Free entry for children under 18 years old when accompanied by a paying adult
Tuesday & Wednesday: 9.00 – 19.00
Thursday: 9.00 - 20.00
Friday – Sunday: 9.00 – 19.00
Monday: Closed
Ticket directly available on smartphone
Tickets can be cancelled up to 48 hours in advance
Tickets cannot be rescheduled
For questions about the product, please contact [email protected]
Welcome to the Pergamon Museum, an architectural masterpiece that houses three distinct collections within its three wings: the Collection of Classical Antiquities, the Museum of the Ancient Near East and the vibrant world of Islamic art at the Museum of Islamic Art.
An extraordinary place that takes you on a journey back in time to the fascinating remains of ancient civilisations. Located in the heart of Berlin, this renowned archaeological museum houses remarkable artefacts that show the greatness of past cultures.
Prepare to be captivated by the extraordinary displays that await you at the Pergamon Museum. Step into a world of awe-inspiring artifacts, where the Great Altar of Pergamon, the grand Babylonian Processional Way, the majestic façade of the Caliph's Palace of Mshatta, and the magnificent Market Gate of Miletus are just a glimpse of the remarkable treasures that have propelled the Pergamon Museum to global acclaim.
Step into the monumental hall and witness the awe-inspiring Pergamon Altar. This reconstructed masterpiece, originally from the 2nd century BC, depicts epic battles and mythical scenes from ancient Greece.
The Pergamon Museum is also home to the Ishtar Gate and the Processional Way of Babylon, meticulously reconstructed remnants from the ancient city of Babylon. These structures offer a glimpse into the magnificent artistic achievements of the Mesopotamian civilization.
Explore the Museum of Islamic Art, where exquisite examples of Islamic architecture and craftsmanship await. Discover the beautifully carved Mshatta Facade, originally from a desert palace, and be captivated by the delicacy of Islamic ceramics, textiles, and metalwork.
Witness the splendor of Ancient Egypt as you encounter the iconic bust of Nefertiti, the celebrated queen of Egypt. Delve into the mythology, beliefs, and daily life of this ancient civilization through a captivating display of funerary treasures and intricate sculptures.
As you wander through the museum's halls, you'll encounter an array of other archaeological marvels, including ancient Greek and Roman artifacts, coins, and intricate jewellery. Each exhibit tells a story, inviting you to uncover the mysteries of the past.
Enhance your visit with the included audio guides that provide insightful commentary and a deeper understanding of the exhibits.
Don’t miss out on this treasure trove of history and culture at the Pergamon Museum and buy your tickets now! Embark on a captivating journey through time and immerse yourself in the grandeur of ancient civilizations, admire their artistic achievements, and gain a profound appreciation for the rich tapestry of human history.
Visit the Pergamon Museum, whose redevelopment will transform it into a worldwide attraction among the Berlin museums. The redevelopment is still ongoing, however, you will be able to enjoy most of the museum.
48 Reviews
Without a shadow of a doubt the Pergamonmuseum is one of the best museums in Germany, exhibits here will adtound you ,a vast collection of artifacts and relics will blow your mind ,set aside a good few hours here if you're planning a visit ,you'll lose track of time as you travel back through bygone ages ,a must go destination and easy to locate on Museum Island along Bodestraße.
One of the most beautiful museums I have ever been to - showcasing many amazing art pieces from all over the world and items important to culture.
This is a must visit museum near to a world marvel experience. The amount and mostly uniqueness of their Collections is worth a visit. It is so interesting that time flies, so be mindful if you planned a busy day. This place will astonish you. A museum you cannot leave Berlín without visiting.
Wow, the Pergamonmuseum simply blew us away! The sheer scale of the exhibits is incredible - expansive, vast, grand barely do it justice! Walking beneath the reconstructed Ishtar Gate and exploring the intricate details of the Market Gate of Miletus was breathtaking. A must-see for any history-loving couple visiting Berlin!!!!
The main museum was being remodeled as of May/June 2024. I found the temporary museum to be amazing. This was one of the best murals that I have ever seen. Your Museum Island combo ticket can get you into the temporary museum.
This is a fabulous Museum filled to the brim with middle eastern history and artefacts. You can certainly learn a lot here.
Original museum was closed for renovations but we visited the digital panoramic exibition opposite. It was a memorable very realistic experience
I was fortunate to visit the museum before it is closed for long term refurbishment. Good collection of Middle East antiques. Museum Island is definitely a must visit in Berlin. I will visit them again.
Pre-booking needed and now closed for refurbishment. Some parts were stunning such as the Persian gateway but other parts were a bit tired - hence the refresh. Entrance was via the neighbouring building which was a bit odd.
Incredible Museum. The artifacts in this museum are truly larger than life. This is a must do in Berlin. The highlight of Museum Island. This specific museum is not as large in size as the Lovure or British Museum, but offers the same incredible experience.
I made a special trip to Berlin to see the Pergamon just before it closed for long-term renovations. I'd wanted to see it since I was entranced by single-panel lions from the processional way displayed in the Louvre and British Museums. The full experience did not disappoint.
We had timed tickets for 13:15, but having visited the previous day to buy the tickets, we saw the length of the queue. We arrived at 12:47 and finally entered the museum at 13:25. People were getting to the ticket scan with backpacks and being turned away at the last second and told to go to the cloakroom for a locker. The bag size box should be located by the front entrance to give people a chance to visit the cloakroom before joining the queue. Visitors should be warned about the queues when they puchase tickets, but no, nothing! Clearly too many tickets are being sold and they do not have systems in place to handle the volume of visitors. Once inside there are some spectacular exhibits and well worth visiting.
The Pergamon is an excellent museum. I highly recommend booking a time slot; we arrived at 11am and there was quite a substantial queue already. We were able to skip it and got straight in. The exhibitions themselves are excellent; my only criticism is that most of the explanations are not translated to english. Plenty of places to sit for those who need it; the cafe is big and the food is tasty. The gift shop is also well worth a look.
Even though the Pergamon Altar is not now on show (but you can see exhibits and a 360-degree presentation in the so-called Panorama), there are simply not enough superlatives to describe this incredible museum. Run while you can since they will close it at the end of October for renovations that will last 13 long years. The Miletus Market Place and Ishtar Gate are the primary draws, so I assume that this is the cause of the lengthy lines; as someone once observed, unless you are first in line, you may only get a pass a day or two later. IT is also notable for an amazing exhibition of Middle Eastern art, especially ceramics, on the first floor and a fully preserved ancient house of a merchant form. Could've been even greater with more English documentation or the Pergamon Altar but even without it, it's just impressive. Been lucky to visit it before it's closure on October
das museum ist wirklich beeindruckend die historischen artefakte sind sehr umfangreich und gut erhalten besonders der pergamonaltar und andere antike bauwerke sind faszinierend jedes detail ist sorgfältig gearbeitet das design des museums ist modern und elegant die ausstellungsräume sind großzügig die führungen sind sehr informativ es ist auf jeden fall hilfreich, mehr über die geschichte zu erfahren ein großartiger ort für geschichtsliebhaber
Una ricostruzione da lasciare senza fiato. Perfetto x chi ha bimbi in quarta elementare. Occasione per un tuffo nella mesopotamia al tempi di Babilonesi, Ittiti, Sumeri etc. Esposizione avvincente
Questo museo archeologico è uno dei più belli che ho visitato. E' facilmente raggiungibile in quanto si trova a Berlino sull'isola dei musei, decisamente caro come prezzo ma ne vale assolutamente la pena anche solo per ammirare la porta del mercato di Mileto. Da non perdere poi l'installazione The Panorama, quando l'abbiamo vista siamo rimasti davvero sbalorditi! Purtroppo il museo non è completamente visitabile in quanto è in fase di ristrutturazione, quindi consiglio di controllare sul sito ufficiale cosa è visibile e cosa non è visibile al momento della visita.
Mycket intressant museum om vår civilisations vagga. Väl värt ett besök när det öppnar igen om några år efter renoveringen.
Il Museo di Pergamo è un museo statale di Berlino, sito sull'Isola dei musei. Considerato uno dei più importanti musei archeologici della Germania e del mondo, prende il nome dall'antica città ellenistica di Pergamo in Anatolia, da cui provengono la maggior parte delle opere esposte. Il museo di Pergamo ospita ricostruzioni di edifici monumentali come l’altare di Pergamo e la Porta del Mercato di Mileto, con parti originali provenienti dai siti archeologici. Il museo è suddiviso in una parte dedicata alla collezione antica, una parte riguardante il Vicino Oriente e un’ultima ala per l’arte islamica. Il museo è visitato da oltre un milione di persone ogni anno, il che lo rende il museo d’arte più visitato in Germania, oltre ad essere uno dei più grandi del paese.
Ich bin sehr stolz auf dieses Museum, ich bin in Berlin aufgewachsen und jetzt reise ich durch die ganze Welt, aber ich liebe es, von Zeit zu Zeit hierher zurückzukommen. Es ist wirklich ein außergewöhnlicher Ort!!! die babylonischen Tore sind so prächtig, es ist wirklich eines meiner Lieblingsmuseen.
Felice di aver visto la porta di Ishtar prima del restauro... Fenomenale! Anche il resto del museo è all'altezza. Emozionante!
Muy completa y organizado todos los museos. Esta limpio y en silencio. Es una colección de arte e historia impresionante y difícil de ver en una sola ocasión. Vale mucho la pena la visita
Les grandes frises sont Très impressionnantes. Le musée n est pas trop grand mais ne présente que des collections de qualité
Imperdibile, come il vicino Neues, per l'estrema ricchezza della collezione, sebbene alcuni allestimenti risultino addirittura kitsch, il Pergamon è anch'esso visitabile solo su prenotazione. Molto ricca la libreria dello shopping interno.
Herzlichen Dank Marvin und fr.W. wir hatten echt ne gute Zeit heute! Ihr seid die besten ! Hilfsbereit, gute Getränke und was für ein Service ! Klasse ! Lg Aaron & Marika
Un bel museo, non c'è che dire. Va visitato con una guida come abbiamo fatto noi, per seguire un filo logico (ci siamo trovati molto bene con Vive Berlin Tours, anche se il costo è stato notevole). Peccato che molte delle parti più importanti fossero chiuse, ma lo sapevamo. In ogni caso merita. Ora non resta che attendere la ristrutturazione completa.
Di tutti i musei presenti imperdibile...non puoi venire a a Berlino e non perderti un questo luogo dove l'arte ti cattura completamente
El museo en si está muy bien, las impresionantes puertas te dejan sin aliento, volvería sin dudarlo... PERO: Compra las entradas con antelación y no te olvides de reservar un "time slot" es decir, reservar un hueco de tiempo para visitarlo, sin esto, aunque tengas entrada, no podrás acceder. Lo exigen en el Pergamo y en el Neues. Fue muy desagradable llegar un cuarto de hora antes de que abrieran y encontrarte una larga cola en la puerta para reservar el "time slot" y a los 15 min que colgasen un cartel poniendo que ya no había "time slots" para ese día...wtf!!!??? Después de liarla obviamente, un buen samaritano me chivó que si iba a las 18h que no s el último pase, tenía alguna posibilidad de entrar sin el dichoso time slot. Nos plantamos allí a las 17.50 y efectivamente entramos. Esto no es siempre así, por eso es mejor prevenir que curar, los alemanes son cuadriculados evita sorpresas!
Op voorhand tickets besteld en het bezoek vastgelegd. Eenmaal ter plaatsen bleek dit noodzakelijk te zijn want alle tickets voor vandaag en morgen waren uitverkocht. Het museum is aan het verbouwen, maar de topstukken uit de collectie zijn nog steeds te bewonderen. Als geschiedenisliefhebbers heb ik mijn hart kunnen ophalen bij de Ishtarpoort van Babylon en de marktplaats van Miletus. Beiden zijn in de geschiedenislessen de revue gepasseerd dus het was fijn om deze eens in het echt te kunnen bewonderen! De gelijkvloers behandelt alles over Mesopotamië en het Midden-Oosten terwijl de bovenverdieping de islamitische geschiedenis behandelt in het algemeen. Een must see als je je kennis over de geschiedenis wil opfrissen en/of verruimen!
Tickets online gebucht. Super. Unbedingt empfohlen! Das Museum zeigt interessante Artefakte aus u.a. prächtistlichen Zeiten. Nicht nur die babylonische Hochkultur, sondern auch die römische Antike
zeer interessante collectie waardevol en leerzaam.zeker de moeite waard om deze museum te bezoeken.vooral de poort
Fantastisk museum med mange kunstskatte og imponerende rekonstruktioner. Husk at bestille billet med timesloth.
Reservamos la entrada al Museo por booking.com, con lo cual garantizamos el acceso sin colas y a la hora deseada. El Museo está en remodelación y debimos entrar por una entrada diferente, deben tomar esto en cuenta para no perder tiempo en su búsqueda. La primera sala nos llena de historia de muchos siglos antes de Cristo antes de llegar al plato fuerte que son la representación de las Puertas de Babilonia con varias piezas originales y además la representación del mercado griego de Mileto, igual con muchas piezas originales y salas de arte árabe para nosotros poco conocido. Es como cerrar los ojos y trasladarse en el tiempo leyendo un libro de historia de la época o mirando una película que narra la vida en esos muy lejanos años,. Mi recomendación es que si estas en Berlín y dispones del tiempo necesario no dejes de visitarlo. Se llega sin problemas en el Metropolitano bajándose en la Estación de los Museos.
Si se va a Berlín hay que visitarlo sí o sí, a pesar de la cantidad de gente que hay vale la pena, obras maravillosas que ojalá se conserven y no se pierdan nunca. Es una parte de la Historia muy, muy importante, las obras una maravilla, el montaje lo mismo. Si vas, como yo, en un tour organizado, no puedes disfrutar con calma de toda su belleza, es para verlo en varias veces.
Situé sur l'île au musée, le pergame muséum est un lieu à voir absolument avec ses salles très bien fournies. Venir à l'ouverture pour avoir une chance de pouvoir faire la visite car des créneaux horaires sont définis.
Wir waren schwer beeindruckt, das Ischtator ist unglaublich schön. Auch die Vielzahl der Ausstellungsstücke ist unglaublich. Man sollte sich viel Zeit mitnehmen! Im Moment ist der Pergamonaltar nicht zu besichtigen, da er restauriert wird. Ab Oktober 23 soll das komplette Museum geschlossen werden wegen Restaurationen ! Viel Zeit ist nicht mehr!!!
Tip van te voren: kom in de ochtend want dan is het minder druk. Studenten krijgen korting. Voordat je erin mag moet je echt alles in een kluisje hebben gestopt anders word je elke keer weer teruggestuurd. De audio tours zijn gratis! Het was een heel mooi museum met goede interessante audio fragmenten bij geselecteerde objecten. Vooral de poort reconstructies waren zeer indrukwekkend, maar de rest van de collectie zoals tapijten was ook boeiend. De museum shop had leuke dingetjes maar was wel erg duur zoals verwacht. dit museum gaat tijdelijk dicht in oktober voor een paar jaar voor restauratie, dus grijp nu je kans nog!
Unglaubliche Sammlung mit super Lichtinszenierung, besonders im mesopotamischen Teil. Höhepunkte sind das Ischtartor, das Markttor von Milet und das Aleppozimmer. Leider ist der Pergamonaltar momentan nicht zu besichtigen.
Situé à coté de plusieurs autres musées ( attention peu de panneau d'informations et d'affichages dans la capitale allemande contrairement à Paris qui parait sale et surchargée). Ici on a vu les choses en grand très grand. Pour la porte d'Ishtar près de 50 mètres de long et plus de 10 mètres de haut somptueux lorsqu'on pense qu'Alexandre passa en dessous avec ses troupes et qu'elle fut ramenée en plus de 5 000 pièces pour y être reconstituée Idem pour l' Autel de Pergame Superbe musée il faudrait y passer la journée au moins A noter une superbe zone pour des " souvenirs" cartes postales, goodies, marques pages, répliques etc.... à noter que là comme partout le français n'est plus présent alors que l'espagnol et l'italien sont représentés merci nos gouvernants partout dans le monde et même en Europe le français n'est plus promu ni valorisé..
Incroyable visite de ce musée ; voyage dans le temps et dans l'espace, entre Mésopotamie (Porte d'Ishtar) et Turquie (Autel de Pergame) !
Belle collection, notamment de Syrie et d'Irak, le musée n est pas très grand, contrairement aux œuvres monumentales présentées
Dejligt at se dette sted igen. Svært at forstille sig livet dengang. Oldtidens Babylon faldt og blev erobret af datidens herskere.
Imponerende og unik samling, omend noget af udstillingen er lukket pga ombygning. Man står med en blanding af ærefrygt (over det enorme arbejde folk lagde i at skabe de smukke ting for flere tusind år siden) og skam (over at tingene ikke er sendt tilbage til hvor de kommer fra).
Ett väldigt tjusigt museum! De visade mängder av portar, friser, statyer och statyetter, vilket till en början var väldigt imponerande. I slutet av besöket var man rätt trött på all sten. De hade en väldigt rolig museibutik.
Pergamonmuseum ikke blot det mest populære museum på Museumsinsel, det er formentlig også Berlins mest populære museum, og det forstår man godt, når man har besøgt det. Det enorme alter fra Pergamon, Isthar-porten og den babyloniske processionsgang er en utrolig flot oplevelse. Ud over disse berømte arkæologiske bygningsværker rummer samlingen også en række mindre og større artefakter, som blev hentet til Tyskland efter arkæologers udgravninger. I museet oplever man afdelingerne Det nære østens museum, antiksamlingen og islamisk samling. Den første bygning der var hjemsted for samlingen blev åbnet for publikum i 1901, men denne bygning blev lukket og nedrevet få år efter. Opførelsen af den næste bygning blev forsinket, og åbnede først for publikum i 1930. Under anden verdenskrig blev den slemt ødelagt, men genopbygget efter krigen. I 1945 medbragte de russiske tropper en stor del af museets samling, som blev vist frem i triumf i Moskva. En del af dette lånte materiale kom tilbage i 1954, mens en del stadigvæk befinder sig i de russiske museers depoter. Uanset om disse genstande befinder sig i Berlin, Moskva eller et tredje sted i Europa, kan man, når man besøger Pergamonmuseet, selvfølgelig ikke lade være med tænke på, om det er det rigtige, at en så stor og imponerende samling af oldtidskunst udstilles i Europa, hvor den jo ikke hører hjemme, eller om samlingen var bedre anbragt i museer i de lande, hvor den kommer fra. Der er mange argumenter for og imod, men med den prestige som samlingen udgør i Berlin, er der nok ikke planer om, at man ikke længere skal kunne opleve dette enestående museum. I disse år er en del af museet under ombygning, og det varer nok frem til 2025 eller længere, før museet er fuldt åbnet igen. Selvom man således kun besøger en del af hele museet, er det alligevel en meget stor oplevelse, som man ikke skal gå glip af, når man besøger Berlin.
Ett fantastiskt fint museum. Det innehåller en mängd fantastiska historiska saker, men engagemang och bemötande av personalen måste bli bättre.
Varmt! Mitt i vintern bör det inte bli jättevarmt inne men det var det. Massa folk och köer. Kom tidigt! Och ta inte med ryggsäckar eller stora kassar, de måste lämnas i förvaringsskåp. Det var mycket att se men efter ett tag blev det lite tröttsamt. Något interaktivt hade behövts.
Jeg besøgte først Das Panorama, som var en smuk oplevelse. Dog var selve panorama delen ikke så imponerende, som ventet. Men den øvrige udstilling var utrolig smuk og flot opstillet. “Hovedmuseet” Pergamon bliver pt restaureret og er derfor delvist lukket. Dog stadig en flot oplevelse med mange besøgende.