Open daily from 10:00 - 17:00
Ticket prices are per person, please choose the number of people in your group under guests.
Shoot for 1 person: €15 per person
Shoot for 2 to 4 people: €12.50 per person
Shoot for 5+ persons: €8.50 per person
Tickets are available directly on your phone
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]
Have you been to Volendam if you haven't taken a photo in traditional costume? A visit to Holland's favourite fishing village has to be captured forever. Fotograaf Volendam has been taking the best photos of anyone who wants to feel like a Volendammer since the early 20th century. Put on the traditional Volendam costume and pose! We assure you that you will look great.
The photo shoot is an experience in itself, dress up like a Volendammer and grab some props to complete the look. After the shoot, you will receive the printed photo as an everlasting memory. The digital photos will be sent to your e-mail; they should of course also be shared on social media!
The traditional Volendam costume is world-famous, as many painters captured the former Volendammers in full atttire on canvas. And you too can experience what it is like to wear these beautiful clothes. The most characteristic of the traditional costume is the Volendam Hul, the lace cap you put on your head. At Fotograaf Volendam, you can have your photo taken in full Volendam costume since 1900. With this photo, you will have a great memory of your visit to this unique fishing village.
Choose one of the authentic studios. Will it be a cosy shoot in the living room or kitchen? Or in a boat, with Volendam's harbour in the background? Besides the costumes, you can choose from various props. For example, pose with a bunch of tulips or show your musical side with an accordion in your hands. Plenty of options!
When you are in Volendam, do not miss out on the typical Volendam activities. At Woltjes Backerij, for instance, you step back in time in Mrs Woltje's authentic bakery. This visit is not only interesting, but also very tasty! A visit to the former island of Marken is definitely worthwhile. The crossing with the Marken Express completes the whole experience!
As photo shoots in Volendam are very popular, it can get very busy at the photographer's office. Book your desired time slot in advance, so you don't have to wait until a spot becomes available. Order your tickets online and start practising your poses!
7 Reviews
Reasonably priced and staffed worked well with the young kids. I'd recommend going here early as it was crowded later when we walked past. It was advertised that there was 3 scenes to choose from but we only got 2 options. We did feel a bit rushed as we would have liked to have more photos taken, but the kids had already been taken out of their outfits. The free digital photos was appreciated with a purchase.
You can dress up or stand in front of a diorama to get a photoe in traditional Dutch costumes..very reasonable prices.
Stel jonge meiden maakte de foto,s en wat deden ze dat leuk.Wij 6 volwassenen,daar wisten ze heel leuk mee om te gaan.
Leuk en grappig om te doen. Op de foto gaan in de klederdracht van Volendam, eerst serieus en de laatste in een grappige pose.
Photo pour le vacances en habit néerlandais très amusante à faire et qui restera un bon souvenir . À noter que la boutique donne un code pour télécharger toute les photos de la session.
Super leuk! De meiden waren ontzettend vriendelijk en zelfs onze lieve hond mocht op de foto. Ze hebben net zo lang foto’s gemaakt tot dat hij keek! Echt een dikke aanrader.
En congés aux pays bas, nous souhaitions voir et essayer les tenues traditionnelles. A Amsterdam, on nous a indiqué que c'était à Volendam que nous étions le plus susceptibles de voir cela. En fait, à part le musée municipal (où l'on ne peut pas revétir la tenue), seules quelques boutiques en front de mer proposent d'enfiler les costumes et de faire une photo avec. Après avoir balayé l'ensemble de ces boutiques, notre choix s'est porté sur le magasin "Fotograff Volendam". Les vêtements et accessoires sont jolis, de toutes tailles, adaptés aussi bien aux adultes qu'aux enfants. Nous avons particulièrement apprécié l'accueil et la clareté des informations fournies concernant les tarifs (raisonables pour un photographe professionnel). Il y a possibilité de choisir le décor du fond pour faire la photo. En prime, le photographe s'est fait plaisir avec nos enfants, et nous a meme offert une photo qu'il avait prise. Nous avons apprécié cette démarche qui n'a pas été l'objet d'une quelconque tentative de vente forcée. Nous gardons de ce moment un excellent souvenir tant en pensée que sur le papier, et nous recommandons très chaleureusement ces professionnels !