Minimum age is 18 years old
Sunday - Thursday: 11.00 - 01.00
Friday - Saturday: 11.00 - 02.00
Tickets need to be printed as they cannot be scanned from a smartphone, you can have your ticket printed our Tours & Tickets shop at Damrak 26
Tickets are valid for 30 days after purchase, tickets can be cancelled
For questions about the product please contact [email protected]
Amsterdam is famous for its beautiful canals, historic buildings, hazy coffee shops, wonderful museums as well as its open-minded culture and, last but not least, the iconic Red Light District. This unique place is visited by millions of tourists every year, and the Erotic Museum is located right in the heart of this area.
The museum is a place where you can learn all about the history of erotica in a fun way and its development throughout the centuries. You’ll also find a huge collection of erotic objects, photos and posters here.
The museum furthermore has an exhibition of erotic sketches by John Lennon, a room on sadomasochism and a gift shop with all kinds of sexy souvenirs. Book tickets for your visit to the Erotic Museum now and make your visit to Amsterdam unforgettable!
The Erotic Museum Amsterdam is located in an old warehouse in the heart of the Red Light District. The three floors contain a souvenir shop and an exhibition with all kinds of erotic themes and pictures. An evocative wax figure of a working girl on a bicycle, an interesting reinterpretation of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and a room dedicated to the wonders of SM are some of the things you can expect to find in the museum.
The museum aims to inform the public about sex and the oldest profession in the world, but it does so in a humorous way and does not take itself too seriously. The Sexy Art Gallery displays a number of exotic and sexual photographs and illustrations, including some original drawings by the famous Beatles member John Lennon.
Expect to leave the museum with all kinds of funny souvenirs, unique condoms and other erotic items. The Erotic Museum Amsterdam is easy to reach by public transport or by foot, since its less than a 10 minute walk away from the central station.
Book your tickets for the Erotic Museum quickly and easily through our website. The ticket is a fast-track ticket, so you don't have to wait at the entrance. Don't miss this unique and fascinating attraction in the heart of Amsterdam and book your tickets now!
15 Reviews
Few funny and interesting bits in this museum. Only 10euro to visit. Fellas at the ticket booth kindly stored a small case for us to save lugging it up the stairs (there's 4 floors to cover) and gifted willy lollies 🤣
The museum itself is not too big, located in the Red Light District, but it’s a place you have fun for sure and makes you laugh as well. You can take funny pictures and see erotic decorations, vintage nude photos, how the first vibrator looked like and many other stuff. The price is really cheap, it costs only 8€ per person.
Fun and informative place. It takes you through the history of erotica and sex . Take a tour in all four floors for a fun time
Fun place and some really interesting exhibits... learned some new things... great way to spend €8 and 1hr... worth a visit If passing.
What did we expect, not sure really but it was just a laugh. When you see some of the ornaments and plates it makes you wonder why they are made, any one for the new dinner service!! Some bits are wired, some not to our taste, some tastful, some funny and at €7 we didn't think it was too expensive for a bit of a laugh.
Idéal pour passer une heure (ou plus selon intérêt) à moindre coût (7 €), ce musée est un lieu de divertissement pour adultes. Les différents objets érotiques sont mis en valeur dans des mises en scène très coquines... Il y en a pour tous les goûts et on s'amuse bien volontiers à prendre et se faire prendre en photo devant certaines vitrines ou mannequins... C'est à voir une fois entre amis aimant l'humour...
Fue un momento divertido en pareja , tienes un montón de cosas inimaginables que se puedan llegar a usar . Si lo que buscas es pasar un rato diferente y divertido yo lo recomiendo , piensa que estás en un barrio destinado a la prostitución y el erotismo tal vez es una manera de conocer un poco más ese mundillo
Se trata de un lugar que recorre a traves del tiempo y la historia, distintos elementos que se utilizaban para incentivar la libido y todo esta muy bien ambientado, con un toque de humor en muchos casos, lo cual lo hace agradable para visitar en pareja. Se pueden ver elementos, fotografias,escenas recreadas con maniquies, y hasta los baños se hallan adornados con elementos que recrean el erotismo en las distintas epocas.
Si vous n'êtes pas dans le trip, ça vous fera au moins rire un peu. Ca ne prend pas beaucoup de temps à faire mais de belles photos à prendre
Visite un samedi après midi entre copine je dois dire qu’il s’agit plutôt d’un musé sans prise de tête et où vous allez rire ! Bonne partie de plaisir pour 5€ sympa à faire !
Contrairement aux autres avis publiés, nous avons bien aimé ce musée ! Les 7€ n’étaient pas gâchés pour nous. Il s’agit d’un musée et non pas d’un cabaret où on nous enseigne ce que c’est l’érotisme. On parcourt l’histoire de cette notion à travers le monde entier. Le musée offre également des petites œuvres d’art bien rigolotes et des animations qui sont là pour faire rire . Il est bien en thématique avec le quartier rouge. Enfin, le personnel a l’accueil était sympathique !
Questo museo è molto simile al museo del sesso, sempre ad Amsterdam, ma offre una parte "ludica" divertente che intrattiene i visitatori. Prezzo di accesso: 7 euro a testa, forse un pochino troppo, ma è comunque molto interessante da vedere. C'è di tutto: dipinti, foto, sculture, miniature, statue. Insomma, l'esposizione è varia e una parte esilarante è quella della sala/foresta dedicata alla proiezione della "variante pornografica" di famosi cartoni animati Disney e non. Mi sono divertita molto!
Was helemaal leuk. Ge krijgt een duidelijk beeld van het Amsterdamse erotische leven. (Heb zelfs tussen de uitgestalde waren een happy end gekregen van een wulpse bezoekster.)
figuras, estatuas, cuadros, muñecos, objetos, raros y comunes, de todo para ver relacionado con el erotismo, muy bueno, no se lo pierda,
Vi var sju personer, jag, min fru och sedan 5 kompisar. Var en riktig hit för oss, starten på en helgalen kväll och det bröt verkligen ut från våra vardagliga liv. Alla uppskattade det och det var många pinsamma skratt och lite udda glädjetjut. Skulle gärna gå dit igen!