The Marken Express sails every day.
The boats departs every 45 minutes - starting at 10:30 from Volendam until the last boat at 19:00 from Marken.
You will receive your tickets directly in your mailbox.
Tickets cannot be cancelled.
The boat trip is free for children up to 3 years old.
Children aged 4-11 pay the special child rate
If you have questions about your trip, contact [email protected]
or call +31(0)299363331
A visit to Volendam or Marken should include a trip across the water. The Volendam Marken Express has been sailing back and forth between the two villages for almost 100 years. It departs every day, in all types of weather. In the 30-minute trip you will enjoy the beautiful views of the Gouwzee, the IJsselmeer, the boats and authentic harbours. The comfortable boats make this experience unforgettable. Explore two unique villages and relax on your way there.
Volendam and Marken are known worldwide as the most unique Dutch villages. During the crossing, you will learn about these places and what makes them special. You can not skip these icons when you are in the Netherlands!
Learn about Holland's most famous fishing villages, during the cruise the audio guide tells you what makes them so special. You will be surprised how different Marken and Volendam are. The houses, culture, harbours and even religion. Marken is a Protestant island while Volendam is traditionally Catholic.
You can tell that Marken used to be an island by the relaxed mood in this village. Explore the wooden houses built on stilts. Built this way to keep the houses dry during the floods that regularly occurred.
Volendam is known for smoked eel and its music. Therefor music from Volendam music is called 'Palingsound'. Loved throughout the Netherlands! Even the language is different in Volendam, as the inhabitants speak Volendams and not Dutch.
Discover these special places and travel with the Volendam Marken Express. Book your tickets online, so you can get on board faster! In Volendam, make your typically Dutch day complete with a visit to the Cheese Factory, Woltjes Backerij and Fotograaf Volendam.
27 Reviews
William C
A group of our friends traveled through the Netherlands and visited these two very charming towns. Traversing between the two via the ship added a unique and fun experience. The ship itself is a very specious with toilets available. There are two decks, one inside and the top deck is outside. To top it off, the ship captain, John, talked with us about piloting the vessel, gave recommendations in addition to some local history. It was blast! Ask if Captain John is working during your trip!
Parker S
Captain John was super knowledgeable and friendly, told us some great stories. Made the trip from Marken to Volendam very enjoyable.
Harshad B
The captain of the ferry between Marken and Volendam, Captain John, deserves a big compliment for his excellent skills and dedication. His ability to navigate the waters while battling the strong winds with both precision is admirable. He allowed me to visit him on the deck, explaining the way the ferry operated. In addition, I was able to get a beautiful view of the route. Thanks to his professionalism and friendly attitude, it was one of the best trips of my life.
Lenny H
An relaxing way to travel between Volendam and Marken. There’s not a lot to see, so we decided to only travel one way and then caught the bus from Marken back to Amsterdam.
Not only did we do the Boat Cruise, but de whole package named “Dagje Volendam”.It was beautiful weather, that helped, so the cruise gave us wonderful views. Everybody was very friendly, on the boat, in Volendam and Marken; in shops, restaurants everywhere! But the friendliest was the hostess at the Ticket Office: she helped us out with good advice, explained what was best to do and at what time, so we had a very good time thanks to her. When we walked by the office she came to us and asked if everything went well with us and our friends from Australia. Thank you, dear Yvette!
Julie C
We took a return trip to Marken from Volendam. It was great! The staff were friendly and our Captain, John, answered all of our questions and even showed us the crew deck. Highly recommend a ferry trip to Marken!
Marnie C
We took the ferry from Voldendam to Marken. Our captain, Jon was amazing! He was willing to answer all of our questions and very friendly! He even let us see the front of the boat! Would highly recommend someone visiting Amsterdam go visit Marken by ferry. . Amazing history and buildings will make you think you e stepped back in time!
We took a return trip to Marken from Volendam. It was great! The staff were friendly and our Captain, John, answered all of our questions and even showed us the crew deck. Highly recommend a ferry trip to Marken!
Aneta S
We went for trip to Marken and we met the captain John. So interesting, nice smart man. We enjoyed it so much.
Absolutely fantastic experience. Our kids loved it. Captain Johnny made our trip unforgettable. You must experience it. Enjoy!
eddy g
leuke overtocht naar marken, mooie dag en een lekker soepje gegeten in de Visscherie, de klompenmakerij bezocht en ook even gaan wandelen op de dijk
Clarissa G
Sehr schöner Ausflug bei Traumwetter. Beide Orte sind selbstverständlich an einem schönen Sonntag extrem voll gewesen, was aber bei solchen Ausflugszielen Fans normal ist. Die Buchung über TripAdvisor hat reibungslos geklappt.
De boot express zat in onze activiteit compleet dagje volendam&marken. Prima activiteiten, goed georganiseerd. De overtocht naar marken duurde een half uur. Fijne tocht. Ronde gewandeld op Marken en geluncht. Leuk om te doen.
Se puede llevar bicis ,por lo que luego en Marken se puede pasear por la isla y volver en el ferry o bien por carretera en un par de horas hasta volendam
Top expérience, Ponctuel, Plusieurs espaces disponibles; couvert ou en plein air, Bar ouvert, top 👍
La signora alla cassa è stata gentilissima a spiegarci il modo migliore per spostarci a Marken e c'ha dato dei buoni sconti per un ristorante. La nave pulita, spaziosa e il trasporto veloce fra i due paesi.
Wir sind mit unseren Ebikes von Volendam nach Marken und zurück mit dem VM Expressboot gefahren. Super freundliches und hilfsbereites Personal. Absolut TOP!
La traversée de ce lac d eau douce est très agréable. Un peu trop lente mais cela permet de se déconnecter.
Malgrado la giornata piovosa è stato bello usufruire di questo servizio con imbarcazione bella, pulita e con servizio di piccola ristorazione.
Il Marken Express è un servizio di traghetti che da quasi 100 anni collega il paese di Volendam all' isola di Marken in circa mezz' ora. Una piacevole traversata che regala scorci bellissimi sull' Ijsselmeer, soprattutto se è una bella giornata. I biglietti si acquistano al box office sulla Marina di Volendam, 8,50 euro a persona one way. Consiglio di arrivare a Volendam con il bus che parte dalla Stazione Centrale, e poi spostarsi a Marken con il traghetto, magari sedendosi sul ponte per ammirare il panorama in totale relax, e poi tornare ad Amsterdam con il bus. Un buon servizio.
Teniamos contratado el paseo en barco con un tour. Recomendable el recorrido que te lleva hasta Marken
Esta excursión te sirve para conocer mejor el país. Si solo vas a Amsterdam no tiener una imagen completa de Holanda. Los pueblos son muy bonitos. Merece la pena sin duda.
il Volendam Marken Express è un servizio traghetto che fa la spola tra il villaggio di Volendam e l'isola di Marken ,al costo di 8,50 è possibile fare una traversata della durata di circa 30 minuti,molto comoda la possibilità di acquistare i biglietti online da utilizzare in formato elettronico,
Fähre fuhr pünktlich ab und kam pünktlich an. Ebenso die Rückfahrt. Man kann je nach Wetterlage drinnen und draußen sitzen. Was will man mehr?
Waren heute in Volendam und unternahmen eine Bootsfahrt mit dem Markenexpress hin und zurück mit 2 Personen 27€. Von Express ist nichts zu spüren. Eher Bummelzug ist angesagt. Es lohnt sich aber trotzdem, schöne Motive insbesondere im alten Marken. Gerne wieder.
Wir waren heute mit einem Kind und 3 Fahrrädern unterwegs. Die Fahrräder wurden von der Besatzung an Bord geholt. Die Überfahrt war sehr schön und zum Abschluss gab es noch ein Foto mit dem Kapitän. Vielen Dank dafür.
Vi var i Volendam en overskyet dag i oktober og ville gerne se Marken. Det kostede 11,50€ for en returbillet for en voksen. Meget venligt personale ombord og en fin sejltur. Kan specielt anbefales i højsæson og godt vejr. Næste. Alt var lukket ned i Marken.