! We downloaded the free app which was good enough. There are information placards at all items on display. Museum is vast but we managed to see around it ( what we were interested in) in 4 hours or so. It got very busy at lunch time. The exhibits are well laid out. The Nightwatch is behind glass so you can’t get near it as restoration worked is being carried out. I’m would have liked to see more impressionist paintings by well known artists but that’s just me. There is something for everyone at the Rijks. I’m so glad the Van Gogh museum was booked as we would have missed this gem.