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Fotografiska er hverken et museum eller et kunstgalleri, da det ikke har en permanent samling, og det sælger ikke det kunstværk, det viser. I stedet er Fotografiska en destination, hvor du kan opdage konstant skiftende fotoudstillinger i verdensklasse. I løbet af året er der forskellige store og mindre udstillinger at glæde sig over.
De uovertrufne roterende udstillinger spænder over forskellige fotografiske genrer i fordybende miljøer. Fotografiet og billedkunsten kommer fra hele verden, fra de mest kendte fotografer såvel som nye generationer af billedskabere. Siden Fotografiska åbnede dørene i Stockholm, har de fremvist værket fra over 200 kunstnere, herunder Anton Corbijn, David LaChapelle, Annie Leibovitz og Jimmy Nelson.
Fotografiska har flere steder, hvor du kan prøve maden fra deres prisvindende, bæredygtige og grønne køkken. Bistro Bread & Wine, samt Espresso Bar, findes på anden sal, hvorfra du kan nyde en smuk udsigt over byen. Og de kan begge besøges af alle, der besøger museet.
Som en ægte svensk oplevelse har Fotografiska også en Fika buffet, hvor du på hverdage kan prøve lækre kreationer fra konditoren. Restauranten, hvor deres gastronomiske rejse startede, byder på en overvejende vegetarisk menu, men kød, fisk, fjerkræ eller skaldyr er ofte tilgængelige som tilvalg eller tilbehør. Hele menuen er baseret på de lækreste råvarer fra planteriget og følger altid årstiderne.
Hos Fotografiska er du sikker på at blive inspireret, underholdt og påvirket af den utrolige kunst, der vises. Her vil du se hvor inkluderende mediet fotografi er, og hvordan det har evnen til at forme følelser, formidle historier og bevirke forandringer. Bestil dine billetter til Fotografiska i Stockholm nu for ikke at gå glip af den vidunderlige oplevelse, det tilbyder.
26 Reviews
Gode skiftende udstillinger og flot bygning med en fin restaurant med en fantastisk udsigt over vandet og byen.
Et helt fantastisk udstillings hus. Kom for at se Andy Warhol, en fantastisk udstilling. Samtidig en masse andre store foto kunstner. Stort museum med lang åbningstid. Ærger os over at vi ikke spiste på Fotografiske Restaurant. Fantastisk udsigt over på resten af Stockholm.
En museumsoplevelse helt i top. Lækkerhed overalt i dette museum og en række særudstillinger af høj kunstnerisk standard. Dybt professionel formidling. Godt skiltet for gående fra Slussen (følg ikke Google Maps-ruten mens der er byggearbejde). Kun adgang til den flotte restaurant for spisende, til gengæld gratis kaffe for andre gæster. Spændende museums butik
One of my favourite museums/galleries in Stockholm. It's a short walk from Slussen but well sign posted and worth the walk. There are steps up and down but unsure if there's a lift to get there. You pass the buss terminal for the Nacka buses. The views are amazing and the exhibitions are well worth visiting.
I would consider myself an amateur connoisseur of art. But photography has not always piqued my interest however, I LOVED Shepard Fairey's work in the exhibit "Photo Syntheses". I was very impressed. I loved everything about it from the story at the beginning explaining who he is to the organization of the exhibit and definitely the work. It was hard-hitting and gave early 2000s rock music vibes mixed with skater vibes. The exhibit upstairs on sustainability was also very interesting and eye-opening to current issues around the world. It was very emotional. I will say it is a pricey museum.
Our visit to the Fotografiska museum in Stockholm was a highlight of our trip. Located in Södermalm, just south of the old town (Gamla Stan) island, the museum is easily reachable by boat, including a direct connection that serves Fotografiska, or by a pleasant walk which took us a bit over 40 minutes from our hotel in Östermalm. The museum features two stories of exhibitions, and we were particularly impressed with the "Photo Syntheses" exhibition by Shepard Fairey. After exploring the exhibits, we dined at the on-site restaurant, which was a delightful experience. The three-course menu featured local products such as beetroot, mackerel, and pickled cucumbers. We also enjoyed their inventive cocktails, which added a special touch to our meal. The setting of the restaurant offers stunning views overlooking the shores of the old town and nearby islands, making it a perfect spot to relax and reflect on the art we had just seen. Fotografiska is absolutely worth the trip from central Stockholm, especially if you have an appreciation for photography and enjoy a nice meal with a view.
Fotografiska Stockholm is an an outstanding photography museum. The had multiple excellent shows up all of which were exceptionally well curated as well as a lovely cafe overlooking the water. A must for photography lovers!
Ein Fotografiemuseum direkt am Meer. Sehr ausgefallene Exponate. Relativ teurer Eintritt - 235 SEK. Wer an Kunst und Fotografie interessiert ist: auf jeden Fall hingehen.
Wonderful, modern museum dedicated to photography. Over a few floors on the waterfront there are a number of changing displays covering individuals, themes or styles - displays photography at its best. If you visit make sure you make time to visit the cafe or restaurant on the top floor. The food is good and the views out over Stockholm are magic. Highly recommend!
If you are a photography lover then Fotografiska is the right place for you. The collection was mostly consisted of portraits and everyday moments clicks. Don't miss visiting the café restaurant on the top floor since it a has an amazing view to the canals.
It's over ten years since our first visit to Fotografiska. The views from the third floor resto are much the same each time: impressive! The exhibitions vary of course. On our latest round we admired photos by Kary Lasch from the 1950s, Cindy Sherman's very heavy tapestries, a Danish doctor in a floating world of bizarre bodies and a young Swedish innovator. There was a small exhibition about the history of selfies too. All in all, well worth a couple of hours.
We thoroughly enjoyed our visit here. The main exhibit was photographs documenting 50 years of hip hop, which included many pictures of iconic hip hop stars and also pictures of less famous people free styling. In addition, there was a very interesting interactive virtual reality experience and other thought provoking exhibits on other floors. There is a pleasant looking bistro on the top floor and a well stocked shop at the entrance/ exit. Well worth the admission fee.
One of the best museums in Stockholm, really enjoyed the time there. Very interesting and qualitative exhibitions. Recommend to plan at least 2 h.
We loved the Hip Hop exhibition in particular but there really was something for everyone. Plus a fantastic cafe and restaurant on the top floor. Our teenage boys really loved our visit.
Som alltid finns det så mycket att se på Fotografiska. Det finns alltid flera utställningar som är tankeväckande och intressanta. Dessutom är det en trevlig byggnad att gå omkring i. Det är visserligen dyrt, men man får ju inga statliga bidrag, så det förklarar väl detta. Restaurangen är inte så intressant längre, så jag äter sällan där.
Visite très intéressante. Surtout la 1ere partie. La dernière partie sur les femmes était très touchante. Surtout le vidéo avec les agents de police:-(
Great place to visit. Interesting historical harbor building converted into a photography museum. We saw three or four great shows.
It is a very modern and interesting exhibition, definitely Stockholm benefits from Fotografiska. Given the often changing eviction it always depends on what it is shown at the moment, it could be bigger for the price. But yes, it is Stockholm.
Nice afternoon visit to the Fotografiska. Good exposition and afterwards you have the chance to eat in a very good restaurant or take a coffee in the Café. Very recommended place!
Una delle cose piu' belle che ho visto a Stoccolma. Meravigliose foto,immagini e sculture. Da non perdere assolutamente👍
Schön für Fotograf-amateur oder Profis. Viele Leute aber viel Platz. Nette Cafeteria ganz oben. Ein Besuch wert besonders Portraits-Abteilung
La visita al museo Fotografiska è forse una delle esperienze che più ci hanno affascinato durante il nostro soggiorno a Stoccolma. La prima cosa che colpisce è la location, un edificio di archeologia industriale sulle sponde del mar Baltico, che già dall’esterno affascina parecchio. Premesso che il giudizio sull’esposizione fotografica può variare a seconda degli allestimenti in corso, nell’insieme resta comunque un’esperienza da non perdere. Noi abbiamo molto apprezzato la rassegna delle fotografie alle star di Terry O’Neill ma anche quella sulla nuova avanguardia nera tra arte e moda. Bella anche la location del ristorante all’ultimo piano che dalle sue vetrate offre bellissime vedute panoramiche. All’ingresso è presente un grande negozio dove si possono trovare moltissimi prodotti sempre legati al mondo della fotografia. Costo del biglietto piuttosto elevato ma secondo me ne vale la pena.
Terry O`Neill und Andy Warhol, die neue schwarze Avantgarde momentane Ausstellung und viele Fotos von Schauspielern und solche die sich als solche sehen. Tolle Porträtaufnahme zwischen Kunst und Mode. Die Ausstellung im Jugendstilgebäude des ehemaligen königlichen Zollgebäude sehr übersichtlich über 2 Stockwerke auf 2.500 m² gestaltet und überdurchschnittlich gut besucht. Der Eintrittspreis mit 225 SEK und für Pensionisten 185 SEK mehr als gerechtfertigt. Das Restaurant mit einer tollen Aussicht entlang des Ufers zieht sogar überdurchschnittlich viele Besucher an und das Essen war für ein Museum ebenfalls sehr gut. Das Personal sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit beginnend beim Eintritt bis zum Restaurant.
Un pò fuori dal centro ma merita per chi ama la fotografia. Foto di personaggi famosi, si gira bene all'interno.
Museo recomendable aunque algo caro para lo que es. Lo bueno es que abre hasta muy tarde y te permite ver otras cosas en la ciudad. En cuanto a las exposiciones depende mucho de las temporales. Lo recomendaría porque es bastante interesante
Enkele prachtige expo’s gezien in dit aangename museum. Geen vaste collectie, dus je bent wat afhankelijk van het aanbod op het moment, maar dat viel dus heel goed mee. Redelijk druk (zondagmiddag), dus jammer genoeg niet kunnen genieten van het uitzicht vanuit het café.