Child ticket for 0-12 year olds
Monday - Friday: 10.00 - 23.00
Torture device descriptions available in English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish
Ticket directly available on smartphone
Ticket valid for 3 months after purchase, tickets can be cancelled
For questions about the product, please contact [email protected]
The Rack, Head crusher, Judas Cradle, Thumb Screws, and the Saw, these are only some of the vilest inventions ever devised by humankind. Thousands, if not millions of people were subjected to the cruellest punishments imaginable during the Middle Ages and beyond. The Torture Museum sheds light on that morbid past and is the perfect place to learn more about the history of the horrible instruments that were used as punishment, during interrogations and at executions.
The Torture Museum in Amsterdam is not for the faint of heart, though it is an educational attraction in the heart of Amsterdam. Over 40 different instruments and torture methods from different parts of Europe are on display here. The collection ranges from the more well-known devices like the guillotine and the garotte, to the obscure like the inquisition chair and the sling.
This gripping attraction will give you a vivid glimpse into a dark medieval past where gruesome torture techniques and public executions were commonplace occurrences. It is your choice whether to simply observe the torture instruments and imagine how they were used, or to read the provided description, which give a brief historical background on when each was used and where it originated from.
The descriptions are available in several different languages, including English, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, and German. The collection features both original and reconstructed devices that became popular in the period between the early Middle Ages and the French Revolution.
The Torture Museum in Amsterdam often regarded as one of the world's most unusual museums. Torture Museum tickets can be booked easily and safely through our website. By purchasing here, you will also enjoy fast track admission at the entrance and avoid long queues. Don’t miss this educational, one-of-a-kind attraction in the centre of Amsterdam.
24 Reviews
If you're looking for something off the beating path, then this is the way to go when you are visiting Amsterdam. This was right up the street from my Kimpton hotel and it was a easy walk and a quick walk through the museum. Tons of displays of is gadgets and contraptions and history. You can do it in the morning and get done.. .in 30 minutes
Stumbled across this when out, thought it sounded interesting which it was. Great learning about the different tortures uses in history, can get round the museum in about 20minutes
Comprehensive museum about Medieval Times torture methods and tools. Very small, tight spaces, dark, sometimes couldn’t read the inscriptions. Pretty gruesome. Interesting passtime when it’s raining outside.
Despite some negative reviews on here me and my 11 year old decided to turn up and find out for ourselves. It is a small museum and if you’re on your own and a fast reader you’ll get round it quickly. It took us about 25/30mins. We read and looked at everything and talked about why people would choose to do such awful things to another human. All the exhibits were well labelled in numerous languages. It was interesting, I thought the price was fine and I would suggest going if you are in the area.
Well worth a look if you have never been in one Standard stuff but looks real A good lesson on history and man’s ingenuity in some stupid beliefs Recommended
It is a tiny museum (less than 20 minutes and you're out) but, has many interesting details, personally not worth that amount for the entry, on the other hand, you can buy the tickets on-site or online just before you enter the venue
Very eye opening experience, it was bigger than I expected and a lot to see! Also in a lovely beautiful location with lots to see and do, would definitely recommend if you have a spare half an hour ☺️
It was okay, slightly boring but it was something for us to do, it was informative but there wasn’t much to it
It was awesome . The only reason i put 4/5 isnt because of the museum, its only because of others french and spanish visitors talking outloud very strongly which disturbed my silence and focus in this great atmosphere.
Very interesting and well laid out. We enjoyed our trip around the museum even though it's gruesome history made an impression and made us think.
Small but an interesting and informative museum. Good for passing 45minutes with something interesting.
I had no idea the middle ages were so evil. I am sure there were many false confessions using these machines.
Ik vond het heel interessant om informatie te krijgen over de martel instrumenten er waren een hoop borden om te lezen, ik heb een hoop ervan meegekregen, het duurde ongeveer een halfuur. De trip nam me echt mee naar de vroegere gruwelijke tijden, het is een korte maar krachtige tripje.
Le musée vous met bien dans l ambiance, la visite est sympa l expo à pas mal de pièces. A visiter..
Musee "sympa" les gens de l époque ne manquaient vraiment d idées!!! Plus pour adultes car certains objets pourraient choquer mais à faire!
Il museo delle torture non è molto grande, diciamo che in una ventina di minuti si esce, ma il costo del biglietto è ben rapportato. Se siete appassionati vale la pena visitarlo, vi sono raffigurazioni e spiegazioni di varie torture usate in passato con riflessione sull'utilizzo delle torture più o meno dichiarato al giorno d'oggi.
Best een leuk museum, niet heel groot of bijzonder, maar prima voor een prijs van €7,50. Als je de bortjes leest en echt goed kijkt naar hoe de aparaten gebruikt werden is het erg interessant. Niet per se één van de mooiste musea van de stad, maar zeker voor mensen die niet echt fan zijn van normale musea een aanrader.
Kul att gå och titta hur gryma människorna va förr. Tog inte lång tid att gå igenom. Till bilderna fanns det text så man kunde läsa vad det var för redskap.
Litet och organiserat. Tar ca 30-60 min. Bra bilder, texter, många språk. Jag blev tagen av historiens grymheter.
Spännande och intressant museum mitt i centrala Amsterdam. De hade fått dit många läskiga redskap som användes som tortyr redskap förr, riktigt läskigt. Uppbyggt i en cool miljö. Kostade bara 7,5 E mycket värt pengarna. Man behöver 30-45 min här.
Sehr interessant, der Preis ist der 'kürze' nur bedingt angemessen aber ich bin schon gut zufrieden :)
Var lidt skeptisk med at besøge stedet efter at have læst anmeldelser, men blev positivt overrasket. Vi fandt en kupon så vi gav 5€ for entre og var der i lidt over en halv time. Der var en masse forskelligt udstyr, med en forklaring og billede til, så man kunne se og læse om hvad det er blevet brugt til. Ja - man kan gå stedet igennem på under 10 min, men så har man heller ikke givet sig tid til at læse om det. Går man derind og giver sig god tid og læser om tingene, er det helt klart et besøg værd. For 5€ kan man ikke forvente det store, det overgik vores forventninger :)
El museo de la tortura de Amsterdam es algo pequeño, pero consigue crear una pequeña atmósfera para que te transportes a esas épocas. Los artilugios presentados no estan nada mal y el local también ayuda. Quizá lo menos logrado son las ilustraciones explicativas, grabados pixelados del siglo xv sacados de google... Por todo lo demás, correcto. Textos explicativos de cada aparato con distintos idiomas.
Fascinerande att se hur sjuka grejer människor kommit på för att plåga o ha ihjäl varandra genom tiderna! Kul för er som gillar skräckfilm!