Bright yellow bicycle for duration of the tour
Poncho in case of rain
The guide speaks English and Dutch
Child ticket for 0 -13 year olds
Check-in 15 minutes before the start of the tour
Ticket directly available on smartphone
Tickets can be rescheduled or cancelled up to 48 hours in advance
For questions about the product, please contact [email protected]
Amsterdam is the perfect city to discover by bike. It's how many of the locals get around the city and the city is designed with a lot of bike-friendly infrastructure. These Amsterdam bike tours will take you to the city’s best attractions during a fun, two- or three-hour guided excursion.
During the two hour bike ride you'll visit highlights such as the Anne Frank House, the Westerkerk church, the Rembrandt House and the Skinny Bridge. The three-hour journey will also take you to undiscovered Amsterdam with its idyllic small canals, quiet hidden courtyards and photogenic views.
For the Dutch cycling is more often a mode of transportation, a way to get from A to B, then it is a high speed race. As such this tour does not require a helmet nor does it require you to be incredibly fit. As long as you know how to ride a bike, you can go on this journey through the Dutch capital.
The tour captures the essence of daily life in Amsterdam while showing you the city’s key points of interest. Discover the magnificent museums at the Museumplein (Museum Square), see the iconic Skinny Bridge, ride through the charming Jordaan district and enjoy parts of town that are exclusively accessible by bike. If you want to explore Amsterdam off the beaten path try the Fatbike tour.
The 3-hour Amsterdam City Bike Tour also includes a short break at the Vondelpark, which is Amsterdam’s most famous and beautiful park. The tour guide, who speaks fluent English and Dutch, knows Amsterdam like the back of their hand and will share fun information and stories about the places and their history. Hop on your yellow bike and explore the city like the locals!
Book your spot on the Amsterdam Bike Tour on our website and get ready for an active, educational and exciting excursion through this beautiful capital. Tickets include the bike hire, a professional tour guide, and a rain poncho in case of bad weather. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity and book your place now!
28 Reviews
Great 3-hour tour. I’d been to Amsterdam before but saw parts I’d never seen before. Thank you David for your friendly, informative guidance!
Amazing tour of the countryside with David! He was friendly and knowledgeable. It was a wonderful experience that I would recommend.
The group I was with was great, the tour guide really made everyone feel comfortable. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a bike tour
Wilhelm was very informative and personable. The light drizzle didn't dampen our spirits. Very comfortable city to bike around. Great way to get a feel for the city. Loads to see. A great tour and would do it again. Thanks
At 4pm on a cold Friday afternoon we were the only people who wanted a winter walking tour of Amsterdam. Well lucky us! Our guide Willen was knowledgeable, engaging and entertaining and his English is outstanding. We not only learned about the main sites of the city but also discussed history, politics and religion! We came away after 1hr 45 highly informed with some great recommendations for the rest of our trip.
Our group ride for the Winter Light Art Bike Tour turned into a private tour with William, since we were the only two to sign up. William is a terrific guide, he started us off by giving us instruction to ride safely here in Amsterdam. He is also a wealth of knowledge on the artists, their work and local sights too. William shared information on Amsterdam’s history - which we truly appreciated. We enjoyed a nice break with gluewein on the art bench, that was created to encourage friendship among strangers. At the end of our tour, we asked William for restaurant recommendations and he didn’t disappoint! If the weather is inclement, they do offer a small assortment of cold winter gear at the front of the shop. We *highly recommend the “Winter Art Light Bike Tour” with Yellow Bike.
This was our first stop on our week-long trip. Lukas, our guide, was friendly and knowledgeable, and he made the tour a memorable joy. We got a great feel for the beautiful and interesting spots in Amsterdam.
Yellow Bikes provides bike rentals also. Checked one out for 24 hours and had an absolute blast riding the streets of Amsterdam with everyone else! Do not recommend if you are not a regular cyclist. Maybe take the tour instead.
Leuke 3 uur durende fietstocht door Amsterdam. Nederlandse gids gehad die gelukkig niet te veel, maar wel genoeg vertelde bij de verschillende stop plaatsen. Tussendoor half uurtje pauze in het Vondelpark waar je wat te drinken kan bestellen (op eigen kosten).
Bedankt markante Jan voor een geweldige kijk op Amsterdam.Je vertelde voor passie en geen vraag was te gek voor.Ja we hadden ook echt een leuke groep 7 Nederlanders en 2 Oostenrijkers.Jan vertelde het in het Nederlands en Engels en dat was prima om te doen. Mijn moeder heeft wat bruggetjes gehad hahaha met haar kleine fietsje.Jan nogmaals bedankt voor de geweldige toer liefs Wendy en familie uit Brabant
Merci beaucoup à Colette pour cette belle visite et ses commentaires et conseils éclairés. Les vélos sont en bon état et l'assistance électrique était disponible pour ceux qui le souhaitent. Accueil au top ! Nous n'avons pas vu le temps passé et Colette n'a pas compté son temps.
Wir haben eine 2 stündige Stadtrundfahrt gebucht und waren sehr zufrieden. Unser Guide Willem hat immer darauf geachtet, dass alle da waren und sehr interessante Informationen zu den verschiedenen Stops gehabt. Ich fand es sehr positiv, dass bei dieser Tour eher weniger befahrene Straßen benutzt wurden, da der Fahrrad- und Rollerverkehr doch sehr turbulent und teilweise auch gefährlich ist für Nicht- Amsterdamer. Tolle Tour und nur zu empfehlen.
Leuke en leerzame trip over Amsterdam en haar geschiedenis. Gids Lisanne is erg vriendelijk en heeft de toer in het Duits gedaan, top gedaan. Ondanks dat je het niet zou verwachten fietsen de Yellow bikes heerlijk. Onze groep bestond voornamelijk uit 60 jarigen, maar vrijwel iedereen vond de fietsen prettig en ze hebben hun e-bikes niet gemist. Aanrader om deze activiteit te boeken als je in Amsterdam bent. Wij waren een groep van 8 dames en hadden de privé toer met Duits sprekende gids geboekt.
Fietsen genoeg. Prettig en makkelijk om mee te rijden. Goedkoop. Centraal gelegen . Erg vriendelijke medewerksters.
Súper recomendado nos fue muy bien con el alquiler de las bicis en este lugar, tienen para todos los tamaños, te las dan con traba para rueda y candado, y pueden contratar con seguro para robo tambien. Pagas al regreso, solo debes dejar copia de la tarjeta y alguna identificación o carnet de conducir con foto. Pudimos recorrer la ciudad con los niños sin problemas! una hermosa experiencia para realizar en familia.
Um Amsterdam kennenzulernen genau die richtige Tour! Unser Tourguide Hardy hat uns mit interessanten Informationen unterhalten. Fahrrad fahren in Amsterdam ist ein kleines Abenteuer, macht aber auch sehr viel Spaß. In 2 Stunden sieht man die Highlights und fährt auch durch weniger bevölkerte Wohnviertel. Sehr zu empfehlen, auch für wenig geübte Radfahrer!
Tog deras ”countryside bike tour”. Ett perfekt sätt att se lite av Amsterdams ”countryside”. Bra guide!
Il tour di due ore in bicicletta per Amsterdam permette di vedere la parte centrale della città. Gruppo di 10 persone con una guida, David, preparato e gentile, che ci ha spiegato la storia della città e qualche aneddoto. Adatto a chiunque sappia andare in bicicletta facendo un po' di attenzione a non intralciare il cammino delle biciclette di chi non è turista ed è di fretta. Il bel tempo ha fatto da corollario a questo bel mini tour.
J’ai pris le tour à vélo de 2h, et c’était super. C’est le meilleur moyen de découvrir la ville, plus rapide qu’à pied, plus de proximité qu’en bateau, à un prix très correct... le guide (Arthur) est très gentil, j’ai beaucoup apprécié avoir passé avec lui ces 2h, et c’est en grande partie grâce à lui que je garde un bon souvenir de cette balade.
Super accueil, super guide en français, super périple en vélo dans Amsterdam, bref je vous le recommande vivement.
Nonostante la pioggia abbiamo noleggiato 2 semplici biciclette gialle per provare a girare lungo i canali e ci siamo divertiti. Ottimo servizio e prezzi onesti
si queres.ver Amsterdam un poco.por.fiera de.los.primero.anillos, la.bici es super.recomendable. las amarillas.son grandes, comodas, creo que mas.economicas que.otras empresas y .a.pesar de ser bicis sin cambio, tienen.muy bien andar. Ademas la priodidad en Amsterdam sobre los vehiculos y tambien sobre los.peatones, la tienen las bicis!
Wir hatten eine tolle dreistündige Fahrradtour in kleiner holländisch-/deutschsprachigen Gruppe mit einem sehr netten und kompetenten jungen Tourguide. Wir können Yellow Bike nur bestens empfehlen!
Vi, 3 voksne, havde booket en tur på 2 timer rundt i Amsterdam. Det er en virkelig god, hyggelig og inspirerende tur. Vi både hørte og så en masse, vi ikke ville have set ellers. Guiden var god til at fortælle undervejs. Det var en virkelig sjov, spændende og interessant tur. Den vil jeg bestemt anbefale til alle, der vil noget der er sjovt og anderledes.
Bellissimo tour! Non ci si ferma nemmeno con la pioggia battente e ci si diverte lo stesso! Personale fantastico.
Súper recomendable conoces la ciudad en bicicleta, te llevan a los lugares más turísticos y ya después puedes regresar al que más te gustó, son varias horas pero no lo hacen cansado
Vi havde hjemmefra glædet os rigtig meget til denne tre timers guidede cykeltur, og vi fik alle vores forventninger indfriet og mere til. Vores guide Maria tog venligt og imødekommende imod og hun var gennem hele turen særlig opmærksom på vores yngste datter på 7 år. Vores 7-årige, som er en meget øvet cyklist, kunne uden problemer deltage i turen (vi havde både mad og drikke med selv) og vores teenagedøtre på 17 og 14 synes også at det var sjovt og spændende at opleve Amsterdam på cykel. End ikke silende regn kunne ødelægge vores tur - tak Maria for at være en sød og rigtig god guide!
Der skulle egentlig have været 3 personer mere med på turen, men da de meldte afbud, endte det med kun at være mig der skulle med på turen. Jeg synes det var fedt at turen så ikke blev aflyst, som jeg ellers havde forventet. Min guide var rigtig sød! Og jeg fik set det meste af byen og hørt et par sjove historier. Super god måde at få set Amsterdam på! Kan kun anbefales :)