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Efteling er den største og smukkeste forlystelsespark i Holland og er bestemt et besøg værd. Med mere end 50 attraktioner er det en vidunderlig dag for hele familien. Denne unikke park omgivet af natur får dig til at føle dig som om du trådte ind i et eventyr.
Stig om bord på den mørke forlystelse Droomvlucht (Dreamflight) fyldt med feer og skovdyr, gå mellem jætter og trolde i Eventyrskoven og fodr Holle Bolle Gijs, der altid er sulten. Oplev Laafland fra oven i monorailen, og lad dig fortrylles af Symbolica, fantasiens palads, hvor intet er, hvad det ser ud til at være.
Det er ikke kun drømme og eventyr i Efteling, for der er også en masse at byde på for vovehalse. Hop om bord på Baron 1898 og fald frit ned i en mineskakt med 90 km/t, eller hop om bord på trærutsjebanen Joris en de Draak (George og dragen), der tager dig med på et dobbeltsporet løb. Du vil heller ikke gå glip af Python eller Flying Dutchman.
Ud over attraktionerne er der daglige shows, der opføres i hele parken. Disse spektakulære shows er fyldt med action og special effects og er underholdende for hele familien. Parken har også flere restauranter og madboder. Hvis du bliver til sidst på dagen, skal du sørge for at se det fantastiske vandshow Aquanura, hvor musik, vand, ild og lys mødes.
Forlystelsesparken Efteling åbnede for første gang den 31. maj 1952. Den startede kun med eventyrskoven med originale eventyr som Tornerose, Snehvide og Frøprinsen. Den hollandske kunstner Anton Pieck var med til at skabe forlystelsesparken og tilføjede det romantiske præg, som adskiller Efteling-forlystelsesparken fra andre.
I årenes løb åbnede flere attraktioner, og nu er der endda et Efteling Hotel og en Efteling Golfpark. Og Efteling holder aldrig op med at genopfinde sig selv med nye forlystelser. Den 31. oktober 2024 åbner den nyeste attraktion: Danse Macabre! Og flere nye attraktioner er allerede på vej.
Er du klar til et eventyr og vil du gerne slippe væk fra den travle by? Planlæg dit fortryllende Efteling-besøg nu! Efteling's World of Wonders kan nemt nås med enten bil eller offentlig transport. Køb dine Efteling-billetter her, og gør dig klar til at blive transporteret til en verden af vidundere.
128 Reviews
En rigtig dejlig og god oplevelse. Børnene og vi voksne elskede de man eventyr fortællinger. Bygningen er finurlige og alt er rent
Alt for familier både med små og store børn. Det var mit femte besøg og de voksne børnebørn planlægger at tage derned igen til jubilæet i 2022.
Vi var i Efteling med vores to børn på henholdsvis ti måneder og tre år, og vi var positivt overrasket over både parkens mange forlystelser, men også at der var noget som begge børn kunne lide. Parken er desuden så enorm, at vi må have tæt på halvdelen af den til gode, til næste gang vi besøger den. Og slutteligt et godt råd: besøg parken på en “stille” dag med færre besøgende; der var efter normal standard få, da vi besøgte, og det antal var stadig flere tusinde...
Ikke lige et sted hvis man ønsker en rolig oplevelse, men spændende, og samtidig er jeg skuffet over hvor nemt det er at være associal. Men kan købe sig uden om køerne, og det gør man da gerne for sin forkælede teenageunge, så de kan lære at penge betyder alt...ikke min kop te. Spændende sted, men kommer ikke igen..
Best theme park I’ve been to, staff were amazing and friendly, English speaking was no issue, navigation around park was easy with the app, rides were magical and so well designed, pricing in and around the park spot on for families, my only complaint is a day is not long enough! So planning another trip! This time was a tour next time I’m going to do it myself, train or car. My daughter is 6 this was her birthday present, and she isn’t big on rides with too much motion, watching videos on your website meant I could preplan all the rides so every experience was enjoyable. Ques were at such a good level that my husband could go off and do more thrilling ones on his own without anyone waiting around, I have family members with disabilities who only managed 4 rides in a weekend trip to Disney, I recommend they come here. Also your app, website is also spot on! In the uk I’ve got very stressed an disappointed with theme parks prices ques and experience, waiting 1.5h for a 2min ride. My longest que here was 15mins and what an experience that que is! It’s like part of the ride (symbolica)! Thankyou eftling for creating the most magical experience!
I love the efteling. It's a very pretty park, the theming is stunning and the rides are nice. There are a lot of food choices and enough places to seat down and have dinner. Old and young kids will have a lot of fun here but there are some negative things I need to comment on. - Ride closures. Rides are closed all the time and often a lot of the big rides are closed at the same time. The efteling is known for this issue but they aren't improving it. - Parking is insane. Parking is really expensive and if you get parked all the way in the back it can be a 30 minute walk with kids. Even on slow days you get parked in the back sometimes. - The medical theme sucks! My sister fainted on a ride and it took them more than 20 minutes too arrive. The staff handeled this great though. Luckily for us one of the people who controlled the rides was a fireman and knew how to handle the situation but the first aid team really took too long! - The efteling oversells tickets. Don't go in the summer holiday, half the country will be there. - The winter efteling isn't worth it. It gets marketed greatly but it's not what you think. There's barely any christmas decoration, only a christmassy area. I would absolutely recommend the efteling since it's a great and magical place to be and there's lots of fun for all ages and you will have fun all day. There are just some things you need to watch out for.
Loved every ride . I highly recommend Baron and python if you are brave enough height restrictions are low so short people can go on . Everything was clean and accessible . Very family friendly and all the staff I met were extremely helpful. The longest queue was only 30 minutes . I would recommend staying at the Efteling hotel since you get early access to all the rides. You also get to stay and watch the amazing light show .
Visited with a family of four, including two boys aged 7 and 4. Normally we visit Disneyland Paris in February each year, but having heard so much about Efteling we decided to try it. We booked several months before travelling, and stayed at the Efteling Bosrijk Hotel. We drove from the UK via the Channel Tunnel. Once in France it’s about three hours in the car on a simple route through Belgium into The Netherlands. Our first day was travelling and on arrival we used the Efteling app to get past the car park barriers and we left the car before walking straight to our room. The app provides a digital key and your room number. Very handy. You can also drive closer to the hotel or some of the pretty houses and cabins in the Bosrijk area to unload and load, before putting the car back in the car park. Our top floor room in the Landhuys building was generously sized, had a separate bedroom with large bunk beds for the kids, a four poster double bed in the main room, a comfortable lounge space, large bathroom and separate WC. The hotel was quiet, comfortable and spotlessly clean. The first night we walked through the landscaped Bosrijk area to the Eethuys restaurant where we had reserved a table. The staff were friendly, service was great and the food so much better than expected. Not cheap, but infinitely superior to what you’d find at Disneyland. Breakfast is included with the hotel and was served buffet-style in the same restaurant each morning. You need to reserve as it can get quite busy. Staff were again extremely friendly and some of the Efteling characters are there to greet you as you eat. From the hotel it’s a five minute walk to the park itself. We needed three days to have a good look around and still did not see it all. Different in feel to Disneyland, the variety of attractions ranges from charming 1950s fairy tales to modern white knuckle rides that have a depth and quality that easily rivals what you’d find in Paris. The staff were without exception friendly, the wide range of more affordable park food and dining options very welcome and at this time of year we never had to wait more than twenty minutes for any attraction. There are no expensive fast passes necessary, the gifts and souvenirs are far more reasonably priced and the whole thing feels less cynical and so much more welcoming than Disneyland. On top of it all, the entire package was about two thirds the cost of Disneyland and we never felt like we were missing anything. If you’re considering an alternative to the overpriced, overcrowded Disneyland, it takes the same travel time, costs less, feels magical and is so much more friendly at Efteling. We will be back!
It was my first time and was really looking forward to finally go and expected it to have a more festive vibe as it was during Christmas. For me it could be more festive, especially the theatershow CARO on Christmas day which was their standard show that was fun and funny though, I enjoyed it. Despite the fact that it was in December in Winter time, cold and a bit rainy, we enjoyed the park and will definitely come back, but during the warmer months. It was also nice that it wasn't too crowdie and no long queues for rides, making the experience pleasant. In Summer this will surely not be the case.
Na vele vele jaren brachten we weer eens een bezoek aan de Efteling, omdat we op een doordeweekse dag buiten schoolvakantie gingen was er nagenoeg geen wachttijd en hebben we dus enorm veel kunnen doen. Hoogtepunt voor mij blijft toch wel Droomvlucht en nu voor het eerst gedaan (oké gelijk 3x) Symbolica. Volgende keer gaat het geen jaren meer duren.
Het was een top dag! Ondanks dat het druk was vanwege de Essent dagen waren de wachttijden goed te doen! De nieuwe attractie is echt een aanrader.
Is efteling ristrict about age limits of rides for children? Or just a reccomendation? Because we had haunted house ride in disneyland and my 5 years old had really fun☺️i didnt see any bad effect.
This was our second trip to Efteling. After the first trip I wasn’t sure if I enjoyed it or not, we didn’t really plan our time well and ended up wasting a lot of time. But this time we planned ourselves a lot better and we all absolutely loved it. The rides were excellent, lots of rides even for my 1 year old to go in which is amazing as she is to little fir rides most other places. Was something for everyone and I now highly recommend Efteling to anyone. Was a few things not working/under repair but these things happen. We will most definitely be back here again, our kids keep talking about it.
We returned to Efteling once again after visiting many times before. This time we was so excited for the newly opened Danse Macabre. After Efteling retired the former version. We were back- After a wait of around 75 minutes we were allowed into the chamber. The ride is set like a huge teacup ride movement with guests seated in alternating pews. I suffer from a lack of full bend false knees and found the legroom somewhat a challenge but after the patience of the ride operators I managed to bend the knees enough into the space. It was a tight fit though. Whilst not a ride designer I would suggest a gap to put your feet, under the seat in front - exactly as you have on the Flying Dutchman ride. As allows better access. That aside the ride was really well imagined and was exceptionally good. I won’t cover the other rides as many on here have already done so. However what stole the show was a magical hidden gem. Tucked away in a tiny theatre opposite the Efteling museum is a tiny puppet theatre. We learned from the most incredible and informative lady at the door was this was Established once again in spring this year, but blink and you will miss it. I must say what a joy. My wife and I joined a very small group as the tiny theatre doors opened. The host that welcomed us was from the outset the complete showman. As was his wonderful assistant who shared the history of the theatre. The show was to be in Dutch but as we are from England and the fellow audience folks asked for it to be performed in English the host agreed. What followed was a wonderfully innocent yet imaginative and entertaining beautiful performance. This one person show however simplistic transported one back to childhood. We have marvelled at big budget Caro and fell in love with the spirit of Efteling, yet we ventured for the big ride of the year in danse macabre but it’s safe to say that August and his pet puppet monkey was an absolute hidden gem and made our trip complete. Do not miss this- it’s a treat!
Zaterdag weer eens in de Efteling geweest. Het is en blijft een prachtig sprookjespark. We begonnen in de Danse Macabre. Wat is dit een prachtige attractie geworden van wereldklasse. De wachttijden varieerde van 10 tot 50 minuten. Dit was prima te doen voor een gezellig dagje uit. We hebben alle attracties kunnen doen en de dag afgesloten met Aquanura (op de muziek van Guus Meeuwis). Het eten in de Efteling is heerlijk. Als je een dagje naar de Efteling gaat kan je niet zonder een broodje Unox en een Eigenheymer. Tot slot hebben we genoten van een kipburger van de Burger Express. Wij komen zeker (binnenkort) weer terug!
Als heel de wereld zo vriendelijk was als het Efteling personeel was wereldvrede een gewoonte in plaats van een droom.✨🩷 Bedankt voor de magische belevenis is het park en in het Efteling hotel.
El parque de Efteling creo que puede ser el mejor parque en el que he estado. Creo que hay que tener claro que no hay que ir con las expectativas de ver algo parecido a Port Aventura o la Warner (parques dirigidos a público adolescente o adulto aunque tengan zonas infantiles) sino a un parque dirigido en un 75% a público infantil y con la chispa de la inocencia de ver hadas, duendes, princesas y guerreros. Hay diferentes zonas dentro del Parque y cada una con un encanto especial. No importa que las actuaciones sean en neerlandés...no hace falta para entender lo que se cuenta o lo que se ve. Las atracciones, que hay muchas, aunque puedan parecer pocas ya que el parque es súper grande en medio de un bosque, están súper trabajadas en cuanto a realismo, figuras que actúan, y escenarios...es lo que me pareció más increíble, y muchas son interiores lo que hace que si chispea o llueve algo pues no importe mucho. El precio de las entradas no es caro...51 euros persona y sin fecha de entrada...con fecha de entrada algo más barato...dos días necesarios para verlo bien. Una cosa que me gustó fue lo que llaman el baby switch...si tienes un niño que no puede montar en alguna atracción el adulto puede esperar en la salida a que el otro adulto baje de la atracción para no tener que hacer cola...lo hicimos en varias...no todas lo tienen..en la aplicación del parque se puede ver cuales tienen y en la entrada a las mismas...nosotros con un niño de 1 año pues nos vino superbien ya que la niña más mayor se podía montar 2 veces seguidas. El parking 12.5 euros/día. Fuimos la última semana de Octubre que es festivo allí y aunque había gente nunca tuvimos sensación de agobio...y las colas muy llevaderas (30min máximo en algunas: en esto mucho mejor que otros parques) Entradas vía digital sin problema. Puestos de comida y restaurantes hay muchos y los precios como en los parques de España...estando en Holanda (todo es caro) pues son asequibles. Pero se puede llevar comida de fuera y no andan registrando carros, sillas, mochilas, etc...así que tampoco hace falta preocuparse (otro punto a favor). Y por último, también hay una zona con las atracciones más fuertes...para que los adultos también puedan tener un poco de adrenalina.
De vriendelijkheid van het personeel in poffertjestent “het Poffertje” is werkelijk een attractie op zich. Als regelmatig bezoeker gaan wij daar iedere keer eten.
Really didn't know what to expect when taking a day trip with friends out of Amsterdam to the theme park, but I was blown away! The park never felt packed, and we made use of the app to avoid massive lines/waits! The park itself felt magical with a new suprise around every turn! The rides were some of the most original theme park experiences I've ever had! You also don't feel like you are being ripped off with the ticket being reasonable and the food and drink being the same! The experience gets taken to another level when the sun goes down as the park looks and feels completely different! All in all, it was a really fantastic day out and might be my favourite day of the holiday
Bonito parque de cuento de hadas, bosque precioso, muy bien cuidado y encantador. No hay demasiadas atracciones fuertes, la mayoría son familiares bien tematizadas con decorados muy bonitos. Colas de 30 a 45 minutos en las atracciones más importantes pero en la cola single de unos 15 minutos, no hay expres. Comida como en todos los parques, el self service muy bien. En 1 día no se ve todo si se quieren ver también los espectáculos. Merece la pena visitarlo, sobre todo si se va con niños.
What a fantastic place, something for everyone to do here. Went as a group of 12 with kids ranging from 3-12, everyone had a fantastic day. Would definitely say to plan your visit before coming (download the app and decide what you want to do most). This park is soo big that I think we only got to maybe half of it! So I would suggest if you enjoy all the things on offer plan for a 2 day visit. The attention to detail of the rides and the characters who you interact with is soo good. Lots of options for food and drinks as you travel around, but at busy times you could be waiting a while. Think you can also order on the app at some places but I'm not that clever. 100% would visit again and do all the things we missed. A must do if ever in the area
This was our first time visiting the park and we took our granddaughters (8 & 5) and our son (17). We stayed for 2 nights, so had access to the park over 3 days. We stayed in one of the lake side themed cabins in Loonsche Land. The walk was quite long for little legs at the end of the day but there are free mini buses if you need them. The walk was about 15 minutes through the woods which the children enjoyed. The drive to Efteling from Le Shuttle was straight forward and with a short comfort break, took about 3 hrs. The park is amazing and puts UK theme parks to shame. They are clean, well maintained, spacious and most of all, Magical. Everything that the UK parks lack. Food was plentiful with so much variety to choose from and really reasonable prices. The children loved the waffles and my son enjoyed the chillie hot dogs. We had breakfast each morning in the hotel. The selection was great, help yourself buffet and the staff were helpful & cheery. The whole family really enjoyed the rides. They were amazing with rides to suit all ages. Our granddaughters particularly loved Max & Moritz, Droomvlucht and Symbolica. The adults loved Joris en de Draak, Baron & Python Queues averaged between 5-30 minutes, even for the most popular rides which is a fraction of the time you'd spend in queues in the UK. That, of course was with the exception of Danse Macabre! We were there on opening day and queues were in excess of 4 hrs!! Fair to say, we skipped this ride. The girls loved the fairy tale Forest and my wife was able to recount all the fairy tales from her childhood. The girls absolutely loved Long Neck and the pooping donkey. We had pre booked Caro for one evening and although we had no clue what was actually going on, we were able to identify the music which related to the rides within the parks. Luckily, we knew about the death of one of the characters within the storyline and were able to pre warn our little ones. We also visited Ravelijn on our last day which we all really enjoyed. Don't miss it!! If we had any complaints, it would be that the rooms were probably too small for a family of 5 (they sleep 6) but I suppose we were literally just using them to sleep in. The beds were all singles (I'm a big lump) and the pillows were a bit old & lumpy. We would highly recommend a short break to Efteling. Download the App and go!!
Wat een geweldige dag gehad met ons gezin/ opa en oma en zus met gezin. De sfeer is fabelachtig. De medewerkers doen zonder uitzondering hun best. Het park is schoon en goed verzorgd. De attracties zijn geweldig. Gemiddelde wachttijd toch 35-40 minuten maar dat kan ook vele malen erger. We hebben geweldige herinneringen gemaakt. Blije koppies van de kindjes. Majestueus!!!
A great day out with plenty of rides and attractions to keep our varied tastes happy. Lots of different places to stop and eat. Great facilities. Highly recommend the Poffertjes house. If possible avoid Dutch holidays as this is very popular destination and this can make queue times long. On average we waited 30-40mins per ride but most people were waiting for the new Danse-Macabre which has just opened. The park itself does not feel busy and it is well set up for high footfall.
Consistently surprised by how good it was. A Hipster Disney submerged in a beautiful forest for a fraction of the price. If you want a theme park devoid of corporate nonsense and an attitude of I-paid-more-so-I’m-skipping-the-queue, then this is it. Loved every minute. Cannot recommend enough.
Wij hebben een fantastische dag gehad in de Efteling! Ondanks dat we er al vaker zijn geweest, blijft het park leuk en verrassend. We kozen voor een doordeweekse dag in de vakantie en dat bleek een goede keuze: de drukte viel reuze mee. Een tip voor andere bezoekers: probeer rond 10:00 - 10:15 het park in te gaan. Dan kun je op je gemak het park binnenlopen zonder al te veel drukte bij de ingang. Het blijft indrukwekkend hoeveel er te beleven is voor jong en oud. Of je nu houdt van sprookjes, spannende attracties of mooie shows, er is voor ieder wat wils.
Wir waren heute in Efteling was soll ich groß zu diesem wundervollen Park sagen er ist einfacher der Hammer wir hatten so viel Spaß in dem Park das einzige was uns leicht gestört hat waren die 2 kleinen Baustellen am Eingang aber dies haben wir schnell vergessen nachdem wir weiter im Park waren
Un parc au milieu de la nature que nous aimons beaucoup. Le personnel est toujours souriant et attentionné, les attractions sont espacées au milieu des arbres, la nourriture est bonne et pas très chère pour ce type d’endroit, etc. Résultat : on se sent bien dans le parc et cela se ressent aussi parmi les autres visiteurs. Les attractions sont bien thématisées et sont de qualité. Il y en a pour tout le monde : enfants, ados, adultes et séniors, tout le monde y trouvera son compte. Le spectacle du soir avec les jets d’eau est juste… magnifique 🤩 Je n’ai que des compliments à faire. Un parc qui mérite vraiment à être connu, n’hésitez pas à y réserver un séjour ! Les hôtels du parc sont aussi très bien 👍
Absolutely fantastic park - cannot praise it enough. We spent 5 days here and the family loved it. The staff were exceptionally nice, the park was very clean and the lodges were fantastic. Very comfy beds! In the park there were great food options, a variety of rides and just so much room to wander and explore. So glad we went.
There are a lot of great memories of Efteling during my hubby's childhood. It was wonderful enjoying the park together. To think that it has been around for more than 100 years is amazing. The development of modern/traditional is a great mix. They maintained having trees and greeneries around so it is very "calming". The rides are amazing! Tons of food options. The fairytale forest is a must!!! If you are travelling to the Netherlands, we highly encourage visiting Efteling. I prefer it now to Disney because of the variety it offers.
Wir haben den Efteling Park als Familien Ausflug gebucht. In Summe 8 Zahler und zwei Babys. Das Haus in loscheland zwar zu groß für 10 aber dennoch alles top. Sauber und gut gelegen. Der Lieferservice funktioniert super und hat für einen Freizeitpark humane Preise. Wenn man beachtet, dass der Eintritt für 3 Tage x 8 Personen fast das gleiche kostet wie das Haus inkl. dem Eintritt ?! Muss man da noch überlegen ? :-D Eine super Erfahrung… und die Kinder brauchen nach den 3 Tagen erstmal eine Woche Erholung. Übrigens: außerhalb der Ferienzeiten und nicht am Wochenende ist natürlich der Geheimtipp wenn man nicht zu lange Wartezeiten mag ;)
Wir haben den Freizeitpark in einer größeren Freundesgruppe besucht und hatten viel Spaß. Insgesamt fanden wir aber andere Freizeitparks (z.B. Phantasialand in Brühl) schöner und vom Gesamtpaket stimmiger. Positiv: - Der Park ist sehr groß, so dass sich der Besucherstrom gut verteilt, insbesondere in Teile für Familien mit kleinen Kindern und Bereiche mit aufregenden Attraktionen/Achterbahnen. - Die Thematisierung ist in großen Teilen sehr schön, um so mehr fällt aber auf, dass in anderen Bereichen (z.B. in vielen Wartebereichen) einfach gar keine wirkliche Thematisierung vorhanden ist. Negativ: - Der Park sollte unbedingt an den Beschilderungen arbeiten, die vorhandenen sind sehr rudimentär und empfanden wir als selten hilfreich um zu Attraktionen zu finden. - Die Achterbahnen sind zwar gut, können aber nicht mit "Top Tier" Achterbahnen z.B. im Phantasialand oder Europapark mithalten. Insgesamt denke ich, dass Efteling insbesondere für Familien mit kleinen Kindern sicher wunderbar geeignet ist. Für Thrill-Fans ist der Park eher "nur" 4 von 5 Sternen. Wie in anderen Freizeitparks auch ist es empfehlenswert, möglichst unter der Woche und außerhalb der Ferienzeit Efteling zu besuchen.
Top dag gehad! Met een kind van 1,5 jaar en 3 jaar echt een leuke dag gehad. Een wandelwagen waar onze dochter op kon zitten gehuurd en dit is echt een aanrader. In veel attracties gemogen met de kinderen. Helaas wel af en toe een storing bij een achtbaan op het laatste van de dag maar dit kan gebeuren. Veel verbouwingen in het park, waaronder Max & Moritz, Efteling theater, nieuwe theater en nog een paar. Hier hebben we weinig hinder van ondervonden. Eten is prijzig, maar dat weten we vooraf! Nogmaals een top dag gehad.
Parco estremamente esteso, non ho mai fatto così tanti passi (circa 26mila in 11/12 ore) in un parco divertimenti. Il target principale sono sicuramente le famiglie con bambini, ma ci si può divertire anche da adulti. Il parcheggio, sia in entrata che in uscita, è ben presidiato e organizzato. I 12.50€ possono essere pagati online o alle casse (automatiche o con personale). Quasi tutti acquistano online perché anche in giornate che il parco segnalava come affollate noi non abbiamo mai trovato nessuno alle casse. Il parco apre i cancelli ben prima delle 10:00 (credo alle 9:00), durante quest'ora extra i guest esterni (che non soggiornano nei loro hotel) rimangono confinati in una piccola zona del parco con possibilità di andare in bagno, acquistare souvenir o fare colazione. Alle 9:59, sempre puntualissimi, aprono i cancelli e le attrazioni. Le dark ride sono molto carine, i coaster in generale abbastanza tranquilli e semplici, ben fatte anche le attrazioni acquatiche. Pre-show e tematizzazioni (anche delle file di attesa) sono molto curati. Foresta delle favole davvero immensa, indispensabile la mappa per non perdersene una parte. Assolutamente evitabili Gondoletta e Stoomtrein, non c'è davvero nulla da vedere. Single rider fantastiche, estremamente più scorrevoli che in qualsiasi altro parco provato; molto spesso inoltre il tempo indicato è maggiore del reale (questo in generale capita anche nella coda normale). L'unica pecca è che non sono abituati a riempire a tutti i costi i posti disponibili, e questo in alcuni casi (vedesi Gondoletta con 4 file di panche riempita con solo due persone per barca) porta ad un evidente allungamento del tempo di attesa. Assolutamente da vedere Aquanura e Raveleijn. Abbastanza varia la proposta food anche per chi vuole evitare di mangiare solo hamburger, fritti e pizza (sicuramente spedendo un po' di più). Estremamente apprezzabile la chiusura serale con le file aperte fino alle 21:00/22:00.
Met familie (jong en oud) naar de Efteling. Wel op een drukke zaterdag, maar ondanks dat echt genoten van dit mooie pretpark. Prachtig aangelegd, goed onderhouden en schoon. Lekker gegeten bij La Place.
We hebben een verblijf gehad van 3 dgn in bosrijk met de familie! Het was zoals gewoonlijk weer fantastisch! Prachtig weer en vrij korte wachttijden. 1 ding is mij niet bevallen en dat is hoe ze om gaan met de single ride in de symbolical attractie. Wij zijn met 5 in ons gezin en wilden graag alleen in het wagentje vanwege de foto die wordt gemaakt. Wij maken deze elk jaar met ons gezin en het is leuk om te zien hoe dat veranderd! Maar deze keer werd er bij ons een random man bij ons ingezet terwijl we aangaven dit niet te willen vanwege de foto. Waarop de jongen van de Efteling zei dat kan mij toch niks schelen? Mijn man en ik vonden het erg brutaal. Wij zijn hier 3 dgn en kunnen dit dan nog een doen. Maar voor gezinnen die hier misschien 1 dag komen is dit bespottelijk en hoort het te wooden gevraagd of ze dit goed vinden. Helemaal als het ook nog een rustige dag is. Single ride is leuk voor de nerds die ff met hun abonnement een middag gaan, maar dat mag een dag voor gezinnen die daar eenmalig een dag komen niet verpesten. Hier slaan ze de plank even mis. Vooral het gegeven antwoord van de medewerker. Verder blijven wij wel elk jaar terugkomen.
De Efteling is altijd goud. Nooit teleurstellend, elke keer weer en we gaan al jaren 1x per jaar. Het park is schoon, de attracties leuk en goed onderhouden, de sfeer magisch en het personeel is zo enorm gastvrij! Dit is wat ons betreft de absolute nummer 1 onder de parken!
Seeming is the best theming that I’ve ever seen at a theme park I’ve definitely recommend this if you have young children. there are so many rides and it’s very thrilling. this is an amazing day out even if you are an adult as they have loads of rollercoasters is and so much stuff to do.
Attraction pour les petits comme pour les grands . Joli parc très arboré et très propre , Pour la restauration, les prix sont très raisonnable et un choix très variés.
This theme park is the best ever! Amazing themed rides as well as big coasters, best vibe of all these parks, entertainment around the park, clean, amazing food, great to walk around, droomvluct virtual queue, everything is top class and can not be faulted it is amazing for all ages
Samen met je kleinkind is een belevenis. Voor alle leeftijdsgroepen is er iets te doen. Bijna geen wachtrijen. Park is super groot geworden en wij waren er 3 dagen en dat is wel nodig met een kleinkind en attracties bezoeken. Het park is zeer schoon en voor iedereen is er wel iets.
Visited during May half-term with a 7, 14, 17, and two 40-odd year olds for the second time, our first trip being back in 2019. We stayed for 2 nights/3 days and had self-catering accommodation in Loonsche Land which was fantastic. I think the package of staying onsite that includes entry to the park represents good value. We had absolute blast, the park remains an amazing experience, with something to do for everyone, whether you like rides or not. A few rides were closed for maintenance, there was quite a lot of construction work taking place when we went, and Dutch teens need to learn respect and manners (i.e. spitting on people when on rides, it didn't happen to us directly, but we saw it happen to others several times, plus queuing is not something they believe in) - but none of this really impacted on our experience. We were shattered when we headed back to the UK, but we had the most fantastic time, core memories were made, and hopefully one day we will be back again.
We visited Efteling with a 2.5 year old and spent two days there and even then we didn't get to cover everything in the park. To be fair that is because we really wanted to have a relaxing visit and not rush going on everything just for the sake of it, especially when we have a toddler with us. Really enjoyed our time there and there's plenty for a toddler to do and ride. The reason why we chose to go to Efteling is because a lot of the rides, especially the dark rides, don't have a minimum height so our toddler can pretty much join us on the rides rather than taking turn between parents (I'm sure a lot of parents can relate). Definitely agree with a lot of the reviewers about the food & beverages. There were plenty of options in the park and they are all not only just VERY reasonably priced (for theme park standards) but also actually pretty decent food. A good-sized hot dog was €6.50 and plenty of different generously-sized main meals are sub-€10 (as of June 2024). The coffee was €2.95 which happened to be the best coffee, and also the cheapest, we had during our whole stay in the Netherlands. I'd say if you have young kids you almost definitely need more than one day. The only downside to this is that Efteling do not offer any multi-day tickets so you don't really 'save' money if you want to go to the park for more than one day. But having said that, the entrance ticket is not massively expensive because even in recent months we've paid the similar price for a different park that is less than half the size with less than half of the attractions & 'production value'. So can't really complain there!
Moderner Park aber viele Attraktion waren geschlossen. Dennoch war es ein schöner Besuch in Holland im Efteling. Parkplätze vorhanden. Am Haupt Eingang wird momentan Kräftig umgebaut Baustelle.
Stayed on the park and definitely worth it! We could walk in and explore for three full days. Lots of rides for different ages. Easy to navigate through the park with a stroller. Pack the water because there is not much shelter - too many rides! Favourites - train ride, pagoda ride, and the pancakes!
I think that the park was amazing and I want to say thank you to Elise for being the best and helping me and my friends when we needed it at the Python roller coaster. She was fantastic, thank you Elise.
We took our 3 children to Efteling from the UK for a five day trip, staying at Bosrijk village. The park is huge and spotlessly clean. The staff are all hardworking, approachable and tremendously polite and helpful. We visited the park three days in a row and managed to visit every ride and see every attraction that we wanted. Thanks to the very helpful Efteling app, I think the longest we ever waited for a ride was 25 mins and a lot of the time the wait was 10 mins or so, which was fantastic. We watched both the Aquanura water show and the Caro show, both were wonderful. There is a good variety of things to do for different ages. Our children are 12, 9 and 6 and they all had something "for them", and even I really enjoyed quite a few of the rides. It really is a well-run, clean and friendly place to visit. Even though it was busy when we visited (May half term week), we never felt crowded, the park is just so big!
Amazing! Well organised and really friendly staff. Its my 5th time visiting the park and always amaze me how nice is it really good work
Mooi en goed onderhouden park. Enige drukte door schoolreisjes .aar dat mag de pret niet drukken Vriendelijk personeel en fijn dat ze hier ook rekening houden met een niet zichtbare beperking.
This themepark started in the sixties around images of fairy tales, now it has attractions for all ages. Remarkable is the efficient organisation with hundreds of staff taking care of the wellbeing of visitors and the consistency in the styling of every detail. The original designer/architect Anton Pieck left his mark to date. We spent three full days here and some kids had to cry when leaving was unevitable.