Child ticket for 6-17 year olds
Free for children from 0-5 years
Monday – Sunday: 9.00 – 21.00
Animals are not permitted. Exceptions are made for registered guide or assistance dogs which will have to be proved at the museum
If you are travelling in a wheelchair please contact the museum before your visit so that they can make any necessary arrangement since the museum is not completely accessible for the disabled
Ticket directly available on smartphone
Tickets can be rescheduled or cancelled up to 24 hours in advance
For questions about the product, please contact [email protected]
This museum has the largest exhibition on the German Democratic Republic (GDR, or in German DDR) in Berlin. Through an innovative and interactive exhibition design, the museum invites visitors to expand their knowledge and experience history up close. The idea is to be there with all your senses and gain experience in the process in a fun way, which is suitable and interesting for all age groups.
The permanent exhibition draws attention to 16 central areas of East German life, where topics such as work, leisure, fashion, and culture are to be explored. More than 300 former East German citizens contributed to the collection, resulting in an authentic portfolio of memorabilia thus exposing visitors to the everyday life behind the Iron Curtain.
The exhibits displayed in the museum are not locked away in cabinets as usual, but are instead ready to be fully appreciated and deliver a tangible experience through history. You can open drawers, cabinets, turn on the television and explore many more things in an authentically furnished and decorated DDR flat.
Many authentic donations such as an Erika Typewriter, the Karat Schrankwand, the Stern radio, photographs and clothing facilitate an incredible experience that brings the visitor face to face with the reality of the everyday life during the Soviet-era. The five most popular highlights at the museum are sitting in an original Trabant, a typical east German car, the authentic Plattenbau living room, a school satchel with school material including school reports and children’s exercise books, a cupboard full of authentic GDR clothing and an area dedicated to the Stasi.
Participate in an exciting interactive journey through the pre-built districts and immerse yourself with all your senses to the German Democratic Republic.
This unique Museum is a must when visiting Berlin. Nominated as the European Museum of the Year, the DDR Museum really does not disappoint and proves that history can be interesting and fun for kids as well as adults. Avoid long waiting queues by securing a ticket online.
56 Reviews
Firstly follow the advice of many reviewers and go at very start or end of day. We went at 6pm and bit busy at start but soon cleared out and we were able to look at all the exhibition very easily. In busy times you are going to struggle with this. Enjoyed all the information very much- flat decorated, car driving, sports section, prison cell etc.
If anyone has the slightest interest in the German Democratic Republic, then DDR museum is the place to go. Visitors there are provided with a very insightful picture regarding history, politics and social life in East Germany. There are also many interactive points that add to the whole experience. I would also recommend to buy the official book of the exhibition. I have to note, however, that the museum space is rather limited. When there are many visitors, the place becomes really crowded.
Just returned for this museum. Was packed full of information and very interactive. Unfortunately the interactive layout does make the museum feel cramped at times (especially on a windy sunday morning in August). I’d recommend going early or during the week for a quieter experience. There’s something for everyone here and you could easily spend a good couple of hours here. I study history at university and found it all super interesting. I will likely return when next in Berlin!
Very educational museum, with excellent presentation. The mock apartments etc really bring the old East to life. There is a lot of detail here and you could learn a lot if you are prepared to spend some time here. Good facilities, with a small shop and friendly staff. The location is also good, very central with lots to see and do in the locality, and places to eat. Don't forget to watch the German language series "Kleo' to get in the zone. Another plus is that unlike the old East Germany you can actually leave when you have had enough! Paul Jonsson, Woking, UK.
A great way to see/remember how it was under communism. Lots of information and some great exhibits. Don't miss the recipe printouts in the kitchen!
This museum is exceptional ! It is both attractive to children and interesting ! I highly recommend it. The only downside is that, the museum is in German and does not offer several translations ! Thank you for the experience spent in the museum ! 🤩
My family and I spend a couple of hours at the DDR museum. We had a very good time there! although the place was a bit crowded, people were patience and waited for their turn peacefully. There is much to see and read, but you don't have to read it in a certain order. The museum shows different aspects of the historic period.
I want to provide the floor plan map of DDR Museums. During my trip planning, I realised that the museum floor plan of this popular museum is not available online. Hence I am posting the floor plan map for the benefit of one and all.
So glad we made it to this museum! There are so many artefacts and exhibits speaking to the life of East Berlin sector residents during the Cold War. You can touch and feel and experience so much. The information and presentations are very well curated throughout!
Excellent museum with interactive and entertaining displays explaining everything you need to know about the former East German state and the joys of socialism.
This is interactive museum, with a lot of historical information. It is very interesting. It's not crowded so you don't need to buy tickets in advance.
I always wanted to visit this Museum so it was the first places I went after I arrived. It was a lot smaller than I expected but nevertheless very informative and easy to follow. It basically follows the history of the formation and eventual collapse of the DDR with a lot of detail as to what life was like during those times. Having visited similar museums in other Eastern European countries not a lot of it came as a surprise. but each country is of course unique and has their own history and they all suffered equally. You can only begin to imagine the level of fear and suppression that they lived under, knowing that things could and should be different but feeling and indeed being powerless and too afraid to even try and change things. Its quite sobering really and a real eye opener.
This is likely one of many museums in Berlin focusing on the cold war. There is quite an emphasis here on what it was like to live through the period of history, as opposed to focus on the politics and personalities that led to the cold war and its impact on Berlin in particular. There is a 'model' of a german flat as it would have been during the 60s that you can walk around. Overall this was very good. There is an admission price of 14(?) euros which seemed reasonable to me by the time I had finished. There is a lot of information to get through. My one recommendation would be to try and visit when there are few visitors. The surface area covered by the museum isnt that big and if it is busy this can more difficult to get around easily.
I visited here with my wife for the afternoon. It's situated next to the cathedral by Museum Island, just down a flight of stairs. Inside you get a real feel of what it was like to live as an East German under Russian control. Every part of your life was scrutinised and if you belonged to the party ups received lots of benefits. However, if you didn't belong you had to drive a Trabant or a Wartburg which took many years to deliver and didn't improve in over 30 years. Really interesting to find out what it was like to live as a German under Russian control and not knowing who was spying on who. The sad reality is that it's not surprising so may people tried to escape after the war.
Outstanding museum. With that being said, if you don’t know what GDR/DDR/FRG mean, you might not enjoy the place to the fullest. I was born and raised in the Soviet Union, so, for me this museum was like a trip down the memory lane. Back to my childhood. So many objects that we owned, that we used in every day life, realities from back in the days. I absolutely enjoyed it. My American husband didn’t quite get the whole buzz. So, unless you lived through the Cold War period, you might not find this museum too interesting. It’s located right across Berlin Dome, so you can visit 2 locations in one set
The museum has recently been renoved and expanded. I very much enjoyed the interactive nature of the museum, in particular the DDR - furnished apartment you could visit. We spent great 90 minutes here, my kids liked it too.
This museum provides a surprisingly interactive look at life on the other side of the wall. There’s plenty of interesting exhibits crammed in so it’s definitely worth spending a few hours here. We thoroughly enjoyed it and found it very educational.
A really interesting museum covering life in East Berlin and a world of 40+ years ago. Quite enjoyable and well worth a visit if you have time. Use of Berlin card to reduce cost was also helpful.
Real interesting and loved the interactive. Learnt a lot about life in the DDR and wished I’d had long to look around. Didn’t manage to read everything, but that was mainly because I am learning German, so I tested myself by reading the German sections. Would definitely recommend a visit, it’s a nice spot down by the river, with a great view of the Berlin Dom as you come out the main doors.
Well, this was fun! Lots of thinigs to 'play' with, and exhibits to interact with. We did think it was rather expensive though, but good fun
Enjoyable fact filled small museum about life in the DDR. Located not far from Alexander Platz, easily completed in 1.5 hrs. Fun room reconstructions from the 1970s. Different to the Stasi Museum and easier for children to engage with.
This well-organized, compact museum may be more interesting for younger Germans looking to get an idea of how their grandparents and parents lived, but I found it interesting as an American as well. The recreation of the ideal socialist apartment reminded me of seeing models of homes in the US from the 50s, 60s and 70s. The exhibits are well-presented with lots of interactivity, and the descriptions are are quick to read. I'd include this spot with a tour of the German Espionage Museum, as well as a guided tour of the wall sights.
This is a fun museum with loads of information and great interaction. I would agree it can be packed with school kids so if I went again I would go later in the day to avoid the kids. There was so much to see that you had to keep track of which bits you had done. Spent around an hour there. Worth a visit and can get a discount with the Berlin welcome card.
Musée super intéressant. Avec plein d’information! N’hésitez pas à le visiter. Cela nous replonge dans la période de la guerre froide. Les informations sont très visuelles et il est facile de les comprendre , autant pour les petits que pour les grands. PS: prenez l’ascenseur ;)
Ik vond het een leerzaam museum dat op toegankelijke wijze een inkijkje biedt in het bizarre dagelijkse leven in Oost-Duitsland, van de grauwe blokkendozen tot de indoctrinatie op school en de nogal eenzijdig gevulde keukenkastjes. Zeker voor mensen die die tijd meegemaakt vanuit het westen heel interessant
Die Anordnung der Exponate ist konfus. Aber das Museum gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die DDR, mit den positiven Seiten, aber auch den negativen
Non potete perdere questo museo sulla DDR. Bello e fatto. molto bene. Un immersione completa nella vita di quegli anni. Con testimonianze spiegazioni e ricreazioni molto interessanti.
Wir hatten da mit der Klasse einer Führung. Es war sehr gut und spannend! Besonders gefallen hat mir die Wohnung. Der Museum war interaktiv und interessant gestaltet.
Questo interessante museo si trova in zona centrale, in un lato del fiume Sprea. Il museo tratta la storia di Berlino durante la divisione Est-Ovest. Il museo è interattivo e divertente, potrai guidare in un simulatore una classica auto dell'unione sovietica, o vedere come erano le case nelle due parti della città. Vengono raccontate storie ed aneddoti. Non è tra le principali attrazioni della capitale tedesca ma sicuramente merita una visita. Interessante!
Museo sorprendente. In poco tempo fornisce una idea significativa della vita quotidiana nella DDR famigliare e sociale; delle principali tappe politico/economico/sociali della DDR. Consiglio anche il catalogo guida. Fatto benissimo. Davvero notevole. Menzione particolare per il simulatore di guida della Trabant! Vale da solo il prezzo del biglietto.
Museo pieno di documenti e oggetti vari della vita nella Repubblica Democratica Tedesca. Ci si fa un'idea di come si viveva nella DDR. Il museo non è grande e un pò "disordinato" ma molto interessante
Museo molto bello e molto ben fatto. Adatto sia a piccoli che adulti per via dei molti pannelli da leggeri insieme agli oggetti d’epoca tra cui molti interattivi. Se sei studente 8€ e ne vale la pena.
Interessante, ti fa vedere come vivevano al di là del muro. In centro, dietro il Duomo quindi anche comodo da inserire in un itinerario giornaliero.
Een leuk interactief museum om je onder te dompelen in de tijd van de DDR. Van een badkamer uit de tijd van de DDR tot een spel waarbij je kunt ervaren hoe het is om een autofabrikant te zijn in de planeconomie. Leuk museum, wel al snel vol en bij grote hitte geen aanrader.
Museo ampiamente pubblicizzato, in posizione super strategica e centralissima ( di fianco al Duomo, di fronte agli imbarchi dei battelli sulla Sprea), sicuramente attrazione popolare adatta a tutti( sopratutto ragazzini in cerca di un diversivo all'isola dei Musei), molto interessante e accattivante per la quantità e varietà di stimoli, informazioni e allestimenti interattivi e multimediali a disposizione, unico neo: troppa gente! Dopo un po' , anche a causa dell'ambiente angusto e claustrofobico, tiviene boglia di fuggire! Peccato, bastava scegliere un ambiente più spazioso.
Wat een leuk museum, erg leerzaam en toch ook veel herkenbare dingen gezien. Trabant was erg leuk, kamers ingericht uit de DDR tijd. Aanrader als je in Berlijn bent. Museum is erg klein en geen airco dus ga niet op warme dagen.
Interessant museum. Te veel te zien op kleine oppervlakte. Te druk daardoor. Jammer later waren er minder scholieren en was het aangenamer. Het museum geeft een goede indruk over hoe het was.
I Die Erfahrung war sensationell. Der Ort ließ mich die 1960er Jahre wiedererleben. Alles passte zusammen. Die Einrichtung, die Atmosphäre, das Interieur. Wieder zu probieren
Das War eines colles Museum ! Ich habe das Besichtig sehr intéressant ! Ich War mit die Schule in dièses cooles Museum...
Super musée, très interactif, qui donne un bel aperçu de la vie de l'époque en Allemagne de l'Est. Ce musée est certes très simple, mais il vaut vraiment la peine d'être vu, nous y avons passé un très bon moment.
Das Museum ist wirklich sehr gut aufgebaut, vieles zum selber entdecken, interaktiv und umfangreich. Mein Sohn (8) kannte vorher die DDR nicht und hat so einen einiges über das damalige Leben gelernt. Besonders war der Nachbau einer „typischen“ Wohnung.
Leggendo anche altre recensioni devo dire sono d'accordo. 13 euro per questo museo forse sono un pò troppi, spendendone 6 mi sembra con lo sconto studenti però è ok. Il museo è carino e ci sono tante trovate interattive molto particolari (ascensore, auto...). Unico neo è la grandezza del posto che quindi con l'afflusso alto di persone ti ritrovi un pò stretto e leggi male tutte le informazioni a giro
Vielseitige Ausstellung, interaktiv und informativ. Man kann sich beispielsweise als Planwirtschaftler betätigen oder einen Trabi fahren
Das DDR Museum ist ein privat geführtes Museum und beschäftigt sich mit dem damaligen Leben in der DDR unter Erich Honecker. Der Besucher bekommt zunächst Infos über den Mauerbau und die Grenzanlagen - anschaulich dargestellt durch verschiedene Modellnachbauten. Außerdem kann man durch eine komplett eingerichtete DDR-Wohnung gehen. Sehr interessant war auch ein in einem echten Trabbi eingebauter Fahr-Simulator. Zu sehen bekam der Besucher auch Besteck und Geschirr aus der DDR-Küche sowie verschiedene Lebensmittel. Verschiedene technische Geräte wie z. B. ein Fernseher oder Radio waren auch zu begutachten. Ein Spionage-Abhörzimmer durfte in diesem Museum auch nicht fehlen. Man kann in diesem Museum auch alles anfassen und ausprobieren - echt super!! Da dieses Museum privat geführt wird, war auch ein Eintrittsgeld zu entrichten. Bei Vorlage meines Schwerbehindertenausweises gab es auch einen Preisnachlaß. Kreditkartenzahlung war auch möglich. Das Museum kann auch mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreicht werden. Ein sehr interessantes und sehenswertes Museum.
Sehr interessantes Museum aus der jüngsten Vergangenheit mit Teils beklemmenden Eindrücken des totalitären Regimes.
Musée très riche mais avec vraiment beaucoup d'objets et d'explications qu'il faut souvent découvrir en ouvrant des tiroirs, des portes. C'est original de ne pas avoir de grands panneaux didactiques trop "plan-plan" mais cela manque un peu de clarté à mon goût tellement c'est foisonnant. C'est en tout cas un musée que nous ne regrettons pas d'avoir visité (inclus dans notre pass transport+musée all inclusive) car c'est une occasion unique de découvrir des objets du quotidien. La reconstitution d'un appartement est une super idée, fidèle à ce que cela devait être. Sympa d'essayer virtuellement des vêtements de l'époque et de s'asseoir dans le canapé du salon en regardant une émission de variété ! Beaucoup de monde le jour où nous y sommes allées, ce qui ne permet pas de profiter tranquillement et dans le calme (la Trabant dans laquelle on peut s'installer était littéralement squattée par un seul enfant sans que ses parents ne lui demandent de laisser sa place à d'autres).
Musee très intéressant et très bien présenté, de façon interactive. On peut vraiment se rendre compte de la vie de tous les jours en RDA
Museo piccolo ma ricco di oggetti, immagini, esperienze alla portata di tutti per avere un'idea di come fosse la vita nella DDR, come vivessero da separati i berlinesi ed il passaggio alla Germania unita. Vale qualche ora, soprattutto se si hanno figli che non sanno nulla di questo
Centralt beläget museum om DDR-tiden. Mycket att se och en del interaktiva uppgifter om man kan tyska eller engelska. Luftkonditioneringen klarade inte riktigt av 30° ute.
Il museo è veramente bello e consente di approcciare in modo originale e interattivo tutti gli aspetti della vita politica e sociale della ex DDR e, cosa ancora più interessante, esplorare la quotidianità di un abitante della Germania Est a partire dalla propria casa di abitazione. Se proprio devo avanzare un appunto è sugli spazi che, considerato il massiccio afflusso di visitatori, appaiono ristretti.