Entrada infantil para niños de 4 a 13 años
Entrada gratuita para niños de 0 a 3 años acompañados por un adulto con entrada
Lunes - domingo: 8:00 - 19:00
Registro 5 minutos antes de la salida
Audioguía en el barco disponible en neerlandés, inglés, alemán, francés, español, italiano, portugués, catalán, turco, polaco, tailandés, indonesio, ruso, coreano, japonés, chino, árabe, hebreo e hindi.
La entrada no incluye el transporte a Keukenhof
Las entradas pueden escanearse desde la pantalla de un teléfono sin daños
Las entradas se pueden reprogramar o cancelar hasta con 5 días de antelación
Solo se permiten perros de servicio (que deben ser identificados como tal) en el barco
Keukenhof dura del 20 de marzo al 11 de mayo de 2025
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Al pensar en los Países Bajos pueden venir a la mente algunos estereotipos. No todos son ciertos, pero algunos sí. Ámsterdam está repleta de canales y en primavera el campo se llena de preciosas flores.
Combina entradas a estos increíbles lugares de interés con esta combinación de entradas. Explora los jardines de Keukenhof a tu ritmo y navega por los canales de Ámsterdam con LOVERS Canal Cruises. Una auténtica experiencia primaveral holandesa.
Los Jardines de Keukenhof, en los Países Bajos, son mundialmente famosos y los mayores jardines de flores de toda Europa. Están situados cerca de la ciudad de Lisse, a solo 40 kilómetros de Ámsterdam. Las puertas del jardín se abren desde mediados de marzo hasta mediados de mayo, cuando los más de siete millones de flores de los jardines de primavera atraen a visitantes de todo el mundo.
Aquí descubrirás un mundo lleno de color y campos fragantes de flores, que incluyen 800 especies diferentes de tulipanes, azafranes, narcisos, jacintos y muchas más en inspiradores jardines temáticos, desfiles florales y hermosos espectáculos florales. Los millones de bulbos florales se plantan a mano cada año.
Y no te pierdas las exposiciones de flores de interior. Los cultivadores holandeses presentan aquí sus flores más impresionantes, con exposiciones florales que cambian cada semana y que van desde rosas fragantes a jacintos y tulipanes, y desde crisantemos y calas a orquídeas.
Un divertido crucero por los canales de Ámsterdam es una forma estupenda de conocer uno de los destinos turísticos más populares de Europa. Un crucero LOVERS por los canales de Ámsterdam ofrece un recorrido turístico en barco de una hora por algunos de los monumentos más famosos del centro de la ciudad, con comentarios de audio disponibles en 19 idiomas diferentes.
Solo tienes que subir al barco y disfrutar de un viaje por los emblemáticos canales de Prinsengracht, Keizersgracht y Herengracht. No olvides traer tu cámara mientras te sientas y te relajas durante este increíble crucero en barco por los canales de Ámsterdam. No hay mejor manera de disfrutar de las vistas de la ciudad que con un relajado crucero por los canales de Ámsterdam.
313 Reviews
Visitamos el parque a mediados de Abril, es el momento ideal, los Tulipanes estaban en todo su esplendor y sus colores espectaculares. Compramos las entradas online, es más barato, pudimos parquear nuestro auto sin complicaciones, compramos el parqueo también online, estuvo todo bien organizado. Hicimos muchas fotos. Una vez que estás en el parque puedes quedarte el tiempo que desees. Llegar temprano, antes de las 10:00 am es lo mejor, pues puedes disfrutar del paseo y hacer fotos con tranquilidad antes de que lleguen los Buses cargados de gente. Nos hospedamos en Noordwijk. Esta pequeña ciudad está a unos 20 minutos en auto, es tranquila, cerca de la playa, de Keukenhof y de Ámsterdam.
Es lo mas hermoso y espectacular que uno puede apreciar de la naturaleza, tanto colorido inalcanzable de transmitir. Un tour muy organizado, implecable cada rincon, gente muy amable.
Amazing!! Es un lugar donde vivir la.experiencia de colores, olores, y sensaciones !! Me.encanto. lo repetiría mil veces para disfrutar la belleza de la naturaleza
Precioso, totalmente recomendable. 7 millones de bulbos de tulipanes plantados a mano, uno a uno. Recomendamos dedicarle una mañana entera.
Es impresionante lo que se puede hacer con 7 millones de tulipanes. No paras de asombrarte con las distintas variedades, sus colores y cómo lo han combinado. Recomendable sacar las entradas con antelación e ir pronto porque suele haber bastante gente y todos queremos hacernos las fotos en los mismos sitios. Imprescindible llevar el movil cargado a tope para poder hacer cientos de fotos.
El jardín más bonito que he visto en mi vida y mejor cuidado. Bellísimas las combinaciones. Creo que el aforo se sobrepasa... Demasiada gente... Pero son ocho semanas al año. Cien por cien recomendable
Es una experiencia unica, supremamente hermoso, fácilmente puedes estar todo el dia sin aburrirte. Conoces muchas cosas nuevas
Parque floral muy entretenido con muchas composiciones y arreglos florales. Todo es instagrameable así que lleva batería a tope en el móvil o la camara. Si no te gustan las flores abstente de ir. Solo abre un mes y medio.
Abundant collection of beautifully laid out gardens of tulips & other bulbs. Such a short viewing period, so plan your trip to the Netherlands accordingly. We purchased our tickets online, for the garden entry & a boat tour through the fields, skirting the gardens. We took a train from Amsterdam to catch the bus to Keukenhov, located just outside of the train station. Bring warm clothing & rainwear. The experience will delight the senses!
The best. We carefully studied the weather, kept reading about timing, and hit it perfectly. Be sure to visit the big fields outside.
It's a great place to see all kinds of tulips, just don't expect a field of flowers you can run thru. This is a garden so all flowers are behind rope. There are some fields nearby but by May almost all flowers are gone, so plan accordingly. There are gift shops, a couple of food trucks and an old-style windmill you can go inside.
Der Tulpengarten Keukenhof ist ein wahres Paradies für Blumenliebhaber und ein absolutes Muss für Naturliebhaber. Seit Jahren besuchen wir diesen beeindruckenden Park und sind jedes Mal aufs Neue von der Vielfalt und Pracht der Tulpen und anderen Blumen begeistert. Der Keukenhof bietet eine atemberaubende Kulisse mit Millionen von Tulpen in allen Farben und Formen. Die kunstvoll gestalteten Blumenbeete sind ein Fest für die Sinne und laden dazu ein, die Schönheit der Natur zu genießen. Jedes Jahr überraschen die Gärtner die Besucher mit neuen Themen und Designs, die den Park lebendig und einzigartig machen. Neben den Tulpen gibt es eine Vielzahl anderer Blumenarten, die den Park in ein farbenfrohes Blütenmeer verwandeln. Die liebevoll angelegten Gärten und Pavillons bieten zahlreiche Fotomöglichkeiten und kreative Inspirationen. Die Organisation im Keukenhof ist hervorragend, mit klaren Wegen und vielen Sitzgelegenheiten, um die Aussicht in Ruhe zu genießen. Auch kulinarisch wird man verwöhnt, mit einer Auswahl an Cafés und Restaurants sowie Picknickplätzen für eigene Snacks. Insgesamt ist der Tulpengarten Keukenhof ein Ort voller Freude und Inspiration, den wir jedes Jahr aufs Neue besuchen möchten. Ein Besuch hier ist mehr als nur ein Ausflug – es ist ein unvergessliches Erlebnis!
Keukenhof ist absolut bezaubernd! Wenn du Blumen liebst, ist dieser Ort ein wahr gewordener Traum. Die riesigen, bunten Blumenfelder sind einfach beeindruckend, vor allem im Frühling, wenn alles in voller Blüte steht. Die verschiedenen Blumenarten, von Tulpen über Hyazinthen bis hin zu Narzissen, schmücken das gesamte Gelände und bieten eine unglaubliche Farbenpracht. Der Park ist hervorragend gepflegt, und die Wege führen durch wunderschön angelegte Gärten, die für jeden Naturliebhaber ein Highlight sind. Besonders gut gefallen hat mir die Vielfalt an Blumenarrangements – es fühlt sich an, als ob man durch verschiedene Themenwelten wandert. Es gibt auch viele Fotomöglichkeiten, um die Schönheit der Blumenlandschaft einzufangen. Ein weiteres tolles Plus: Der Keukenhof ist gut organisiert. Die Blumen sind in großen, offenen Flächen und in kleineren, intimeren Bereichen zu finden, sodass es nie zu überfüllt wirkt. Alles ist gut ausgeschildert, und es gibt viele Sitzgelegenheiten, um die Ruhe und das Farbenspiel zu genießen. Ein Muss für alle, die die Natur und die Farbenpracht des Frühlings erleben möchten. Wenn du also in den Niederlanden bist, solltest du dir den Keukenhof auf keinen Fall entgehen lassen!
Do your research for when the flowers are in full bloom and plan to go during that time. The garden was wonderful and vibrant. Too crowded for my liking, but that is to be expected for such a great spot.
This is a well-executed concept, although there are additional fees for boat rides and other activities. It's still worth visiting, as the gardens are beautifully maintained. Clearer signage would enhance the experience. The spring blooms are a must-see, but unfortunately, the food quality is disappointing.
It is recommended that you purchase your tickets on-line. You must put the time and date of your planned entrance. What happens if it is raining? On an average, 26,000 people visit Keukenhof daily as it is only opened for eight weeks from March to the beginning of May. The best times to visit changes seasonally. Usually, the last 2 weeks in April and the first week in May are usually good. On the Keukenhof web site states that they have an allotment of tickets. You can take a chance and go early to get a ticket the day of. We had already pre-booked our ticket and going in the gate was fast. Luckily, it was indeed a nice day. We stayed in Haarlem. The city is a superb alternative to crazy and busy Amsterdam. Haarlem is like a mini-Amsterdam with canals, history and good places to eat. There are dedicated buses throughout the region. The one in Haarlem left near the train station. Unfortunately, it was about an hour late on our day. Our ticket also included the use of all transportation in and around Amsterdam. We found this useful in our 15-minute train ride into Amsterdam, and our bus from the airport into Haarlem. The park is large, 79 acres (32 Hectares). There are supposedly over 7 million tulips with 800 varieties of bulbs. There is much more than, Tulips, though. We also saw roses, lilies, hyacinths, carnations and irises to name a few flowers. The gardens and ponds with sprouting water are magical. One can take a boat ride, rent a bike for trails and even take a helicopter tour. We opted to walk through the many gardens, pavilions, sculptures and even to a large windmill. Food prices are not unreasonable either. There are unquestionably many photo opportunities. We liked the rounded pads over the water that made one feel that they were actually walking on water. In another area is a small pond with shops and a wagon that played mechanical music. In another pavilion, there is an actual pink Cadillac to sit in. We actually came across a beautiful parade. One day was not enough, but we did give the park a good view. If you found this review to be helpful in any way, please press the “thumbs-up picture” to let me know.
Stunning displays, well worth a visit! Not only for the tulips but for all the other flowers. Huge gardens and easily at least a few hours to cover the whole place on foot.
I visited near the very end of the season, and there was still plenty to see. Used the round trip shuttle bus. Scheduled time to go there. Could get anyone going back. Simple apple pie and hot chocolate for breakfast at one of the cafes. Dutch fries for lunch from one of the trucks. Did the whisper boat even though fields were nearly all harvested. Still enjoyed seeing all the bird life on it.
J ai fait une excurssion à keuknhof amsterdam C était magnifique de voir toute cette vérité De fleur J ai pu voir aussi les champs des fleurs C était magnifique C est à recommander à voir
We visited on a variable May day, with some rain about. We saw impressive tulips outdoors and fantastic orchids inside. Well worth a visit..!
This place is beautiful and so big that you can spend a few hours here. We enjoyed all the different tulips but the best part of the garden is the area by the water with lots of trees. They have a few gift shops and a cafe.
Un lieu de toute beauté. Des tulipes avec des formes totalement inattendues. Lieu très bien entretenu. Et surtout le pas oublier d'aller voir le pavillon des orchidées.
Went here with my mom and both of us loved it. We went with a tour group of 50+ people and most of us enjoyed it. Would come back here again 10/10
We came a few days before the season was over. I thought it would be sad since it was raining too. But to my surprise, you had enough to see, although they will close soon for this year. Also, some indoor venues allow a pleasurable visit during bad weather. Only the restaurants: overpriced but ok for mass tourist feeding. You cannot expect more when you see places like this.
In april 2023 bezocht. Heel mooie bloemen, mooi op te zien en foto's te maken. Druk natuurlijk maar dat hoort erbij. Je kan er een lekker ijsje eten, enkel met de kaart te betalen.
Un magnifique parc superbement entretenu. Des tulipes et des bulbes de printemps à foison. … La promenade en bateau sur les canaux est superbe et les explications sur les champs de tulipes sont de qualité. Une très belle journée en famille
Visited 8th of May 2024 (a couple of days before closing for the year) Loved every minute of my visit! Beautifully kept gardens with loads to see! Lost of artwork and information around. More than just a garden with aDj, small animal area, maze, windmill to name a few extras. Options for food were limited with different places selling the same things. Highly recommend!
This was really very lovely and even thought the flowers were not in bloom for their productions this garden was full of all the variety of Tulips they sell 😍. I think we took the most pictures here of all the places we visited on our 3 week vacation to Europe. Absolutely worth the price and time.
I think you are missing out if you don't visit this garden during tulip season; its reputation is well-deserved. The grounds are large and extensive, the sheer variety of tulips on display is dizzying. There are many cafes and restaurants but they don't impact the visitor's experience as they are on the outskirts. The gift shops and boutiques have nicer products than those in Amsterdam. Plan to spend at least half a day here. It's worth the time to visit.
April 2024 voor 4e keer bezocht met 75 jarig bestaan. Was weer genieten van alle bloeiende bollen in volle grond en paviljoenen
Je n'ai pas été déçu du tout par cette visite. Bien sûr, c'est hyper touristique, il y a du monde, les boissons et repas sont chers (comme dans tous les parcs thématiques), etc... Reste que les aménagements floraux sont magnifiques. Une véritable explosion de couleurs. (Bien sûr, toutes les fleurs ne fleurissent pas en même... J'en ai vu des déjà fanées et d'autres pas encore écloses... Mais c'est logique, la floraison reste un phénomène naturel dépendant de la météo...). En outre, le parc en lui-même est très agréable. Et même si ça reste un parc thématique, il n'en reste pas moins typique et très agréable.
2nd time visiting these amazing gardens, and they didn't disappoint, even if the weather was not the best!!! Lovely walk around, it was busy but there was still plenty of space. Very well organised with car parking and entrance. Well worth a visit as it really is good value for money.
Absolutely stunning garden, loved all the different colours & the planting- so inspiring! Extremely busy though especially after 12pm & there's not enough seating in the restaurant area (our lunch ended up cold after walking around so long looking for 2 free seats to sit & eat) We booked for the day of the flower parade, it goes right past the garden & it was absolutely amazing- loved every minute even though there were a few rain showers but after buying poncho in the shop, I was kept dry! I had booked tickets direct from the website that included transport to & from RAI Amsterdam & it all ran pretty smoothly- there wasn't really any wait time at our 8:30am slot heading over but there was a very long wait to get back afterwards & it also took a lot longer to get back due to traffic. I think it is definitely not to be missed if you're in the area in springtime!
I didn't realize that we were going on the last week they would be open for this year, but it was still a great visit. While many flowers were spent, there were still enough to see and enjoy, especially in the indoor collections. It was crowded on a Sunday, but so colorful. So glad I didn't miss this.
Never have we seen so many Tulips, it was excellent, there gardens are immaculately kept, and the colours of the tulips are amazing . The gardens are great just give yourself plenty of time The access too and from Keukenhof are a NIGHTMARE, it took so long to get there as there are hundreds of cars vans and busses all congregating in one area, pretty disorganised to say it happens every year. 🌷
Most of the tulips were in bloom on April 26. It was definitely a crowded tourist attraction, but it was worth it to see all the beautiful, colorful flowers.
We visited the gardens at the end of the tulip bloom. The flowers were beautiful and the different pavilions were great. There were some excellent food stands in the gardens as well. The strawberries we got were some of the best I have ever had. It is well worth visiting in the spring.
Superschöner Park. Wir waren am 27.3.2024 da und haben gestaunt, wieviel schon blühte. Es war unter der Woche und sehr gut besucht. Die Organisation ist trotz der vielen Menschen top, man wird auf dem Parkplatz eingewiesen und die Ticketschalter sind gut besetzt. Einmal im Leben sollte man diese geballte Tulpenpracht erlebt haben.
The Keukenhof Gardens are only open for eight weeks each year, from mid March to mid May, so you need to plan your visit with specific timing. Our visit was May 2nd and most flowers were still in bloom, but any later could be risky.; it depends on the Spring weather. It is the most unique place and something we’ll never forget. We had three hours there but could have spent much longer. You are given a map guide to follow. Flowers were absolutely amazing, over 7 million tulips, daffodils and other bulbs. There are six pavilions, named after members of the Dutch Royal family and each has a different display- various plants, cut flowers, flower arrangements. Each pavilion has food and drink places and toilets. There are several shops for souvenirs and bulb shops to order your favourite bulbs sent to your home ready for autumn planting. The windmill was special and there are numerous activities for children. A wonderful place to visit!
Had an amazing day here, we spent around 5-6 hours and enjoyed every moment. There is so much to see and the displays are wonderful. We visited at the end of April, which meant that pretty much everything was on display. The gift shops were great too. This was one of the highlights during our Netherlands trip and we would definitely visit again.
This is an absolute must-see if you are anywhere near in late March to very early May. I spent a full three hours wondering around. I could have spent more but the weather took a turn. It’s a mix of formal and informal beds, eye-popping mass display, and even near wild areas. Plus building with special varieties. The place is huge, so even through there are a large number or visitors it generally did not feel congested (and that was a Sunday afternoon). Tip: take an extra battery for your camera.
Wow...excellent Tulip garden. It's a must visit place in NL. I visited on the third week of April and on that time I guess it was the most blooming time of the season. The garden was so colorful and vibrant. I used the Keukenhof Express Amsterdam RAI (bus line 852) for going to the tulip garden and return.
We visited in early May, sadly some of the tulip displays had been damaged by the storms of the previous week. However this did not detract from the overall impact. The pavilions have different displays and those were impressive. The facilities were good and located in a number of places throughout the park. Would like to revisit when the tulips are in prime condition.
Sadly many of the flowers had gone over, been dead-headed or battered by the rain - however this didn't detract from a very enjoyable afternoon. Very sensibly, flowering potted plants in tubs had replaced the original flowers, so there was lots of colour everywhere. The pretty bridges, and stepping stones that made it look like you were walking on water, were well done. Of course everyone loves the windmill too! I'd certainly return another time, hopefully a little earlier in the season to see Keukenhof in all its splendid glory. Some confusion happened when we tried to initially enter the park as entrance wardens kept waving us on, resulting in us driving beyond the signed exit. Having turned around, we tried again and were allowed in on our second attempt. Maybe brightly coloured car parking permits would've made the attendant's job easier.
Un super parc floral , vous y trouverez une multitudes de fleurs très bien misent en valeur , les jardiniers font un travail remarquable ,en intérieur vous trouverez de magnifiques présentations d'orchidées et d'autres pavillons splendides . au fond du parc se trouve un orgue de Barbarie qui produit une très bonne ambiance . Pour la visite préférez le mois d'Avril et une journée de semaine car les week-end sont souvent surpeuplés .
We visited Keukenhof on the 6th of May we were aware before visiting that the flowers were constantly changing and there wouldn’t be the amount of tulips in bloom as in March/April. This however did not spoil our visit whatsoever as there was plenty of other beautiful flowers (and tulips), displays and an exhibition on 75 years of Keukenhof to see too! Due to the popularity of Keukenhof as expected there were lots of visitors but it never felt overcrowded or that you couldn’t get photographs. There were plenty of places to eat and drink we especially enjoyed the Dutch apple pie! And all reasonably priced too. You could spend as long or as little as you liked in the park with seating to be found everywhere. Would definitely recommend a visit if in the Netherlands!
Pare vi siano 6 milioni di bulbi di tulipano, di tutte le varietà possibili ed immaginabili. Visita che porta via dalle 2 alle 3 ore, un immenso parco di circa 3 ettari, con un laghetto e un mulino a vento per dare un po’ di atmosfera. Pur non essendo un appassionato di fiori l’ho trovato una attrazione unica; anche se le esposizioni di tulipani esistono anche da noi, come quella del Castello di Pralormo, ma non è minimamente da comparare.
Millions of blooms to view even as late as April 30. We went early in the day to avoid traffic getting there and the larger crowds that show up later. We used the express bus from the airport taking an earlier one than we had originally scheduled. We visited on a weekday so not terribly crowded. After our visit we rented bicycles right outside the entrance an cycling through the nearby production fields. Check the camera photos from the fields before selecting your route(s). Would definitely go back.
Wenn man Blumen liebt, muss man das gesehen haben. Einfach großartig und trotz der vielen Besucher keinerlei Gedränge
Så fik jeg endelig opfyldt et gammelt ønske siden jeg var helt ung (jeg er nu næsten 54 år): at besøge Keukenhof. Jeg havde næsten tårer i øjnene da jeg endelig stod i fantastiske Keukenhof. Et absolut blomsterparadis...ikke kun med farvestrålende tulipaner og fantastisk flotte påskeliljer og perlehyacinter men osse en masse andre smukke blomster. Det er et stort sted så man skal sætte hele dagen af til sit besøg. Der er fine butikker med et bredt udvalg af ting. Der er gode toiletforhold. Og venligt og hjælpsomt personale. Keukenhof kan varmt anbefales fra mig. ☺️⚘️🤍🇳🇱🇩🇰
Elvira T
El tour está muy bien, en cambio si ya has hecho un freetour por la ciudad recomiendo el crucero primero, te da una vista más general, mi amiga y yo al haber hecho antes el freetour volvimos a ver sitios en los que ya habíamos estado.
Muy puntuales, un paseo tranquilo, recomiendo que cuando lo cojan miren bien la metereología, pues así podrán disfrutar mejor de las vistas.
Teresa F
Las vistas son preciosas, aunque desde posición incómoda porque el barco estaba muy lleno. El capitán muy simpático e hizo agradable el viaje.
Croisière avec le groupe lovers Sympathique croisière traduit en plusieurs langue 1h pour vous faire un tour des canaux avec visite guidée et indication sur les différents quartiers/monuments / place/ marché /histoire / musée de la ville etc Très bien pour découvrir une 1er fois en famille en amies en couple cette croisière et très bien adapter
The canal cruise was perfect, the captin come guide gave us headphones to listen in our own language. The riverboat was clean and tidy, easy to walk on and off, it was a nice day and we got some beautiful pictures!! A great end to a fantastic tourist holiday!!
We did the early evening cruise to see the lights of the city. Easy to get tickets by turning up and allocated the next cruise. There is an audio link that you can use, but we decided to just sit outside and watch the views. An hour cruise which was interesting and pretty.
Lynsey T
We had an hour cruise around the canals in Amsterdam and learnt a lot whilst doing it. We really enjoyed every second. My five year old didn’t want to get off. The captain was also very knowledgeable.
Petite balade bien sympathique, est l’audio était très bien fait rien à redire. Le petit bar pour attendre est très sympa aussi avant d’accéder au bateau.
This is a must do on your list of things to do while visiting Amsterdam. It takes you through areas that you may not be able to walk to. The captain points out things of interest and tells the story behind it.
Wir hatten einen super symphatischen Bootsführer der viele Nebeninfos gab. War schön und informativ. 1 Stunde hat gut gereicht und empfehlenswert. Gute Karte erhalten für den Treffpunkt und pünktlich, sowie sauber.
Giro dei canali in barca assolutamente da consigliare. Audioguida in italiano e Simon simpaticissimo conducente che comunque dava ulteriori informazioni in inglese. La durata è di un'ora ma ci è dispiaciuto scendere!!
Die Stunde waren zwar nur ca. 50 Minuten, aber die Tour war wunderschön. Unbedingt abends machen, die Atmosphäre ist unbeschreiblich!
Yannick Raach
Sehr nette Bootstour über die Kanäle von Amsterdam! Man bekommt viele interessante Informationen über die Stadt und deren Geschichte erzählt.
Christian D
La promenade sur les canaux dure une heure. Les audio guides permettent de suivre les commentaires dans différentes langues. Le long de cette promenade fluviale, nous découvrons l'histoire de la ville et des monuments "célèbres". Par contre, le confort est rudimentaire.
Crociera molto carina con guida in tutte le lingue. Partenza vicino ala stazione centrale. Durata circa un ora. Visita dei canali principali di Amsterdam. Da provare
Becky F
We had a really lovely time on the one-hour canal cruise. Our captain was very lovely and cracked a good few jokes throughout the tour. The GPS guided tour via the headphones was a fab idea and there were so many language options available which was a really pleasant surprise. We learned so much about the history of the city and the tour even helped us to find places to visit again in further detail after the tour. The price was extremely reasonable considering the excellent experience we got, and our boat even left a little early which was nice. All in all, we would definitely recommend it!
Brad D
We really enjoyed it. We show I I amsterdam cards at the ticket office ans were on a boat and on our way within 10 minutes. Our captain (Tony I believe was his name) was lovely ,cheerful and very knowledge of the area, he also had 2 traniees with him and they were also lovely. The facilties were clean. If I hadn't have had the I amsterdam card I would have still paid what the price was (which I think is reasonable).
peter G
1st time in Amsterdam and loved it Booked on the Lovers Canal cruise early in the morning to get a feel for the city and to get our bearings The tour showed the highlights of the city and the comentry was good
Vladimir J
sitting backward is really annoying... Except that I think it is very nice and the captain was a nice guy, he was really funny, making jokes.
Booked through Get Your Guide literally 20 mins before boarding. They let us join a boat that was boarding as soon as we got there, which was great, no standing around as they weren’t so busy. We took a daytime trip and glad we did. Maybe evening cruises would be better in warmer months with open boats. The boat was modern, clean and warm and no condensation at all during any part of our cruise. The headphones were included and the audio commentary was interesting. The captain also added bits and pieces of extra info which was appreciated. It was a great introduction to the canals of Amsterdam as we decided to do this trip literally an hour after arriving in Amsterdam. It helped us with our bearings and with general historical info about the city. The reason for 4 rather than 5 stars is that we seemed to stay on one canal, no museums seen, no Anne Frank house, nothing like that, which was a shame as lots of tourists probably visit these places afterwards. Maybe the canal boat starting from the museums area take that route? We took the one from the station. There are lots of canal boat companies, but we were more than happy with Lovers as their boats appear a lot more modern than many others we saw. I would definitely recommend the cruise and my teenage daughter said it was one of the nicest things we did when in Amsterdam.
A amazing tour with some great canal boat skills performed and a great host. This tour is very much for couples and being alone I felt a little out of place.
Done the open boat tour during the summer. A great way to see the city and the audio guide gave plenty of information along the way. Extremely relaxing to the point I almost fell asleep half way around. Would definitely do the tour again if I’m back in Amsterdam
colleen S
Guide was very friendly and knowledgeable. Although it rained, I still enjoyed the tour. The only complaint was the audio was difficult to hear at times.
far away from every day
Nice relaxing hour around the canals. Duco (sorry if I have not got the name correct) was informative with history and fun facts. Would recommend.
It was educational, slowed down at the right places. The pilot was polite and explained well- was fun and energetic.